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glad, happy, pleased vui mừng
激动 ji1dong4 to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite Vui mừng
激发 ji1fa1 to arouse; to excite Vui mừng

OXF3000: vui mừng delighted
OXF3000N vui mừng phấn khởi hồ hởi cheerful
OXF3000N vui mừng hài lòng delighted
OXF3000N niềm vui sự vui mừng joy

like: Vui mừng
froh vui mừng 高兴的 gāoxìng de
sich freuen mong, vui mừng 感到高兴 gǎn dào gāo xìng
froh vui mừng
das Vergnügen vui mừng, sự vui thích, sự giải trí
sich freuen mong, vui mừng

Wir freuen uns auf Euer Kommen! Chúng tôi vui mừng với sự góp mặt của các bạn! (Lektion 75, Nr. 1074)
Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort. Tôi vui mừng chờ đợi câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1334)
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass ... Chúng tôi rất vui mừng được thông báo với anh / chị rằng.. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1351)
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mir den Zuschlag für dieses Angebot geben würden. Tôi sẽ rất vui mừng nếu quý khách có thể trả phần phụ trội cho đơn chào hàng này. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1578)

I was glad to hear you're alive and well. alive
announce that...: We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were successful. announce
I was pleased to hear you arrived home safely. arrive
She was delighted at the result. at
His eyes were bright and excited. bright
He was so excited about the good news that he danced a little jig. dance
'Can you stay for dinner?' 'I'd be delighted (to)!' delighted
delighted that...: I was delighted that you could stay. delighted
delighted by/at sth: She was delighted by/at the news of the wedding. delighted
delighted with sth: I was delighted with my presents. delighted
Emotions are running high (= people are feeling very excited, angry, etc.). emotion
escape sth: They were glad to have escaped the clutches of winter for another year. escape
The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her. excite
excited (about sth): The children were excited about opening their presents. excited
excited (at sth): I'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad. excited
excited (by sth): Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print. excited
excited (to do sth): He was very excited to be asked to play for Wales. excited
The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about (= not particularly good). excited
express yourself + adj.: They expressed themselves delighted. express
I'm pleased I didn't get that job, in a funny sort of way. funny
She was glad when the meeting was over. glad
glad about sth: 'He doesn't need the pills any more.' 'I'm glad about that.' glad
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. glad
glad (that)...: I'm glad (that) you're feeling better. glad
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today. great
I am pleased to inform you that you have won first prize in this month's competition. inform
It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy. occasion
It was an awful job and I'm glad to be out of it. out
I was glad when it was over and done with. over
pleased (to hear, know, etc. sth): I'm pleased to hear about your news. pleased
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted. pleased
I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived. pleased
She was secretly pleased to see him. secretly
I'm so glad to see you. so
I'm way glad to hear that. way
If you went to see him, he would be delighted. would