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OXF3000D: huyền bí mystery Rätsel

ENDE: enigma Rätsel
ENDE: mystery Rätsel
ENDE: puzzle Rätsel
ENDE: riddle Rätsel

like: Rätsel
das Rätsel ô chữ
das Kreuzworträtsel ô chữ

Rätsel 谜语 míyǔ
Kreuzworträtsel 填字游戏 tiánzì yóuxì

to clear up a mystery/difficulty/misunderstanding clear sth up
It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century. mystery
Their motives remain a mystery. mystery
It's a complete mystery to me why they chose him. mystery
He's a bit of a mystery. mystery
to solve an equation/a puzzle/a riddle solve
What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery. somewhat