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straight, direct thẳng
zhi2 straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters Thẳng

Monat tháng Zeit

OXF3000: thẳng straight
OXF3000N tháng Tư April
OXF3000N tháng Tám August
OXF3000N ngày kỳ kỳ hạn thời kỳ thời đại đề ngày tháng date
OXF3000N tháng mười hai tháng Chạp december
OXF3000N đánh thắng đánh bại sự thất bại (1 kế hoạch) sự tiêu tan (hy vọng) defeat
OXF3000N trực tiếp thẳng thẳng thắn gửi viết cho ai điều khiển direct
OXF3000N trực tiếp thẳng directly
OXF3000N máy nâng thang máy elevator
OXF3000N tháng 2 February
OXF3000N khung thành bàn thắng đích mục đích goal
OXF3000N tháng ba March
OXF3000N diễu hành hành quân cuộc hành quân cuộc diễu hành march
OXF3000N công khai thẳng thắn openly
OXF3000N thắng chiến thắng khắc phục đánh bại overcome
OXF3000N ngay thẳng đơn giản chất phác plain
OXF3000N thăng chức thăng cấp promote
OXF3000N sự thăng chức sự thăng cấp promotion
OXF3000N làm giảm bớt căng thẳng relaxing
OXF3000N thẳng phải tốt ngay đúng right
OXF3000N sự lên sự tăng lương thăng cấp dậy đứng lên mọc (mặt trời) thành đạt rise
OXF3000N điểm số bản thắng tỷ số đạt được thành công cho điểm score
OXF3000N thật thà thẳng thắng chân thành sincere
OXF3000N bậc thang stair
OXF3000N thẳng không cong straight
OXF3000N sự căng thẳng sự căng strain
OXF3000N sự căng thẳng căng thẳng ép làm căng stress
OXF3000N bị căng thẳng bị ép bị căng stressed
OXF3000N thành công thắng lợi thành đạt successful
OXF3000N thành công thắng lợi thành đạt successfully
OXF3000N thẳng đứng đứng vertical
OXF3000N chiến thắng victory
OXF3000N đi lang thang sự đi lang thang wander
OXF3000N đang dành thắng lợi thắng cuộc winning
OXF3000N người thắng cuộc winner
OXF3000D: thẳng straight direkt
OXF3000D: thẳng straight gerade
OXF3000D: thẳng straight geradewegs
OXF3000D: thẳng straight unmittelbar

He is very stressful Anh ấy đang rất căng thẳng. Adjectives 2
stressful căng thẳng Adjectives 2
The candidates are very stressed. Các ứng cử viên đang rất căng thẳng. Politics
stressful căng thẳng Politics

Is it a direct flight? Đây có phải là chuyến bay thẳng không? * 037
Then go straight for a while. Rồi bạn đi thẳng một đoạn. * 042
Then drive straight through the next intersection. Rồi bạn lái thẳng qua ngã tư tiếp theo. * 042

like: Thẳng
zoom bay lên theo đường thẳng đứng
to be severely repressed bị đàn áp thẳng tay
to aim directly at chĩa thẳng vào
as dead as a doornail chết thẳng cẳng
(a history of) strained relations between 2 nations căng thẳng truyền thống giữa hai nước
tensions are rising căng thẳng đang lên cao
to declare clearly, straightforwardly khai thẳng thắn
to sit up straight ngồi thẳng người
to sit up straight ngồi thẳng người lên
to look directly at nhìn thẳng vào
to look directly into (sb’s) eyes nhìn thẳng vào mắt
in a straight line như thẳng hàng
to move towards, head towards tiến thẳng tới
applied directly to áp dụng thẳng đến
to go straight into đi thẳng vào
to spill directly into rivers and oceans đổ thẳng xuống sông và biển
geradeaus đi thắng 笔直的 bǐzhí de
geradeaus đi thắng 笔直的 bǐzhí de
geradeaus đi thắng 笔直的 bǐzhī de
geradeaus đi thắng 笔直的 bǐzhī de
dramatisch căng thắng, thuộc về kịch, có tính kịch 戏剧性的 xìjùxìng de
monatlich hàng tháng 每月的 měi yuè de
siegen thắng 战胜 zhàn shèng
anstrengend nhọc nhằn, căng thẳng, nghiêm khắc 费力的 fèi lì de
bremsen phanh (nv), thắng (sv) 刹车 shā chē
ausdrücklich thẳng thắn, tỏ rõ 明确的 míng què de
aufrichtig sein ngay thẳng 表现得真诚 biǎo xiàn de zhēn chéng
nervös căng thẳng 紧张的 jǐn zhāng de
unmittelbar trực tiếp, thẳng 直接的 zhí jiē de
aufrichten đặt đứng thẳng 竖起 shùqǐ
ein Konflikt eskaliert xung đột leo thang 冲突升级 chōngtū shēngjí
einen Weg begradigen làm thẳng một con đường 把一条路改直 bǎ yī tiáo lù gǎi zhí
im Spiel siegen giành chiến thắng 在比赛中获胜 zài bǐsài zhōng huòshèng
unbesiegbar không thể thắng nổi, vô địch 无敌的 wúdí de
militärisch siegen chiến thắng về mặt quân sự 军事上的胜利 jūnshì shàng de shènglì
der Monat tháng
geradeaus đi thắng
der Aufzug thang máy
der Januar tháng giêng
der Februar tháng hai
der März tháng ba
der April tháng tư
der Mai tháng năm
der Juni tháng sáu
der Juli tháng bảy
der August tháng tám
der September tháng chín
der Oktober tháng mười
der November tháng mười một
der Dezember tháng mười hai
geradeaus đi thắng
die Sehenswürdigkeit danh lam thắng cảnh
dramatisch căng thắng, thuộc về kịch, có tính kịch
die Treppe cầu thang
monatlich hàng tháng
siegen thắng
anstrengend nhọc nhằn, căng thẳng, nghiêm khắc
bremsen phanh (nv), thắng (sv)
ausdrücklich thẳng thắn, tỏ rõ
aufrichtig sein ngay thẳng
nervös căng thẳng
unmittelbar trực tiếp, thẳng
aufrichten đặt đứng thẳng
die Rolltreppe thang cuốn
ein Konflikt eskaliert xung đột leo thang
das Treppenhaus putzen quét dọn cầu thang
die Treppenstufe bậc thang
einen Weg begradigen làm thẳng một con đường
im Spiel siegen giành chiến thắng
der Gewinner nhà vô địch, người chiến thắng
die Tonleiter thang âm
unbesiegbar không thể thắng nổi, vô địch
der zunehmende Mond trăng bán nguyệt đầu tháng
der abnehmende Mond trăng bán nguyệt cuối tháng
militärisch siegen chiến thắng về mặt quân sự

Mit uns können Sie alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Với chúng tôi bạn sẽ tham quan những danh lam thắng cảnh nổi tiếng. (Lektion 7, Nr. 64)
Gehen Sie hier lang und folgen Sie der Hauptstraße, dann an der ersten Kreuzung rechts und dann gehen Sie geradeaus. Anh cứ đi theo con đường này, đến ngã tư đầu tiên thì rẽ phải và sau đó anh cứ đi thắng. (Lektion 11, Nr. 110)
Jeden Monat haben wir Basketball- und Fußballspiele. Hàng tháng chúng tôi có những trận đấu bóng rố và bóng đá. (Lektion 13, Nr. 133)
Das muss genug sein für die nächsten paar Monate. Nó đủ cho vài tháng tới. (Lektion 14, Nr. 152)
Von dort muss er nur geradeaus über die Autobahn zum Flughafen fahren. Từ đó anh ấy chỉ việc đi thắng theo xa lộ để đến sân bay. (Lektion 19, Nr. 213)
Wenn du im richtigen Bus sitzt, kommst du an vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei. Nếu anh ngồi đúng xe buýt, thì anh sẽ đi qua nhiều danh lam thắng cảnh. (Lektion 37, Nr. 524)
Jetzt musst du geradeaus gehen, und dann die zweite, nein, die dritte Straße links. Sau đó anh đi thắng và đến đường thứ hai, à không, đuờng thứ ba thì rẽ trái. (Lektion 37, Nr. 526)
Über eine Treppe kann man vom Innenhof in den Keller gehen. Lên trên một cái cầu thang người ta có thể đi qua cái sân trong để đến hầm chứa đồ. (Lektion 43, Nr. 618)
Sie eröffnen ein gemeinsames Konto, um ihre Miete jeden Monat überweisen zu können. Họ mở chung một tài khoản, để họ có thể mỗi tháng chuyển tiền nhà. (Lektion 44, Nr. 629)
Sie hat ihn mehrmals ausdrücklich aufgefordert, sie in Ruhe zu lassen. Cô đã nhiều lần thẳng thắn yêu cầu anh ta hãy để cô yên. (Lektion 62, Nr. 875)
Erst war ich ziemlich nervös, aber dann habe ich mich getraut, dich zu fragen, ob du etwas trinken möchtest. Mới đầu anh hơi căng thẳng, nhưng sau đó lấy lại tự tin để hỏi em, liệu em có muốn uống gì đó không. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1060)
Schon Monate vor dem Tag der Wahl veröffentlichen die Parteien ihre Programme. Một vài tháng trước ngày bầu cử các đảng phái đưa ta chương trình của họ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1153)
Heute ist der 07.März. Hôm nay là ngày 7 tháng ba. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1314)
Dieses Rundschreiben soll euch über die Planung der nächsten beiden Monate informieren. Bức thư này thông báo về kế hoạch cho hai tháng tiếp theo. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1380)
Letzten Monat haben wir einen wundervollen Abend in der Oper verbracht: Auf dem Spielplan stand Nabucco von Guiseppe Verdi. Tháng trước chúng tôi đã có một buổi tối tuyệt vời tại nhà hát kịch Opera. Chương trình biểu diễn hôm đó là vở „Nabucco „ của Giuseppe Verdi. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1536)
Dieser Artikel wird erst in zwei Monaten wieder lieferbar sein. Sản phẩm này sẽ được bán lại sớm nhất là sau hai tháng nữa. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1591)
Die Kollegen der Marketingabteilung werden uns zunächst die Verkaufszahlen der letzten drei Monate vorstellen. Anschließend analysieren und diskutieren wir diese Zahlen. Các đồng nghiệp bên phòng tiếp thị sẽ giới thiệu với chúng ta doanh số bán hàng của ba tháng vừa qua. Tiếp đó chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và thảo luận về những con số này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1649)
In dieser Tabelle finden Sie die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen für Mai und Juni. Doanh số bán hàng hiện tại của tháng năm và tháng sáu được thể hiện qua bảng thống kê trên đây. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1656)
Mein Praktikum war leider ein Misserfolg: Ich habe zwei Monate lang nur Kaffee gekocht und Akten kopiert. Khóa thực tập của tôi đáng tiếc đã không thành công: Trong suốt hai tháng tôi chỉ pha cà phê và copy tài liệu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1761)
Ich bin befördert worden: Ich bin jetzt Projektleiter. Tôi được thăng chức: Hiện nay tôi là giám đốc dự án. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2010)
Kannst du die Lieferscheine bitte dem Datum nach ordnen und abheften? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp giấy giao hàng theo ngày tháng và kẹp lại? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2028)
Heute zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie in 3 Monaten 400 neue Kunden gewinnen. Hôm nay tôi sẽ chỉ cho quý vị cách thu hút được 400 khách hàng mới trong vòng 3 tháng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2087)
Treffen wir uns auf der Konferenz im Mai? Chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau tại cuộc hội thảo vào tháng năm phải không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2363)
Diese Zahlung ist jetzt seit zwei Monaten fällig. Hóa đơn này đã quá hạn thanh toán từ hai tháng nay. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2541)
Ist es möglich die Rechnung in monatlichen Raten zu bezahlen? Chúng tôi có thể thanh toán hóa đơn này bằng việc trả góp hàng tháng được không? (Lektion 126, Nr. 2555)

724 He fell o the ladder. Anh ấy đã bị ngã thang.

It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift. accept
I drew a line across the page. across
a week/month/year in advance in advance (of sth)
The rent is due one month in advance. in advance (of sth)
advise doing sth: I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. advise
They had a passionate affair for six months. affair
Where were you on the afternoon of May 21? afternoon
two weeks/months/years ago ago
This will create problems in the months ahead. ahead
He was looking straight ahead (= straight forward, in front of him). ahead
allow sth to do sth: He allowed his mind to wander. allow
You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives. alternative
The winners will be announced in reverse order. announce
The eagerly anticipated movie will be released next month. anticipate
acute/intense/deep anxiety anxiety
She was born in April. April
The meeting is on April fifth. April
We went to Japan last April. April
I arrived at the end of April. April
last April's election April
April showers (= light rain that falls in the spring) April
an April wedding April
Send your application to arrive by 31 October. arrive
The road continues as straight as an arrow. arrow
it is assumed (that)...: It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. assume
The garden's at its most beautiful in June. at
Christmas is still months away. away
She left back in November. back
I lost my balance and fell backwards. backwards
They wanted to win so badly. badly
She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. balance
He was banned from driving for six months. ban
a battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win) battle
a battle of wills (= when each side is very determined to win) battle
They are to be married in June. be
Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat (= the most difficult team to beat). beat
begin sth: We began work on the project in May. begin
I began (= started reading) this novel last month and I still haven't finished it. begin
Work on the new bridge is due to begin in September. begin
We're going to Japan at the beginning of July. beginning
Bend your knees, keeping your back straight. bend
Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight). bent
bet on/against sth: I wouldn't bet on them winning the next election. bet
to win/lose a bet bet
'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) bet
Fit people are better able to cope with stress. better
the bottom step (of a flight of stairs) bottom
She fell off a ladder and broke her arm. break
The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May. bring sth forward
a monthly/an annual/a family budget budget
All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress. build up (to sth)
Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift. button
She won £20 at cards. card
Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had enough good arguments to win in a court of law). case
to win/lose a case case
cease doing sth: The company ceased trading in June. cease
Her life changed completely when she won the lottery. change
The children charged down the stairs. charge
The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home. city
Make sure your claims for expenses are submitted by the end of the month. claim
She won the election by a clear majority. clear
The dollar has been climbing all week. climb
She climbed up the stairs. climb
Our team came a close second (= nearly won). close
The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win). close
Our horse coasted home (= won easily) by three lengths. coast
the coldest May on record cold
a column of smoke (= smoke rising straight up) column
Technology and good management. That's a winning combination (= one that will certainly be successful). combination
She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. come in
He earned £2 000 in commission last month. commission
He's busy for the next month with filming commitments. commitment
to enter/win/lose a competition competition
I felt a complete idiot. complete
Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management. concern
conclude sth (with sth): The commission concluded its investigation last month. conclude
They will give us the money on one condition—that we pay it back within six months. condition
He expressed his confidence that they would win. confidence
confident of sth/doing sth: The team feels confident of winning. confident
confirm sth: After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed. confirm
two people avoiding eye contact (= avoiding looking directly at each other) contact
to enter/win/lose a contest contest
The exhibition continues until 25 July. continue
The trial is expected to continue for three months. continue
Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months. continuous
contract to do sth: to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school contract
monthly contributions to the pension scheme contribution
All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday. contribution
cope with sth: He wasn't able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. cope
He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health. cost
A late penalty cost United the game (= meant that they did not win the game). cost
count sth: Applications received after 1 July will not be counted. count
He won the court case and was awarded damages. court
He drove like an idiot, passing in the craziest places. crazy
The crowd cheered the winning hit. crowd
He lifted the cup for the fifth time this year (= it was the fifth time he had won). cup
a pattern of straight lines and curves curve
The winner cut ten seconds off (= ran the distance ten seconds faster than) the world record. cut sth off
He did a little dance of triumph. dance
Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station. date
Thank you for your letter dated 24th March. date
The forms should be dated and signed and sent back immediately. date
Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914. declare
She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans. delight
The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. design
The club's annual dinner will be held on 3 June. dinner
She looked directly at us. directly
discount (on/off sth): They're offering a 10% discount on all sofas this month. discount
'Who won?' 'I did.' do
The helicopters appeared as two black dots on the horizon. dot
'Do you think England will win?'—'I doubt it.' doubt
We're already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more). down
She rushed downstairs and burst into the kitchen. downstairs
Wait downstairs in the hall. downstairs
We're painting the downstairs. downstairs
a dramatic victory dramatic
If I win, it will be a dream come true. dream
There was a substantial drop in the number of people out of work last month. drop
Payment is due on 1 October. due
due to do sth: Rose is due to start school in January. due
due for sth: The band's first album is due for release later this month. due
earn sb sth: His victory in the tournament earned him $50 000. earn
New controls come into effect next month. come into effect
to win/lose an election election
It's on the fifth floor, so we'd better take the elevator. elevator
emotional stress emotional
Three months after his death, she still felt empty. empty
The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering. engineering
ensure sb sth: Victory ensured them a place in the final. ensure
The closing date for entries is 31 March. entry
The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a weekend for two in Venice. entry
Everyone has a chance to win. everyone
A lot of students suffer from exam nerves. exam
Tours are arranged all year round (January excepted). except
expect sth: We are expecting a rise in food prices this month. expect
expect to do sth: You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a few months. expect
Ann's expecting a baby in June. be expecting a baby/child
expectation (that...): There was a general expectation that he would win. expectation
a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress experience
The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. experience
The monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras (= unexpected costs). extra
I need to earn a bit extra this month. extra
Let's face it, we're not going to win. face
They don't have the faintest chance of winning. faint
The land falls away sharply towards the river. fall
September had come and the leaves were starting to fall. fall
Can you feel the tension in this room? feel
feel like sth: I felt like a complete idiot. feel
Today is the fifth (of May). fifth
prize fighting (= fighting in boxing matches for money) fighting
Figures for April show a slight improvement on previous months figure
The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final. final
The law was finally passed in May 2009. finally
Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. finance
find sth + noun: She finds it a strain to meet new people. find
They won in the end but it was a tight finish. finish
the first of May/May 1st first
Who came first in the race (= who won)? first
There is a lift to all floors. floor
follow sth up with sth: They follow up their March show with four UK dates next month. follow
the following afternoon/month/year/week following
the foot of the stairs/page/mountain foot
an appointment for May 12 for
forecast that...: The report forecasts that prices will rise by 3% next month. forecast
Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. formal
These exercises help free the body of tension. free
By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed. free
Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead. front
gamble sth (at/on sth): I gambled all my winnings on the last race. gamble
two games all (= both players have won two games) game
Detectives have spent months gathering evidence. gather
He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac. gear
The new drug will be generally available from January. generally
He got down from the ladder. get
give sb sth: The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence. give
She went sobbing up the stairs. go
The winning goal was scored by Hill. goal
Liverpool won by three goals to one. goal
United conceded two goals in the first half. goal
He lost his balance and fell to the ground. ground
Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month. grow
The puppies grow quickly during the first six months. grow
guarantee sth: Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final. guarantee
'Who's going to win?' 'Your guess is as good as mine.' your guess is as good as mine
straight/curly/wavy hair hair
No goals were scored in the first half. half
She ran into the hall and up the stairs. hall
She handed out medals and certificates to the winners. hand sth out (to sb)
Our victory was hard won (= won with great difficulty). hard
These revelations will harm her chances of winning the election. harm
a tension headache headache
I haven't heard anything from her for months. hear from sb, hear sth from sb
The crisis was at its height in May. height
The last three months have been hell. hell
With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. help
hit sb/sth with sth: He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer. hit
He made the winning hit. hit
After a month, they went back home to America. home
The meeting was described as 'a frank and honest exchange of views'. honest
the New Year's Honours list (= in Britain, a list of awards and titles given on January 1 each year) honour
She has high hopes of winning (= is very confident about it). hope
It was the hottest July on record. hot
There are 31 days in May. in
in March in
to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months. in
Applications must be in by April 30. in
I am pleased to inform you that you have won first prize in this month's competition. inform
it is intended that...: It is intended that production will start next month. intend
intend that...: We intend that production will start next month. intend
The original intention was to devote three months to the project. intention
the July issue of 'What Car?' issue
Her baby's due next month. She hopes it will be a boy. it
He's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now. job
She joined the company three months ago. join
They journeyed for seven long months. journey
She had trouble keeping her balance. keep
A bunch of kids were hanging around outside. kid
I fell and landed heavily at the bottom of the stairs. land
the manager who is largely responsible for the team's victory largely
last night/Tuesday/month/summer/year last
The last time I saw him was in May. last
late in March/the afternoon late
The new model will be launched in July. launch
The official launch date is in May. launch
James lost his licence for six months (= had his licence taken away by the police as a punishment). licence
In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months. life
I'll give you a lift to the station. lift
Could I have a lift into town? lift
She hitched a lift on a truck. lift
It's on the sixth floor—let's take the lift. lift
She ran lightly up the stairs. lightly
The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. limit sth to sb/sth
Just keep going in a straight line; you can't miss it. line
The town is in a direct line between London and the coast. line
a straight/wavy/dotted/diagonal line line
a vertical/horizontal line line
parallel lines line
The doctors said he only had six months to live. live
They don't look like they're trying to win. look
At that moment he lost his balance and fell. lose
the lucky winners lucky
Check your breasts for lumps every month. lump
The new machines (= computers) will be shipped next month. machine
The team won and the fans went mad. mad
a weekly/monthly magazine magazine
A warm and sunny September made up for a miserable wet August. make up for sth
to win/lose a match match
The July maximum (= the highest temperature recorded in July) was 30°C. maximum
They may well win. may
We go there maybe once or twice a month. maybe
Bob spent fifteen months alone on his yacht. Ann, meanwhile, took care of the children on her own. meanwhile
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion. measure
It took her a mere 20 minutes to win. mere
Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. middle
The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered. mind
Just minutes into the second half of the game Robinson scored his second goal. minute
miss (sb/sth): How many goals has he missed this season? miss
Stress is a major problem of modern life. modern
the month of August month
We're moving house next month. month
She earns $1 000 a month. month
The rent is £300 per month. month
Have you read this month's 'Physics World'? month
Prices continue to rise month after month (= over a period of several months). month
Her anxiety mounted month by month (= as each month passed). month
The baby is three months old. month
a three-month-old baby month
They lived in Toronto during their first few months of marriage. month
several months later month
a six-month contract month
a month-long strike month
He visits Paris once or twice a month. month
He had to wait for months for the visas to come through. month
It will be months before we get the results. month
She slowly mounted the steps. mount
I won, but there wasn't much in it (= our scores were nearly the same). not much in it
They often wandered around the house stark naked (= completely naked). naked
a narrow victory narrow
He needs to win this game to stay in the match. need
Every nerve in her body was tense. nerve
Everyone's nerves were on edge (= everyone felt tense ). nerve
She was a thin, nervous girl. nervous
She was in a state of nervous exhaustion. nervous
The next six months will be the hardest. next
Next Thursday is 12 April. next
on the night of 10 January/January 10 night
It's normally much warmer than this in July. normally
You must give one month's notice. notice
Sheer weight of numbers (= the large number of soldiers) secured them the victory. number
The patients were observed over a period of several months. observe
the fourth of July of
I fell off the ladder. off
This special offer is valid until the end of the month. offer
He made an official visit to Tokyo in March. official
The official opening is planned for October. official
on May the first/the first of May on
on the evening of May the first on
Keep straight on for the beach. on
She only sees her parents once every six months. once
Only then did she realize the stress he was under. only
open sth: The company opened its doors for business a month ago. open
The new hospital opens on July 1st. open
option (to do sth): A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments. option
He was given one month's imprisonment without the option of a fine. option
Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. originally
We're going away in June but other than that I'll be here all summer. other than
a romance straight out of a fairy tale out
He's been out of work for six months. out
She stayed in Lagos for over a month. over
There will be winners in each of three age groups, and one overall winner. overall
parallel lines parallel
Six months passed and we still had no news of them. pass
The past month has been really busy at work. past
He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £50. payment
If Rooney performs (= performs well) then I believe England can win. perform
The project will run for a six-month trial period. period
There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group. personality
The film festival takes place in October. take place
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted. pleased
to win/lose a point point
I'll come straight to the point: we need more money. point
The signpost pointed straight ahead. point
Keep the box in an upright position. position
sb/sth is predicted to do sth: The trial is predicted to last for months. predict
She's six months pregnant. pregnant
The press presents this as a kind of victory. present
present sth (to sb): The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June. present
President Obama is due to visit the country next month. president
You need to get your priorities straight. priority
I won £500 in prize money. prize
Win a car in our grand prize draw! prize
The final section of road is programmed for completion next month. programme
Cases can take months to progress through the courts. progress
The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March. project
promote sb (from sth) (to sth): He has been promoted to sergeant. promote
Victory was purchased (= achieved) at too great a price. purchase
Jake has been pursuing her (= trying to have a relationship with her) for months. pursue
Her new job has put a great strain on her. put
They've put up the rent by £20 a month. put sth up
We've had to put off our wedding until September. put sth off
Quite frankly, I don't blame you. quite
Who won the race? race
They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay. race
Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank. rank
He was soon promoted to the rank of captain. rank
rank as sth: It certainly doesn't rank as his greatest win. rank
rare (for sb/sth to do sth): It's extremely rare for it to be this hot in April. rare
Meter readings are taken every three months. reading
We have to be realistic about our chances of winning. realistic
'We're going to Japan next month.' 'Oh, really?' really
+ speech: 'It was on a Thursday in March,' he recalled. recall
record that...: She recorded in her diary that they crossed the Equator on 15 June. record
With reference to your letter of July 22... in/with reference to
a blunt/flat/curt refusal refusal
refuse to do sth: He flatly refused to discuss the matter. refuse
The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale. register
a stress-related illness related
relation (with sb/sth): Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. relation
Money problems have put a strain on their relationship. relationship
relax sth: The massage relaxed my tense back muscles. relax
The new software is planned for release in April. release
Massage can bring some relief from tension. relief
It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning. remain
They remained in Mexico until June. remain
a month's rent in advance rent
They are hoping to repeat last year's victory. repeat
I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March. reply
Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game. reply
report (on sth) (to sb): The committee will report on its research next month. report
These goods are surplus to requirements (= more than we need). requirement
rescue sb/sth: They were eventually rescued by helicopter. rescue
rescue workers/boats/helicopters rescue
return (to...) (from...): She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe. return
The winners were announced in reverse order (= the person in the lowest place was announced first). reverse
Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made. reward
ride sth (+ adv./prep.): to ride the subway/an elevator, etc. ride
He's ridden six winners so far this year (= in horse racing). ride
A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory. rob sb/sth of sth
This is her third win in a row. in a row
Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row. in a row
it is rumoured that...: It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted. rumour
She took the stairs at a run. run
They had hoped to win and were sadly disappointed. sadly
Retail sales fell in November by 10%. sale
the sales figures for May sale
the January sales sale
The new model goes on sale next month. on sale
She needs to win the next two games to save the match. save
say sth/sb: You could learn the basics in, let's say, three months. say
a five-point pay scale scale
The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country. scene
score sth: to score a goal/try/touchdown/victory score
He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday. season
to win/lose a seat (= in an election) seat
Italy scored a second goal just after half-time. second
the second of June/June 2nd second
We have one child and are expecting our second in July. second
One of the smaller parties came a close second (= nearly won). second
We are being sent on a training course next month. send
set sb/yourself to do sth: I've set myself to finish the job by the end of the month. set
Now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven. in seventh heaven
How much was your share of the winnings? share
The software is due to ship next month. ship
The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts. shoot
I'm afraid I'm a little short (= of money) this month. short
April showers shower
He had placed himself directly in my line of sight. sight
sign (of sth/sb): Headaches may be a sign of stress. sign
The treaty was signed on 24 March. sign
I'm in a no-win situation (= whatever I do will be bad for me). situation
a long/short/straight/pleated, etc. skirt skirt
The director never lets the tension slip. slip
As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped and I fell. slip
Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth. smooth
We had snow in May this year. snow
Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning (= signal the end of our chances). sound
The Society has an interesting talk by a visiting speaker every month. speaker
split sth (with sb): She split the money she won with her brother. split
spread sth: Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance? spread
This ladder doesn't seem very stable. stable
The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now. stable
At one stage it looked as though they would win. stage
We had to carry the piano up three flights of stairs. stair
The children ran up/down the stairs. stair
at the bottom/top of the stairs stair
He remembered passing her on the stairs. stair
How many stairs are there up to the second floor? stair
You'll look taller if you stand up straight. stand up
My bank sends me monthly statements. statement
Inflation stayed below 4% last month. stay
a steep flight of stairs steep
She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase. step
We walked down some stone steps to the beach. step
He turned around and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had come). step
I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. still
a flight of stone steps stone
Sit up straight! straight
She pulled her hat straight. straight
I was so tired I went straight to bed. straight
She went straight from college to a top job. straight
I'll come straight to the point—your work isn't good enough. straight
Keep straight on for two miles. straight
He was too tired to walk straight. straight
I can't shoot straight (= accurately). straight
She looked me straight in the eye. straight
Is my tie straight? straight
a straight skirt straight
a straight line straight
a straight road straight
long straight hair (= without curls) straight
a boat sailing in a straight line straight
straight-backed chairs straight
You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints. strain
The ground here cannot take the strain of a large building. strain
Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. strain
These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. strain
Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you). strain
The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. strain
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. strain
Never accept lifts from strange men. strange
The feeling I get from the street is that we have a good chance of winning this election. street
We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation. stress
primary/secondary stress stress
In 'strategic' the stress falls on the second syllable stress
When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body. stress
a stress fracture of the foot (= one caused by such pressure) stress
Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. stress
to suffer from stress stress
coping with stress stress
She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life. stress
stress-related illnesses stress
emotional/mental stress stress
stress management (= dealing with stress) stress
stress out: I try not to stress out when things go wrong. stress
stress how, what, etc...: I cannot stress too much how important this is. stress
He was feeling very stressed and tired. stressed
He won by two strokes (= in golf, by taking two fewer strokes than his opponent). stroke
The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them). superior
She walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson. support
sure of doing sth: England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the World Cup. sure
They scored another goal and made sure of victory. make sure (of sth/that...)
They spent two months in the jungle, surviving on small animals and fruit. survive
take sth out of sth: Part of her article is taken straight (= copied) out of my book. take
High-level talks on arms limitation will reopen next month. talk
a target date of April 2012 target
The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September. target
The new sports complex is on target to open in June. target
There is mounting tension along the border. tension
international/racial/political tensions tension
Family tensions and conflicts may lead to violence. tension
The incident has further increased tension between the two countries. tension
nervous tension tension
We laughed and that helped ease the tension. tension
Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tension. tension
a tension headache tension
Who was it that won the US Open? that
She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight. that
The atmosphere was thick with tension. thick
As things stand at present, he seems certain to win. thing
this week/month/year this
The bullet went straight through him. through
The lights were red but he drove straight through. through
'Did you stop in Oxford on the way?' 'No, we drove straight through.' through
This train goes straight through to York. through
There are three winning tickets. ticket
It doesn't matter if you don't win every time (= every time you play). time
She ran up the stairs two at a time. at a time
We won by six goals to three. to
Can you touch your toes? (= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) toe
Together they climbed the dark stairs. together
They go there twice a week/month/year. twice
a twice-monthly/yearly newsletter twice
a twisting staircase twist
typical for sb/sth: The weather at the moment is not typical for July. typical
She placed the ladder under (= just lower than) the window. under
I've been feeling under stress lately. under
He was very unlucky not to win. unlucky
If you're unlucky enough to get trapped in a lift, remember not to panic. unlucky
Some people think it's unlucky to walk under a ladder. unlucky
She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly. up
She climbed up the flight of steps. up
salaries at the upper end of the pay scale upper
a bus pass valid for 1 month valid
The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000. value
The cliff was almost vertical. vertical
He swept to victory in the final of the championship. roar, romp, sweep, etc. to victory
The movie will be released on video in June. video
What is needed is a frank exchange of views. view
After using the cream for a month, I could see no visible difference. visible
Sales volumes fell 0.2% in June. volume
We wandered back towards the car. wander
wander sth: The child was found wandering the streets alone. wander
wander away/off: The child wandered off and got lost. wander
wander from/off sth: They had wandered from the path into the woods. wander
It's easy to be distracted and let your attention wander. wander
Try not to let your mind wander. wander
wander away, back, to, etc. sth: Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. wander
Don't wander off the subject—keep to the point.` wander
to win/lose a/the war war
We seem to be winning the war against crime. war
We got straight down to business without wasting time on small talk. waste
September was a long way off. way
It happened on the weekend of 24 and 25 April. weekend
The winners were given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived home. welcome
It was the wettest October for many years. wet
The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful. when
He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle. whistle
Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September. who
Which team won? win
win at sth: to win at cards/chess, etc. win
win against sb/sth: France won by six goals to two against Denmark. win
win sth: to win an election/a game/a war, etc. win
She loves to win an argument. win
win sth: Britain won five gold medals. win
He won £3 000 in the lottery. win
How many states did the Republicans win? win
win sth from sb: The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election. win
The winners of the competition will be announced next month. winner
There are no winners in a divorce (= everyone suffers). winner
the Champions League winners winner
the winning horse winning
the winning goal winning
the winter months winter
We were wondering about next April for the wedding. wonder
The work of building the bridge took six months. work
A heart attack can be brought on by stress and worry. worry
The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before. be worse off (than sb/sth)
I have happy memories of my years in Poland (= the time I spent there). year
'They've scored another goal.' 'Yes!!' yes
Dentists advise you to have your teeth checked every six months. your