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to come back, return; again trở lại
退 tui4 to retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw Trở lại
bei1 to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder Trở lại
bei4 the back of a body or object; to turn one's back; to hide something from; to learn by heart; to recite from memory; unlucky (slang); hard of hearing Trở lại
hui2 to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims); time; classifier for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book) Trở lại
hui2 to curve; to return; to revolve Trở lại
回报 hui2bao4 (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate Trở lại
归还 gui1huan2 to return sth; to revert Trở lại
后背 hou4bei4 back (of the body); at the back, near rear Trở lại

OXF3000: trở lại back
OXF3000N (n)adj. (adv). lưng về phía sau trở lại back
OXF3000N tác động trở lại phản ứng react
OXF3000N trở lại trở về sự trở lại sự trở về return
OXF3000D: trở lại back Rücken
OXF3000D: trở lại back Rückseite
OXF3000D: trở lại back unten
OXF3000D: trở lại back zurück

When she returns, she is happier than I think. Khi cô ấy trở lại, cô ấy hạnh phúc hơn tôi nghĩ. Verbs 2.5
return trở lại Verbs 2.5
You must return to the headquarters immediately. Bạn phải trở lại trụ sở chính ngay lập tức! Places
That scientist returned as a hero. Nhà khoa học đó trở lại như một anh hùng. People

I’ll be back immediately. Tôi quay trở lại ngay. * 040
I don’t know if he’ll come back. Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có trở lại không. * 095
Maybe he won’t come back? Liệu anh ấy có trở lại không? * 095

like: Trở lại
in only the past 20 years chỉ trong vòng 20 năm trở lại đây
to fall back to earth rơi trở lại trái đất
zurückkommen quay trở lại 回来 huílái
die Rückkehr quay trở lại, sự trở về
zurückkommen quay trở lại

Trang ist auch zurück in Vietnam. Trang cũng trở lại Việt Nam. (Lektion 15, Nr. 156)
Zurück in Vietnam Quay trở lại Việt Nam (Lektion 29, Nr. 381)
Er kommt zurück. Anh ta trở lại. (Lektion 65, Nr. 928)

add that...: He added that they would return a week later. add
She spends two hours a day getting to work and back again. again
I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night. alarm
The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. appeal
We didn't arrive back at the hotel until very late. arrive
assist sb to do sth: a course to assist adults to return to the labour market assist
assure sb + speech: 'He'll come back,' Susan assured her. assure
He turned his attention back to the road again. attention
I pulled (= injured the muscles in) my back playing squash. back
That was a few years back. back
Put the book back on the shelf. back
Please give me my ball back. back
He'll be back on Monday. back
Could you go back to the beginning of the story? back
The barriers kept the crowd back. back
She fell back towards the end of the race. back
She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step. backward
She always ties her hair back in a band. band
After the attack, they returned to base. base
a beached whale (= one that has become stuck on land and cannot get back into the water) beach
He brought me back (= gave me a ride home) in his car. bring sb/sth back
The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots. calm
Let's return to camp. camp
chance that...: There's a slight chance that he'll be back in time. chance
He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident. character
He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery. charge
+ speech: 'Anyway, she should be back soon,' he concluded. conclude
to draw/draw back/pull back the curtains (= to open them, so that the window is no longer covered) curtain
danger that...: There is a danger that the political disorder of the past will return. danger
One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back. one day
exchange sth: If it doesn't fit, take it back and the store will exchange it. exchange
an exit wound (= where a bullet that has entered sb's body comes out again) exit
far back: The band made their first record as far back as 1990. far
Never fear/Fear not (= Don't worry), I shall return. fear
Feeling gradually began to return to my frozen feet. feeling
to return fire (= to fire back at sb who is shooting at you) fire
Memories of her childhood came flooding back. flood
Domestic fuel bills are set to rise again in the autumn. fuel
What time did you get back last night? get back
She's got her old job back. get sth back
Could you give me my pen back? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
Give it me back! give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
The operation gave him back the use of his legs. give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
She has been to China (= she went to China and has now returned). go
Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting? go back (to sth)
Once you have made this decision, there will be no going back (= you will not be able to change your mind). go back (to sth)
Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers. go back (to sth)
The kids go back to school next week. go back to sth
He was back on familiar ground, dealing with the customers. ground
The escaped prisoner was brought back under armed guard. guard
These things have a habit of coming back to haunt you. habit
I'm having treatment for my back problem. have
Mary had her back to me. have
You can have your files back after we've checked them. have sth back
He returned with a heavy heart (= sad). heart
The school traces its history back to 1865. history
I'll hold on to your mail for you until you get back. hold on to sth, hold onto sth
I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits. hold sth back
He'll be back in an hour. hour
We were in no hurry to get back to work after the holiday. in no hurry (to do sth), not in a/any hurry (to do sth)
to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months. in
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
The story takes a jump back in time. jump
It was good to be back on land. land
Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day. late
She led the horse back into the stable. lead
My father died last year—I wish I could bring him back to life. life
It was an hour before the lights came on again. light
I won't be long (= I'll return, be ready, etc. soon). long
The punk look is back in fashion. look
He's returning to the team this season, hoping that the old magic can be made to work once more. magic
I could not have complete peace of mind before they returned. mind
Let's go back to mine after the show. mine
I'll be back in a few minutes. minute
Hurry up! He'll be back any minute now. (at) any minute (now)
I'll be back in a moment. moment
Hurry up! He'll be back any moment now. (at) any moment (now)
I went to Paris on Thursday, and came back the following Monday. Monday
Come back Monday week (= a week after next Monday). Monday
If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money back. money
My hair soon grew back to its natural colour (= after being dyed ). natural
Things soon returned to normal. normal
They are offering a reward for the return of their cat. offer
I went back to visit my old school. old
I think you should go back to your original plan. original
pass (to sb): Why do they keep passing back to the goalie? pass
Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow. perhaps
Put it back in its place when you've finished with it. place
They are hoping to return to power. power
The price of cigarettes is set to rise again. price
It's time to swallow your pride (= hide your feelings of pride) and ask for your job back. pride
Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles (= the most basic rules). principle
promise (sb) + speech: 'I'll be back soon,' she promised. promise
You haven't gone back on your promise, have you? promise
If you use something, put it back! put sth back
The meeting has been put back to next week. put sth back
'You've no intention of coming back?' 'I'm quite sorry, but no, I have not.' quite
race sb/sth: We raced each other back to the car. race
The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades. reaction
it is realized that...: There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back. realize
The band is back in the US recording their new album. record
There are no matches tomorrow, which is a rest day, but the tournament resumes on Monday. rest
Train services have returned to normal after the strike. return
The doctor may allow her to return to work next week. return
The following day the pain returned. return
Her suspicions returned when things started going missing again. return
I waited a long time for him to return. return
return (to...) (from...): She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe. return
I had to return to the store to look for my purse. return
his return to power return
They appealed for a return to work (= after a strike). return
the return of spring return
a return of my doubts return
(+ adv./prep.): I walked back while the others rode in the car. ride
I'll be right back. right
You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back. right
You can't trust them. They'll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned. rob sb blind
roll over (onto sth): She rolled over to let the sun brown her back. roll
He turned the car round and drove back again. round
I'm not in any rush to get back to work. rush
A reward was offered for the animal's safe return. safe
He knew that if he wasn't back by midnight, his parents would have something to say about it (= be angry). say
We all filed back to our seats in silence. seat
see (that)...: I see (that) interest rates are going up again. see
Try to go back to sleep. sleep
His handwriting slopes backwards. slope
The horse was led back to its stable. stable
He turned around and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had come). step
Many years later I returned to Africa but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now). story
You have a strong case for getting your job back. strong
Short skirts are back in style (= fashionable). style
I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure. for sure
If anyone comes in before I get back, ask them to wait. them
Can I get there and back in a day? there
I left in 2008 and I haven't been back there since. there
There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, return to this item at our next meeting. therefore
A visit to the museum will take you back in time to the 1930s. time
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. turn over
We said we would do it—there can be no turning back. turn back, turn sb/sth back
Our car was turned back at the border. turn back, turn sb/sth back
a programme to get the long-term unemployed back to work the unemployed
Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday. unless
Hello, it's us back again. us
You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. use
a return to traditional values in education, such as firm discipline value
wander away, back, to, etc. sth: Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. wander
They escaped out the back way. way
I'd better be on my way (= I must leave) soon. on your/the/its way
Way back, when he was a boy, he had lived on a farm in Wales. way back (in...)
She'll be back in a week. week
I'll be back in a little while (= a short time). while
whistle to sb/sth: She whistled to the dog to come back. whistle
I trusted her not to go back on her word (= break her promise). word
She's planning to return to work once the children start school. work