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file tập tin
文件 wen2jian4 document; file; CL:份fen4 Tập tin

like: Tập tin

He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body). arm
He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing. attention
There are a couple more files to read first. couple
Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. crash
a box file file
A stack of files awaited me on my desk. file
to access/copy/create/delete/download/save a file file
file on sb: to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb file
Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl. file
She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. glass
Start a new file and put this letter in it. it
I'm still looking for that lost file. lost
The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer. network
I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order. out of order
I've searched high and low for those files. search
I'm sending the files off to my boss tomorrow. send sth off