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OXF3000D: đế quốc empire Reich

ENDE: affluent reich
ENDE: empire Reich
ENDE: wealthy reich

After he went to America, he became rich. Sau khi anh ấy đi sang Mỹ, anh ấy đã trở nên giàu có. * 096

like: Reich
reichen đủ
Frankreich nước Pháp
österreichisch thuộc về Áo
Österreich nước Áo
streichen sơn
das Zimmer streichen sơn phòng
streichen quết
das Brot streichen quết bành mỳ
jemanden erreichen gọi được ai
streicheln vuốt ve
reich sein giàu
das Streichholz diêm
erfolgreich thành đạt
unterstreichen gạch dưới
jemandem einen Streich spielen chơi khăm, chơi xỏ ai đó
etwas erreichen đạt được điều gì đó
erreichbar có thể đạt được, có thể đạt đến
eine Klage einreichen đâm đơn kiện
ausreichend đủ, đầy đủ
ereignisreich nhiều sự kiện
reichlich nhiều
das Streichinstrument nhạc cụ dây hùng vĩ

reichen 足够 zúgòu
Frankreich 法国 Fǎguó
österreichisch 奥地利的 Àodìlì de
Österreich 奥地利 Àodìlì
streichen 粉刷 fěn shuā
Zimmer streichen 粉刷房间 fěn shuā fáng jiān
streichen 涂抹 tú mǒ
Brot streichen 抹面包 mǒ miàn biāo
jemanden erreichen 联系某人 lián xì mǒu rén
streicheln 抚摸 fǔ mō
reich sein 富有 fù yǒu
Streichholz 火柴 huǒ chái
erfolgreich 成功的 chéng gōng de
unterstreichen 在 ... 下划线 zài ... xià huàxiàn
jemandem einen Streich spielen 作弄某人 zuònòng mǒurén
etwas erreichen 达成某事 dáchéng mǒushì
erreichbar 可达到的 kě dádào de
eine Klage einreichen 呈交一份起诉书 chéngjiāo yī fèn qǐsùshū
ausreichend 足够的 zúgòu de
ereignisreich 多事的 duōshì de
reichlich 丰盛的 fēngshèng de
Streichinstrument 弦乐 xiányuè

So können wir uns selbst versorgen und uns für unsere Radtouren Brote streichen. Vậy chúng ta nên tự chuẩn bị và quết bánh mỳ cho tua xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 709)
Ich habe schon mehrmals versucht, Sie zu erreichen. Tôi đã cố gắng nhiều lần để điện thoại được cho bạn. (Lektion 58, Nr. 819)
In einem der Gehege kann man zahmen Hasen das Fell streicheln und Enten füttern. Trong một chuồng thú người ta có thể vuốt ve bộ lông những con thỏ đã được thuần hóa và cho những con vịt ăn. (Lektion 65, Nr. 925)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Du könntest erfolgreicher sein. Anh có thể thành đạt hơn. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1169)
Sie ist nur über ihr Handy zu erreichen. Cô ấy / Chị ấy hiện chỉ liên lạc được qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1262)
Wie kann ich Sie erreichen? Tôi có thể liên lạc với anh / chị bằng cách nào? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1268)
Sie erreichen mich unter der Nummer: Anh / Chị có thể gọi cho tôi theo số này: (Lektion 86, Nr. 1271)
Der gewählte Gesprächspartner ist zur Zeit nicht erreichbar. Thuê bao quý khách vừa gọi hiện không liên lạc được. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1277)
Leider sind wir im Moment nicht erreichbar. Rất tiếc hiện tại chúng tôi không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1301)
Ich bin gerade nicht erreichbar. Hiện tại tôi không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1302)
Wir sind von Montag bis Freitag - von 8 bis 12 Uhr - erreichbar. Có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi từ thứ hai đến thứ sáu, từ 8 – 12h. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1306)
Sie erreichen uns unter der Telefonnummer 10607033. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi qua số điện thoại: 10607033. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1360)
In der Zeit vom 23.12. bis zum 10.01. bin ich leider nicht erreichbar. Trong khoảng thời gian từ 23.12 đến 10. 01 tôi sẽ không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1388)
Sie erreichen mich unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse: Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua địa chỉ Email này: (Lektion 92, Nr. 1393)
Der Server ist nicht erreichbar. Ich kann meine E-Mails nicht abrufen. Mạng chủ hiện đang bị treo, tôi không thể mở hòm thư được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1403)
Das Angebot gilt nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Chương trình khuyến mại với số lượng nhất định. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1573)
Ich brauche mehr Informationen über die Finanzkrise in Frankreich. Tôi cần thêm thông tin về cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính tại Pháp. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1615)
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Personalmanagement vertiefen. Tôi muốn có kiến thức chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực quản lý nhân sự. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1733)
Das Praktikum ermöglicht Ihnen Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche unseres Unternehmens. Khóa thực tập tạo điều kiện cho anh / chị có cái nhìn tổng quát về tất cả các lĩnh vực của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1752)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Dieses Praktikum war sehr lehrreich und nützlich für mein Studium und meine persönliche Entwicklung. Khóa thực tập rất giàu kiến thức và hữu ích cho việc học đại học và sự phát triển cá nhân của tôi . (Lektion 103, Nr. 1768)
Sie haben Ihre Promotion im Fach Bioinformatik erfolgreich abgeschlossen? Anh / Chị đã tốt nghiệp thành công tiến sĩ về lĩnh vực tin sinh học phải không? (Lektion 104, Nr. 1776)
Sie haben Ihr Studium erfolgreich abgeschlossen und schon einige Erfahrungen in der Praxis gesammelt. Anh / Chị đã tốt nghiệp đại học thành công và đã có một chút kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1778)
Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört die Konzeption, Durchführung und Auswertung von Analysen im Bereich Finanzierung. Công việc của anh / chị bao gồm làm dự thảo, thực hiện và đánh giá các phân tích trong lĩnh vực tài chính. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1781)
Ihr Aufgabenbereich umfasst die Anfertigung unterschiedlicher Studien zur Qualitätsprüfung. Phạm vi công việc của anh / chị bao gồm soạn thảo các nghiên cứu khác nhau để đánh giá chất lượng. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1782)
Erfahrungen im Bereich Projektmanagement sind von Vorteil. Kinh ngiệm về quản lý dự án là một ưu điểm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1783)
In den letzten beiden Jahren habe ich für meine Firma erfolgreich internationale Projekte geleitet. Trong hai năm vừa qua tôi đã điều hành thành công các dự án quốc tế cho công ty của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1817)
1982 habe ich das Gymnasium, nach erfolgreich abgelegtem Abitur verlassen. Năm 1982 tôi đã tốt nghiệp trung học. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1843)
2004 habe ich mein Studium erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Năm 2004 tôi đã tốt nghiệp thành công khóa học đại học. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1850)
2008 habe ich meine Promotion erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Năm 2008 tôi đã tốt nghiệp thành công khóa tiến sĩ. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1851)
Ich habe zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing und PR. Tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp trong lĩnh vực marketing và đối ngoại. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1855)
Ja, ich bin ehrgeizig. Mein Ehrgeiz hilft mir meine Ziele zu erreichen. Vâng, tôi là người có tham vọng. Tham vọng của tôi giúp tôi đạt được mục tiêu. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1938)
Mein Unternehmen hat sich auf Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Telekommunikation spezialisiert. Công ty của tôi làm chuyên về dịch vụ trong ngành viễn thông. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2012)
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen. Tôi cám ơn sự hiện diện đông đảo của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2081)
Das Thema meines Vortrags lautet "10 Schritte zur erfolgreichen Existenzgründung". Chủ đề bài diễn thuyết của tôi là „ 10 bước để thành lập doanh nghiệp thành công“. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2086)
Was wollen wir erreichen? Chúng ta muốn đạt được điều gì? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2186)
Der erste Test war erfolgreich. Lần thử nghiệm đầu tiên đã thành công. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2239)
Reichen Sie Ihre Rede bis zum 15.02. bei der Jury ein. Xin quý vị hãy gửi bài phát biểu của mình tới hội đồng giám khảo đến ngày 15.2. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2357)
Diese Tagung lädt Experten aus dem Bereich Metallverarbeitung ein, ihr Wissen auszutauschen. Hội nghị này sẽ mời các chuyên gia từ lĩnh vực xử lý kim loại đến để trao đổi kiến thức. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2361)
Ich möchte einen Beitrag zu dieser Konferenz einreichen. Tôi muốn gửi một bài tham gia cho cuộc hội thảo này. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2367)
Bitte lassen Sie ausreichend Bargeld in Yen wechseln. Xin hãy đổi đủ tiền mặt sang Yên. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2378)
Sie erreichen mich über mein Handy. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2383)
Mein Kollege ist in dieser Woche unterwegs. Sie erreichen ihn nur per E-Mail. Đồng nghiệp của tôi tuần này đi vắng. Anh/Chị/Quý vị chỉ có thể liên lạc với anh ấy qua email. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2384)
Ich möchte auf den erfolgreichen Abschluss dieses Projektes anstoßen. Tôi muốn nâng cốc cho việc kết thúc thành công dự án này. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2453)

accept sth: You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich. accept
Air pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels. acceptable
They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation. achieve
an adequate supply of hot water adequate
adequate for sth: The space available is not adequate for our needs. adequate
Are you adequately insured? adequately
Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims. aim
He has always aimed high (= tried to achieve a lot). aim
ambition of being/doing sth: She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. ambition
the animal kingdom animal
announce that...: We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were successful. announce
Their affluence is more apparent than real (= they are not as rich as they seem to be). apparent
Few writers approach his richness of language. approach
Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card (delete as appropriate) (= cross out the options that do not apply). appropriate
the areas of training and development area
Move the cursor to a blank area of the computer screen. area
a play/parking/dining area area
You can reach me at 637-2335, extension 354. at
His book reached an even wider audience when it was made into a movie. audience
If you'd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), I'll show you the garden. back
The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages. back
I did badly (= was not successful) in my exams. badly
A thousand dollars is nothing to somebody as rich as he is. be
I am to call them once I reach the airport. be
Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy. between
The handle was just beyond my reach. beyond
Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte. bid
Worldwide sales reached 2.5 billion. billion
The area has a wealth of bird life. bird
'How are you going to France?' 'We're going by boat (= by ferry ).' boat
a matchbox box
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful). brilliant
She's built up a very successful business. build sth up
This is one of the busiest times of the year for the department. busy
We had a busy weekend lined up. busy
Victoria is one of London's busiest stations. busy
a very busy life busy
By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. by
They go camping in France every year. camp
Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient. carry sth out
the central area of the brain central
Schools must meet the challenge of new technology (= deal with it successfully). challenge
The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court. challenge
The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home. city
Make sure your claims for expenses are submitted by the end of the month. claim
On a clear day you can see France. clear
This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. close
Technology and good management. That's a winning combination (= one that will certainly be successful). combination
They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room. combine
She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family. combine
Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations. come up to sth
News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France. come in
'She doesn't try hard enough.' 'That's rich, coming from you (= you do not try hard either).' come from sth
She made helpful comments on my work. comment
comparison of A and B: a comparison of the rail systems in Britain and France comparison
to file/lodge (= make) a complaint complaint
A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry. condition
Reports conflicted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims. conflict
consider sb/sth + adj.: consider sb/sth (to be) sth: Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired. consider
I've been trying to contact you all day. contact
food with a high fat content content
He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990. continuously
bright, contrasting colours contrasting
The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work. contrasting
The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole. country
a covered area of the stadium with seats covered
A systems crash in the morning and a bomb scare in the afternoon provided enough excitement for one day. crash
At least give him credit for trying (= praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed). credit
to offer sb constructive criticism (= that is meant to be helpful) criticism
to cross France by train cross
I've been advised to cut sugar out of my diet. cut sth out (of sth)
They danced to the music of a string quartet. dance
The custom dates back hundreds of years. date back (to...), date from...
Our friendship dates back to the late 70s. date back (to...), date from...
decide (that)...: She decided (that) she wanted to live in France. decide
Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914. declare
They finally had to admit defeat (= stop trying to be successful). defeat
Don't ask me about it—that's her department. be sb's department
The medicine did not achieve the desired effect. desire
The beach is within walking distance of my house (= you can walk there easily). distance
Electronic media make the potential for information distribution possible on a scale never before achieved. distribution
division (between A and B): divisions between rich and poor division
She told him she was filing for divorce. divorce
Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court. document
We're painting the downstairs. downstairs
He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream. dream
It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol). drive
Who was the driving force (= the person with the strongest influence) in the band? driving
drop sth (+ adv./prep.): Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. drop
The museum is easily accessible by car. easily
Several schools are within easy reach (= not far away). easy
the Roman empire empire
The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end. end
enter sth: 1 000 children entered the competition. enter
This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled. equal
The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. establish
Evening was falling by the time we reached the house. evening
Where exactly did you stay in France? exactly
successful candidates in GCSE examinations examination
example (of sth): She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve. example
The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. for example
Our school does an exchange with a school in France. exchange
advertising/business/sales, etc. executives executive
I didn't expect him to become a successful writer. expect
'Let me explain!' he added helpfully. explain
His views have been expressed in numerous speeches. express
Extensive repair work is being carried out. extensive
an extensive range of wines extensive
His knowledge of music is extensive. extensive
She has extensive experience in computers. extensive
I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going. in (actual) fact
the fall of the Roman Empire fall
to give a false impression of wealth FALSE
She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. fame
famous in the field of music field
a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds or dollars) figure
His salary is now in six figures. figure
The film was shot on location in France. film
She reached the final of the 100m hurdles. final
They will now go through to the final. final
It was his finest hour (= most successful period) as manager of the England team. fine
the tiny yellow flame of a match flame
He reached a flatter section of land near the river. flat
The release of the hostages could not be achieved without the use of force. force
We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force. force
John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now living in France formerly
She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune. fortune
I'm going to paint the door frame white. frame
measures to achieve full employment full
There are numerous functions in aid of charity. function
the gap between rich and poor gap
As a general rule (= usually) he did what he could to be helpful. general
Massage the area gently but firmly. gently
How's it going (= is your life enjoyable, successful, etc. at the moment)? go
to achieve/attain a goal goal
70% of pupils got Grade C or above. grade
grow sth: I didn't know they grew rice in France. grow
She took her arm and guided her across the busy road. guide
She handed out medals and certificates to the winners. hand sth out (to sb)
You must all hand in your projects by the end of next week. hand sth in (to sb)
to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) hand sth in (to sb)
Nobody's going to hand you success on a plate. hand sth to sb on a plate
He hated it in France (= did not like the life there). hate
Try to put the exams out of your head (= stop thinking about them) for tonight. head
the kingdom of heaven heaven
The fire reached its height around 2 a.m. height
help sb (to) do sth: The college's aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations. help
helpful advice/information/suggestions helpful
Sorry I can't be more helpful. helpful
helpful (for sb) (to do sth): It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself. helpful
You may find it helpful to read this before making any decisions. helpful
helpful in doing sth: Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills. helpful
helpful to sb: The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children. helpful
I called the police but they weren't very helpful. helpful
The staff couldn't have been more helpful. helpful
a high-fat diet high
We had high hopes for the business (= we believed it would be successful). high
highly successful/skilled/intelligent highly
The school traces its history back to 1865. history
The winning captain held the trophy in the air. hold
In this section you'll find horror and science fiction. horror
York was within an hour's drive. hour
First of all we must identify the problem areas. identify
If only I were rich. if only
His stories really stretch children's imaginations. imagination
We are looking for someone with ingenuity and imagination. imagination
imagine doing sth: She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation. imagine
a country rich in minerals in
Applications must be in by April 30. in
the Madonna industry (= the large number of people involved in making Madonna successful) industry
to have adequate insurance cover insurance
He was a man of wide interests outside his work. interest
internal divisions within the company internal
the France-Scotland rugby international international
invite sb (to/for sth): Successful candidates will be invited for interview next week. invite
We have $500. Will it be enough for a deposit? it
He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement. judgement
'Did you reach your sales target?' 'Just about.' just about
knowledge of/about sth: He has a wide knowledge of painting and music. knowledge
Some of the country's richest grazing lands are in these valleys. land
last (out): Will the coffee last out till next week? last
the successful launch of the Ariane rocket launch
The snake usually reaches a length of 100 cm. length
The floodwater nearly reached roof level. level
I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn. light
If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available. line
My salary isn't enough for us to live on. live on sth
'Where do you export to?' 'France, mainly.' mainly
Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three. maintain
It's important to try and make something of (= achieve sth in) your life. make
make sth + noun: I made painting the house my project for the summer. make
+ noun: They marched 20 miles to reach the capital. march
a box of matches match
to strike a match (= to make it burn) match
If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity. match
He took all her letters into the yard and put a match to them. match
I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter (= the most important part). matter
Don't be angry. I'm sure she meant it for the best (= intended to be helpful). mean
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind. come/spring to mind
What did you miss most when you were in France? miss
She has the qualities necessary to be a successful teacher. necessary
Britain's nearest neighbour is France. neighbour
it is noted that...: It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted. note
The song reached number 5 in the charts. number
to meet/achieve your objectives objective
He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement. occasion
I intend to lodge an official complaint (= to complain to sb in authority). official
You can get me on 020 7946 0887. on
The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes. one
France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers. operate
students at opposite ends of the ability range opposite
She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth. origin
The matter is outside my area of responsibility. outside
They have gone over to France. over
He ruled over a great empire. over
In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. overcome
paint (sth): We've had the house painted. paint
Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint. paint
The school is taking a party of 40 children to France. party
Pass that book over. pass
pass sb sth: Pass me over that book. pass
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
The past month has been really busy at work. past
Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. peak
a performance of Ravel's String Quartet performance
She had decided to settle permanently in France. permanently
He can usually be contacted at his place of work. place
I felt completely out of place among all these successful people. out of place
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
play sb: France are playing Wales tomorrow. play
play against sb: France are playing against Wales on Saturday. play
plenty of eggs/money/time plenty
plot sth: Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup. plot
They reached port at last. port
With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. possible
a rich and powerful man powerful
Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release. powerful
present sth: The local MP will start the race and present the prizes. present
present sb with sth: On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. present
I looked with pride at what I had achieved. pride
Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain. protection
In this area oxen are used to pull carts. pull
One last pull on the rope should do it. pull
Victory was purchased (= achieved) at too great a price. purchase
Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France. quality
Is it available in sufficient quantity? quantity
He is quietly confident that they can succeed (= he is confident, but he is not talking about it too much). quietly
He was unable to contact Blake by radio. radio
These missiles have a range of 300 miles. range
This was outside the range of his experience. range
He shouted angrily at anyone within range. in/within range (of sth)
The cat stayed well out of range of the children. out of range (of sth)
She hid away in her house, out of range of prying eyes. out of range (of sth)
reach sth: Is the cable long enough to reach the socket? reach
reach sth: Can you reach the light switch from where you're sitting? reach
to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise reach
The conflict has now reached a new level of intensity. reach
Daytime temperatures can reach 40°C. reach
He first reached the finals in 2008. reach
His parents have not yet reached retirement age. reach
They didn't reach the border until after dark. reach
The beach can only be reached by boat. reach
I hope this letter reaches you. reach
The rumours eventually reached the President. reach
We try to help all students realize their full potential (= be as successful as they are able to be). realize
You must submit your claim within a reasonable time. reasonable
the reception area reception
The UK has refused to recognize the new regime. recognize
Unemployment has reached a record high (= the highest level ever). record
far-reaching/major/sweeping reforms reform
regret to do sth: We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. regret
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. related
That smell reminds me of France. remind sb of sb/sth
report (that)...: Employers reported that graduates were deficient in writing and problem-solving skills. report
She's our representative in France. representative
The atmosphere of the novel is successfully reproduced in the movie. reproduce
Several students failed to reach the required standard. require
There has been little response to our appeal for funds. response
a restricted area (= controlled by laws about speed or parking) restricted
retire to sth: My dream is to retire to a villa in France. retire
He submitted his latest novel for review. review
a rich creamy sauce rich
a rich chocolate cake rich
Oranges are rich in vitamin C. rich
The area is rich in wildlife. rich
His novels are a rich source of material for the movie industry. rich
iron-rich rocks rich
the region's rich history and culture rich
She leads a rich and varied life. rich
one of the richest women in the world rich
Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays. rich
to be filthy/stinking (= extremely) rich rich
the richest countries/economies/nations rich
She kept right on swimming until she reached the other side. right
the rise and fall of the British Empire rise
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. rock
Pass the biscuits round. round
She once ruled over a vast empire. rule
They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames. safety
I wouldn't say they were rich (= in my opinion they are not rich). say
The salary scale goes from £12 000 to £20 000. scale
Italy was the scene of many demonstrations at that time. scene
Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. scheme
score sth: She scored 98% in the French test. score
You can scratch my name off the list. scratch
She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round. secure
The temperature can reach 40°C in the shade. shade
There is no shame in wanting to be successful. shame
The photograph is not very sharp (= there are no clear contrasts between areas of light and shade). sharp
I'm going to France for a short break. short
show sth to sb: If there's a letter from France please show it to me. show
Brush the sides of the tin with butter. side
Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers. similarly
They bought a villa in the South of France. south
children with specific learning difficulties (= in one area only) specific
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin (= make you feel very confused). spin
spread (A on/over B): to spread butter on pieces of toast spread
spread (B with A): pieces of toast spread with butter spread
He failed to reach the required standard, and did not qualify for the race. standard
start (up): There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area. start
I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls. start
There's no stopping us now (= nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to achieve). stop
He's a beautiful dog. Can I stroke him? stroke
He stroked her hair affectionately. stroke
He ate a substantial breakfast. substantial
Our plan succeeded. succeed
You will have to work hard if you are to succeed. succeed
succeed in sth: She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. succeed
successful (in sth/in doing sth): They were successful in winning the contract. successful
successful (at sth/at doing sth): I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret. successful
We congratulated them on the successful completion of the project. successful
The play was very successful on Broadway. successful
a successful actor successful
The company has had another successful year. successful
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
One dose should be sufficient. sufficient
sufficient to do sth: These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban. sufficient
sufficient for sth/sb: Is £100 sufficient for your expenses? sufficient
The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work. sufficiently
He can be very helpful, but only when it suits him. suit
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials. supply
suppose sb/sth (to be/have) sth: suppose sb/sth + adj.: She had supposed him (to be) very rich. suppose
suspect (sth): If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. suspect
attainment targets target
Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. target
to meet/achieve a target target
The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September. target
a target area/audience/group (= the particular area, audience, etc. that a product, programme, etc. is aimed at) target
His declared aim was to tax the rich. tax
Highlight the area of text on screen and press the 'delete' key. text
What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me. them
We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England. then
Can you pass me that thing over there? thing
sb/sth is thought to be sb/sth: He's thought to be one of the richest men in Europe. think
You can only achieve success through hard work. through
Our team is through to (= has reached) the semi-finals. through
the Japanese ambassador to France to
I'd love to go to France this summer. to
I reached the station only to find that my train had already left. to
When I've finished painting the bathroom, I'm going to do the kitchen too. too
Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level. unacceptable
They were unsuccessful in meeting their objectives for the year. unsuccessful
You can stay on the bus until London (= until you reach London). until
useful (for sth/for doing sth): These plants are particularly useful for brightening up shady areas. useful
Your knowledge of German may come in useful (= be useful in a particular situation). useful
The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless. useless
He led a full and varied life. varied
I've had a varied career. varied
They're on an exchange visit to France. visit
She was paralysed from the waist down (= in the area below her waist). waist
The school is within easy walking distance of the train station. walk
I'm going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink. wall
In the Middle Ages England waged war on France. war
wave sth + adv./prep.: 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose. wave
a person of wealth and influence wealth
In the wild, this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs. weight
She was determined to marry well (= marry sb rich and/or with a high social position). well
What about a trip to France? what about...?
Whether or not we're successful, we can be sure that we did our best. whether
Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial. which
The people (who) we met in France have sent us a card. who
a manager with wide experience of industry wide
win against sb/sth: France won by six goals to two against Denmark. win
Is it within walking distance? within
We are now within range of enemy fire. within
She set them to work painting the fence. work
write to sb: She wrote to him in France. write
Could you put your complaint in writing? in writing
'We're off to France soon.' 'Oh yeah? When's that?' oh yeah?
'I'm going to be rich one day.' 'Oh yeah?' (= I don't believe you.) oh yeah?