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clear, distinct, obvious, evident, plain rõ ràng
摆脱 bai3tuo1 to break away from; to cast off (old ideas etc); to get rid of; to break away (from); to break out (of); to free oneself from; to extricate oneself Rõ ràng
显然 xian3ran2 clear; evident; obvious(ly) Rõ ràng
明确 ming2que4 clear-cut; definite; explicit; to clarify; to specify; to make definite Rõ ràng
明显 ming2xian3 clear; distinct; obvious Rõ ràng
明明 ming2ming2 obviously; plainly; undoubtedly; definitely Rõ ràng
清楚 qing1chu5 clear; distinct; to understand thoroughly; to be clear about Rõ ràng
清除 qing1chu2 to eliminate; to get rid of Rõ ràng
清晰 qing1xi1 clear; distinct Rõ ràng
清澈 qing1che4 clear; limpid Rõ ràng
消除 xiao1chu2 to eliminate; to remove Rõ ràng

OXF3000: rõ ràng apparently
OXF3000: rõ ràng clearly
OXF3000: rõ ràng obvious
OXF3000N rõ ràng rành mạch bề ngoài có vẻ apparent
OXF3000N thiếu chính xác không chắc chắn uncertain
OXF3000N rõ ràng sáng sủa clearly
OXF3000N xác định định rõ rõ ràng definite
OXF3000N điều hiển nhiên điều rõ ràng evidence
OXF3000N rõ ràng rành mạch hiển nhiên obvious
OXF3000N một cách rõ ràng có thể thấy được obviously
OXF3000N xác thực rõ ràng tích cực lạc quan positive
OXF3000N rõ ràng chính xác tỉ mỉ kỹ tính precise
OXF3000N không chắc chắn khôn biết rõ ràng uncertain
OXF3000D: rõ ràng apparently offensichtlich
OXF3000D: rõ ràng apparently scheinbar
OXF3000D: rõ ràng obvious offensichtlich

Your pronunciation is very good. Cách phát âm rõ ràng của bạn rất tốt. * 025

like: Rõ ràng
to make something clearer, clarify để rõ ràng hơn
deutlich rõ ràng 明显的 míng xiǎn de
undeutlich không rõ ràng 不明显的 bù míng xiǎn de
offensichtlich rõ ràng 明显的 míng xiǎn de
unverständlich không rõ ràng 不理解的 bù lǐ jiě de
unverständlich không rõ ràng 不可理解的 bù kě lǐ jiě de
präzise súc tích, rõ ràng 精确的 jīng què de
klar rõ ràng 明白 míng bai
unverkennbar khó nhầm lẫn, rõ ràng 显而易见的 xiǎn ér yì jiàn de
deutlich rõ ràng
undeutlich không rõ ràng
offensichtlich rõ ràng
unverständlich không rõ ràng
präzise súc tích, rõ ràng
klar rõ ràng
unverkennbar khó nhầm lẫn, rõ ràng

Tri stellt sich offensichtlich nicht ganz so geschickt an. Trí bố trí rõ ràng là không khéo léo cho lắm. (Lektion 46, Nr. 656)
Leicht angeheitert amüsieren sie sich und haben scheinbar sehr viel Spaß. Hơi ngà ngà say họ vui chơi và rõ ràng là rất thích thú. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1122)

The temple was clearly visible from the air. air
The obvious answer would be to cancel the party. answer
Their devotion was apparent. apparent
Then, for no apparent reason, the train suddenly stopped. apparent
apparent (from sth) (that...): It was apparent from her face that she was really upset. apparent
apparent (to sb) (that...): It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldn't sing. apparent
Their affluence is more apparent than real (= they are not as rich as they seem to be). apparent
Apparently they are getting divorced soon. apparently
I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone. awkward
It soon became apparent that no one was going to come. become
His voice came down the line as clear as a bell. bell
The immediate future is clear, but it's hard to tell what lies beyond. beyond
Give your nose a good blow (= clear it completely). blow
She's the obvious choice for the job. choice
On a clear day you can see France. clear
The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake. clear
a sheet of clear cellophane clear
The photo wasn't very clear. clear
The voice on the phone was clear and strong. clear
She was in Australia but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell. clear
a clear thinker clear
You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview. clear
She gave me clear and precise directions. clear
Are these instructions clear enough? clear
Your meaning needs to be clear. clear
You'll do as you're told, is that clear? clear
This behaviour must stop—do I make myself clear (= express myself clearly so there is no doubt about what I mean)? clear
I hope I made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome here. clear
This is a clear case of fraud. clear
His height gives him a clear advantage. clear
a clear warning of the risks clear
clear (to sb) (that)...: It was quite clear to me that she was lying. clear
It is clear from the graph that sales have dropped sharply. clear
clear what, how, whether, etc...: It is not clear what they want us to do. clear
How he got there was not clear. clear
clear about/on sth: Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow? clear
My memory is not clear on that point. clear
clear what, how, whether, etc...: I'm still not clear what the job involves. clear
We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. clear
clear sth/sb: I had cleared my desk before I left. clear
clear A (of B): I cleared my desk of papers. clear
By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners. clear
Please speak clearly after the tone. clearly
It's difficult to see anything clearly in this mirror. clearly
She explained everything very clearly. clearly
Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized. clearly
As soon as the coast was clear he climbed in through the window. the coast is clear
contrast (between A and B): There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. contrast
define sth: We need to define the task ahead very clearly. define
I've heard rumours, but nothing definite. definite
They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children. definite
The look on her face was a definite sign that something was wrong. definite
There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse. definite
The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet (= it may change). definitely
clear simple definitions definition
We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction. direction
English law clearly distinguishes between murder and manslaughter. distinguish
expect sth (of sb): Are you clear what is expected of you? expect
The children's faces are badly out of focus (= not clearly shown) in the photograph. focus
The binoculars were not in focus (= were not showing things clearly). focus
The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height. height
The full horror of the accident was beginning to become clear. horror
The point of my question may not be immediately apparent. immediately
impatient to do sth: She was clearly impatient to leave. impatient
It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved. increasingly
indication (of doing sth): He shows every indication (= clear signs) of wanting to accept the post. indication
indication (that...): There are clear indications that the economy is improving. indication
intend sb/sth to do sth: The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character. intend
She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. interval
Speak clearly into the microphone. into
The witness was clearly lying through his teeth. lie through your teeth
There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it. line
The message is coming through loud and clear. loud and clear
a clear (= large) majority majority
She made her objections clear. make
He made it clear that he objected. make
He has his career path clearly mapped out. map sth out
mean sth for sb/sth: The chair was clearly meant for a child. mean
What's the meaning of this? I explicitly told you not to leave the room. meaning
The clear message coming from the government is that they are getting tough on crime. message
It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. obvious
It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong. obvious
I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. obvious
He agreed with obvious pleasure. obvious
For obvious reasons, I'd prefer not to give my name. obvious
The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious. obvious
She was the obvious choice for the job. obvious
There's no obvious solution to the problem. obvious
The ending was pretty obvious. obvious
I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive. obvious
Obviously, we don't want to spend too much money. obviously
Diet and exercise are obviously important. obviously
He was obviously drunk. obviously
They're obviously not coming. obviously
She was clearly in a lot of pain. pain
The picture isn't very clear tonight. picture
He made it plain that we should leave. plain
The facts were plain to see. plain
The plain fact is that nobody really knows. plain
She has made her position very clear. position
The powers of the police must be clearly defined. power
There are some obvious practical applications of the research. practical
It's not clear precisely how the accident happened. precisely
I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments. presentation
This was clearly a job for a real professional. professional
It quickly became clear that she was dying. quickly
I can see it quite clearly. quite
The man attacked me for no apparent reason. reason
restrict sth: Fog severely restricted visibility. restrict
As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children. rightly
I rubbed a clear patch on the window with my fingers. rub
That says it all really, doesn't it? (= it shows clearly what is true) say
sexually explicit sexually
The photograph is not very sharp (= there are no clear contrasts between areas of light and shade). sharp
She's nearly forty now. And it shows (= it's obvious). show
show (that)...: The figures clearly show that her claims are false. show
The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working. signal
The book explains grammar simply and clearly. simply
It soon became clear that the programme was a failure. soon
There is no need to state the obvious (= to say sth that everyone already knows). state
state how, what, etc...: State clearly how many tickets you require. state
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
Her face had obviously caught the sun (= become red or brown) on holiday. sun
Liverpool were clearly the superior team. superior
She has no visible means of support (= no work, income etc.). support
It's a prime target (= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks. target
She gave me an unlikely explanation for her behaviour. unlikely
The house is clearly visible from the beach. visible
He showed no visible sign of emotion. visible
After using the cream for a month, I could see no visible difference. visible
It's doubtful whether there'll be any seats left. whether
The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope. window
He'd been in a fight and had obviously got the worst of it. get the worst of it