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OXF3000D: thống đốc governor Präsident
OXF3000D: chủ tịch president Präsident

ENDE: governor Präsident
ENDE: president Präsident

like: Präsident
die Wahl des Präsidenten bầu cử tổng thống

Wahl des Präsidenten 总统大选 zǒng tǒng dà xuǎn

Journalists were denied access to the President. access
Some senators reacted angrily to the President's remarks. angrily
Someone has made an attempt on the President's life. attempt
the President's campaign team/manager campaign
one of the leading candidates for the presidency candidate
a presidential candidate candidate
It was a direct challenge to the president's authority. challenge
one of the President's chief rivals chief
He was closeted with the President for much of the day. closet
commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth): The President is committed to reforming health care. commit
The President's health was giving serious cause for concern. concern
concerned about/for sth: The President is deeply concerned about this issue. concerned
the Democratic Party Convention (= to elect a candidate for president) convention
The President was not directly involved. directly
disapprove sth: A solid majority disapproves the way the president is handling the controversy. disapprove
It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards. downwards
In America, presidential elections are held every four years. election
election (as sth): We welcome his election as president. election
The problems facing the President are enormous. enormous
ex-president ex-
The president took the extraordinary step of apologizing publicly for his behaviour! extraordinary
A period of unrest followed the president's resignation. follow
force sb into doing sth: The President was forced into resigning. force
force sb/yourself to do sth: The President was forced to resign. force
the country's first freely elected president freely
Recent events throw doubt on the president's political future. future
The President will be giving a press conference this afternoon. give
insult to sb/sth: His comments were seen as an insult to the president. insult
Several attempts have been made on the President's life (= several people have tried to kill him). life
meet with sb: The President met with senior White House aides. meet
The President met with senior White House aides. meet with sb
a televised message from the President to the American people message
the official biography of the President official
She takes orders only from the president. order
He's the president of a large international organization. organization
Two out of three people think the President should resign. out
the royal/presidential palace palace
The President made a personal appearance at the event. personal
a possible future president possible
power (of sth): The president has the power of veto over all new legislation. power
Several presidents attended the funeral. president
the President of the United States president
President Obama is due to visit the country next month. president
Do you have any comment, Mr President? president
She travels extensively in her role as President for the Save the Children Fund. president
the bank president president
the president of Columbia Pictures president
it is proposed that...: It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years. propose
quote (sb) (as doing sth): The President was quoted in the press as saying that he disagreed with the decision. quote
race (for sth): the race for the presidency race
The rumours eventually reached the President. reach
the President's passing reference to (= brief mention of) the end of the war reference
Questions remain about the president's honesty. remain
events leading to the removal of the president from office removal
report as doing sth: The President is reported as saying that he needs a break. report
The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-President. represent
The letter bore the president's seal. seal
The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists. speak
Everyone stood when the President came in. stand
Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president. sympathetic
during the president's first term of/in office term
The newspaper had printed the full text of the president's speech. text
The President stressed a favourite campaign theme—greater emphasis on education. theme
His aim was to become president. to
The President is out of tune with public opinion. be in/out of tune (with sb/sth)
The President agreed to speak to the waiting journalists. wait
The eyes of the world are on the President. world