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EVP headphone
EVP microphone
EVP mobile phone
EVP phone
EVP phone
EVP telephone
EVP telephone

OXF3000ZH: phone
OXF3000ZH: 电话 telephone
3000TH: มือถือ meuuM theuuR mobile phone
3000TH: โทร tho:hM to telephone, to call
3000TH: เบอร์ buuhrM number (for room, telephone, cloth size, etc)
3000TH: เบอร์โทรศัพท์ buuhrM tho:hM raH sapL telephone number
3000TH: โทรศัพท์ tho:hM raH sapL phone, telephone, to call
5000FR: téléphone telephone
5000FR: téléphonique telephone
5000FR: téléphoner to telephone, phone, call
5000FR: francophone French-speaking, French speaker, francophone
5000FR: portable portable, wearable; cell phone
5000FR: micro mike, micro, microphone
OXF3000: điện thoại phone
OXF3000N điện thoại di động cellphone
OXF3000N máy điện thoại gọi điện thoại telephone
GBENDE: 听筒  phone Hörer
GBENDE: 电话 phone Telefon
CORE: phone + + + + + + +
NGLS: phone + To talk to someone using a telephone
WNS: (n.) [cell phone] cellular telephone
WNS: (n.) [microphone] mike
WNS: (n.) [telephone] phone, telephone set

ENDE: phone Hörer
ENDE: phone Telefon
FN: phone v Communication_means
FN: phone v Contacting

phone / telephone điện thoại Objects
the phone Cái điện thoại Objects
Where is the modern phone? Chiếc điện thoại hiện đại ở đâu? Adjectives 1
The phone is really handy / convenient. Cái điện thoại thật tiện lợi. Adjectives 1
They buy not only computers, but also phones. Họ mua không những máy tính mà còn điện thoại. Conjunctions
Which phone do you like most? Bạn thích cái điện thoại nào nhất? Comparison
She sees a phone at the bus stop. Cô ấy thấy một cái điện thoại ở trạm xe buýt. Places
Who invented the phone? Ai đã phát minh điện thoại? Past
This is an environment-friendly phone. Đây là một cái điện thoại thân thiện với môi trường. Nature

Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? Bạn không mang theo điện thoại di động sao? * 026
Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? Bạn có mang theo điện thoại di động không? * 041
I was talking on the phone all the time. Tôi đã gọi điện thoại suốt. * 085

like: Phone
the phone rings chuông điện thoại reo
a phone call một cú phôn
home phone number nhà của
public phone booth trạm điện thoại công cộng
the phone rings điện thoại reo

75 What's your phone number? Số điện thoại của cậu là gì?
160 The phone is ringing. Điện thoại đang kêu.
340 They don't know my phone number. Họ không biết số điện thoại của tôi.
492 Does your phone have a camera? Điện thoại của cậu có máy ảnh không?
501 Ask if he has a smart phone. — No, he hasn't got a smart phone. Hỏi xem anh ấy có điện thoại thông minh không. - Không, anh ấy không có điện thoại thông minh.
516 I don't have your phone number. Tôi khong có số điện thoại của cậu.
524 Where's my phone? — I don't know. I don't have it. Điện thoại của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Tôi không cầm nó.
596 I spoke with him yesterday on the phone. Tôi đã nói chuyện với anh ấy hôm qua qua điện thoại.
706 What was Jose doing when the phone rang? Jose đang làm gì khi điện thoại kêu?
708 What did he do when the phone rang? Anh ấy đã làm gì khi điện thoại kêu?
709 He stopped reading and answered the phone. Anh ấy dừng đọc sách và trả lời điện thoại.
959 Your friend has to pay her phone bill. Ask her if she has paid her phone bill yet. Bạn của cậu phải trả tiền điện thoại. Hỏi cô ấy xem cô ấy đã trả tiền điện thoại chưa.
1018 Whwas the telephone invented? Điện thoại được phát minh khi nào?
1034 My phone was stola few days ago. Điện thoại của tôi bị trộm mấy ngày trước.
1416 The phone rang eight (8) times and Samiya didn't answer. She must not be at home. Chuông điện thoại reo tám lần mà Samiya không nghe. Cô ấy hẳn là đã không ở nhà.
1429 The phone's ringing. I know it's not for me. It must be for you. Chuông điện thoại đang reo. Tôi biết nó không phải của tôi. Chắc chắn nó phải là của cậu.
1689 Are there any phone messages for me this morning? Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi sáng nay không?
1690 Were there any phone messages for me yesterday? Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi hôm qua không?
2038 My cellphone needs to be charged. > My cellphone needs charging. Điện thoại di động của tôi cần được nạp pile. > Điện thoại di động của tôi cần nạp pile.
2146 I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me. Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi.
2662 EN I'll leave my phone on just in case my mother calls. Tôi sẽ để điện thoại bật chỉ để phòng khi mẹ tôi gọi.
2663 I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me. Tôi sẽ đưa cậu số điện thoại để có lúc cậu cần liên lạc với tôi.
2674 The phone rang just as I sat down. Điện thoại reo đúng lúc tôi ngồi xuống.
2676 and his cellphone doesn't work there. Tôi không thể liên lạc với David khi anh ấy đang đi công tác ở Nhật Bản và điện thoại di động của anh ấy không hoạt động ở đó.
2695 There was a phone call for you while you were out. Có một cuộc điện thoại cho cậu lúc cậu ra ngoài.
2753 I've never met the woman IN charge OF marketing, but I've spoken to her ON the phone a few times. Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm marketing nhưng tôi đã nói chuyện với cô ấy qua điện thoại vài lần.
2760 easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone. Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động.
2777 I have all the photos OF my family in my cellphone. Tôi có tất cả ảnh chụp gia đình tôi trong điện thoại di động.

I'll give you my address and phone number. address
That phone's always ringing. always
to answer the phone (= to pick up the phone when it rings) answer
You can bet (that) the moment I sit down, the phone will ring. bet
the telephone/electricity/gas bill bill
'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!' I don't blame you/her, etc. (for doing sth)
The telephone system has broken down. break down
The telephone is by the window. by
cell phone users cell phone
I talked to her on my cell phone. cell phone
The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft. cell phone
Do you have any change for the phone? change
chat (to/with sb): My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends. chat
The voice on the phone was clear and strong. clear
This model combines a telephone and fax machine. combine
We're waiting for the telephone to be connected. connect
The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). contact
Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. contact
I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). contact
a telephone conversation conversation
copy sth (from sth) (into/onto sth): She copied the phone number into her address book. copy
Could I use your phone, please? could
We seem to have a crossed line (= a telephone call that interrupts another call because of a wrong connection). cross
They were cut off for not paying their phone bill. cut sb/sth off
Suddenly the phone went dead. dead
discuss sth: I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone. discuss
I phoned earlier but you were engaged (= using your phone). engaged
They're sending an engineer to fix the phone. engineer
a telephone enquiry enquiry
He started to phone me at the exact moment I started to phone him (= at the same time). exact
explain why, how, etc...: Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone. explain
Telephone calls came flooding in from all over the country. flood
You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter. follow sth up
'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' free
We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang. hardly
I phoned you last night, but you weren't at home. at home
include doing sth: Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. include
He's getting a phone installed tomorrow. install
He phoned you on my instructions. instruction
Speak clearly into the microphone. into
I wish mobile phones had never been invented! invent
It's your mother on the phone. it
Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working. just
If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available. line
A little while later the phone rang. little
The phone rang in the middle of the night. middle
Might I use your phone? might
Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. mobile phone
At that very moment, the phone rang. moment
Do you have her new phone number? new
My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call. normal
My phone number is 266998. number
I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number). number
We spoke on the phone. on
The phone is out of order. out of order
order (sth) (for sb): Will you order for me while I make a phone call? order
She wouldn't tell me over the phone. over
She paused the DVD and went to answer the phone. pause
Please keep personal phone calls to a minimum. personal
I have to make a phone call. phone
The phone rang and Pat answered it. phone
They like to do business by phone/over the phone. phone
His phone must be switched off. phone
I hadn't got my phone with me. phone
a phone bill phone
to pick up the phone phone
to put the phone down phone
He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. phone
Listeners are invited to phone in with their comments. phone in
I need you to phone the story in before five. phone sth in
The survivors were rescued after their sounds were picked up by a television crew's microphone. pick sb/sth up
A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted. produce
She put the phone down on me (= ended the call before I had finished speaking). put sth down
Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone? quiet
receive sth: to receive a letter/present/phone call receive
There was very poor reception on my phone. reception
Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference. reference
to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). replace
The secret number is my phone number in reverse. in reverse
Will you answer the telephone if it rings? ring
save sb doing sth: If you phone for an appointment, it'll save you waiting. save
John wasn't making much sense on the phone. make sense
the ambulance/bus/telephone, etc. service service
Emma has just called in sick (= telephoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is ill). sick
All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). signal
I couldn't get a signal on my cell phone. signal
Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin. since
'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.' (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) speak
a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand stand
stop (doing sth): That phone never stops ringing! stop
I could have sworn (= I am sure) I heard the phone ring. swear
We talked on the phone for over an hour. talk
The telephone rang and Pat answered it. telephone
You can reserve seats over the telephone. telephone
I need to make a telephone call. telephone
telephone lines/networks/services telephone
Please write or telephone for details. telephone
He telephoned to say he'd be late. telephone
telephone sth: You can telephone your order 24 hours a day. telephone
I was about to telephone the police. telephone
I'd rather email than phone, if that's OK by you. than
The phone rang. the
Hello, is Bob there please? (= used when calling sb on the phone) there
Hello, this is Maria Diaz (= on the telephone). this
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
No one is answering the phone—I can't understand it. understand
Her voice sounded urgent on the phone. urgent
use sth: Can I use your phone? use
He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang. when
The microphone was making a strange whistling sound. whistle
He would spend hours on the telephone. will
wind up: It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up. wind
The telephone wires had been cut. wire
He sat by the phone, wishing it would ring. wish
The phone isn't working. work
All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. in writing

téléphone les téléphones ne marchent pas
téléphonique le service téléphonique est un lien de sécurité
téléphoner j’ai essayé de vous téléphoner chez vous
francophone nous devons parler français avec les francophones
portable j’achèterai un portable et je t’appellerai
micro venez donc parler dans le micro