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brilliant, spectacular rực rỡ
辉煌 hui1huang2 splendid; glorious Rực rỡ

OXF3000: rực rỡ brilliant
OXF3000N tỏa sáng rực rỡ chói lọi brilliant
OXF3000D: rực rỡ brilliant glänzend

like: Rực rỡ

The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. blue
Her eyes were bright with tears. bright
a brilliant career brilliant
The play was a brilliant success. brilliant
brilliant sunshine brilliant
brilliant blue eyes brilliant
'How was it?' 'Brilliant!' brilliant
Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful). brilliant
holly bushes bush
I closed my eyes against the bright light. close
There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered. flash
I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. fortune
to have a brilliant/good/keen mind mind
a paler shade of green pale
a brilliant/polished/seasoned performer performer
His face was purple with rage. purple
The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. reflect
As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent. silent
Not brilliant, Robyn, but I'll give you ten out of ten for effort. ten out of ten (for sth)
The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets. world