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Umzug di dời Wohnung

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Umzug 搬家 bān jiā

Vor dem Umzug planen sie die Ausstattung der Zimmer und renovieren das Bad. Trước khi chuyển nhà họ lập kế hoạch cho việc trang hoàng những căn phòng và sữa chữa nhà tắm. (Lektion 45, Nr. 643)

She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job. deal with sb
The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet (= it may change). definitely
His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get drunk. drunk
Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. finance
'What does Naomi think about the move?' 'She's all for it.' for
to go round in a circle go around/round
What good is it redecorating if you're thinking of moving? good
She's very good at handling her patients. handle
We all have to learn to handle stress. handle
to treat sb with kindness and consideration kindness
I decided to take matters into my own hands (= deal with the situation myself). matter
Their move from Italy to the US has not been a success. move
He's performed well since his move from Manchester United to Liverpool. move
preparation (to do sth): We made preparations to move to new offices. preparation
house removals removal
a removal company/firm removal
When are the removal men coming? removal
show yourself + adj.: She had shown herself unable to deal with money. show
The procession snaked its way through narrow streets. snake
It's a crime to handle stolen goods. steal
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. strain
teach sb to do sth: She taught me to be less critical of other people. teach