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EVP cyberspace
EVP space
EVP spaceship
Weltraum không gian Bildung

OXF3000ZH: 空间 场地 空白 space
3000TH: ที่ว่าง theeF waangF unoccupied space/place
3000TH: ห้องเก็บของ haawngF gepL khaawngR storage space, storage room
3000TH: ระยะ raH yaH phase, space; in the time of, in the period of
3000TH: ที่จอด theeF jaawtL parking space, place to park
5000FR: place room, space, square, place
5000FR: espace space
5000FR: écart space, gap
5000FR: spatial spatial, space
5000FR: intervalle space, distance, interval
OXF3000: không gian space
OXF3000N khoảng trống khoảng cách space
GBENDE: 广场 space Platz
GBENDE: 房间 space Raum
CORE: space + + + + + + +
NGLS: space + empty area with nothing in it
WNS: (n.) [space] blank
WNS: (n.) [space] empty area

ENDE: space Leerfeld
ENDE: space Platz
ENDE: space Raum
ENDE: space Zeitraum

space không gian Abstract Objects 2
I will buy a spacecraft and use it to fly to Neptune. Tôi sẽ mua một chiếc tàu vũ trụ và dùng nó để bay đến Sao Hải Vương. Astronomy
four spacecrafts Bốn chiếc tàu vũ trụ Astronomy
spacecraft tàu vũ trụ Astronomy

like: Space
International Space Station Trạm Không Gian Quốc Tế
heat shield (e.g. on the space shuttle) cách nhiệt
to reserve a space in advance giữ chỗ trước
(1) to roar, howl, yell
(2) to bow one’s head in shame or anger
(3) space underneath, underpass
instant, moment, short space of time khoảnh khắc
disk space (computer) không gian đĩa
spacecraft, spaceship, space shuttle tàu vũ trụ

2271 There are millions of stars in space. Có hàng triệu ngôi sao trong vũ trụ.
2370 It's a shame that the apartment doesn't have its own parking space. Thật xấu hổ khi căn hộ không có chỗ đỗ xe riêng.

adequate for sth: The space available is not adequate for our needs. adequate
It'll probably take ages to find a parking space. age
to back out of a parking space back
Sign your name in the blank space below. blank
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
His job was to chart the progress of the spacecraft. chart
She cleared a space on the sofa for him to sit down. clear
It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces. confined
strange creatures from outer space creature
a deep space deep
There was only space for a half-dozen tables. dozen
in the early days of space exploration (= when it was just beginning) early
Early booking is essential, as space is limited. early
The alterations should give us extra floor space. floor
The car has a generous amount of space. generous
hate sb/sth doing sth: He hates anyone parking in his space. hate
We lead the way in space technology. lead
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of extra space. now
a city with a lot of parks and open spaces open
a launch platform (= for spacecraft ) platform
Please answer questions in the space provided. provide
When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space. reflect
The plants were spaced regularly, about 50 cm apart. regularly
a restricted space restricted
She reversed into a parking space. reverse
send sth to sb: A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft. send
It was all over in a relatively short space of time. short
the first woman in space space
the possibility of visitors from outer space space
the US space programme space
a space flight/mission space
floor/office/shelf, etc. space space
We must make good use of the available space. space
That desk takes up too much space. space
There is very little storage space in the department. space
Can we make space for an extra chair? space
How much disk space will it take up? (= on a computer) space
a large/small/narrow/wide space space
a space two metres by three metres space
a parking space space
crowded together in a confined space space
I'll clear a space for your books. space
Put it in the space between the table and the wall. space
The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space. space
the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies space
It's a city with fine buildings and plenty of open space. space
a magazine article on the subject of space travel subject
time and space time
twist sth/yourself + adv./prep.: He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space. twist
Two elections were held within the space of a year. within

place je n’aimerais pas être à votre place
espace je m’invente un espace magique pour moi tout seul
écart elle est un peu à l’écart de la route
spatial la Station spatiale internationale n’a aucun rôle militaire
intervalle il passe devant moi à des intervalles sans doute réguliers