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Panik sự hoảng loạn Gefühle

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in Panik geraten rơi vào hoảng sợ

in Panik geraten 陷入混乱中 xiànrù hùnluàn zhōng

Tri verlor die Kontrolle, bekam Panik. Tri mất kiểm soát, trở nên bấn loạn. (Lektion 27, Nr. 347)

appeal to sb to do sth: Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. appeal
a panic attack attack
The rising tone of his voice emphasized his panic. emphasize
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. experience
If you're unlucky enough to get trapped in a lift, remember not to panic. unlucky
A wave of panic spread through the crowd. wave