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OXF3000D: phạm vi range Raum
OXF3000D: phòng room Raum
OXF3000D: không gian space Raum

ENDE: range Raum
ENDE: room Raum
ENDE: space Raum

like: Raum
der Aufenthaltsraum nơi ở
der Waschraum phòng giặt đồ
der Traum giấc mơ
der Kofferraum cốp xe
aufräumen dọn dẹp
der Raum phòng
der Alptraum cơn ác mộng
die Raumschiff-Besatzung nhóm thám hiểm không gian
der Strafraum vòng cấm địa

Aufenthaltsraum 休息室 xiūxíshì
Waschraum 洗衣房 xǐyīfáng
Traum mèng
Kofferraum 后备箱 hòubèixiāng
aufräumen 清理 qīnglǐ
Raum 房间 fáng jiān
Alptraum 恶梦, 噩梦 èmèng, èmèng
Raumschiff-Besatzung 太空船的全体成员 tàikōngchuán de quántǐ chéngyuán
Strafraum 禁区 jìnqū
träumen 做梦 zuòmèng

Sie saß immer im Aufenthaltsraum und schrieb Geschichten über die Künstler. Cô hay ngồi trong căn phòng này và viết truyện về các nghệ sĩ. (Lektion 17, Nr. 186)
Aber jetzt werden die Räume vermietet, und es gibt darin viele Rechtsanwaltsbüros. Nhưng bây giờ nó được cho thuê và có nhiều văn phòng luật sư ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 196)
Der Traum Giấc mơ (Lektion 27, Nr. 336)
Ich hatte nur geträumt. Mình chỉ ngủ mê. (Lektion 27, Nr. 352)
Er möchte das Sportzentrum aufräumen. Anh ấy muốn dọn dẹp trung tâm thế thao. (Lektion 29, Nr. 386)
Aufräumen Dọn dẹp (Lektion 30, Nr. 387)
Er stellt viele Müllbehälter in jedem Raum des Zentrums auf. Anh ấy đặt nhiều thùng rác ở các phòng của trung tâm. (Lektion 30, Nr. 389)
In jedem Raum ist ein Müllbehälter für Papier, einer für Plastik, einer für Glas und einer für den Rest. Trong mỗi phòng có một thùng dành cho giấy, một thùng dành cho bao nilon, một thùng dành cho chai thủy tinh và một thùng dành cho các loại rác còn lại. (Lektion 30, Nr. 391)
Jetzt muss ich nur das Online-Formular ausfüllen und dann erhalte ich die Skier meiner Träume. Em chỉ phải điền vào mẫu đơn trên mạng và nhận bộ ván trượt tuyết mơ ước của em. (Lektion 36, Nr. 515)
Er setzt sich hin und träumt. Anh ấy ngồi xuống và mơ mộng. (Lektion 40, Nr. 569)
Trang und Tri ziehen in ihr neues Apartment und möchten die Räume nun geschmackvoll einrichten. Trang và Trí dọn vào căn hộ mới của họ, và giờ đây họ muốn sắp xếp các phòng thật đẹp. (Lektion 45, Nr. 642)
Der Schütze sucht den Sinn des Lebens und braucht seinen persönlichen Freiraum. Nhân mã thì luôn tìm kiếm ý nghĩa của cuộc sống và cần không gian riêng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1143)
Ich habe viel über meinen Traumberuf und auch mich selbst gelernt. Tôi đã học được thêm nhiều về nghề nghiệp mơ ước và về bản thân. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1767)

The building plans include much needed new office accommodation. accommodation
acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. acknowledge
The company has just acquired new premises. acquire
leisure/outdoor/classroom activities activity
The room was small but adequate. adequate
The narrow windows admit little light into the room. admit
admit to sb that...: I couldn't admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult. admit
She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. take advantage of sth/sb
I'm always having to clean up after the children (= clean the place after they have left it dirty and untidy). after
anticipate doing sth: They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year. anticipate
The room is 12 square metres in area. area
an awkwardly shaped room awkwardly
We could only get seats at the back (= of the room). back
bad news/weather/dreams/habits bad
I found David in the bar of the Red Lion (= a room in a pub where drinks are served). bar
The meetings are always in the main conference room. be
The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. blue
a bright room bright
a brightly lit room brightly
He burst into the room without knocking. burst
Let's get busy with the clearing up. busy
The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. by
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
a large room with a high ceiling ceiling
a long table in the centre of the room centre
His job was to chart the progress of the spacecraft. chart
Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel. choice
It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy. clean
It was several hours before the road was cleared after the accident. clear
It's your turn to clear the table (= to take away the dirty plates, etc. after a meal). clear
The remains of the snow had been cleared from the streets. clear
After the bomb warning, police cleared the streets. clear
to clear out a drawer/room clear out, clear sth out
I found the letters when I was clearing out after my father died. clear out, clear sth out
Clear up your own mess! clear up, clear sth up
He walked into the room, closely followed by the rest of the family. closely
a cold room/house cold
Dirt had collected in the corners of the room. collect
Do you dream in colour? colour
They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room. combine
The children came running into the room. come
a conference room/centre/hall conference
I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. confine
It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces. confined
a connecting door (= one that connects two rooms) connect
construct sth from/out of/of sth: They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. construct
Our new offices are still under construction (= being built). construction
superb walking country country
a room crowded with books crowded
a dark room/street/forest dark
I heard his deep warm voice filling the room. deep
a deep space deep
I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room. desperate
This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. die out
The room looks different without the furniture. different
There's no room for disagreement on this point. disagreement
Marc appeared through a door at the far end of the room. door
I had a vivid dream about my old school. dream
I thought someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a dream. dream
'Goodnight. Sweet dreams.' dream
Don't think about it. You'll only give yourself bad dreams. dream
Her lifelong dream was to be a famous writer. dream
He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream. dream
If I win, it will be a dream come true. dream
She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality. dream
a dream car/house/job, etc. dream
I've finally found the man of my dreams. dream
a chance to fulfil a childhood dream dream
It was the end of all my hopes and dreams. dream
She walked around in a dream all day. dream
Did I talk in my sleep? I must have been dreaming. dream
dream of/about sb/sth: I dreamt about you last night. dream
dream sth: Did it really happen or did I just dream it? dream
dream (that)...: I dreamt (that) I got the job. dream
dream of/about sth: She dreams of running her own business. dream
It was the kind of trip most of us only dream about. dream
dream of/about doing sth: I wouldn't dream of going without you (= I would never go without you). dream
dream sth: Who'd have dreamt it? They're getting married. dream
dream (that)...: I never dreamt (that) I'd actually get the job. dream
There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere in the room. dust
in the early days of space exploration (= when it was just beginning) early
empty of sth: The room was empty of furniture. empty
empty sth of sth: The room had been emptied of all furniture. empty
the end of all his dreams end
enter sth: Someone entered the room behind me. enter
entitle sb to do sth: This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class. entitle
She made her entry to the sound of thunderous applause. entry
escape (into sth): As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. escape
The police questioned everyone in the room. everyone
The room bore evidence of a struggle. evidence
'You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer?' 'Exactly.' exactly
She left the room abruptly without explanation. explanation
Only in his dreams does he give expression to his fears. expression
The room fell silent as she came face to face with the man who had tried to kill her. face to face (with sb)
The room had fallen silent. fall
I couldn't see any familiar faces in the room. familiar
Can you feel the tension in this room? feel
I recognized a fellow sufferer, waiting nervously outside the exam room. fellow
Smoke filled the room. fill
fill (with sth): The room was filling quickly. fill
fit sth with sth: The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms. fit
The money has been invested for a fixed period. fixed
be flooded with sth: The room was flooded with evening light. flood
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
Let's go through to the front room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests). front
The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions. function
The kids were gathered together in one room. gather
This room gets very little sunshine. get
The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. give
We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices. handle
Is this really happening or is it a dream? happen
I prefer the children to play in the garden where they're out of harm's way. out of harm's way
a hate campaign (= cruel comments made about sb over a period of time in order to damage their reputation) hate
Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. history
She told me all her hopes, dreams and fears. hope
In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack. horror
the housing shortage housing
an impossible dream/goal impossible
improvement in/on/to sth: There is still room for improvement in your work. improvement
Many herbs can be grown indoors. indoors
He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. instead
Dreams are open to interpretation (= they can be explained in different ways). interpretation
know (that)...: As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong. know
We lead the way in space technology. lead
They left me with all the clearing up. leave
This room is twice the length of the kitchen. length
He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people. even/much/still less
a room with good natural light light
It was a light spacious apartment at the top of the building. light
This offer is for a limited period only. limited
A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic. magic
Plug the transformer into the mains (= the place on a wall where electricity is brought into a room). main
This room would make a nice office. make
What's the meaning of this? I explicitly told you not to leave the room. meaning
The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84. measurement
The analysis of dreams can reveal details of a person's mental state. mental
He was standing in the middle of the room. middle
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
wildlife in its natural habitat natural
He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief ). nose
notice sb/sth: The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell. notice
The idea occurred to him in a dream. occur to sb
The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town. office
The road will be opened again in a few hours after police have cleared it. open
The room still has many of its original features. original
I went over (= across the room) and asked her name. over
He built up the business over a period of ten years. over
You can pay back the loan over a period of three years. pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
The factory will be closed down over a 2-year period/a period of two years. period
This compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year. period
This offer is available for a limited period only. period
All these changes happened over a period of time. period
I thought I'd better clean the place up. place
The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices. plan
a launch platform (= for spacecraft ) platform
The company is looking for larger premises. premises
These premises are regularly checked by security guards. premises
No athlete would dream of entering a big race without adequate preparation. preparation
preparation (to do sth): We made preparations to move to new offices. preparation
Work on the new offices is now in progress. in progress
The room is very long in proportion to (= relative to) its width. proportion
proposal to do sth: a proposal to build more office accommodation proposal
recognize sb/sth: I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. recognize
Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees. removal
a restricted space restricted
retire to sth: My dream is to retire to a villa in France. retire
roll sth (+ adv./prep.): He rolled the trolley across the room. roll
room (for sb/sth): Is there enough room for me in the car? room
room (to do sth): Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably. room
a three-roomed/three-room apartment room
a secret room secret
send sth to sb: A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft. send
an L-shaped room shaped
She moved sharply across the room to block his exit. sharply
We were shown into the waiting room. show
At an agreed signal they left the room. signal
The accommodation is simple but spacious. simple
smell sth: He said he could smell gas when he entered the room. smell
The smells from the kitchen filled the room. smell
This fireplace smokes badly (= sends smoke into the room instead of up the chimney ). smoke
The room was softly lit by a lamp. softly
the possibility of visitors from outer space space
the US space programme space
a space flight/mission space
We must make good use of the available space. space
There is very little storage space in the department. space
a large/small/narrow/wide space space
crowded together in a confined space space
I'll clear a space for your books. space
Put it in the space between the table and the wall. space
The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space. space
It's a city with fine buildings and plenty of open space. space
to get the spare out of the boot/trunk spare
a square room square
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
The room smelt strongly of polish. strongly
a room set aside for private study study
Could you move all that stuff off the table? stuff
a magazine article on the subject of space travel subject
This room gets the sun in the mornings. sun
sweep sth + adj.: The showroom had been emptied and swept clean. sweep
to clear the table (= take away the dirty plates, etc. at the end of a meal) table
She left the room in tears (= crying). tear
I'll just clear away the breakfast things. thing
a tidy desk tidy
I'm a tidy person. tidy
Can you tidy away your clothes, please? tidy sth away
I tidied up the report before handing it in. tidy sth up
time and space time
Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare. turn (from sth) into sth
twist sth/yourself + adv./prep.: He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space. twist
bedroom/kitchen/storage units unit
I could hear voices in the next room. voice
I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past. out of the way
This room faces west. west
It's a small car, yet it's surprisingly spacious. yet