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OXF3000D: cụm từ phrase Satz
OXF3000D: câu văn sentence Satz
OXF3000D: bộ set Satz

ENDE: phrase Satz
ENDE: sentence Satz
ENDE: set Satz

I don’t understand the sentence. Tôi không hiểu câu này. * 066

like: Satz
der Satz câu
grundsätzlich cơ bản
zusätzlich phụ vào, thêm vào
der Blocksatz cách sắp chữ theo khối
das Satzzeichen dấu câu
die Klammer (Satzzeichen) dấu ngoặc đơn
einen Satz formulieren thành lập câu, tạo câu
der Hauptsatz câu chính
der Nebensatz câu phụ
der Schadensersatz sự đền bù
der Umsatz doanh thu
der Ersatz sự thay thế
die Raumschiff-Besatzung nhóm thám hiểm không gian
das Ersatzrad, der Reservereifen bánh dự phòng
der Militäreinsatz cuộc triển khai quân sự

Satz 句子 jù zi
grundsätzlich 基本的 jī běn de
zusätzlich 附加的 fùjiā de
Blocksatz 两端对齐 liǎngduān duìqí
Satzzeichen 标点符号 biāodiǎn fúhào
Klammer (Satzzeichen) 括号(标点符号) kuòhào(biāodiǎn fúhào)
einen Satz formulieren 起草一个句子 qǐcǎo yī gè jùzi
Hauptsatz 主句 zhǔjù
Nebensatz 从句 cóngjù
Schadensersatz 损害赔偿 sǔnhài péicháng
Umsatz 营业额 yíngyè’é
Ersatz 赔偿 péicháng
Raumschiff-Besatzung 太空船的全体成员 tàikōngchuán de quántǐ chéngyuán
Ersatzrad, der Reservereifen 备用轮胎 bèiyòng lúntāi
Militäreinsatz 军事行动 jūnshì xíngdòng

Zusätzlich muss er sich einer Therapie als vorbeugende Maßnahme unterziehen. Thêm nữa anh ta phải trải qua điều trị với biện pháp phòng ngừa. (Lektion 63, Nr. 897)
Bitte schauen Sie sich nun diese Grafik an hier: Deutlich können Sie erkennen, dass der Umsatz im Sommer eingebrochen ist. Bây giờ quý vị làm ơn hãy nhìn vào hình đồ thị này: quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ doanh thu đã sụt giảm trong mùa hè. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2102)
In diesem Balkendiagramm sehen Sie den Umsatz unserer Filialen in Südamerika. Jeder der Balken steht dabei für ein Land. Trong biểu đồ cột này quý vị nhìn thấy số doanh thu của các chi nhánh của chúng tôi ở khu vực Nam Mỹ. Mỗi một cột biểu tượng cho một nước. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2106)
Danke für Ihren Einsatz. Cám ơn sự tham gia của anh / chị. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2224)
Wir schicken Ihnen Ersatzteile Chúng tôi sẽ gửi cho quý khách chi tiết thay thế. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2290)
Wir werden Ihnen heute Ersatz schicken. Chúng tôi sẽ gửi hàng thay thế cho quý vị hôm nay. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2512)

The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue. account for sth
Our turnover actually increased last year. actually
The juice contains no added sugar. add
The plan has the added (= extra) advantage of bringing employment to rural areas. add
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. in addition (to sb/sth)
additional resources/funds/security additional
All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. adopt
A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run. advantage
A good advertising campaign will increase our sales. advertising
Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe. aim
anticipate that...: We anticipate that sales will rise next year. anticipate
approach to sth: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. approach
He was awarded damages of £50 000. award
the basic principles of law basic
The two approaches are basically very similar. basically
Worldwide sales reached 2.5 billion. billion
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
Sentences can be broken up into clauses. break sth up
a deck of cards card
a sales chart (= showing the level of a company's sales) chart
Farmers are being urged to reduce their use of chemicals and work with nature to combat pests. chemical
claim sth from sth: She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered. claim
It is clear from the graph that sales have dropped sharply. clear
The fall in retail sales is directly connected with the decline in employment. connected
She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found. continue
The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports. contrast
The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood. contrast
Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. contrast
conventional methods/approaches conventional
The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down. cost
He won the court case and was awarded damages. court
criminal damage (= the crime of damaging sb's property deliberately) criminal
The hourly charge is currently £35. currently
cut sth (from...) (to...): Could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words? cut
They charge a daily rate. daily
a deliberate act of vandalism deliberate
design sth (for sth): The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. design
discount rates/prices discount
divide sth (up) (into sth): A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments. divide
Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market. domestic
I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings. effective
an essay on the causes of the First World War essay
There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem. essentially
The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. for example
The conference is going to be a lot of extra work. extra
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
The firm's finances are basically sound. finance
to apply extra coats of finish finish
firm beliefs/conclusions/convictions/principles firm
a fixed rate of interest fixed
flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones) flat
The tomatoes give extra flavour to the sauce. flavour
sales forecasts forecast
I think it's time we tried a fresh approach. fresh
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. fundamental
There is one exception to this general principle. general
The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). gun
a chance to hear the first movement again hear
shoes with a low/high heel heel
a stiletto heel heel
shoes with high heels high
a hip replacement operation hip
an essay on the historical development of the novel historical
Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2. illustrate
This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. impose
Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement. improvement
include sb/sth (as/in/on sth): You should include some examples in your essay. include
a significant/substantial increase in sales increase
insert sth into sth: Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will. insert
A slow theme introduces the first movement. introduce
She was asked to judge the essay competition. judge
jump (from...) (to...): Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion. jump
This essay is just not good enough. just
'Did you reach your sales target?' 'Just about.' just about
laws based on the principles of justice justice
the spare key to the front door key
In the distance the crew sighted land. land
Write the title of your essay on the top line. line
She has always remained loyal to her political principles. loyal
There are too many mistakes in this essay. many
'Perhaps we should try another approach.' 'What do you mean? (= I don't understand what you are suggesting.)' mean
mean sth: What does this sentence mean? mean
Her essay is full of spelling mistakes. mistake
It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident. more
natural yogurt (= with no flavour added) natural
a negative form/sentence negative
This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to (= rather than) strength. as opposed to
This behaviour is based on a conflict between two opposing forces within the individual. opposing
Protest marches were held in opposition to the proposed law. in opposition to sb/sth
Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank. order
You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. outline
We plan to use an outside firm of consultants. outside
spare parts part
This compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year. period
a memorable phrase phrase
She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'. phrase
a policy document policy
potential (for doing sth): The European marketplace offers excellent potential for increasing sales. potential
My essay is practically finished now. practically
present sb with sth: On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. present
Improving the product's presentation (= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.) should increase sales. presentation
Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale. press
He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle. principle
the principles and practice of writing reports principle
the principle that free education should be available for all children principle
In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day. in principle
a framed set of prints print
to put together a model plane/an essay/a meal put sth together
a rapid rise/decline in sales rapid
People can react badly to certain food additives. react
The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland. relate to sth/sb
repeat sth (after sb): Listen and repeat each sentence after me. repeat
This contract represents 20% of the company's annual revenue. represent
Our immediate requirement is extra staff. requirement
Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made. reward
Sales are up by roughly 10%. roughly
Retail sales fell in November by 10%. sale
Export sales were up by 32% last year. sale
Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. scheme
The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). security
This sentence doesn't make sense. make sense
a light/heavy sentence sentence
a severe punishment/sentence severe
sharply contrasting attitudes to work sharply
a ship's captain/crew/company/cook ship
a simple sentence (= one with only one verb) simple
The slow movement opens with a cello solo. slow
Can we make space for an extra chair? space
a spare key/tyre spare
Take some spare clothes in case you get wet. spare
to get the spare out of the boot/trunk spare
I've lost my key and I haven't got a spare. spare
the use of drugs in sport sport
the standard rate of tax (= paid by everyone) standard
The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. strain
In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming. striking
Your essay needs (a) structure. structure
a meat substitute substitute
a substitute family substitute
substitute for sb/sth: Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother. substitute
The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience. substitute
The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car. substitute
He was brought on as (a) substitute after half-time. substitute
substitute A for B: Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe. substitute
substitute B with/by A: Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe. substitute
substitute sb/sth: Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= somebody else played instead of Beckham in the second half). substitute
This juice contains no added sugar. sugar
swing from sth: A set of keys swung from her belt. swing
changes in tax rates tax
to make use of the most modern technologies technology
Not enough thought has gone into this essay. thought
the effectiveness of interest rates as an economic tool tool
uniform rates of pay uniform
Unlike most systems, this one is very easy to install. unlike
Sales are well up on last year. up
A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. use
The software is designed for use in schools. use
They have a valid claim to compensation. valid
Sales volumes fell 0.2% in June. volume
There are extra benefits for people on low wages. wage
Would you be willing to help me with my essay? willing
campaigning for world peace world
write sth: to write a novel/a song/an essay/a computer program, etc. write
The sentence had been wrongly translated. wrongly