Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP able
EVP acceptable
EVP achievable
EVP adaptable
EVP admirable
EVP adorable
EVP affordable
EVP attainable
EVP available
EVP breakable
EVP cable
EVP capable
EVP comfortable
EVP conceivable
EVP considerable
EVP dependable
EVP desirable
EVP disable
EVP disabled
EVP dispensable
EVP drinkable
EVP enable
EVP enjoyable
EVP fashionable
EVP favorable/favourable
EVP formidable
EVP honorable/honourable
EVP hospitable
EVP improbable
EVP incurable
EVP indescribable
EVP indispensable
EVP inevitable
EVP inseparable
EVP invariable
EVP memorable
EVP miserable
EVP mutable
EVP noticeable
EVP predictable
EVP preferable
EVP probable
EVP profitable
EVP quotable
EVP reasonable
EVP recommendable
EVP reliable
EVP remarkable
EVP respectable
EVP sociable
EVP stable
EVP suitable
EVP syllable
EVP table
EVP table tennis
EVP tablecloth
EVP tablespoon
EVP tablet
EVP timetable
EVP unable
EVP unacceptable
EVP unavailable
EVP unbearable
EVP unbeatable
EVP unbelievable
EVP uncomfortable
EVP uncontrollable
EVP understandable
EVP unfashionable
EVP unforgettable
EVP unimaginable
EVP unmistakable
EVP unpredictable
EVP unreasonable
EVP unreliable
EVP unstoppable
EVP unsuitable
EVP valuable
EVP vegetable
EVP worktable
EVP enviable
EVP conceivable
EVP knowledgeable
EVP portable
EVP portable
EVP unmanageable
EVP detestable
EVP agreeable
EVP notable
EVP inexplicable
EVP readable
EVP pleasurable
EVP dispensable
EVP indispensable
EVP unenviable
EVP recognizable/recognisable
EVP unsustainable
EVP sustainable
EVP durable
EVP durable
EVP adjustable
EVP inexcusable
EVP parable
EVP equable
EVP inscrutable
EVP malleable
EVP palatable
EVP enabler
EVP irrevocable
EVP promotable
EVP impeccable
EVP fabled
EVP veritable
EVP formidable
EVP promotable
EVP inexorable

OXF3000ZH: 有能力的 能干的 able
OXF3000ZH: 可接受的 合意的 acceptable
OXF3000ZH: 可利用的 通用的 available
OXF3000ZH: 海底电报 cable
OXF3000ZH: 有能力的 有才能的 capable
OXF3000ZH: 舒适的 安慰的 comfortable
OXF3000ZH: 相当大的 重要的 considerable
OXF3000ZH: 残废的 禁止的 报废的 disabled
OXF3000ZH: 使能够 使可能 enable
OXF3000ZH: 可享受的 令人愉快的 enjoyable
OXF3000ZH: 流行的 时髦的 fashionable
OXF3000ZH: 不可避免的 必然的 inevitable
OXF3000ZH: 显而易见的 重要的 noticeable
OXF3000ZH: 或有的 大概的 probable
OXF3000ZH: 有道理的 reasonable
OXF3000ZH: 异常的 非凡的 remarkable
OXF3000ZH: 稳定的 不变的 stable
OXF3000ZH: 合适的 适宜的 suitable
OXF3000ZH: 桌子 table
OXF3000ZH: 药片 tablet
OXF3000ZH: 时间表 时刻表 timetable
OXF3000ZH: 不能的 不会的 unable
OXF3000ZH: 不能接受的 unacceptable
OXF3000ZH: 不舒服的 不自在的 uncomfortable
OXF3000ZH: 不讲道理的 过度的 unreasonable
OXF3000ZH: 贵重物品 财宝 valuable
OXF3000ZH: 植物 蔬菜 vegetable
3000TH: เก็บโต๊ะ gepL dtoH to clear the table
3000TH: ได้ไหม daiF maiH can (you), could (you), are (you) able to?
3000TH: น้ำมันพืช namH manM pheuutF vegetable oil
3000TH: แบตเตอรี่ baaetL dtuuhrM reeF battery (rechargeable) (loanword)
3000TH: พอใช้ได้ phaawM chaiH daiF good enough to use, passable
3000TH: ไม่ไหว maiF waiR can't do it, unable to, is incapable of (lack of physical strength)
3000TH: เหลวไหล laayoR laiR unreliable
3000TH: โต๊ะเครื่องแป้ง dtoH khreuuangF bpaaengF dressing table
3000TH: ทนทาน - ถาวร thohnM thaanM thaaR waawnM durable, permanent
3000TH: น่าเสียใจ naaF siiaR jaiM regrettable, worthy of sorry
3000TH: น่าเสียดาย naaF siiaR daaiM to be unfortunate, unlucky, unfavorable
3000TH: ผ้าปูโต๊ะ phaaF bpuuM dtoH tablecloth
3000TH: พยางค์ phaH yaangM syllable
3000TH: มองเห็น maawngM henR to be able to see
3000TH: มะเขือ maH kheuuaR tomato-eggplant family of vegetables
3000TH: มั่นคง manF khohngM to be secure, be stable, be firm
3000TH: มีค่า meeM khaaF valuable
3000TH: ไวไฟ waiM faiM flammable
3000TH: หาไม่เจอ haaR maiF juuhrM to be unable to find
3000TH: อ้างถึง - อ้างอิง aangF theungR aangF ingM to be referable, quotable, consultative
3000TH: เหมาะ mawL suitable, appropriate
3000TH: น่า naaF worthy of, leading to, or –able (forms verb compounds)
3000TH: น่าเกลียด naaF gliiatL to be ugly, disgusting, repulsive, detestable
3000TH: น่าอยู่ naaF yuuL to be cozy, livable, a good place to live, a good place to be at
3000TH: ผัก phakL leaf vegetables
3000TH: รับผิดชอบ rapH phitL chaawpF to be responsible, accountable
3000TH: สามารถ saaR maatF can, be able to
3000TH: ไหว waiR can, be able to, to be physically able, to be up to
3000TH: สบาย saL baaiM to be well, comfortable
3000TH: โต๊ะ dtoH table, desk
3000TH: น่ารัก naaF rakH lovable, cute
3000TH: เป็น bpenM to be able to, be capable of, know how to
3000TH: สะดวก saL duaakL convenient, comfortable
3000TH: ได้ daiF can, could, be able, get, obtain, procure
5000FR: pouvoir can, to be able to
5000FR: capable able, capable
5000FR: honorable honorable
5000FR: table table
5000FR: convenir to agree, be suitable
5000FR: disponible available
5000FR: favorable favorable
5000FR: considérable considerable, significant
5000FR: incapable incapable, incompetent
5000FR: durable durable, long-lasting
5000FR: raisonnable reasonable, fair
5000FR: remarquable remarkable, outstanding
5000FR: probable probable, likely
5000FR: incroyable incredible, unbelievable
5000FR: mobile mobile, portable
5000FR: malheureux unhappy, miserable
5000FR: inévitable unavoidable, inevitable
5000FR: stable stable
5000FR: acceptable acceptable, satisfactory
5000FR: formidable tremendous, considerable
5000FR: variable variable
5000FR: agréable pleasant, nice, agreeable
5000FR: comparable comparable
5000FR: accessible accessible, approachable
5000FR: légume vegetable
5000FR: horaire schedule, timetable, hourly
5000FR: propice favorable, auspicious propitious
5000FR: applicable applicable
5000FR: équitable equitable, fair
5000FR: dépendant answerable, responsible, dependent
5000FR: vulnérable vulnerable
5000FR: préférable preferable
5000FR: adéquat appropriate, suitable, adequate
5000FR: handicapé disabled, handicapped
5000FR: nerveux nervous, irritable
5000FR: apte capable
5000FR: notable notable, noteworthy
5000FR: souhaitable desirable
5000FR: confortable comfortable
5000FR: portable portable, wearable; cell phone
5000FR: comptable accountant, accountable
5000FR: instable unstable
5000FR: fiable reliable, trustworthy
5000FR: sympathique likeable, nice, pleasant
5000FR: rentable profitable
5000FR: modéré moderate, restrained, reasonable
5000FR: redoutable fearsome, formidable
5000FR: avantageux profitable, worthwhile, advantageous, attractive
5000FR: convenable suitable, appropriate, correct, proper, acceptable
5000FR: insupportable intolerable
5000FR: prévisible predictable, forseeable
5000FR: improbable unlikely, improbable
5000FR: innombrable innumerable, countless
5000FR: intolérable intolerable
5000FR: câble cable, wire
5000FR: regrettable unfortunate, regrettable
5000FR: compréhensible comprehensible, understandable
5000FR: défavorable unfavorable
5000FR: viable viable, workable
OXF3000: Có khả năng able
OXF3000N có năng lực có tài able
OXF3000N không có năng lực không có tài unable
OXF3000N có thể chấp nhận chấp thuận acceptable
OXF3000N không thể chấp nhận không tán thành không thể tha thứ unacceptable
OXF3000N có thể làm vui được có thể giải trí được amusable
OXF3000N có thể dùng được có giá trị hiệu lực available
OXF3000N dây cáp cable
OXF3000N có tài có năng lực có khả năng cả gan capable of
OXF3000N thoải mái tiện nghi đầy đủ comfortable
OXF3000N bất tiện khó chịu không thoải mái uncomfortable
OXF3000N lớn lao to tát đáng kể considerable
OXF3000N bất lực không có khă năng disabled
OXF3000N làm cho có thể có khả năng cho phép ai làm gì enable
OXF3000N thú vị thích thú enjoyable
OXF3000N đúng mốt hợp thời trang fashionable
OXF3000N không thể tránh được chắc chắn xảy ra vẫn thường thấy nghe inevitable
OXF3000N đáng chú ý đáng để ý noticeable
OXF3000N có thể có khả năng probable
OXF3000N có lý hợp lý reasonable
OXF3000N vô lý unreasonable
OXF3000N đáng chú ý đáng để ý khác thường remarkable
OXF3000N ổn định bình tĩnh vững vàng chuồng ngưa stable
OXF3000N hợp phù hợp thích hợp với suitable
OXF3000N cái bàn table
OXF3000N tấm bản thẻ phiến tablet
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc thời gian biểu timetable
OXF3000N không thể không có khẳ năng unable
OXF3000N không thể chấp nhận unacceptable
OXF3000N bất tiện không tiện lợi uncomfortable
OXF3000N vô lý unreasonable
OXF3000N có giá trị lớn đáng giá valuable
OXF3000N rau thực vật vegetable
GBENDE: 聪明 able klug
CORE: able + + + + + + +
NGLS: able + Having the ability to do something
WNS: (a.) [able] capable
WNS: (a.) [acceptable]
WNS: (a.) [available] obtainable
WNS: (a.) [capable]
WNS: (a.) [comfortable] comfy
WNS: (a.) [comparable]
WNS: (a.) [considerable]
WNS: (a.) [desirable]
WNS: (a.) [enjoyable]
WNS: (a.) [fashionable] stylish
WNS: (a.) [favorable] encouraging, approving
WNS: (a.) [honorable]
WNS: (a.) [incapable] incompetent
WNS: (a.) [inevitable]
WNS: (a.) [memorable]
WNS: (a.) [miserable] abject, scummy, contemptible
WNS: (a.) [portable]
WNS: (a.) [predictable]
WNS: (a.) [reasonable] sensible
WNS: (a.) [reliable] dependable
WNS: (a.) [respectable] worthy of respect
WNS: (a.) [stable] resistant to change
WNS: (a.) [uncomfortable]
WNS: (a.) [valuable]
WNS: (a.) [viable] feasible, practicable, workable
WNS: (a.) [vulnerable]
WNS: (n.) [cable] strong thick rope
WNS: (n.) [stable] stalls, horse barn
WNS: (n.) [syllable]
WNS: (n.) [table] piece of furniture
WNS: (n.) [table] tabular array, data arranged in rows and columns
WNS: (n.) [tablet] pill, lozenge, medicine
WNS: (n.) [timetable] arrival and departure schedule
WNS: (n.) [variable] variable quantity
WNS: (n.) [vegetable] veggie, greens

ENDE: able fähig
ENDE: able klug
ENDE: able tüchtig
FN: able a Capability

vegetables rau Food
table bàn Objects
The table and the chair (table and chair) Bàn và ghế Objects
The table is light brown. Chiếc bàn có màu nâu nhạt. Colors
He buys an old table. Anh ấy mua một cái bàn cũ. Adjectives 1
You have a luxurious table. Bạn có một cái bàn xa xỉ. Adjectives 1
The chair is behind the table. Cái ghế ở phía sau cái bàn. Prepositions 1
 The cat is using the tablet (computer). Con mèo đang dùng máy tính bảng. Objects 2
tablet máy tính bảng Objects 2
How many customers are buying vegetables in the supermarket? Có bao nhiêu khách hàng đang mua rau trong siêu thị? People
Does her tablet explode? Cái máy tính bảng của cô ấy nổ không? Verbs 4
There is a big spider on the tablet. Có một con nhện lớn trên cái máy tính bảng. Animals 2
Is time the most valuable? Thời gian là quý giá nhất? Adjectives 2
valuable quý giá Adjectives 2
This table is lower than that table. Cái bàn này thấp hơn cái bàn kia. Adjectives 2
I always feel they are not suitable. Tôi luôn cảm thấy họ không phù hợp. Adjectives 2
suitable phù hợp Adjectives 2
He is not the suitable person for our team. Anh ấy không phải là người thích hợp cho nhóm của chúng tôi. Adjectives 2
We are looking for suitable solutions. Chúng tôi đang tìm những giải pháp thích hợp. Adjectives 2
suitable. thích hợp Adjectives 2
Health is the most valuable. Sức khoẻ là quý giá nhất. Medical
The man almost breaks the table. Người đàn ông suýt làm gãy cái bàn. Medical
Your achievement is very remarkable. Thành tích của bạn rất nổi bật. Adjectives 3
I want to hear a remarkable event. Tôi muốn nghe một sự kiện nổi bật. Adjectives 3
remarkable nổi bật Adjectives 3
The world economy is not stable. Kinh tế thế giới không ổn định. Adjectives 3
stable ổn định Adjectives 3
Her success is so admirable. Thành công của cô ấy thật đáng nể. Adjectives 3
admirable đáng nể Adjectives 3
However, many people criticize Confucianism because it is not suitable wit Tuy nhiên, nhiều người chỉ trích đạo Khổng vì nó không phù hợp với xã hội hiện đại. History
Her level is not suitable for this company. Trình độ của cô ấy không phù hợp với công ty này. Abstract Objects 3
I see the cat on a dusty table. Tôi thấy con mèo trên một cái bàn bụi bặm. Reduplicative Words

like: able
literate, able to read biết chữ
enduring, lasting, able to last long bền lâu
high personality, able man cao nhân
to not yet be able to, not be able to do (before sth else happens) chưa kịp
to be able to stand, able to tolerate, able to put up with chịu được
to have never, not yet been able to có bao giờ được
(1) polite
(2) to be able to
có phép
to have reason, be able to reason, reach the age of reason có trí khôn
being able to finish what one has started có đầu có đuôi
to be hardly able to lift (one’s limbs) cất nhắc
to not (be able to) stand or bear sth không chịu nổi
to be unacceptable, not be able to accept không thể chấp nhận
to be able to; possible, -able khả
to be able to do làm được
to not be able to figure out nghĩ không ra
be able to sit up (after being laid up), raise (a little, slightly, lift) (a little, slightly) nhóc nhách
to be able to speak fluent Chinese nói được tiếng hoa lưu loát
(1) to rise, surface, become; in relief
(2) to be able to
to be very pleased (to be able to do sth) rất hân hạnh được
will not be able to sẽ không thể nào
will be able to do sẽ làm được
to be able to, can đặng
readable, legible; to be able to read đọc được

14 These chairs aren't beautiful, but they're comfortable. Mấy cái ghế này không đẹp, nhưng nó tiện.
174 She's sitting on the table. Cô ấy đang ngồi trên bàn.
430 Why are you under the table? What are you doing? Tai sao cậu ở dưới gầm bàn? Cậu đang làm gì thế?
546 The hotel was comfortable, but it wasn't expensive. Khách sạn thoải mái nhưng lại không đắt.
565 Where are my keys? — I don't know. They were on the table, but they're not there now. Chìa khoá của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Trước nó ở trên bàn nhưng bây giờ thì không còn ở đó nữa.
595 I put my bag on the table. (PAST TENSE) Tôi đã để túi của tôi ở trên bàn.
1473 You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Cậu nên ăn thật nhiều hoa quả và rau.
1659 There's a book on the table. Có một quyển sách trên bàn.
1703 There were some owers in a vase on the table. Từng có vài bông hoa trong một cái lọ để trên bàn.
1846 uncomfortable? Tối qua tôi ngủ không ngon. - Vậy à? Giường không được thoải mái à?
1973 My car isn't very reliable. It keeps breaking down. Xe hơi của tôi không chắc chắn lắm. Nó vẫn hỏng luôn luôn.
Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> 2017 Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> If you have a car, you're able to get around more easily. > Having a car enables you to get around more easily. Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> ☊ Nếu cậu có xe hơi thì cậu có thể đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn. > Có xe hơi cho phép cậu đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn.
2041 help me move this table? Tôi cần cậu giúp một tay dịch cái bàn này đi. > Cậu thấy cậu có thể giúp tôi một tay dich cái bàn này đi được không?
2146 I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me. Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi.
2148 Please arrive early so that we'll be able to start the meeting on time. Làm ơn đến sớm để chúng ta có thể bắt đầu cuộc họp đúng giờ.
2213 Not being able to speak the local language meant that I had trouble communicating. Không nói được tiếng địa phương khiến tôi khó giao tiếp.
2358 If somebody attacks you, you need to be able to defend yourself. Nếu có người tấn công cậu, cậu cần biết tự vệ.
2372 I'd like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables. Tôi muốn có vườn để tôi có thể tự trồng rau cho riêng tôi.
2427 We're able to solve most of the problems we have. Chúng tôi có thể giải quyết hầu hết những vấn đề của chúng tôi.
2535 Ten people applied for the job, none of whom were suitable. Mười người đã nộp đơn xin việc mà không một ai phù hợp.
2551 reasonable. Hầu hết gợi ý được đưa ra tại buổi họp không hợp lí lắm.
2741 Since it was too hot to sit in the sun, we found a table IN the shade. Vì ngồi nắng quá nóng nên chúng tôi đã tìm một chiếc bàn trong bóng râm.
2821 I'm fully con dent that you're capable of passing the exam. Tôi hoàn toàn tin tưởng rằng cậu có đủ khả năng để qua kì thi.
2898 Her speech in English was impeccable, so I complimented her afterwards. Bài nói bằng tiếng Anh của cô ấy thật hoàn hảo nên tôi ca ngợi cô ấy mãi.
2947 The re ghters were able to put the re out before the house burned down. Lính cứu hoả đã có thể dập tắt ngọn lửa trước khi ngôn nhà bị cháy trụi.

Children must learn socially acceptable behaviour. acceptable
For this course a pass in English at grade B is acceptable. acceptable
Air pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels. acceptable
acceptable to sb: We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties. acceptable
The food was acceptable, but no more. acceptable
Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. access
First-class accommodation is available on all flights. accommodation
He was unable to account for the error. account for sth
It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player. achievement
adapt sth for sth: Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. adapt
There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students. adequate
adequate for sth: The space available is not adequate for our needs. adequate
amuse yourself: I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. amuse
a table, two chairs and a desk and
the appearance of organic vegetables in the supermarkets appearance
Further information is available on application to the principal. application
The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves (= be available) early next year. arrive
Assistant Chief Constable Owen assistant
assume (that)...: It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. assume
A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem (= they do not behave in a way that is acceptable to other people). attitude
They are able to offer attractive career opportunities to graduates. attractive
available resources/facilities available
readily/freely/publicly/generally available available
Tickets are available free of charge from the school. available
When will the information be made available? available
Further information is available on request. available
This was the only room available. available
We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. available
Every available doctor was called to the scene. available
Will she be available this afternoon? available
The director was not available for comment. available
a rechargeable battery battery
If you're looking for your file, it's on the table. be
be doing sth: The problem is getting it all done in the time available. be
be to do sth: The problem is to get it all done in the time available. be
For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. benefit
Do as you think best (= what you think is the most suitable thing to do). best
Fit people are better able to cope with stress. better
We ought to be able to manage it between us. between
The performance is booked up (= there are no more tickets available). book
I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight. book
broadly similar/comparable/equivalent/consistent broadly
overhead/underground cables cable
a 10 000 volt cable cable
fibre-optic cable cable
Most skin cancers are completely curable. cancer
capable of sth: You are capable of better work than this. capable
capable of doing sth: He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. capable
I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. capable
She's a very capable teacher. capable
I'll leave the organization in your capable hands. capable
His albums are available on CD and online. CD
a long table in the centre of the room centre
For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend. certain
a table and chairs chair
The kids chased each other around the kitchen table. chase
not suitable for young children child
It's your turn to clear the table (= to take away the dirty plates, etc. after a meal). clear
Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria. cold
available in 12 different colours colour
They're not millionaires, but they're certainly very comfortable. comfortable
He makes a comfortable living. comfortable
They come from comfortable middle-class families. comfortable
He's more comfortable with computers than with people. comfortable
I never feel very comfortable in her presence. comfortable
Are you comfortable? comfortable
She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair. comfortable
Please make yourself comfortable while I get some coffee. comfortable
The patient is comfortable (= not in pain) after his operation. comfortable
It's such a comfortable bed. comfortable
These new shoes are not very comfortable. comfortable
a warm comfortable house comfortable
Let me slip into something more comfortable (= change into more comfortable clothing). comfortable
You should be able to live comfortably on your allowance. comfortably
The director was not available for comment. comment
What she said was fair comment (= a reasonable criticism). comment
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
Candidates must be able to communicate effectively. communicate
To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock. complicate
Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable. concern
Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week. conference
They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident. confidence
Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage. confine
The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money. considerable
Damage to the building was considerable. considerable
Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. considerable
Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. consist of sb/sth
This chemical is liable to explode on contact with water. contact
He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table. content
a table of contents (= the list at the front of a book) content
You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context. context
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): valuable contributions towards the upkeep of the cathedral contribution
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents. contribution
cope with sth: He wasn't able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. cope
a corner table/seat/cupboard corner
I hit my knee on the corner of the table. corner
He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health. cost
Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? cure
All the options are currently available. currently
He's cut out a niche for himself (= found a suitable job) in journalism. cut sth out
The theatre's future is a subject of considerable debate. debate
a table decoration decoration
When can you take delivery of (= be available to receive) the car? delivery
demonstrate how, what, etc...: His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. demonstrate
All deposits are non-refundable. deposit
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
Further details and booking forms are available on request. detail
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
the Japanese diet of rice, vegetables and fish diet
I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave. difficulty
He was directed to a table beside the window. direct
physically/mentally disabled disabled
severely disabled disabled
He was born disabled. disabled
facilities for disabled people disabled
Does the theatre have disabled access? disabled
a serious/severe/considerable disadvantage disadvantage
There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment. disagreement
This recording is available online or on disc. disc
After considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer. discussion
Dissolve the tablet in water. dissolve
distinguish between A and B: At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? distinguish
There's nothing to do (= no means of passing the time in an enjoyable way) in this place. do
I had to bend double to get under the table. double
The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying. beyond (any) doubt
There was only space for a half-dozen tables. dozen
Due to staff shortages, we are unable to offer a full buffet service on this train. due
Is it available on DVD yet? DVD
vegetables that are easy to grow easy
Don't put that glass so near the edge of the table. edge
There are two types of qualification—either is acceptable. either
This dictionary is available in electronic form. electronic
She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table. empty
The software enables you to create your own DVDs. enable
a new programme to enable older people to study at college enable
enable sth to do sth: Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. enable
enable sth: a new train line to enable easier access to the stadium enable
She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered. encounter
That's his wife sitting at the far end of the table. end
an energy crisis (= for example when fuel is not freely available) energy
The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources. energy
an enjoyable weekend/experience enjoyable
highly/really/thoroughly/very enjoyable enjoyable
He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people. exercise
The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped apartment. existence
He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project. experience
an enjoyable/exciting/unusual/unforgettable, etc. experience experience
The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. facility
fair on sb (to do sth): It's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable. fair
He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure. faith
They made for an empty table in the far corner. far
fashionable clothes/furniture/ideas fashionable
It's becoming fashionable to have long hair again. fashionable
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
a fashionable address/resort/restaurant fashionable
She lives in a very fashionable part of London. fashionable
The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move) in the mud. fast
The system, for all its faults, is the best available at the moment. fault
feel it + adj.: I felt it advisable to do nothing. feel
find sb/sth + adj./noun: We found the beds very comfortable. find
Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money). fine
furniture available in a range of finishes finish
a smooth/comfortable/bumpy flight flight
When the Ganges floods, it causes considerable damage. flood
the electric currents flowing through the cables flow
fold (away/up): The table folds up when not in use. fold
He always followed the latest fashions (= dressed in fashionable clothes). follow
We got a new table for the dining room. for
Copies are available for two dollars each. for
For her to have survived such an ordeal was remarkable. for
This dictionary is also available in electronic form. form
The table was formed of two large slabs of stone. form
They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. formula
The book is now freely available in the shops (= it is not difficult to get a copy). freely
For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. freely
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. fresh
vegetables fresh from the garden fresh
Our chefs use only the freshest produce available. fresh
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. fruit
Full details are available on request. full
I need money to be able to function as an artist. function as sb/sth
He has gained a reputation for unpredictable behaviour. gain
Let's have a game of table tennis. game
We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available). gap
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. in general
The new drug will be generally available from January. generally
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children. give
The vegetables are grown under glass (= in a greenhouse ). glass
How's it going (= is your life enjoyable, successful, etc. at the moment)? go
Once you have made this decision, there will be no going back (= you will not be able to change your mind). go back (to sth)
She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.). good
perishable/durable goods goods
grade sth (as) sth: Ten beaches were graded as acceptable. grade
There was a great big pile of books on the table. great
I thought I was on safe ground (= talking about a suitable subject) discussing music with her. ground
We're finding reliable staff hard to come by (= difficult to get). hard
He's hearing-impaired (= not able to hear well). hearing
The heat in the factory was unbearable. heat
The table is available in several different heights. height
It helped being able to talk about it. help
With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. help
helpful to sb: The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children. helpful
The police were unable to hold back the crowd. hold sb/sth back
identify sb/sth: She was able to identify her attacker. identify
She was no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality. imagination
It was noticeable how a few people managed to impose their will on the others. impose
My first impression of him was favourable. impression
a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.) of £200 income
increase with sth: Disability increases with age (= the older sb is, the more likely they are to be disabled). increase
It is indeed a remarkable achievement. indeed
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database. index
It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. inevitable
It was inevitable that there would be job losses. inevitable
A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable. inevitable
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
iron tablets (= containing iron prepared as a medicine) iron
This clock is a collector's item (= because it is rare and valuable). item
'Is Mr Burns available?' 'Just a second, please, I'll check.' just a minute/moment/second
Knocks and scratches will lower the value of valuable furniture. knock
a table/desk/bicycle, etc. lamp lamp
agricultural/arable/industrial, etc. land land
to lay the table lay
to lay a carpet/cable/pipe lay
to lead a quiet life/a life of luxury/a miserable existence lead
She led the horse back into the stable. lead
a commanding/comfortable lead lead
If we look at the league table we can see Bolton are bottom with 21 points. league
She may be slow but at least she's reliable. at least
The cables are buried one metre below ground level. level
The tables are not on a level (= the same height). level
Fables can be understood on various levels. level
Add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon). level
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
We are doing our best with the limited resources available. limited
If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available. line
The table is six feet long. long
He has invited nearly a hundred people but a lot aren't able to come. lot
He seems incapable of love. love
a low wall/building/table low
It was lucky for us that we were able to go. lucky
The service here is, in the main, reliable. in the main
This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals. majority
make sth: to make a table/dress/cake make
A warm and sunny September made up for a miserable wet August. make up for sth
I'm sorry I won't be able to make it (= for example, to a party) on Saturday. make it
The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable. manner
She could at least have the good manners to let me know she won't be able to attend. manner
Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. map sth on/onto sth
Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable. mark
We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. market
the property/job market (= the number and type of houses, jobs, etc. that are available) market
Persuasion is one of the most valuable skills in marketing. marketing
As a couple they are not very well matched (= they are not very suitable for each other). match
a pine table with four matching chairs matching
Duncan and Makiko were meant for each other (= are very suitable as partners). mean
Have you got enough memory available to run the program? memory
method (of sth): a reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis method
morally right/wrong/justified/unacceptable morally
I like most vegetables. most
I found myself unable to speak. myself
The clothes are available in warm natural colours. natural
Someone might find out, and that would never do (= that is not acceptable). never
The old system had its flaws, but nevertheless it was preferable to the new one. nevertheless
He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. normal
She left a note for Ben on the kitchen table. note
a noticeable improvement noticeable
Her scars are hardly noticeable now. noticeable
noticeable in sb/sth: This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients. noticeable
noticeable that...: It was noticeable that none of the family were present. noticeable
These figures give a reliable and objective indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles. objective
a great/memorable/happy occasion occasion
They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). be well/better/badly, etc. off
vegetable oils oil
Put it down on the table. on
The information is available on the Internet. on
There are only a limited number of tickets available. only
The book lay open on the table. open
open sth: Open the map on the table. open
opinion (that...): The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable. opinion
a dangerous/worthy/formidable opponent opponent
I sat opposite him during the meal (= on the other side of the table). opposite
We are currently studying all the options available. option
a side order (= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish) order
This option is preferable to any other. other
Children ought to be able to read by the age of 7. ought to
There was a lamp hanging over the table. over
We package our products in recyclable materials. package
This journal is available in paper and electronic form. paper
You need to be able to work as part of a team. part
The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass. pass
This offer is available for a limited period only. period
a memorable phrase phrase
We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. pick sb/sth up
I've set a place for you at the table. place
He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
We are always pleased to be able to help. pleased
a vegetable plot plot
Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position. position
The company has been unable to fill the post. post
A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available. powder
It is not within my power (= I am unable or not in a position) to help you. power
to have sb in your power (= to be able to do what you like with sb) power
predict sth: a reliable method of predicting earthquakes predict
I usually buy packs of prepared vegetables to save time. prepared
She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work. pressure
You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. pressure
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. previous
to charge a high/reasonable/low price for sth price
I'm only buying it if it's the right price (= a price that I think is reasonable). price
the principle that free education should be available for all children principle
In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day. in principle
Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable. prior
She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement. prior
the probable cause/explanation/outcome probable
highly/quite/most probable probable
It is probable that the disease has a genetic element. probable
All four players are probables for the national team. probable
It's a nice table! The only problem is (that) it's too big for our room. problem
land available for food production production
We should be able to sell the house at a profit. profit
prospect (that...): There's a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid. prospect
This information is not publicly available. publicly
Pull your chair nearer the table. pull
We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices. quality
Is it available in sufficient quantity? quantity
I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available. quantity
You'll be quite comfortable here. quite
a racing stable racing
He was unable to contact Blake by radio. radio
This material is available in a huge range of colours. range
reach sth: Is the cable long enough to reach the socket? reach
He reached across the table to squeeze her hand. reach
We try to help all students realize their full potential (= be as successful as they are able to be). realize
people who, for whatever reason, are unable to support themselves reason
Only human beings are capable of reason (= of thinking in a logical way, etc.). reason
It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. reasonable
Be reasonable! We can't work late every night. reasonable
Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did. reasonable
The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder. reasonable
We have reasonable grounds for believing that you are responsible. reasonable
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct. reasonable
It seems a perfectly reasonable request to make. reasonable
He made us a reasonable offer for the car. reasonable
You must submit your claim within a reasonable time. reasonable
We sell good quality food at reasonable prices. reasonable
a reasonable standard of living reasonable
The hotel was reasonable, I suppose (= but not excellent). reasonable
There's a reasonable chance that he'll come. reasonable
a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available reduction
register sb + adj.: register (sb) as sth: She is officially registered (as) disabled. register
regret that...: I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. regret
She's had a series of miserable relationships. relationship
It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it. relief
a remarkable achievement/career/talent remarkable
She was a truly remarkable woman. remarkable
What is even more remarkable about the whole thing is... remarkable
remarkable for sth: The area is remarkable for its scenery. remarkable
remarkable that...: It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner. remarkable
It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth. remove
The results are reproduced in Table 2. reproduce
Unfortunately, he was never able to reproduce this level of performance in a competition. reproduce
Catalogues are available on request. request
research (into/on sth/sb): He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources. research
reserve sth for sb/sth: I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock. reserve
We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources. resource
Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations. resource
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
a revision class/course/timetable revision
a smooth/comfortable/bumpy, etc. ride ride
His success was down to being in the right place at the right time (= being able to take opportunities when they came). right
Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level. rise
They rose from the table. rise
This latest design has no rivals (= it is easily the best design available). rival
There's room for one more at the table. room
I'll move the table—it takes up too much room. room
root crops/vegetables (= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) root
rough wooden tables rough
They were all sitting round the table. round
The vegetables were planted in neat rows. row
run sth + adv./prep.: We ran a cable from the lights to the stage. run
The show was well performed, but so safe and predictable. safe
All main courses come with salad or vegetables. salad
He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same. all/just the same
Doctors were unable to save her. save
At last they were able to feel secure about the future. secure
'Will you be able to help us?' 'I don't know, I'll have to see.' see
The opera was the place to see and be seen (= by other important or fashionable people). see
These vegetables can be grown from seed. seed
This model is available at selected stores only. select
select what, which, etc...: Select what you want from the options available. select
separate sth into sth: Make a list of points and separate them into 'desirable' and 'essential'. separate
Could you set the table for dinner? set
The table was set for six guests. set
She set a tray down on the table. set
severely disabled severely
Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on. sew
There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing? share
show yourself + adj.: She had shown herself unable to deal with money. show
Each side is capable of destroying the other in a nuclear war. side
We have finally reached an agreement acceptable to all sides. side
Leave any valuables in your car out of sight. sight
There was a deafening silence (= one that is very noticeable). silence
Singles are available from £50 per night. single
skill in/at sth/doing sth: What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment. skill
I might be away next week. If so, I won't be able to see you. so
We are very busy—so much so that we won't be able to take time off this year. so
This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable. socially
Have some more vegetables. some
His explanation sounds reasonable to me. sound
renewable energy sources source
We must make good use of the available space. space
Put it in the space between the table and the wall. space
Are there any tickets going spare (= are there any available, not being used by sb else)? spare
I've never been able to spell. spell
She stood rooted to the spot with fear (= unable to move). spot
to spread a cloth on a table spread
stable prices stable
a stable relationship stable
This ladder doesn't seem very stable. stable
The patient's condition is stable (= it is not getting worse). stable
The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now. stable
Mentally, she is not very stable. stable
The horse was led back to its stable. stable
His stables are near Oxford. stable
stir sth into sth: The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot. stir
a country's housing stock (= all the houses available for living in) stock
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
During this ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith. strength
She has a remarkable inner strength. strength
In 'strategic' the stress falls on the second syllable stress
You stress the first syllable in 'happiness'. stress
He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. strike
He struck the table with his fist. strike
a white tablecloth with red stripes stripe
a face with strong features (= large and noticeable) strong
Could you move all that stuff off the table? stuff
Short skirts are back in style (= fashionable). style
substitute for sb/sth: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. substitute
a suitable candidate suitable
suitable for sth/sb: This programme is not suitable for children. suitable
a suitable place for a picnic suitable
suitable to do sth: I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party. suitable
Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report? suitable
What I'm saying, I suppose, is that she's not really suitable for the job. suppose
He is liable to abrupt mood swings (= for example from being very happy to being very sad). swing
That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch. switch
a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a book, usually at the front of the book) table
Table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years. table
a kitchen table table
A table for two, please (= in a restaurant). table
I'd like to book a table for tonight (= in a restaurant). table
to set the table (= to put the plates, knives, etc. on it for a meal) table
to lay the table table
to clear the table (= take away the dirty plates, etc. at the end of a meal) table
He questioned her next morning over the breakfast table (= during breakfast). table
Children must learn to behave at table. table
a billiard/snooker/pool table table
vitamin tablets tablet
Take two tablets with water before meals. tablet
Will you take your books off the table? take
Did the burglars take anything valuable? take
The table takes up too much room. take up sth
He kept tapping his fingers on the table. tap
a daunting/an impossible/a formidable/an unenviable, etc. task task
teach sb sth: Our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons. teach
satellite/terrestrial/cable/digital television television
We regret this service is temporarily unavailable. temporarily
Why don't you hire a car? Then you'll be able to visit more of the area. then
The board is available in four thicknesses. thickness
Cut the vegetables into thin strips. thin
Are animals able to think? think
I think you'll find these more comfortable than those. this
Would Mark be able to help?It's just a thought. thought
Tickets are available from the Arts Centre at £5.00. ticket
They tied him to a chair with cable. tie
a bus/train timetable (= when they arrive and leave) timetable
We have a new timetable each term (= showing the times of each class in school). timetable
Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools). timetable
I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). timetable
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
The vegetables were cooked to perfection. to
Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable. tomorrow
The computer is now an invaluable tool for the family doctor. tool
satellite/cable/digital TV TV
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
He lay there, unable to move. unable
I tried to contact him but was unable to. unable
She was unable to hide her excitement. unable
Let us know if you're unable to come. unable
They have been unable or unwilling to resolve the conflict. unable
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. unacceptable
Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level. unacceptable
uncomfortable shoes uncomfortable
I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable. uncomfortable
I was sitting in an extremely uncomfortable position. uncomfortable
She still finds it uncomfortable to stand without support. uncomfortable
He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned. uncomfortable
There was an uncomfortable silence. uncomfortable
underground cables underground
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting. unfortunately
unload (sth): This isn't a suitable place to unload the van. unload
The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time. unreasonable
The fees they charge are not unreasonable. unreasonable
It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice. unreasonable
He was being totally unreasonable about it. unreasonable
She was unable, or unwilling, to give me any further details. unwilling
Lay the cards face up (= facing upwards) on the table. up
Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards. upwards
They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force. use
I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). use
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. use sth up
I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time. use
The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless. useless
She tried to work, but it was useless (= she wasn't able to). useless
They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. usual
a valuable experience valuable
The book provides valuable information on recent trends. valuable
This advice was to prove valuable. valuable
Spinach is a valuable source of iron. valuable
valuable antiques valuable
Luckily, nothing valuable was stolen. valuable
My home is my most valuable asset. valuable
This great value-for-money offer is only available to society members. value
The job enables me to vary the hours I work. vary
green vegetables (= for example cabbage ) vegetable
root vegetables (= for example carrots ) vegetable
a salad of raw vegetables vegetable
a vegetable garden/patch/plot vegetable
vegetable matter (= plants in general) vegetable
wash yourself: She was no longer able to wash herself. wash
The weather is very changeable at the moment. weather
He's well able to take care of himself. well
He liked her well enough (= to a reasonable degree) but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her. well
While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. while
The carpet is available in different widths. width
Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs. willing
She won't be able to help us with all the family commitments she has. with
What's the Spanish word for 'table'? word

pouvoir tu peux jouer de la guitare électrique
capable je ne suis pas capable de répondre à votre question
honorable c’est un but honorable
table la bouteille est là sur la table
convenir seul un partenaire de même philosophie pourra leur convenir
disponible j’utilise des outils disponibles sans restriction
favorable l’évolution a été particulièrement favorable
considérable nous avons réalisé des progrès considérables
incapable il est incapable de rentrer dans des détails concrets
durable la transgenèse promeut une agriculture durable
raisonnable soyez raisonnable, rentrez vous reposer
remarquable c’est remarquable, ce qui peut être fait
probable il est probable que le visa sera refusé
incroyable moi, j’ai passé une nuit incroyable
mobile les organisateurs louent des toilettes mobiles
malheureux tu es l’homme le plus malheureux que je connaisse
inévitable le terrorisme n’est jamais inévitable
stable l’univers est stable et l’homme y aura toujours sa place
acceptable une personne doit avoir un revenu acceptable
formidable j’ai fait quelques rencontres formidables
variable c’est très variable, ça dépend
agréable c’est une chambre très agréable
comparable le bruit était comparable à une explosion
accessible je pense être un patron plutôt accessible
légume je ne mange pas de légumes non plus
horaire j’ai un horaire assez chargé
propice la situation n’était pas très propice
applicable plusieurs techniques sont sans doute applicables–
équitable ce n’était ni juste ni équitable
dépendant en amour, vous serez dépendant, heureux ou malheureux
vulnérable une femme tamoule est une personne vulnérable au Sri Lanka
préférable madame, je crois préférable que nous discutions en privé
adéquat la protection sociale n’est pas adéquate
handicapé il y a aussi les handicapés physiques
nerveux les tests me rendent nerveux
apte la France est parfaitement apte à s’adapter
notable il y a des disparités notables entre pays
souhaitable une dictature militaire n’est pas souhaitable dans ce pays
confortable ce canapé n’est pas très confortable
portable j’achèterai un portable et je t’appellerai
comptable le fruit d’une froide évaluation comptable
instable je regardai avec effroi ces êtres instables
fiable elle est très fiable, croyez-moi
sympathique je vous trouve incroyablement sympathiques
rentable cette activité a été rapidement rentable
modéré j’espère que vous êtes modéré dans vos habitudes
redoutable tu as été notre plus redoutable ennemi
avantageux les prix étaient plus avantageux
convenable ils ont droit à une retraite convenable
insupportable l’horreur de cette agonie était insupportable
prévisible le dénie est la plus prévisible des réponses humaines
improbable l’unanimité était assez improbable
innombrable son existence résulte d’innombrables morts
intolérable leurs conditions de vie deviennent intolérables
câble le câble est bloqué
regrettable la perte d’une vie est toujours regrettable
compréhensible il est compréhensible que le public soit inquiet
défavorable le climat était trop défavorable
viable la négociation est le seul moyen viable de résoudre le conflit