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OXF3000D: buổi diễn show Schau

ENDE: show Schau

One moment, I’ll look it up. Chờ một chút, tôi xem lại. * 061

like: Schau
schauen nhìn, xem
die Modenschau buối trình diễn thời trang
der Schaum bọt
der Zuschauer khán giả
die Schaukel xích đu
das Schaufenster cửa kính
der Schauspieler diễn viên
die Schaufel cái xẻng
eine Lüge durchschauen nhận ra một lời nói dối
schaufeln xúc bằng xẻng

schauen kàn
Schaum 泡沫 pào mò
Zuschauer 观众 guān zhòng
Schaukel 秋千 qiū qiān
Schaufenster 橱窗 chú chuāng
Schauspieler 演员 yǎn yuán
Schaufel 铲, 铲子 chǎn, chǎnzi
eine Lüge durchschauen 识破一个谎言 shípò yī gè huǎngyán
schaufeln chǎn

Er schaut sich die Wettervorhersage an und denkt: Anh ấy xem dự báo thời tiết và nghĩ: (Lektion 10, Nr. 94)
Sie möchte dort ein Kleid anprobieren, das sie auf einer Modenschau gesehen hat. Cô ấy muốn mặc thử một cái váy, cái mà cô ấy đã nhìn thấy trong chương trình biếu diễn thời trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 254)
Schau dir dieses Kleid an. Es ist fantastisch. Denkst du, es würde mir passen? Anh xem cái váy xem. Nó thật tuyệt. Anh thấy nó có hợp với em không? (Lektion 21, Nr. 255)
Vielleicht. Ich werde mal hinschauen. Cũng được. Để anh xem đã. (Lektion 25, Nr. 318)
Er schaute in seinem Adressbuch nach, um ihre Telefonnummer zu finden. Anh kiếm số điện thoại của Trang trong sổ địa chỉ. (Lektion 27, Nr. 349)
Tri schaute um sich. Er war die letzte Person im Bus. Tri nhìn quanh. Anh ấy là người cuối cùng trên xe buýt. (Lektion 28, Nr. 355)
Sie sollten besser auf die Straße schauen. Nhưng chị nên nhìn đường thì hơn. (Lektion 28, Nr. 372)
Sie schaut sich nach einer Telefonzelle um, aber es ist keine hier. Cô ấy nhìn quanh tìm một máy trạm điện thoại, nhưng ở đây không có cái nào. (Lektion 31, Nr. 400)
Er schaut sich ein wenig um. Anh nhìn quanh một lúc. (Lektion 33, Nr. 438)
Wir können ins Internet schauen und zwei Sitze reservieren. Chúng ta có thế lên mạng và đặt hai chỗ. (Lektion 34, Nr. 466)
Es ist ein sehr regnerischer und stürmischer Tag. Trang schaut aus dem Fenster heraus. Đó là một ngày mưa bão. Trang nhìn ra cửa số. (Lektion 38, Nr. 537)
Schalte den Fernseher an, wir schauen nach. Bật ti-vi lên, chúng ta coi xem. (Lektion 38, Nr. 551)
Schauen sie nicht so. Ich bin ein alter Mann, ich habe soviel in meinem Leben gesehen. Đừng nhìn tôi như vậy. Tôi đã đứng tuổi rồi, tôi đã trải qua nhiều chuyện rồi. (Lektion 41, Nr. 595)
Sie schauen sich auch eine zweite Wohnung an. Họ cũng đi xem căn hộ thứ hai. (Lektion 43, Nr. 620)
Sie wollen heute das Spiel im Stadion anschauen, anstatt vor dem Fernseher zu sitzen. Hôm nay họ muốn xem trận đấu trong sân, thay vì ngồi xem trên TV. (Lektion 49, Nr. 692)
Im Stadion brüllt und pfeift die Mehrheit der Zuschauer extrem laut. Phần lớn khán giả trong sân vận động gào và la hét thật to. (Lektion 49, Nr. 698)
Schau doch auf dein Ticket: Hãy xem lại vé của em đó. (Lektion 49, Nr. 702)
Schau dir die vielen Boote im Fluss an. Anh nhìn nè, có rất nhiều tàu thuyền trên sông. (Lektion 51, Nr. 720)
Schau mal zum Himmel, wie hell der Mond scheint. Nhìn bầu trời kìa, mặt trăng thật sáng làm sao. (Lektion 54, Nr. 760)
Schau mal! Man kann in seinen Körper hinein schauen und seine Organe sehen. Nhìn nè anh! Người ta có thể nhìn xuyên thấu cơ thể và các bộ phận của anh ta. (Lektion 66, Nr. 946)
Sie steigt wieder aus und schaut unter die Motorhaube. Cô lại xuống xe và nhìn xuống động cơ. (Lektion 68, Nr. 967)
Ich hoffe, der Mechaniker wird sich bis morgen das Auto anschauen und alle nötigen Teile besorgen. Anh hy vọng, tới sáng mai người thợ cơ khí sẽ xem xét xe và chăm sóc tất cả các bộ phận cần thiết. (Lektion 68, Nr. 977)
Sieh mal hier im Schaufenster die schöne Wäsche! Die werde ich mal anprobieren! Anh nhìn quần áo đẹp trong cửa kính kìa! Em sẽ thử mặc nó! (Lektion 76, Nr. 1082)
Schau, was ich entdeckt habe. Hãy coi em khám phá ra cái gì này. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1180)
Schau doch mal in den Schrank neben der Heizung! Anh xem lại trong tủ gần lò sưởi đó! (Lektion 84, Nr. 1198)
Bitte gib diesen Begriff bei einer Suchmaschine ein und schau dir die Ergebnisse der Suche näher an. Hãy gõ khái niệm này trên trang tìm kiếm và tìm hiểu kỹ thêm từ các kết quả hiện ra. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1610)
Ich möchte Ihnen das Problem mit Hilfe dieser Grafik veranschaulichen. Xin mời quý vị cùng theo dõi biểu đồ sau để hình dung rõ hơn về vấn đề. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1655)
Ich arbeite in einem schönen Büro: Ich habe einen großen Schreibtisch und wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue, kann ich über die ganze Stadt blicken. Tôi làm việc ở một văn phòng rất đẹp: Tôi có một cái bàn làm việc to và nếu nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ tôi có thể nhìn thấy toàn bộ thành phố. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2033)
Bitte schauen Sie sich zuerst dieses Video an. Trước tiên xin mời quý vị xem đoạn video này. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2097)
Bitte schauen Sie sich nun diese Grafik an hier: Deutlich können Sie erkennen, dass der Umsatz im Sommer eingebrochen ist. Bây giờ quý vị làm ơn hãy nhìn vào hình đồ thị này: quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ doanh thu đã sụt giảm trong mùa hè. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2102)
In diesem Diagramm habe ich den Anstieg der Kosten in einer Kurve veranschaulicht. Trong biểu đồ này tôi đã minh họa sự gia tăng kinh phí bằng một đường đồ thị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2103)
Bitte organisieren Sie meine An- und Abreise für die Konferenz in Warschau. Xin hãy lên kế hoạch đi lại của tôi cho cuộc hội nghị ở Warsaw. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2375)

Most of the cast act well. act
I looked along the shelves for the book I needed. along
Did you always want to be an actor? always
April showers (= light rain that falls in the spring) April
An audience of millions watched the wedding on TV. audience
TV/cinema/movie audiences audience
He was nominated for the best actor award. award
The bright light made her look away. away
She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair. backward(s) and forward(s)
beat sth (up): Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. beat
He began as an actor, before starting to direct films. begin
I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed in me. believe in sb
a dustpan and brush brush
an all-star cast (= including many well-known actors) cast
The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career. challenge
He comes from a family of actors. come from sth
A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment. commitment
two people avoiding eye contact (= avoiding looking directly at each other) contact
She peeped through the crack in the curtains. crack
The match attracted a capacity crowd of 80 000. crowd
Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. decorate
She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove. disapprove
a beautiful floral display outside the Town Hall display
a drama student drama
The play was going very well until one of the actors suddenly dried up. dry up
The examples we will look at have quite different emphases. emphasis
a post-mortem examination examination
I shall take four different examples from contemporary literature to illustrate my point. example
Juliet and David exchanged glances (= they looked at each other). exchange
to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement excitement
I looked back, half expecting to see someone following me. expect
to drop/lower your eyes (= to look down) eye
Which direction are you facing? face
He looked down at the traffic far below. far
The programme has lost favour with viewers recently. favour
The government looks with favour upon (= approves of) the report's recommendations. favour
I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. feel
Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically. figure
Let's stay in and watch a film. film
find sb/sth: Look what I've found! find
She's a fine actor and an even finer dancer. fine
a flower garden/show flower
In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor's face. focus
The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. forecast
Check out the prices of our pizzas—we're virtually giving them away! give sth away
to be a good actor/cook good
Let's have a look at the TV guide and see what's on. guide
It's hard work shovelling snow. hard
We looked out over the city from the heights of Edinburgh Castle. height
However you look at it, it's going to cost a lot. however
Listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words. if
illustrate sth: To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story. illustrate
illustrate how, what, etc...: Here's an example to illustrate what I mean. illustrate
an innocent bystander innocent
Look! It's going up that tree. it
'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop/store) just
'Is Mr Burns available?' 'Just a second, please, I'll check.' just a minute/moment/second
I know, let's see what's on at the theatre. I know
Look at the time—it's much later than I thought. late
If we look at the league table we can see Bolton are bottom with 21 points. league
lean against sth: A shovel was leaning against the wall. lean
learn sth from doing sth: You can learn a great deal just from watching other players. learn
Look left and right before you cross the road. left
John lifted his eyes (= looked up) from his book. lift
The forecast is for light showers. light
It was the first interview I'd done in front of a live audience (= with people watching). live
a long book/film/list (= taking a lot of time to read/watch/deal with) long
look (at sth): Look at the time! We're going to be late. look
look where, what, etc...: Can't you look where you're going? look
Look! I'm sure that's Brad Pitt! look
She looks down on people who haven't been to college. look down on sb/sth
She has made (= directed or acted in) several movies. make
He never really made it as an actor. make it
a make-up artist (= a person whose job is to put make-up on the faces of actors and models) make-up
Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage. media
to ask for/look at the menu menu
The creature was foaming at the mouth. mouth
The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive. offensive
Go outside and see if it's raining. outside
He didn't dare look over the edge. over
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
She looked back on the past without regret. past
Why don't you pop in (= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area? pop
Hollywood screenwriters, actors and producers producer
She looked up briefly then returned to her sewing. return
The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea. rhythm
A shiver ran down my spine. run
His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. same
Some actors never watch themselves on screen. screen
a screen actor screen
'Has the mail come yet?' 'I'll just go and see.' see
If you watch carefully, you'll see how it is done. see
an actor's sensitive reading of the poem sensitive
Let's look at it again, shall we? shall
He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers. sharp
Doesn't she (= the woman we are looking at) look like Sue? she
scattered showers shower
April showers shower
snow showers shower
wintry showers (= of snow) shower
The book explains grammar simply and clearly. simply
She slid out while no one was looking. slide
Don't look so angry. so
I looked around to see who the speaker was. speaker
His parents didn't want him to go on the stage (= to be an actor). stage
She struggled for 10 years to achieve success as an actress. struggle
I did some acting in my student days. student
a successful actor successful
She looked around to make sure that she was alone. make sure (of sth/that...)
As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher (= while sitting on a swing). swing
The kids were playing on the swings. swing
the swing of her hips swing
Most of the audience was on the verge of tears. tear
The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support. thank you
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then/then and there (= immediately). then
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then/then and there (= immediately). there
The onlookers stood aside to let the paramedics through. through
Can she tell the time yet (= say what time it is by looking at a clock)? time
Look at the time! We'll be late. time
Turn around and let me look at your back. turn around/round, turn sb/sth around/round
The kids took turns on the swing. take turns (in sth/to do sth)
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. underwater
The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds. unique
an unknown actor unknown
I waited my chance and slipped out when no one was looking. wait
the theatre of war (= the area in which fighting takes place) war
waste sb/sth as sth: You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor. waste
watch sth for sth: He watched the house for signs of activity. watch
'Would you like to play?' 'No thanks—I'll just watch.' watch
She kept looking anxiously at her watch. watch
Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road. way
a well-known actor well known
sparkling wine wine
The eyes of the world are on the President. world