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Wetter thời tiết Wetter

OXF3000D: thời tiết weather Wetter

ENDE: weather Wetter

What is the weather like today? Hôm nay thời tiết ra sao? * 018
The weather is so bad. Thời tiết xấu quá. * 077
I am not coming because the weather is so bad. Tôi không đến, bởi vì thời tiết xấu quá. * 077
Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow. Thời tiết ngày mai có thể tốt hơn. * 093

like: Wetter
das Wetter thời tiết
die Wettervorhersage dự báo thời tiết
unbeständiges Wetter thời tiết dễ thay đổi

Wetter 天气 tiānqì
Wettervorhersage 天气预报 tiānqì yùbào
unbeständiges Wetter 变化无常的天气 biànhuà-wúcháng de tiānqì

Die Wettervorhersage Dự báo thời tiết (Lektion 10, Nr. 92)
Er schaut sich die Wettervorhersage an und denkt: Anh ấy xem dự báo thời tiết và nghĩ: (Lektion 10, Nr. 94)
Gestern war das Wetter wirklich schön und heute ist es auch warm. Hôm qua thời tiết thật là đẹp và hôm nay trời cũng ấm. (Lektion 10, Nr. 95)
Und hier ist die Wettervorhersage für morgen. Và bây giờ là bản tin dự báo thời tiết cho ngày mai. (Lektion 10, Nr. 97)
Das Wetter wird sehr kalt und nass und Tri braucht neue Kleidung. Trời rất lạnh và ẩm ướt và Tri cần quần áo mới. (Lektion 21, Nr. 247)
Er ist wegen des kalten Wetters ein wenig niedergeschlagen. Er ruft Trang an. Anh ấy ngã gục do trời lạnh. Anh ấy gọi điện cho Trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 248)
Hallo Trang, schönes Wetter! Chào Trang, thời tiết thật đẹp. (Lektion 38, Nr. 539)
Morgen wird das Wetter bestimmt wieder schön! Ngày mai chắc là thời tiết sẽ lại rất đẹp! (Lektion 54, Nr. 762)
Wie wird das Wetter heute? Thời tiết hôm nay thế nào? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1502)
Was für ein schreckliches Wetter heute! Thời tiết hôm nay thật là kinh khủng. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1503)
Wie ist das Wetter in Ihrer Heimatstadt gerade? Thời tiết ở đất nước của anh / chị hiện thế nào? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1504)
Wir haben wirklich Glück mit dem Wetter. Normalerweise ist es um diese Jahreszeit viel kälter. Chúng ta thật là có may mắn với thời tiết. Bình thường vào mùa này trời lạnh hơn nhiều. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1505)
Leider haben wir heute Pech mit dem Wetter. Hôm nay chúng ta gặp xui xẻo với thời tiết. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1506)
Ich habe den Wetterbericht gehört: Morgen soll es wärmer werden. Tôi mới nghe dự báo thời tiết: ngày mai trời sẽ ấm hơn. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1507)

The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. account for sth
day after day of hot weather after
The weather last summer was awful. awful
Weather like this is bad for business. bad
bad news/weather/dreams/habits bad
beautiful countryside/weather/music beautiful
We're hoping for better weather tomorrow. better
The game was called off because of bad weather. call sth off
All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. cancel
cause sth for sb: The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. cause
a change in the weather change
a weather chart chart
Conditions are ideal (= the weather is very good) for sailing today. condition
Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend. cool
count sb/sth doing sth: We can't count on this warm weather lasting. count on sb/sth
depress sb: Wet weather always depresses me. depress
dress for/in/as sth: You should dress for cold weather today. dress
In hot weather, drink plenty of water. drink
weeks of hot dry weather dry
Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny. elsewhere
fall weather fall
Fortunately for us, the weather changed. for
The weather was warm for the time of year. for
freeze sth: The cold weather had frozen the ground. freeze
The bad weather has been fairly general (= has affected most areas). general
How much longer will this hot weather go on for? go on
Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow. good
The weather gradually improved. gradually
Do you like this hot weather? hot
indicate sth: A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day. indicate
The weather was very kind to us. kind
This weather won't last. last
We'll go as long as the weather is good. as/so long as
matter (to sb) that...: It didn't matter that the weather was bad. matter
Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. minute
The weather has been very mixed recently. mixed
nice weather nice
The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home. be better/worse off (doing sth)
The weather was perfect. perfect
I'll come tomorrow, weather permitting (= if the weather is fine). permit
Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them. point
reckon doing sth: We'd reckoned on having good weather. reckon on sth
a weather report report
The weather in England is living up to its reputation (= is exactly as expected). reputation
The bad weather ruined our trip. ruin
a severe winter (= one during which the weather conditions are extremely bad) severe
It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. should
sign (of doing sth): The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. sign
warmer weather coming from the south south
a spell of warm weather spell
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time. still
Tomorrow will be fine and dry according to the weather forecast. tomorrow
The weather has turned cold. turn
The weather became so bad that they had to turn back. turn back, turn sb/sth back
typical for sb/sth: The weather at the moment is not typical for July. typical
Wait for the warmer weather before putting the plants in the garden. warm
They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather. warn
Did you have good weather on your trip? weather
I'm not going out in this weather! weather
There's going to be a change in the weather. weather
if the weather holds/breaks (= if the good weather continues/changes) weather
The weather is very changeable at the moment. weather
'Are you going to the beach tomorrow?' 'It depends on the weather.' weather
We'll have the party outside, weather permitting (= if it doesn't rain). weather
a weather map/chart weather
a weather report weather
The tent protected us from the worst of the weather. weather
to listen to the weather weather
The fine weather made a welcome change. welcome
The weather will be wet and windy in the south. wet
What awful weather! what
The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful. when
The weather was hot, without a breath of wind. wind
The weather got worse during the day. worse