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OXF3000D: kiểu type Typ

ENDE: type Typ

like: Typ
typisch đặc trưng
der Typ kẻ
der Typhus bệnh thương hàn

typisch 典型的 diǎnxíng de
Typ 家伙 jiā huo
Typhus 伤寒 shānghán

Warte, was ist das für ein Film? Was für ein gutaussehender Typ! Đợi đã, phim gì đây? Anh chàng này đẹp trai quá. (Lektion 34, Nr. 467)
Das war der Typ aus der Bar! Đó là kẻ ở quán Bar! (Lektion 63, Nr. 898)
Könnten Sie mir bitte beschreiben, wie ein typischer Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aussieht? Ông / Bà có thể cho tôi biết, một ngày làm việc điển hình ở đây thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1963)
Was ist denn ein typisches Gericht aus dieser Region? Món ăn nào là món đặc trưng của vùng này? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2436)

an artistic temperament (= behaviour thought to be typical of artists, musicians, etc.) artistic
He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. beat sb up
a severe case of typhoid case
It's a classic case (= a very typical case) of bad planning. case
A new type of painkilling drug has recently been developed. develop
It was typical family entertainment. entertainment
a fairly typical reaction fairly
the Irish guy who lives two floors above floor
stereotyped images of women in children's books image
Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). know
the woods and fields that are typical features of the English landscape landscape
I don't like the look of that guy (= I don't trust him, judging by his appearance). look
Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. minute
He's not the nervous type. nervous
I'm not really the outdoor type (= I prefer indoor activities). outdoor
He's just a regular guy who loves his dog. regular
I bought the same car as yours (= another car of that type). same
He was the type of person who would give you the shirt off his back. the shirt off sb's back
He's the strong silent type. silent
There are three main types of contract(s). type
a typical Italian cafe typical
This is a typical example of Roman pottery. typical
typical of sb/sth: This meal is typical of local cookery. typical
typical for sb/sth: The weather at the moment is not typical for July. typical
A typical working day for me begins at 7.30. typical
On a typical day, we receive about 50 letters. typical
Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?' typical
It was typical of her to forget. typical
He spoke with typical enthusiasm. typical
The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week. typically
A typically priced meal will be around $10. typically
typically American hospitality typically
vary according to sth: Prices vary according to the type of room you require. vary