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to forget quên
忘记 wang4ji4 to forget Quên

OXF3000: quên forget
OXF3000N phong tục tục lệ thói quen tập quán custom
OXF3000N thân thiết quen thuộc familiar
OXF3000N quên forget
OXF3000N thói quen tập quán habit
OXF3000N bỏ quên bỏ sót leave out
OXF3000N xa lạ chưa quen strange
OXF3000N lạ xa lạ chưa quen strangely
OXF3000N bộ com lê trang phục thích hợp quen hợp với suit
OXF3000N đã quen dùng used to

Forget you Quên bạn. Verbs 5
She forgets to pray today. Cô ấy quên cầu nguyện hôm nay. Verbs 5
forget Quên Verbs 5
She is forced to forget. Cô ấy bị buộc phải quên. Verbs 5

I’ve forgotten it. Tôi đã quên cái đó mất rồi. * 025
Don’t forget anything! Bạn không được quên gì hết! * 049
Don’t forget your passport! Đừng quên hộ chiếu! * 049
Don’t forget your ticket! Đừng có quên vé máy bay! * 049
Don’t forget your traveller’s cheques / traveler’s checks (am.)! Đừng quên ngân phiếu du lịch! * 049
He has forgotten his glasses. Anh ấy đã quên kính của anh ấy. * 069

like: Quên
otherwise you’ll forget không có lại quên đấy
selfless labor lao động quên mình
vergessen quên 忘记 wàngjì
sich gewöhnen an quen với, thích nghi 习惯于 ... xí guàn yú .....
bekannt quen 熟悉的 shū xī de
vergessen quên
die Gewohnheit thói quen
sich gewöhnen an quen với, thích nghi
die Angewohnheit thói quen
bekannt quen
der Brauch tập quán, phong tục, thói quen

Nett, dich kennen zu lernen. Ich heiße Trang. Woher kommst du? Rất vui được làm quen với anh. Em tên Trang. Anh từ đâu đến? (Lektion 1, Nr. 3)
Trang vergaß ihr Geburtstagsgeschenk in Tris Haus. Trang đã đế quên quà sinh nhật của cô ấy ở nhà Tri. (Lektion 31, Nr. 396)
Ich habe es auf deinem Tisch neben den Blumen vergessen. Em đã đế quên nó ở trên bàn cạnh bó hoa. (Lektion 31, Nr. 411)
Hallo Trang, kuck, was ich für dich habe! Du hast das Geburtstagsgeschenk vergessen. Chào Trang, xem anh có gì cho em này. Em đã đế quên quà sinh nhật. (Lektion 31, Nr. 415)
Ein anderer hätte es vergessen. Người khác thì có lẽ đã quên rồi. (Lektion 31, Nr. 417)
Vergiss nicht, deinen Freunden mitzuteilen, dass deine alte Nummer ungültig wird. Đừng quên thông báo với bạn bè của bạn, rằng số cũ sẽ vô hiệu. (Lektion 59, Nr. 841)
Jeder hat seine Angewohnheiten. Ich werde versuchen, mich nicht mehr so aufzuregen. Mỗi người đều có thói quen của mình. Em sẽ cố gắng không nổi nóng như thế nữa. (Lektion 60, Nr. 856)
Sich kennen lernen Làm quen (Lektion 74, Nr. 1055)
Trang und Tri erinnern sich daran, wie sie sich kennen gelernt haben. Trang và Trí nhớ lại, họ đã quen nhau như thế nào. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1056)
Tri ruft eine Bekannte an, die er aus dem Orchester kennt. Trí điện thoại cho một người quen, người mà anh quen từ dàn nhạc. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1106)
Ich hätte auch Lust, eine andere Stadt kennenzulernen. Anh còn rất hứng thú làm quen với một thành phố khác. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1173)
Ein Praktikum bietet die Gelegenheit einen Beruf näher kennenzulernen. Khóa thực tập đem đến cơ hội làm quen với nghiệp vụ chuyên môn. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1732)
Ich möchte den Beruf des Ingenieurs näher kennenlernen. Tôi muốn làm quen với nghiệp vụ của một kĩ sư. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1735)
Ich möchte das Leben in einem anderen Land kennenlernen. Tôi muốn làm quen với cuộc sống ở một nước khác. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1738)
Es war interessant den Büro-Alltag in einer großen Firma kennenzulernen. Rất thú vị khi được làm quen với công việc văn phòng hàng ngày trong một công ty lớn. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1758)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Tôi rất vui được làm quen với ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1861)
Ich habe seit meinem Studium einen internationalen Freundeskreis. Từ khi học đại học tôi quen nhiều bạn nước ngoài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1915)
Ich bin es gewohnt mit verschiedenen Betriebssystemen zu arbeiten. Ich kann schnell umdenken. Tôi đã quen với các hệ thống chương trình khác nhau. Tôi có thể suy nghĩ nhanh. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1918)
Kennen Sie Mitarbeiter aus unserem Unternehmen? Anh / Chị có quen ai làm việc trong công ty của chúng tôi không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1944)
Ich habe Ihr Unternehmen auf einer Messe kennengelernt und bin seither sehr daran interessiert für Sie zu arbeiten. Tôi đã làm quen với công ty của ông / bà ở một hội chợ triển lãm và từ đó tôi rất quan tâm được làm việc cho công ty. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1954)
Wie sieht die Einarbeitungsphase aus? Việc làm quen công việc sẽ thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1966)
Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Tôi đã quên mật khẩu. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2063)

848 Luisa and I are friends. I've known her for a long time. Luisa và tôi là bạn. Tôi đã quen cô ấy từ lâu rồi.
2088 She's used to it. She's used to living alone. Cô ấy đã quen như vậy. Cô ấy đã quen sống một mình.
2089 I bought some new shoes. They felt strange at rst because I wasn't used to them. Tôi đã mua giày mới. Lúc đầu nó lạ chân vì tôi chưa quen với nó.
2090 Our new apartment is on a very busy street. I expect we'll get used to the noise, but for now it's very annoying. Căn hộ mới của chúng tôi nằm trên một con phố rất đông đúc. Tôi hi vọng chúng tôi sẽ quen với tiếng ồn nhưng bây giờ nó rất khó chịu.
2091 Jamaal has a new job. He has to get up much earlier now than before. He nds it di cult because he isn't used to getting up so early. Jamaal có công việc mới. Anh ấy phải dậy sớm hơn trước nhiều. Anh ấy thấy khó khăn vì anh ấy chưa quen với việc dậy sớm như thế.
2092 Malika's husband is often away. She doesn't mind. She's used to him being away. Chồng của Malika thường xuyên đi vắng. Cô ấy không bận tâm. Cô ấy đã quen với việc anh ấy đi vắng.
2093 Keiko had to get used to driving on the left when she moved back to Japan. Keiko đã phải làm quen với việc lái xe bên trái khi cô ấy trở về Nhật Bản.
2094 I'm used to driving on the left because I grew up in England. Tôi quen với việc lái xe bên trái vì tôi lớn lên ở Anh.

it annoys sb when...: It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you. annoy
Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open. annoying
Anyway, let's forget about that for the moment. anyway
I feel awful about forgetting her birthday. awful
bad news/weather/dreams/habits bad
Do it before you forget. before
I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. to begin with
Don't forget to lock the door behind you (= when you leave). behind
a break in my daily routine break
bring sb/sth (with you): Don't forget to bring your books with you. bring
I've forgotten what the firm he works for is called. called
Don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away. cancel
Don't forget your change! change
I've completely forgotten her name. completely
Their kindness and consideration will not be forgotten. consideration
Don't worry—they could have just forgotten to call. could
the custom of giving presents at Christmas custom
a dance class/routine dance
I'll never forget it to my dying day (= until I die). die
You'll have to get used to his direct manner. direct
a distinction which cuts right across the familiar division into arts and sciences division
Don't forget to write. do
He either forgot or else decided not to come. or else
excuse (for doing sth): His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary. excuse
an enjoyable/exciting/unusual/unforgettable, etc. experience experience
She looked around for a familiar face. face
to look/sound/taste familiar familiar
He's a familiar figure in the neighbourhood. familiar
Something about her voice was vaguely familiar. familiar
I couldn't see any familiar faces in the room. familiar
familiar to sb: The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. familiar
Violent attacks are becoming all too familiar (= sadly familiar). familiar
an area with which I had been familiar since childhood familiar
By now you will be familiar with the one-way system in the centre of town. familiar
Are you familiar with the computer software they use? familiar
forget (about sb/sth): Try to forget about what happened. forget
Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes? forget
forget sb/sth: Forget him! forget
Let's forget our differences and be friends. forget
forget (that)...: Forget (that) I said anything! forget
forget (about sth): 'Why weren't you at the meeting?' 'Sorry—I forgot.' forget
forget to do sth: Take care, and don't forget to write. forget
I forgot to ask him for his address. forget
forget sth/sb: I forgot my purse (= I did not remember to bring it). forget
'Hey, don't forget me!' (= don't leave without me) forget
Aren't you forgetting something? (= I think you have forgotten to do sth) forget
forget (about sth): I'd completely forgotten about the money he owed me. forget
Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you. forget
forget sth: I never forget a face. forget
Who could forget his speech at last year's party? forget
forget (that)...: She keeps forgetting (that) I'm not a child any more. forget
I was forgetting (= I had forgotten) (that) you've been here before. forget
forget where, how, etc...: I've forgotten where they live exactly. forget
I forget how much they paid for it. forget
forget (sb) doing sth: I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. forget
it is forgotten that...: It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. forget
She's an old friend (= I have known her a long time). friend
You need a break from routine. from
Don't forget to take out the garbage. garbage
You'll soon get used to the climate here. get
I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning. get out of sth
Don't let yourself get into bad habits. get into sth
You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes. get into sth
He was back on familiar ground, dealing with the customers. ground
You need to change your eating habits. habit
good/bad habits habit
He has the irritating habit of biting his nails. habit
It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit. habit
I'd prefer you not to make a habit of it. habit
I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment. habit
I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home. habit
I'm trying to break the habit of staying up too late. habit
These things have a habit of coming back to haunt you. habit
I only do it out of habit. habit
I'm a creature of habit (= I have a fixed and regular way of doing things). habit
We hardly know each other. hardly
I can hardly keep my eyes open (= I'm almost falling asleep). hardly
Forget it, Dave, no harm done. no harm done
I'm getting forgetful in my old age. in
indicate (that...): Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. indicate
an investigation into the spending habits of teenagers investigation
an irritating habit irritating
Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? know
The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). know
The accident taught me a lesson I'll never forget. lesson
You soon get used to the little difficulties. little
Don't forget to lock up at night. lock up, lock sth up
mail sth (to sb/sth): Don't forget to mail that letter to your mother. mail
mail sb sth: Don't forget to mail your mother that letter. mail
Don't make a habit of it. make
I'd forgotten the keys, which didn't help matters. matter
'I'm afraid I forgot that book again.' 'It doesn't matter (= it is not important enough to worry about).' matter
People have short memories (= they soon forget). memory
Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. novel
old habits old
She's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time). old
From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time. past
Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history. past
Perhaps he's forgotten. perhaps
Do you know him personally (= have you met him, rather than just knowing about him from other people)? personally
to pick up bad habits pick sth up
Please, please don't forget. please
You've got to forget the past and start living in the present. present
She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. rank
return sth: Don't forget to return my pen! return
He was accustomed to rising (= getting out of bed) early. rise
We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping. routine
Make exercise a part of your daily routine. routine
She needed a break from routine. routine
This type of work rapidly becomes routine. routine
She shut her eyes and fell asleep immediately. shut
He became a familiar sight on the streets of Oxford. sight
I got used to his long silences. silence
We've known each other for some years now. some
I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry
Forgetting my notes made me look stupid. stupid
He turned to crime to support his drug habit. support
She completed the routine without even working up a sweat. sweat
take sth (with you): I forgot to take my bag with me when I got off the bus. take
Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week? that
Don't forget to invite the Jordans. the
Let's forget the whole thing (= everything). thing
tidy habits tidy
It was typical of her to forget. typical
Don't upset yourself about it—let's just forget it ever happened. upset
used to doing sth: I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime. used
used to sth: I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it. used
The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week. vary
What if she forgets to bring it? what if...?
He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang. when
Let's forget the whole thing. whole
wind sth (up): He had forgotten to wind his watch. wind
Police work is mainly routine. work
Bye! Don't forget to write. write
Write down the address before you forget it. write sth down