Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP brother
EVP brotherhood
EVP brother-in-law
EVP carrot
EVP parrot
EVP protect
EVP protection
EVP protective
EVP protest
EVP protest
EVP rotten
EVP protagonist
EVP rotate
EVP protrude
EVP protrusion

IELTS: rot + : 腐烂 v.
OXF3000ZH: brother
OXF3000ZH: 胡罗卜 carrot
OXF3000ZH: 保护 protect
OXF3000ZH: 保护 警戒 protection
OXF3000ZH: 抗议 protest
3000TH: แครอท khaaeM raawtF carrot
3000TH: นกแก้ว nohkH gaaeoF parrot
3000TH: น้องเขย naawngH kheeuyR brother-in-law
3000TH: ป้องกัน bpaawngF ganM protect, defend, prevent
3000TH: พี่เขย pheeF kheeuyR brother-in-law
3000TH: น้องชาย naawngH chaaiM younger brother
3000TH: น้า naaH aunt, uncle (younger brother/sister)
3000TH: พี่ชาย pheeF chaaiM older brother
3000TH: ลุง loongM uncle (older brother of father or mother)
3000TH: น้อง naawngH younger (he, she, you), younger brother or sister
3000TH: เน่า naoF rotten
3000TH: หมวกกันน็อค muaakL ganM nawkH helmet (hat protect against knocks)
3000TH: แก้ว gaaeoF glass, cup, crystal; parrot
5000FR: protéger to protect
5000FR: protection protection
5000FR: frère brother
5000FR: protocole etiquette, protocol
5000FR: protester to protest
5000FR: contestation questioning, protest
5000FR: protestant Protestant
5000FR: protestation protest, protestation
5000FR: protégé protected, protégé
5000FR: manifestant protester, demonstrator
5000FR: protecteur protective, protector, guardian
5000FR: bordel brothel, mess, chaos
OXF3000N củ cà rốt carrot
OXF3000N bảo vệ che chở protect
OXF3000N sự bảo vệ sự che chở protection
OXF3000N sự phản đối sự phản kháng phản đối phản kháng protest
WNS: (a.) [rotten] decayed, rotted
WNS: (a.) [rotten] crappy, lousy, shitty, stinking, stinky
WNS: (n.) [brother] sibling, brother by blood or adoption
WNS: (n.) [brother] Brother, monk
WNS: (n.) [brother] comrade
WNS: (n.) [carrot] deep orange edible root
WNS: (n.) [protection] protecting someone or something
WNS: (n.) [protein]
WNS: (n.) [protest] objection, dissent
WNS: (n.) [rotation] rotary motion
WNS: (v.) [protect] shield from danger
WNS: (v.) [rotate] turn

FN: rot n Rotting
FN: rot v Rotting
FN: rot v Cause_to_rot

I want to protect the cats. Tôi muốn bảo vệ những con mèo. Verbs 2
protect bảo vệ Verbs 2
My dog protects me. Con chó của tôi bảo vệ tôi. Verbs 2
We protect her. Chúng tôi bảo vệ cô ấy. Verbs 2
her younger brother Em trai của cô ấy Family
The elder brother and the younger brother Anh trai và em trai Family
We are brothers. Chúng tôi là anh em. Family
My younger brother and younger sister have three fishes. Em trai và em gái của tôi có ba con cá. Family
The older brother and the older sister Anh trai và chị gái Family
The truth needs protection. Nominalization
My older brother does not appreciate my efforts. Anh tôi không đánh giá cao sự cố gắng của tôi. Verbs 2.5
My elder brother practices singing on Fridays. Anh tôi luyện tập hát vào những ngày thứ sáu. Verbs 2.5
the elder brother and the younger brother Anh trai và em trai Places
We are brothers. Chung toi la anh em. Places
Her younger brother Em trai của cô ấy Family
Me elder brother is not a lazy researcher. Anh trai của tôi không phải là mộtnghiên cứu sinh lười biếng. Education
protection sự bảo vệ Abstract Objects 1
My grandmother wrote her testament. Bà tôi đã viết di chúc của mình. Abstract Objects 1
My older brother always gets up after me. Anh trai của tôi luôn dậy sau tôi. Verbs 4
He has two blue parrots. Anh ấy có hai con vẹt xanh da trời. Animals 2
Can this parrot speak? Con vẹt này có thể nói không? Animals 2
parrot vẹt Animals 2
The Congress is having a discussion about environmental protection. Quốc hội đang thảo luận về sự bảo vệ môi trường. Politics
They demand that the government must have a strategy to protect the enviro Họ yêu cầu chính phủ phải có chiến lược để bảo vệ môi trường. Politics
The army must protect the national sovereignty. Quân đội phải bảo vệ chủ quyền quốc gia. Politics
Who wrote this song? Ai đã viết bài hát này? Arts
We must protect the natural environment. Chúng tôi phải bảo vệ môi trường thiên nhiên Arts
He wrote this letter yesterday. Anh ấy đã viết bức thư này vào hôm qua. Classifiers 2
You must protect your head. Bạn phải bảo vệ cái đầu của mình. Medical
Black people protest for equal rights. Những người da đen biểu tình vì quyền bình đẳng. Verbs 5
protest biểu tình Verbs 5
Who protects justice? Ai bảo vệ công lý? History
Justice has to be protected. Công lý phải được bảo vệ. History
This force will protect peace. Lực lượng này sẽ bảo vệ hoà bình. Military
The soldiers stood their ground to protect the capital. Những người lính đã cố thủ để bảo vệ thủ đô. Military
He never protects me. Anh ấy không bao giờ che chở tôi. Reduplicative Words
protect che chở Reduplicative Words

like: Rot
to be left to rot in prison ngồi tù đến mọt xác
to rot in jail ở tù mục xương
to compost, rot manure ủ phân

6 My brother and I are good tennis players. Anh tôi và tôi đều là những tay vợt giỏi.
262 My brother works in a bank. Em trai tôi làm việc ở ngân hàng.
393 You speak English. How about your brother? Does he speak English? Cậu nói tiếng Anh. Còn anh cậu thì sao? Anh ấy có nói tiếng Anh không?
404 Does your brother like football? Em trai cậu có thích bóng bầu dục không?
509 He has several brothers and sisters. Anh ấy có một số anh chị em.
902 Have you met my brother, or should I introduce you? Cậu gặp anh trai tôi chưa, hay là để tôi giới thiệu với cậu?
I've already written them an email.'> 914 I've already written them an email.'> I don't need to call them. I wrote them an email. > I've already written them an email. I've already written them an email.'> ☊ Tôi không cần phải gọi họ. Tôi viết cho họ một lá thư điện tử. Tôi đã viết cho họ một lá thư điện tử rồi.
They've moved to Seattle.'> 916 They've moved to Seattle.'> My brother and his wife don't live here any more. They moved to Seattle. > They've moved to Seattle. They've moved to Seattle.'> ☊ Anh trai tôi và vợ anh ý không sống ở đây nữa. Họ chuyển đến Seattle. > Họ đã chuyển đến Seattle.
966 Shakespeare was a writer and wrote many plays and poems. Shakespeare là một nhà văn và đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ.
972 My friend has written many books. Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems. Bạn tôi viết đã được nhiều cuốn sách. Shakespeare đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ.
1385 I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too. Tôi biết chơi dương cầm. Em trai tôi cũng biết chơi dương cầm.
1519 to take care of Tara's little brother. Ravi và em họ Tara của anh ấy tối nay không ra ngoài được. Họ phải trông em trai của Tara.
1664 Look! There's a photo of your brother in the newspaper! Nhìn kìa! Có ảnh của anh cậu trên mặt báo!
1769 I'm not married, but my brother is. Tôi chưa kết hôn nhưng anh tôi thì rồi.
2270 We must do more to protect the environment. Chúng ta phải làm nhiều hơn để bảo vệ môi trường.
He's in jail.'> 2272 He's in jail.'> Milena's brother's in prison for robbery. > He's in jail. He's in jail.'> ☊ Em trai Milena đang ở trong nhà tù vì ăn cướp. ? Anh ấy đang ngồi tù.
2273 Milena went to the prison to visit her brother. Milena đã đến nhà tù thăm em trai của cô ấy.
2444 She said she would contact me, but she neither wrote nor called. Cô ấy nói cô ấy sẽ liên hệ với tôi nhưng cô ấy không viết thư hay gọi điện gì cả.
2512 I met someone whose brother I went to school with. Tôi đã gặp một người mà anh trai người đó từng học cùng tôi.
2771 I wrote a check FOR ve hundred dollars ($500) to the insurance company. > I wrote a check FOR four hundred euros (€400) to the insurance company. Tôi đã viết một tờ cheque năm trăm dollar cho công ti bảo hiểm.
2794 Rashid is really angry about what his brother said. Rashid thực sự tức giận về những gì em trai anh ấy nói.
2822 The paper I wrote for class was full of obvious mistakes. Tờ giấy tôi viết cho lớp đầy những lỗi thấy rõ.
2894 I congratulated my brother for winning the tennis tournament. Tôi đã chúc mừng em trai tôi vì đã thắng trong vòng thi quần vợt.
2900 They wore warm clothes to protect themselves from the cold. Họ mặc áo ấm để bảo vệ họ khỏi cái lạnh.
2945 Some old houses were torn down to make room for a new housing development. The owners of the houses tried to protest, but it was to no avail. Một số ngôi nhà cũ bị đập bỏ để lấy chỗ phát triển nhà ở mới. Chủ của những ngôi nhà ấy đã cố gắng biểu tình nhưng không được tích sự gì.
2979 The two (2) brothers are identical twins, so everybody gets them mixed up. Hai anh em là cặp sinh đôi cùng trứng. Vậy nên mọi người thường lẫn lộn họ với nhau.

Shouts of protest accompanied this announcement. accompany
I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother. acquire
You've got to help. Apart from anything else you're my brother. apart from
My brothers are always arguing. argue
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
I didn't know at the time of writing (= when I wrote). at
Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. ball
'Who is that?' 'It's my brother.' be
beat sth (up): Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. beat
He wrote his best songs before he was 25. best
She's far better at science than her brother. better
my big brother big
More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection. bird
The protesters marched in a body (= all together) to the White House. body
boil sth: boiled carrots/cabbage boil
+ adj.: Her brother was born blind (= was blind when he was born). born
the city where the protest movement was born born
borrow sth off sb: I borrowed the DVD off my brother. borrow
Hospital bosses protested at the decision. boss
We're brothers. brother
He's my brother. brother
an older/younger brother brother
a twin brother brother
Does she have any brothers and sisters? brother
Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers. brother
He was like a brother to me (= very close). brother
It is the business of the police to protect the community. business
When he left school, he went into business with his brother. business
My brother called me from Spain last night. call
grated carrot carrot
a pound of carrots carrot
The police pointed out the illegal character of the protest action. character
chop sth (up) (into sth): Chop the carrots up into small pieces. chop
close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters close
protective clothing clothing
The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse. collapse
concern (that...): There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land. concern
crop rotation/production/yield crop
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun. dark
When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. defence
The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease. defence
My brother has a master's degree from Harvard. degree
Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen. direct
I disagree with violent protests. disagree with sth/with doing sth
protection against sexually transmitted diseases disease
Some people believe that violence is an effective way of protesting. effective
The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. enemy
measures to protect the environment environment
an environmental group/movement (= that aims to improve or protect the natural environment) environmental
My little brothers are always fighting. fight
She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children. fight
the smell of rotting flesh flesh
The trees form a natural protection from the sun's rays. form
a letter from my brother from
He wrote a very generous assessment of my work. generous
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
Most of his clothes were handed down to him by his older brother. hand sth down (to sb)
I had a letter from my brother this morning. have
health and safety regulations (= laws that protect the health of people at work) health
My brother is much heavier than me. heavy
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
I'm going to the hospital to visit my brother. hospital
The car is fitted with side impact bars (= to protect it from a blow from the side). impact
She wrote in pencil. in
He was first introduced to drugs by his elder brother. introduce
His brother's just lost his job. job
The workers voted to withdraw their labour (= to stop work as a means of protest). labour
my little brother/sister (= younger brother/sister) little
He wrote loads and loads of letters to people. load
Her much-loved brother lay dying of AIDS. love
These regulations were made to protect children. make
protest marches march
He became a media star for his part in the protests. media
to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition mount
He wrote the music but I don't know who wrote the words. music
I wrote a message to myself. myself
a mosquito net (= used to protect you from mosquitoes ) net
a noisy protest (= when people shout) noisy
She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations. not only... (but) also...
These protests have really made the government sit up and take notice (= realize the importance of the situation). notice
Protesting students occupied the TV station. occupy
Kasparov had left his bishop open (= not protected, in a game of chess ). open
Protest marches were held in opposition to the proposed law. in opposition to sb/sth
She wrote her name and address on a slip (= a small piece) of paper. paper
the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.) peace
a peaceful protest/demonstration/solution peaceful
She wrote something on a small piece of paper. piece
polish (sth): Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather. polish
Rotterdam is a major port. port
Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on 300 protesters. power
She wrote poems in praise of freedom. praise
protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. protect
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. protect
Our aim is to protect the jobs of our members. protect
Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. protect
protect (against/from sth): a paint that helps protect against rust protect
a protected area/species protect
The plant is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. protect
Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain. protection
He asked to be put under police protection. protection
the conservation and protection of the environment protection
data protection laws protection
They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits. protection
She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest. under protest
protest (about/against/at sth): Students took to the streets to protest against the decision. protest
The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. protest
There's no use protesting, I won't change my mind. protest
protest sth: They fully intend to protest the decision. protest
I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference (= because it might be useful in the future). reference
I have the greatest respect for your brother. respect
He was met by his brother on his return from Italy. return
all rights reserved (= protected or kept for the owners of the book, film/movie, etc.) right
Protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks. rock
root crops/vegetables (= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) root
My brother and I went to the same school. school
My brother is my senior by two years. senior
John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing. share
Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences). shelter
Her sympathies gradually shifted to the side of the protesters. shift
a silent prayer/protest silent
The brothers look very similar. similar
Do you have any brothers or sisters? sister
She's smarter than her brother. smart
He was not so quick a learner as his brother. so
split sth (with sb): She split the money she won with her brother. split
stand sb/sth: I can't stand his brother. stand
carrot sticks stick
I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. still
a storm of protest storm
It was time to take the political struggle onto the streets (= by protesting in large groups in the streets of a city). street
The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). strike
In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming. striking
a strongly worded protest strongly
study (sth) at...: My brother studied at the Royal College of Art. study
substitute for sb/sth: Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother. substitute
tell A from B: Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? tell
a twin brother/sister twin
I've just become an uncle (= because your brother/sister has had a baby). uncle
use sth for sth/for doing sth: We used a carrot for the snowman's nose. use
useless (to do sth): He knew it was useless to protest. useless
root vegetables (= for example carrots ) vegetable
violence (against sb): He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police. violence
a wave of opposition/protest/violence, etc. wave
The tent protected us from the worst of the weather. weather
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. while
Isobel, whose brother he was, had heard the joke before. whose
The wall gives some protection from the prevailing wind. wind
The doctor wrote her a prescription for more antibiotics. write
write of sth: Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean. write
+ speech: 'Of all my books,' wrote Dickens, 'I like this the best.' write
write to sb: She wrote to him in France. write
write sth (to sb): I wrote a letter to the Publicity Department. write
write sb sth: I wrote the Publicity Department a letter. write
write that...: She wrote that they were all fine. write
write sb that...: He wrote me that he would be arriving Monday. write
write doing sth: They wrote thanking us for the present. write
write sb sth: She wrote him several poems. write
The teacher wrote the answers on the board. write
I'm afraid I never wrote back. write back (to sb)
She wrote back saying that she couldn't come. write back (to sb)

protéger je suis ici pour te protéger, pas les cookies
protection on voudrait créer des aires de protection marines
frère tu es mon frère, et je t’aime
protocole ce protocole a permis de découvrir de nouveaux antigènes
protester leurs gosses, ils n’osent plus protester
contestation il n’y a aucune contestation à cet égard
protestant j’ai commencé à fréquenter une église protestante
protestation j’ai reçu des lettres de protestation
protégé elle était sa protégée et devait normalement lui succéder
manifestant les manifestants ont fait monter la pression
protecteur sa mère était sa protectrice morale, physique et même matérielle
bordel un jour, la patronne du bordel m’envoya chez un autre libertin