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private tư thục

EVP private
EVP privately

IELTS: private + : 私人的 私下的
OXF3000ZH: 私人的 私下的 private
OXF3000ZH: 私下地 秘密地 一个人 privately
3000TH: ส่วนตัว suaanL dtuaaM private, personal
3000TH: สาธารณะ saaR thaaM raH naH public (not private)
5000FR: privé private
5000FR: intime intimate, close, secret, private
OXF3000: riêng private
OXF3000N cá nhân riêng private
OXF3000N riêng tư cá nhân privately
GBENDE: 个人的 private persönlich
GBENDE: 个人的 private persönlich
GBENDE: 私人的 private privat
CORE: private + + + + + + +
NGLS: private + (information) personal; not to be seen by everyone
WNS: (a.) [private] concerning things personal

ENDE: private nicht öffentlich
ENDE: private persönlich
ENDE: private privat

He is studying at a private university. Anh ấy đang học ở một trường đại học tư nhân. Adjectives 2
This is the biggest private bank in Vietnam. Đó là ngân hàng tư nhân lớn nhất ở Việt Nam. Adjectives 2
private tư nhân Adjectives 2

like: Private
to hold private discussions bàn mảnh
even he, he himself doesn’t have a private office chính ông ta không có một văn phòng tiêng
forbidden palace, emperor’s private apartments cung cấm
individual property, private property, personal property của riêng
large private establishment dinh cơ
boudoir, lady’s private room lầu trang
boudoir, lady’s private room trang đài
non-government worker, private sector employee tư chức
international private law tư pháp quốc tế
capitalist; private property, personal property tư sản
non-governmental organization (NGO), private organization tổ chức phi chính phủ
personal problem, private issue vấn đề riêng tư

1879 You're not supposed to park your car here. It's private parking only. Cậu không được phép đỗ xe ở đây. Chỗ này chỉ dành cho đỗ xe riêng.

My private life is none of your business (= does not concern you). business
the case for/against private education case
The donation is the biggest private gift to a humanitarian cause. cause
The painting comes from his private collection. collection
a private college college
I tried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him privately). draw
privately educated children educated
embarrass sb: Her questions about my private life embarrassed me. embarrass
With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results. exception
All rooms have private facilities (= a private bathroom). facility
The museum is privately funded. fund
a paying guest (= a person who is living in a private house, but paying as if they were in a hotel) guest
The college will no longer have to close, thanks to the help of private investment. help
I keep my private papers hidden. hide
Private home ownership is increasing faster than ever. home
public/private housing housing
donations from private individuals (= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) individual
I don't think my private life is the issue here. issue
The sign said 'Private Property—Keep Out!' keep out (of sth)
The file was labelled 'Private'. label
He doesn't like to talk about his private life. life
an exhibition of paintings on loan (= borrowed) from private collections loan
It's a private matter. matter
Most of the apartments are privately owned. own
to take out a personal/private pension pension
a personal pension plan (= a pension organized by a private company for one particular person) personal
Let's go somewhere a bit more private. private
a politician's private life private
private banks private
a programme to return many of the state companies to private ownership private
private doctors private
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
her private thoughts and feelings private
a private conversation private
They were sharing a private joke. private
Senior defence officials held private talks. private
The sign said, 'Private property. Keep out.' private
Those are my father's private papers. private
The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. private
The villa has its own private beach. private
Can we speak privately? privately
In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail. privately
a privately owned company privately
Their children were educated privately. privately
She smiled, but privately she was furious. privately
Is there somewhere we can discuss this in private? in private
She now teaches only private pupils. pupil
This weekend, visitors will get a rare chance to visit the private apartments. rare
his private/professional self (= how he behaves at home/work) self
My letter is, of course, strictly private and confidential. strictly
a room set aside for private study study

privé c’est une fête privée ... vous ne pouvez pas venir
intime je préfère publier mon journal intime