Beginner Level Advanced Level



straw rơm
straw ống hút

EVP straw
EVP strawberry
Strohhalm cái ống hút Getränke
Stroh rơm Materialien

IELTS: straw + : 稻草 吸管
3000TH: ฟาง faangM straw
3000TH: หลอด laawtL drinking straw, tube, pipe; classifier for tube, tube of toothpaste
GBENDE: 麦秆 straw Stroh
WNS: (n.) [straw] drinking straw
WNS: (n.) [straw] chaff, husk, shuck, stalk
WNS: (n.) [strawberry] fruit

ENDE: straw Stroh
ENDE: straw Strohhalm

like: Straw
small straw hut lều quán
a straw fire burns out quickly lửa rơm cháy phèo

blowing bubbles into water through a straw bubble
strawberries and cream cream
a straw/woolly, etc. hat hat
strawberry jam jam
She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw. suck
wild strawberries wild