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EVP total
EVP total
EVP totally
EVP totemic
EVP totter

OXF3000ZH: 总的 total
OXF3000ZH: 统统 完全地 全部地 totally
3000TH: บรรดา banM daaM all, whole, totality
5000FR: total total
5000FR: totalement totally
5000FR: montant upright, upwards, sum, total
5000FR: totalité totality, entirety
OXF3000N tổng cộng toàn bộ tổng số toàn bộ số lượng total
OXF3000N hoàn toàn totally
WNS: (v.) [total] damage beyond the point of repair

ENDE: tot Knirps

I have eight books in total. Tôi có tổng cộng tám quyển sách. Numbers

like: Tot

2858 I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting, because I'd totally I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting, because I'd totally
2943 an arm and a leg! We totally got ripped o ! Thức ăn bẩn thỉu và dịch vụ không ra gì rồi họ thu của chúng tôi cái giá ngất trời! Chúng tôi hoàn toàn bị ăn chặn.

add A to B: Add 9 to the total. add
It's a totally different situation, it's apples and oranges. apples and oranges
an approximate number/total/cost approximate
The total cost will approximate £15 billion. approximate
Britain occupies a total area of 88 798 square miles. area
There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. ban
The US has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million. cancel
The total was close to 20% of the workforce. close
The German team scored a combined total of 652 points. combine
He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself. command
No one can predict with complete/total confidence what will happen in the financial markets. confidence
Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. confusion
The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood. contrast
The total cost to you (= the amount you have to pay) is £3 000. cost
We are in total disagreement as to how to proceed. disagreement
The play's first night was a total disaster. disaster
The rumour is totally without foundation (= not based on any facts). foundation
coalition/communist/democratic/totalitarian, etc. government government
Being totally alone is my idea of hell on earth. hell
To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column. obtain
They are totally opposed to abortion. opposed
Total losses were estimated at over three million pounds. pound
the prison population (= the total number of prisoners in a country) prison
The claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded. repeat
For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives. separate
They finished their meal in total silence. silence
They got on well together although they were total strangers. stranger
The new loan takes the total debt to $100 000. take
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. unacceptable
All this fuss is totally unnecessary. unnecessary
He was being totally unreasonable about it. unreasonable
The kids have totally worn me out. wear yourself/sb out
It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared. which

total Ming, c’est l’anarchiste total
totalement les tribunaux russes sont totalement engorgés
montant on ignore le montant de ce contrat
totalité toute totalité, paradoxalement, est restrictive