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Trommel cái trống Musik

OXF3000D: trống drum Trommel

ENDE: drum Trommel

like: Trommel
die Trommel trống
trommeln đánh trống
das Trommelfell màng nhĩ

Trommel 小鼓 xiǎo gǔ
trommeln 打鼓 dǎgǔ
Trommelfell 鼓膜 gǔmó

We heard the drums beating. beat
beat sth: Someone was beating a drum. beat
several loud beats on the drum beat
the steady beat of the drums beat
Her job was to drum up (= increase) business. business
a bass drum drum
a regular drum beat drum
There was a great crash and then a long roll of drums. drum