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(leafy) vegetable rau
蔬菜 shu1cai4 vegetables; produce; CL:种/种zhong3 Rau

Bart râu Körper

OXF3000: rau vegetable
OXF3000N râu beard
OXF3000N buồn rầu khốn khổ unhappy
OXF3000N buồn rầu khốn khổ unhappy
OXF3000N sừng (trâu bò...) horn
OXF3000N nước ép (rau củ quả) juice
OXF3000N sự buồn rầu sự buồn bã sadness
OXF3000N sa lát (xà lách trộng dầu dấm) rau sống salad
OXF3000N cạo (râu) bào đẽo (gỗ) shave
OXF3000N rau quả tươi truck
OXF3000N buồn rầu khốn khổ unhappy
OXF3000N buồn rầu khốn khổ unhappy
OXF3000N rau thực vật vegetable
OXF3000D: rau vegetable Gemüse

vegetables rau Food
How many customers are buying vegetables in the supermarket? Có bao nhiêu khách hàng đang mua rau trong siêu thị? People

Shall I rinse the lettuce? Có cần tôi rửa rau không? * 021
Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? Bạn nướng rau ở trên lò này à? * 021
I would like a salad. Tôi muốn một đĩa rau / xà lát trộn. * 033
What vegetables do you have? Bạn có rau gì? * 034

like: Rau
native place, birthplace chôn rau cắt rốn
sich siezen xưng là ông (an männer), xưng là bà (an frauen) 用您称呼对方 yòng nín chēng hū duì fāng
Ich liebe dich. anh yêu em (mann spricht zu frau), em yêu anh (frau spricht zu mann) 我爱你。 wǒ ài nǐ.
sich rasieren cạo râu 刮胡子 guā hú zi
behaart rậm râu, nhiều lông 有毛的 yǒumáo de
das Gemüse rau
der Spinat rau spinat
die Kräuter rau gia vị
der Kopfsalat rau xà lách
sich siezen xưng là ông (an männer), xưng là bà (an frauen)
Ich liebe dich. anh yêu em (mann spricht zu frau), em yêu anh (frau spricht zu mann)
der Bart râu
sich rasieren cạo râu
die Petersilie rau mùi tây
das Basilikum rau húng quế
der Gemüseladen cửa hàng rau quả
behaart rậm râu, nhiều lông

Für den griechischen Salat: Olivenöl, Salat, Salatdressing, Essig, Käse. Cho món salat Hy Lạp: dầu ô-liu, rau salat, nước trộn salat, dấm, pho-mát. (Lektion 14, Nr. 143)
Für das Hauptgericht: Kräuter, Lamm, Geflügel, Huhn, Rindfleisch, Steak, Gemüse, gebackene Bohnen. Cho món chính: rau thơm, thịt cừu, thịt gia cầm, thịt gà, thịt bò,beaf steak, rau xanh, đậu phộng rang. (Lektion 14, Nr. 145)
Du hast dich heute morgen wohl nicht rasiert, dein Bart kratzt! Sáng hôm nay anh không cạo râu, râu của anh cào đau quá! (Lektion 76, Nr. 1090)

1473 You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Cậu nên ăn thật nhiều hoa quả và rau.
2372 I'd like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables. Tôi muốn có vườn để tôi có thể tự trồng rau cho riêng tôi.

the appearance of organic vegetables in the supermarkets appearance
He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. beard
a week's growth of beard beard
a goat's beard beard
a false beard beard
charge sth up: The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. charge
Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. consist of sb/sth
a crisp apple/lettuce crisp
cut yourself: He cut himself (= his face) shaving. cut
the Japanese diet of rice, vegetables and fish diet
vegetables that are easy to grow easy
a false beard FALSE
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. fresh
vegetables fresh from the garden fresh
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. fruit
The vegetables are grown under glass (= in a greenhouse ). glass
I didn't recognize him—he's grown a beard. grow
hate sth: I hate spinach. hate
lettuce/cabbage/oak leaves leaf
The shaver will run off batteries or mains. main
We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. market
I like most vegetables. most
He's had his beard shaved off. off
a side order (= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish) order
a vegetable plot plot
I usually buy packs of prepared vegetables to save time. prepared
root crops/vegetables (= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) root
The vegetables were planted in neat rows. row
All main courses come with salad or vegetables. salad
a pasta salad salad
save doing sth: He's grown a beard to save shaving. save
These vegetables can be grown from seed. seed
Mike cut himself shaving. shave
shave sb/sth/yourself: The nurse washed and shaved him. shave
Have some more vegetables. some
stir sth into sth: The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot. stir
Cut the vegetables into thin strips. thin
The vegetables were cooked to perfection. to
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. use sth up
Spinach is a valuable source of iron. valuable
green vegetables (= for example cabbage ) vegetable
root vegetables (= for example carrots ) vegetable
a salad of raw vegetables vegetable
a vegetable garden/patch/plot vegetable