Beginner Level Advanced Level



Sir tôn ông

EVP desirable
EVP desire
EVP desire
EVP sir

OXF3000ZH: 相望 要求 desire
OXF3000ZH: 先生 阁下 …爵士 sir
3000TH: ใคร่ khraiF to desire, wish
3000TH: ประสงค์ bpraL sohngR to wish, desire, want, intend, mean, purpose, aim
5000FR: monsieur mister, sir, gentleman
5000FR: désirer to desire
5000FR: désir desire
5000FR: souhaitable desirable
5000FR: désireux avid for, anxious to, desirous of
OXF3000: ngài sir
OXF3000N ước muốn thèm muốn ao ước desire
OXF3000N xưng hô lịch sự Ngài Ông sir
CORE: sir + + + + + + +
NGLS: sir + form of address to a man you respect/do not know
WNS: (a.) [desirable]
WNS: (n.) [desire] feeling

ENDE: sir Herr
ENDE: sir mein Herr
FN: sir n Attention_getting

like: Sir

2739 Sir, I'm in a hurry to catch my ight ON time. When will we arrive AT the airport? Thưa ngài, tôi đang vội để bắt chuyến bay cho đúng giờ. Khi nào chúng ta sẽ tới sân bay?

Are you being attended to, Sir? (= for example, in a shop). attend to sb/sth
a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis conduct
Dear Sir or Madam dear
enough money to satisfy all your desires desire
desire for sth: a strong desire for power desire
desire to do sth: She felt an overwhelming desire to return home. desire
I have no desire (= I do not want) to discuss the matter further. desire
He has expressed a desire to see you. desire
desire sth: We all desire health and happiness. desire
The house had everything you could desire. desire
The dessert can be topped with cream, if desired (= if you like). desire
The medicine did not achieve the desired effect. desire
desire (sb/sth) to do sth: Fewer people desire to live in the north of the country. desire
the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) equal
Could I interest you in this model, Sir? interest sb in sth
It's difficult to express our needs and desires. need
Is everything in order, sir? in order
Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable. prior
Could you sign the hotel register please, sir? register
separate sth into sth: Make a list of points and separate them into 'desirable' and 'essential'. separate
The siren was a signal for everyone to leave the building. signal
Good morning, sir. Can I help you? sir
Are you ready to order, sir? sir
'Report to me tomorrow, corporal!' 'Yes, sir!' sir
'Thank you very much.' 'You're welcome, sir. Have a nice day.' sir
Dear Sir/Sirs sir
Dear Sir or Madam sir
Sir Paul McCartney sir
Thank you, Sir Paul. sir
Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. star
suggest sth (to sb): May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir? suggest
unconscious desires unconscious
'Waiter!' 'Yes, sir?' yes

monsieur comment allez-vous , monsieur?
désirer ce que l’on désire, c’est éviter une surpollution
désir faites attention à vos désirs
souhaitable une dictature militaire n’est pas souhaitable dans ce pays
désireux beaucoup seraient désireux de vous rencontrer