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OXF3000D: nhân vật character Zeichen
OXF3000D: dấu mark Zeichen
OXF3000D: dấu sign Zeichen
OXF3000D: tín hiệu signal Zeichen
OXF3000D: ký hiệu symbol Zeichen

ENDE: char Zeichen
ENDE: character Zeichen
ENDE: chars Zeichen
ENDE: icon Zeichen
ENDE: mark Zeichen
ENDE: sign Zeichen
ENDE: signal Zeichen
ENDE: symbol Zeichen
ENDE: token Zeichen

like: Zeichen
das Zeichen dấu hiệu
das Autokennzeichen hiệu xe
das Sternzeichen sao chiếu mạng
das Schriftzeichen chữ, kí tự
das Leerzeichen khoảng trống
das Satzzeichen dấu câu
das Fragezeichen dấu hỏi
das Ausrufezeichen dấu chấm than
die Klammer (Satzzeichen) dấu ngoặc đơn
das Anführungszeichen dấu ngoặc kép
das Abzeichen huy hiệu, phù hiệu

Zeichen 标志 biāo zhì
Autokennzeichen 汽车牌照 qì chē pái zhào
Sternzeichen 星座 xīng zuò
Schriftzeichen 字, 文字 zì, wénzì
Leerzeichen 空格 kònggé
Satzzeichen 标点符号 biāodiǎn fúhào
Fragezeichen 问号 wènhào
Ausrufezeichen 惊叹号, 感叹号 jīngtànhào, gǎntànhào
Klammer (Satzzeichen) 括号(标点符号) kuòhào(biāodiǎn fúhào)
Anführungszeichen 引号 yǐnhào
Abzeichen 徽章 huīzhāng

Jetzt sieht sie das Zeichen: Außer Betrieb. Bây giờ cô ấy nhìn thấy dòng chữ: Máy hỏng. (Lektion 31, Nr. 408)
Gibt es noch Plätze für den Zeichentrickfilm? Vẫn còn chỗ cho phim hoạt hình chứ? (Lektion 34, Nr. 474)
Sternzeichen und Horoskope Sao chiếu mạng và lá số tử vi (Lektion 80, Nr. 1131)

Please accept this small token of my appreciation. accept
A ring at the doorbell announced Jack's arrival. announce
Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath. beneath
If you can't answer the question, leave a blank. blank
the busy signal busy
The police ran a check on the registration number of the car. check
The look on her face was a definite sign that something was wrong. definite
I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion. display
Does your cat have any distinguishing marks? distinguish
the division sign (÷) division
Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash. flash
The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers' demands. give in (to sb/sth)
He was buried with full military honours (= with a special military service as a sign of respect). honour
They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. honour
Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement. improvement
indication (of doing sth): He shows every indication (= clear signs) of wanting to accept the post. indication
indication (that...): There are clear indications that the economy is improving. indication
punctuation marks mark
Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable. mark
a horse with a white mark on its head mark
He was about six feet tall, with no distinguishing marks. mark
The snow showed no sign of melting. melt
Can you read music (= understand the signs in order to play or sing a piece of music)? music
We cannot back down at the first sign of opposition. opposition
Wet paint! (= used as a sign) paint
She pinned the badge onto her jacket. pin
She had marked her place with a bookmark. place
This show of concern is just a pose. pose
He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition. recognition
A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect. respect
by royal appointment (= a sign used by companies that supply goods to the royal family) royal
James began to show signs of impatience. show
a plus/minus sign (+/−) sign
a dollar/pound sign ($/£) sign
He gave a thumbs-up sign. sign
She nodded as a sign for us to sit down. sign
Three blasts on the whistle was the sign for visitors to leave. sign
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
a road/traffic sign sign
sign (of sth/sb): Headaches may be a sign of stress. sign
There is no sign of John anywhere. sign
There was no sign of life in the house (= there seemed to be nobody there). sign
Her work is showing some signs of improvement. sign
sign (of doing sth): The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. sign
The fact that he didn't say 'no' immediately is a good sign. sign
sign (that...): If an interview is too easy, it's a sure sign that you haven't got the job. sign
There were no outward signs that anything was wrong. sign
If I had noticed the warning signs, none of this would have happened. sign
All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). signal
hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) signal
They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs. in spite of sth
There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene. struggle
Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life. study
There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power. swing
Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me. though
He showed no visible sign of emotion. visible
watch sth for sth: He watched the house for signs of activity. watch
watch (for sth): He watched for signs of activity in the house. watch
He thought that crying was a sign of weakness. weakness
All delegates must wear a badge. wear