Beginner Level Advanced Level



ore khoáng thạch
ore quặng mỏ

EVP adore
EVP anymore
EVP before
EVP before
EVP before
EVP bookstore
EVP bore
EVP bored
EVP boredom
EVP core
EVP deforestation
EVP department store
EVP drugstore
EVP explore
EVP explorer
EVP forecast
EVP forehead
EVP foreign
EVP foreigner
EVP foreman
EVP foresee
EVP forest
EVP forestry
EVP forever
EVP furor/furore
EVP furthermore
EVP grocery store
EVP ignore
EVP laborer/labourer
EVP more
EVP more
EVP more
EVP moreover
EVP offshore
EVP rainforest
EVP restore
EVP score
EVP score
EVP shore
EVP snore
EVP snore
EVP sophomore
EVP sore
EVP store
EVP store
EVP therefore
EVP unforeseen
EVP weather forecast
EVP forensic
EVP beforehand
EVP anchored
EVP ore
EVP choreography
EVP choreographical

OXF3000ZH: 在…以前 向… before
OXF3000ZH: 令(人)厌烦 bore
OXF3000ZH: 果实的心 核心 core
OXF3000ZH: (美国习俗)杂货店 零食店 drugstore
OXF3000ZH: 探险 探索 explore
OXF3000ZH: 预测 预报 forecast
OXF3000ZH: 外国的 外来的 无关的 foreign
OXF3000ZH: 森林 forest
OXF3000ZH: 永远 总是 老是 forever
OXF3000ZH: 不顾 不理 忽视 ignore
OXF3000ZH: 更多的 more
OXF3000ZH: 再者 加之 此外 moreover
OXF3000ZH: 恢复 归还 修补 restore
OXF3000ZH: 二十 (比赛)得分 score
OXF3000ZH: 痛的 恼火的 sore
OXF3000ZH: 存贮 储藏 store
OXF3000ZH: 因此 所以 therefore
3000TH: ก่อนที่ gaawnL theeF before
3000TH: น้อยลง naawyH lohngM less (than before)
3000TH: มากกว่า maakF gwaaL more (than something else)
3000TH: เมื่อวานซืนนี้ meuuaF waanM seuunM neeH day before yesterday
3000TH: ร้านขายของ raanH khaaiR khaawngR shop, store
3000TH: ร้านหนังสือ raanH nangR seuuR book store
3000TH: สีคล้ำ seeR khlaamH dark-colored
3000TH: ขอร้อง khaawR raawngH to implore
3000TH: คะแนน khaH naaenM grade, score point(s)
3000TH: ดังนั้น - เพราะฉะนั้น dangM nanH phrawH chaL nanH therefore
3000TH: ดีขึ้น deeM kheunF improved, better than before
3000TH: ตลอดไป dtaL laawtL bpaiM forever, always, from now on
3000TH: ป่าไม้ bpaaL maaiH forest
3000TH: เพิ่มเติม pheermF dteermM in addition, more, extra; to add, increase; to be additional, added
3000TH: เมืองนอก meuuangM naawkF foreign countries, abroad
3000TH: สาขา saaR khaaR branch, branch office, chain store
3000TH: หน้าผาก naaF phaakL forehead
3000TH: งั้น nganH in that case, so, then, therefore (shortened from ถ้ายังงั้น)
3000TH: จึง jeungM so, therefore, consequently
3000TH: เน้น nenH to emphasize, to stress, to underscore, to focus on
3000TH: เบื่อ beuuaL to be bored
3000TH: ป่า bpaaL forest, jungle
3000TH: แผล phlaaeR cut, wound, or sore
3000TH: เพึ่ง ? just (immediately before)
3000TH: สำรวจ samR ruaatL to survey, explore
3000TH: เกาหลี gaoM leeR Korea, Korean
3000TH: เกาหลีใต้ gaoM leeR dtaaiF South Korea
3000TH: เกิน geernM far, too much, over, more, further
3000TH: เบิก beerkL to withdraw (money), to requisition (as from a storeroom)
3000TH: เพลง phlaehngM song, songs (more common in place of music)
3000TH: สิงคโปร์ singR khaH bpo:hM Singapore
3000TH: หลัก lakL foundation, main idea, core
3000TH: ห้าง haangF department store, business firm, commercial establishment, large store
3000TH: เก็บ gepL to collect, keep, store
3000TH: ร้าน raanH shop, store
3000TH: แอบ aaepL to hide (intransitive), secretly (put before verbs)
3000TH: ต่างประเทศ dtaangL bpraL thaehtF foreign, foreign countries, abroad
3000TH: ปกติ bpaL gaL dtiL normally, ordinarily (more formal)
3000TH: หลาย laaiR many, several, a lot (before classifier)
3000TH: ก่อนถึง gaawnL theungR before a place
3000TH: ก่อนอาหาร gaawnL aaM haanR before meals
3000TH: คนต่างประเทศ khohnM dtaangL bpraL thaehtF foreigner
3000TH: เจ็บคอ jepL khaawM sore throat
3000TH: เซ็ง sengM to be very bored
3000TH: มาก่อน maaM gaawnL in the past, before
3000TH: ร้านขายหนังสือ raanH khaaiR nangR seuuR bookstore
3000TH: อีกหน่อย eekL naawyL a little more
3000TH: กว่า gwaaL more, more than; till, until, by the time, as
3000TH: อีก eekL again, once more, more
3000TH: ก่อน gaawnL before, first
5000FR: plus more, no more
5000FR: avant before
5000FR: donc so, then, therefore, thus
5000FR: étranger foreigner; foreign
5000FR: prévoir to foresee, anticipate
5000FR: d’ailleurs moreover, besides, for that matter
5000FR: ignorer to ignore
5000FR: davantage more
5000FR: auparavant beforehand
5000FR: prévision forecast, prediction, expectation
5000FR: forêt forest
5000FR: front front, forehead
5000FR: magasin store
5000FR: veille the day before, the eve of, night watch
5000FR: rétablir to restore, re-establish
5000FR: anticiper to anticipate, foresee, look or think ahead
5000FR: adorer to adore, worship
5000FR: accumuler to accumulate, amass, store, stockpile
5000FR: putain whore, bitch; stupid
5000FR: déplorer to deplore
5000FR: ancêtre ancestor, forerunner
5000FR: accentuer to stress, to emphasize, become more pronounced
5000FR: explorer to explore, investigate, examine
5000FR: ennui boredom, trouble, worry
5000FR: rive shore, bank
5000FR: redonner to give back, return, give more
5000FR: restaurer to restore, feed
5000FR: théorique theoretical
5000FR: ennuyer to bore, worry, bother
5000FR: reconstituer to reconstitute, restore, reconstruct
5000FR: carton cardboard, card, score
5000FR: noyau core, nucleus, pit
5000FR: sensiblement approximately, more or less, noticeably
5000FR: librairie bookstore, bookshop
5000FR: score score
5000FR: entrevoir to make out, catch a glimpse of, foresee
5000FR: restituer to return, restore, refund
5000FR: météo weather forecast
5000FR: supplier to beg, implore
5000FR: théoriquement theoretically
5000FR: buter to stumble, trip, run into, prop up, score
5000FR: résident foreign national, foreign resident
5000FR: forestier forest, forester
OXF3000N prep. conj. trước đằng trước before
OXF3000N buồn chán buồn tẻ bore
OXF3000N buồn chán bored
OXF3000N nòng cốt hạt nhân đáy lòng core
OXF3000N hiệu thuốc cửa hàng dược phẩm drugstore
OXF3000N thăm dò thám hiểm explore
OXF3000N sự dự đoán dự báo dự đoán dự báo forecast
OXF3000N (thuộcnước ngoài từ nước ngoài ở nước ngoài foreign
OXF3000N rừng forest
OXF3000N mãi mãi forever
OXF3000N phớt lờ tỏ ra không biết đến ignore
OXF3000N hơn nữa ngoài ra vả lại moreover
OXF3000N hoàn lại trả lại sửa chữa lại phục hồi lại restore
OXF3000N điểm số bản thắng tỷ số đạt được thành công cho điểm score
OXF3000N đau nhức sore
OXF3000N cửa hàng kho hàng tích trữ cho vào kho store
OXF3000N bởi vậy cho nên vì thế therefore
WNS: (n.) [core] center of an object
WNS: (n.) [folklore] unwritten literature or songs
WNS: (n.) [forecast] prognosis
WNS: (n.) [forehead]
WNS: (n.) [foreigner] alien, noncitizen
WNS: (n.) [forest] woodland, timberland, timber
WNS: (n.) [forestry] science of planting and caring for forests
WNS: (n.) [laborer] manual laborer
WNS: (n.) [score] game score
WNS: (v.) [ignore] neglect, disregard
WNS: (v.) [store] lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away

ENDE: ore Erz
FN: ore n Substance

She is forever mine. Cô ấy vĩnh viễn là của tôi. Alphabet Introduction 2
I drink coffee before I sleep. Tôi uống cà phê trước khi đi ngủ. Conjunctions
I see her before she sees me. Tôi thấy cô ấy trước khi cô ấy thấy tôi. Conjunctions
We say goodbye before going to Vietnam. Chúng tôi nói tạm biệt trước khi đi Việt Nam. Conjunctions
He has more books than me. Anh ấy có nhiều sách hơn tôi. Comparison
Eat less, think more. Ăn ít hơn, nghĩ nhiều hơn Comparison
He helps me before I help him. Anh ấy giúp đỡ tôi trước khi tôigiúp đỡ anh ấy. Prepositions 1
I do not wear the hat before wearing the shoes. Tôi không đội mũ trước khi mang giày. Prepositions 1
Korea (South Korea) Hàn Quốc Countries 1
South Korea and India have many delicious dishes. Hàn Quốc và Ấn Độ có nhiều món ăn ngon. Countries 1
I think I need to practice more. Tôi nghĩ tôi cần luyện tập nhiều hơn. Verbs 2.5
The mathematician wears glasses before working. Nhà toán học mang kính trước khi làm việc. Objects 2
Today is Sunday, therefore we sleep. Hôm nay là chủ nhật, vậy nên chúng tôi ngủ. Conjunctions 2
I think therefore I exist. Toi nghi vay nen toi ton tai Conjunctions 2
therefore vậy nên Conjunctions 2
Twenty-eight days before Hai mươi tám ngày trước Past
before trước Past
In comparison to me, you are more famous. So với tôi, bạn nổi tiếng hơn. Common Phrases 3
In comparison to that apple, this appleis more delicious. So voi qua tao do, qua tao nay ngon hon. Common Phrases 3
In comparison to you I am more friendly. So với bạn, tôi thân thiện hơn. Common Phrases 3
nothing lasts forever. Không có gì kéo dài vĩnh viễn. Verbs 4
forest rừng Nature
More specific, please Cụ thể hơn, làm ơn. Adjectives 2
Crime is becoming more dangerous and more complicated. Tội phạm đang trở nên nguy hiểm hơnvà phức tạp hơn. Politics
His team has more goals than my team. Đội của họ có nhiều bàn thắng hơn đội của tôi. Sports
Which team has more goals? Đội nào có nhiều bàn thắng hơn? Sports
You need to make more efforts next time. Bạn cần có nhiều sự cố gắng hơn cho lần tới. Abstract Objects 2
Quality is more important than quantity. Chất lượng quan trọng hơn số lượng. Science
Someone wore my trousers and I do not accept this. Một ai đó đã mặc quần của tôi và tôi không chấp nhận điều này. Verbs 5
Before sleeping, I like to read an ancient legend. Trước khi ngủ, tôi thích đọc một truyền thuyết cổ. History
We are very democratic and cannot be more democratic. Chúng tôi rất dân chủ và không thể dân chủ hơn. History
The government mobilized many armored cars. Chính phủ đã huy động nhiều xe thiết giáp. Military
Their armored car is attacked. Xe thiết giáp của họ bị tấn công. Military
an armored battalion Một tiểu đoàn thiết giáp Military
armored thiết giáp Military
I want a more mature relationship Tôi muốn một mối quan hệ chín chắn hơn. Reduplicative Words
The tourists like to eat meals taken from an inn more than eating in a res Những du khách thích ăn cơm bụi hơn ăn ở một nhà hàng. Informal Expressions
I am at a crowded bookstore. Tôi đang ở một hiệu sách đông đúc. Reduplicative Words 2
The difficulties will be solved if I become more patient. Những khó khăn sẽ được giải quyết nếu tôi trở nên kiên nhẫn hơn. Reduplicative Words 2

like: Ore

113 Are the stores open today? Hôm nay hàng quán có mở cửa không?
314 I often get up before seven (7:00). Tôi thường dậy trước bảy giờ.
475 I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak more slowly? Tôi xin lỗi, tôi không hiểu. Cậu có thể nói chậm hơn không?
635 I got up before seven am (7:00). Tôi đã dậy lúc bảy giờ sáng.
638 I went to bed before ten-thirty. Tôi đã đi ngủ trước mười rưỡi.
757 Where did you use to live before you came here? Cậu đã từng sống ở đâu trước khi cậu đến đây?
777 I've seen that man before, but I can't remember where. Tôi từng thấy anh ấy trước đây nhưng tôi không nhớ là ở đâu.
784 Who is that man? — I don't know, I've never seen him before. Ông kia là ai thế? - Tôi không biết, tôi chưa gặp ông ấy bao giờ.
787 Have you ever been to South Korea? — Yes, once. Cậu từng đến Hàn Quốc bao giờ chưa - Rồi, một lần.
836 Florentine works in a bank. She's worked in a bank for ve (5) years. Florentine làm việc trong ngân hàng, Cô ấy đã làm việc trong ngân hàng được năm năm.
They've moved to Seattle.'> 916 They've moved to Seattle.'> My brother and his wife don't live here any more. They moved to Seattle. > They've moved to Seattle. They've moved to Seattle.'> ☊ Anh trai tôi và vợ anh ý không sống ở đây nữa. Họ chuyển đến Seattle. > Họ đã chuyển đến Seattle.
979 I wore my new suit yesterday. Tôi đã mặc bộ complet mới ngày hôm qua.
992 I turned o the light before leaving this morning. Tôi đã tắt đèn trước khi đi lúc sáng nay.
1070 The room isn't dirty anymore. It's becleaned. Căn phòng không còn bẩn nữa. Nó đã được dọn sạch.
1092 I've never sethese owers before. What are they called? Tôi chưa bao giờ thấy những bông hoa này trước đây. Chúng tên là gì?
1122 What time do the stores close? Các cửa hàng khi nào đóng cửa?
1132 Mitsuko has traveled a lot, but she doesn't speak any foreign languages. Mitsuko đi du lịch được nhiều nơi rồi nhưng cô ấy chẳng nói được ngoại ngữ nào cả.
1259 in Dubai. Next week she'll be in Singapore. Yuko đi rất nhiều. Hôm nay cô ấy ở Frankfurt. Mai cô ấy ở Dubai. Tuần sau cô ấy ở Singapore.
1265 Don't drink co ee before you go to bed; otherwise, you won't sleep. Đừng uống cà phê trước khi đi ngủ, nếu không cậu sẽ không ngủ được.
1344 Should I go to the store? — No, I'll go. Tôi đi ra cửa hàng được không? - Không, tôi sẽ đi.
1433 Mrs. Chbought three (3) liters of milk at the store. Her childrdrink a lot of milk. Bà Trần đã mua ba gallon sữa ở cửa hàng. Bọn trẻ nhà bà ấy uống rất nhiều sữa.
1494 I think I should save more money. Tôi nghĩ tôi nên tiết kiệm tiền.
1497 You have to pass a test before you can get a driver's license. Cậu cần qua một kì thi trước khi lấy được bằng lái xe.
1631 I'm tired of arguing. Let's not do it any more. Tôi mệt mỏi vì cãi nhau rồi. Lần sau đừng có cãi nhau nữa.
1709 Did you buy any cherries? — No, there weren't any at the store. Cậu có mua tí anh đào nào không? - Không, chả còn tí nào trong cửa hàng cả.
1717 Where can I buy a bottle of water? — There's a convenience store at the end of the block. Tôi có thể mua một chai nước ở đâu? - Có một cửa hàng tạp hoá ở cuối dãy nhà.
1721 school. Now there are more than a thousand. Mười năm trước trong trường có năm trăm trẻ em. Bây giờ ở đó có hơn một nghìn.
1795 The stores aren't opyet, but the museum is. Cửa hàng chưa mở cửa nhưng bảo tàng mở rồi.
1915 Haven't we met somewhere before? Chúng ta đã gặp nhau ở đâu chưa?
Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> 2017 Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> If you have a car, you're able to get around more easily. > Having a car enables you to get around more easily. Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> ☊ Nếu cậu có xe hơi thì cậu có thể đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn. > Có xe hơi cho phép cậu đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn.
2019 EN He could remember driving along the road just before the accident, but he couldn't remember the accident itself. Anh ấy nhớ được lúc lái xe trên đường ngay trước khi có tai nạn nhưng anh ấy không thể nhớ được chính lúc tai nạn.
2025 about foreign policy. Sau khi thảo luận về kinh tế, tổng thống tiếp tục nói về chính sách đối ngoại.
2036 I need to get more exercise. > I need to start working out more. Tôi cần thực hành nhiều hơn. > Tôi cần bắt đầu làm ra nhiều thành phẩm hơn.
2072 EN Before going out, I called Jianwen. Trước khi ra ngoài tôi sẽ gọi cho Kiến Văn.
2075 You can improve your language skills by reading more. Cậu có thể cải thiện kĩ năng ngôn ngữ của cậu bằng cách đọc
2091 Jamaal has a new job. He has to get up much earlier now than before. He nds it di cult because he isn't used to getting up so early. Jamaal có công việc mới. Anh ấy phải dậy sớm hơn trước nhiều. Anh ấy thấy khó khăn vì anh ấy chưa quen với việc dậy sớm như thế.
2138 Do you have much opportunity to practice your foreign language? Cậu có nhiều cơ hội thực hành ngoại ngữ không?
2161 If I have any more news, you'll be the first person to know. Nếu tôi có tin gì nữa thì cậu sẽ là người đầu tiên được biết.
2233 Let me know if you need more information. Cho tôi biết nếu cậu cần thêm thông tin.
2256 I'd like to give you some advice before you go o to college. Tôi muốn cho cậu ít lời khuyên trước khi rời đại học.
2270 We must do more to protect the environment. Chúng ta phải làm nhiều hơn để bảo vệ môi trường.
I need more than six (6) euros. Six euros isn't enough.'> 2324 I need more than six (6) euros. Six euros isn't enough.'> I need more than ten (10) dollars. Ten dollars isn't enough. > I need more than six (6) euros. Six euros isn't enough. I need more than six (6) euros. Six euros isn't enough.'> ☊ Tôi cần nhiều hơn mười dollar. Mười dollar không đủ.
2362 They're not speaking to each other anymore. Họ sẽ không nói chuyện với nhau nữa.
2363 We'd never met before, so we introduced ourselves to one another. Chúng tôi chưa từng gặp nhay trước đó nên chúng tôi đã tự giới thiệu cho nhau,
2381 If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents. Nếu mọi người lái xe chịu cẩn thận thì sẽ không có nhiều tai nạn đến thế.
2400 There were no stores open. Không có cửa hàng nào mở cửa.
2403 None of the stores were open. Không có cửa hàng nào mở cửa.
2419 I can't give you a decision yet. I need more time to think about it. Tôi chưa thể đưa anh quyết định được. Tôi cần thêm thời gian để suy nghĩ về nó.
2422 Some people learn languages more easily than others. Một số người học các ngôn ngữ dễ dàng hơn những người khác.
2553 I don't have anything to do. I'm bored. Tôi không có việc gì để làm. Tôi đang chán.
2560 EN As the movie went on, it became more and more boring. Khi bộ lm tiếp tục, nó càng ngày cành chán.
2600 The buses run more often than the trains. Xe bus chạy thường xuyên hơn tàu hoả.
2602 Could you speak a bit more slowly? Cậu nói chậm hơn một chút được không?
2604 Her illness was far more serious than we thought at rst. Bệnh của cô ấy nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với chúng ta tưởng tượng lúc đầu.
2606 This hotel is better than the other one, and it's no more expensive. Khách sạn này tốt hơn cái kia mà nó không đắt hơn.
2611 The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it. Tôi nghĩ càng nhiều về kế hoạch thì tôi càng bớt thích nó.
2620 They have more money than we do. > They have more money than us. Họ có nhiều tiền hơn chúng ta. > Họ có nhiều tiền hơn chúng ta.
2634 Yevgeniy doesn't work here anymore. He left last month. But Alan still works here. Yevgeniy không còn làm ở đây nữa. Anh ấy đã đi tháng trước. Nhưng Alan vẫn làm ở đây.
We're no longer friends.'> 2635 We're no longer friends.'> We used to be good friends, but we aren't anymore. > We're no longer friends. We're no longer friends.'> ☊ Chúng tôi từng là bạn tốt nhưng giờ không còn nữa. > Chúng tôi không còn là bạn nữa.
2650 tomorrow, I'm sure we'll see each other before the weekend. Tôi có thể sẽ gặp cậu ngày mai. Nhưng cho dù tôi không gặp cậu ngày mai, tôi chắc chắn là chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau trước cuối tuần.
2725 They drive on the left in Britain, Japan, and Singapore. Người ta lái xe bên trái đường ở Anh, Nhật Bản và Singapore.
2774 The advantage OF living alone is that you have more freedom. Ưu điểm của sống một mình là bạn có nhiều tự do hơn.
2796 In fact, his sister was even more furious when she heard it. Thực tế chị của anh ấy thậm chí còn điên tiết hơn khi nghe được điều đó.
2801 Were you nervous about giving a speech in a foreign language? Cậu có hồi hộp vì phải diễn thuyết bằng tiếng nước ngoài không?
2818 Many countries are not tolerant of foreigners. Nhiều nước không khoan dung với người nước ngoài.
2900 They wore warm clothes to protect themselves from the cold. Họ mặc áo ấm để bảo vệ họ khỏi cái lạnh.
2919 Take your shoes o before coming inside my house, and please don't wake the baby up. Hãy cởi giày trước khi vào nhà tôi và làm ơn đừng đánh thức em bé.
2930 Please buy more toilet paper before you use it all up. Làm ơn mua thêm giấy vệ sinh trước khi cậu dùng hết nó.
2933 Valentina found a beautiful dress at the department store, but she
2934 wanted to try it on before she bought it. Valentina đã thấy một chiếc áo váy đẹp trong cửa hàng bách hoá nhưng cô ấy muốn thử nó trước khi mua.
2940 My parents and friends saw me o at the airport before I embarked on my adventure around the world. Bố mẹ và bạn bè của tôi đã tiễn tôi ở sân bay trước khi tôi dẫn thân vào cuộc phiêu lưu vòng quanh thế giới.
2947 The re ghters were able to put the re out before the house burned down. Lính cứu hoả đã có thể dập tắt ngọn lửa trước khi ngôn nhà bị cháy trụi.
2968 My parents dropped me o at the airport two (2) hours before my ight was scheduled to take o . Bố mẹ tôi thả tôi ở sân bay hai tiếng trước giờ chuyến bay của tôi dự kiến cất cánh.
2982 Whoever used up all the milk and eggs should go out and buy some more. And get some toilet paper while you're at it. Bất cứ ai đã dùng hết sữa và trứng nên ra ngoài và mua thêm. Và hãy lấy một ít giấy vệ sinh khi đấy là bạn.

The food was acceptable, but no more. acceptable
Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip. accident
a joint account (= one in the name of more than one person) account
The police are trying to obtain a more accurate picture of crime levels. accurate
Scientists have found a more accurate way of dating cave paintings. accurate
It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests. act
Before our modern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle. active
Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later. actually
He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give). take advantage of sth/sb
If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. advertise
She wanted to put her affairs in order before she died. affair
an expert on foreign affairs (= political events in other countries) affair
She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work. afford
afford to do sth: We cannot afford to ignore this warning. afford
They could ill afford to lose any more staff. afford
afford sth: We cannot afford any more delays. afford
Once again (= as had happened several times before), the train was late. again
She needs more friends of her own age. age
'It's terrible.' 'I couldn't agree more!' (= I completely agree) agree
An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised. aid
The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate. alarming
I've told you before—leave my things alone! leave/let sth alone
a lifeboat moored alongside the yacht alongside
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
There are far too many people already. We can't take any more. already
The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. amount
He swore angrily. angrily
We need some more paint; there isn't any left. any
I don't want any more. any
She wasn't anybody before she got that job. anybody
Their affluence is more apparent than real (= they are not as rich as they seem to be). apparent
You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. appreciate
argue that...: He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. argue
There were several young people sitting around looking bored. around
There was more money around in those days. around
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before. aspect
a sales assistant in a department store assistant
The programme of economic reform is backed (= given financial support) by foreign aid. back
Can you give me more background on the company? background
excess baggage (= weighing more than the limit allowed on a plane) baggage
She wore a simple band of gold = a ring on her finger. band
It's strange how she never comes to see us any more. be
He beached the boat and lifted the boy onto the shore. beach
She bore the responsibility for most of the changes. bear
bear sth: The pain was almost more than he could bear. bear
They want to beat the speed record (= go faster than anyone before). beat
beauty products/treatment (= intended to make a person more beautiful) beauty
He likes to have a mug of cocoa before bed (= before going to bed). bed
before lunch before
the day before yesterday before
The year before last he won a gold medal, and the year before that he won a silver. before
She's lived there since before the war. before
He arrived before me. before
She became a lawyer as her father had before her. before
Leave your keys at reception before departure. before
Something ought to have been done before now. before
We'll know before long (= soon). before
Turn left just before (= before you reach) the bank. before
Your name is before mine on the list. before
He puts his work before everything (= regards it as more important than anything else). before
The task before us is a daunting one. before
The whole summer lay before me. before
Do it before you forget. before
Did she leave a message before she went? before
Before I made a decision, I thought carefully about it. before
It may be many years before the situation improves. before
It was some time before I realized the truth. before
Put that away before it gets broken. before
You should have told me so before. before
It had been fine the week before (= the previous week). before
That had happened long before (= a long time earlier). before
I think we've met before. before
He began as an actor, before starting to direct films. begin
begin with sth: Use 'an' before words beginning with a vowel. begin
His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. behaviour
The dancers wore bells on their ankles. bell
For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. benefit
He wrote his best songs before he was 25. best
bet sth (on sth): He bet $2 000 on the final score of the game. bet
Any more bids? bid
The bills are piling up (= there are more and more that have still not been paid). bill
More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection. bird
It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend. bit
Greg thought for a bit before answering. bit
We must get more sponsors on board. on board
The performance is booked up (= there are no more tickets available). book
bore sb: I'm not boring you, am I? bore
bore sb with sth: Has he been boring you with his stories about his trip? bore
bother sb that...: Does it bother you that she earns more than you? bother
You pay less for the store brand. brand
They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939. break out
More news after the break. break
We had to stop for breath before we got to the top. breath
He breathed deeply before speaking again. breathe
She was beginning to breathe more easily. breathe
The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money than was planned). budget
That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more. burst
I could drive a car before I left school. can
Don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away. cancel
care that...: She doesn't seem to care that he's been married four times before. care
I'm very careful about washing my hands before eating (= I make sure I do it). careful
The report makes out a strong case (= gives good arguments) for spending more money on hospitals. case
When does her case come before the court? case
If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff. case
celebrate sth: We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence. celebrate
She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck. chain
The mayor wore his chain of office. chain
change sth: I didn't have time to change clothes before the party. change
I didn't have time to get changed before the party (= to put different clothes on). change
charge sth: Before use, the battery must be charged. charge
I'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else. cheaply
Check the oil and water before setting off. check
Check your work before handing it in. check
Please check in at least an hour before departure. check in (at...)
We aim to help students make more informed career choices. choice
She has more claim to the book's success than anybody (= she deserves to be praised for it). claim
a society in which class is more important than ability class
The boy's lungs cleared and he began to breathe more easily. clear
clear sth/sb: I had cleared my desk before I left. clear
It was several hours before the road was cleared after the accident. clear
Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized. clearly
The game was closer than the score suggests. close
I put more coal on the fire. coal
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years. colleague
The German team scored a combined total of 652 points. combine
She came second (= received the second highest score) in the exam. come
Come on! Try once more. come on
He's more comfortable with computers than with people. comfortable
She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair. comfortable
Let me slip into something more comfortable (= change into more comfortable clothing). comfortable
The survey on consumer taste was commissioned by local stores. commission
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
In most people's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal. common
Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports. compete
I only need one more card to complete the set. complete
I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary. complicate
One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information. concern
They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than with what the speaker was saying. concerned
They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (= only if) we returned it before the weekend. condition
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence. confidence
I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I had never connected them before. connect
You should consider other people before you act. consider
Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy. consumer
continue to do sth: He continued to ignore everything I was saying. continue
The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work. contrasting
A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. convenient
I'll call back at a more convenient time. convenient
Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend. cool
Store lemons in a cool dry place. cool
I got to the stage where I wasn't coping any more. cope
the earth's core core
the core of a nuclear reactor core
The standards of housing and education are often lower in the older urban cores (= the centres of towns or cities). core
the core of the argument core
Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. core
Sorry, I couldn't get any more. could
'Have some more cake.' 'Oh, I couldn't, thank you (= I'm too full).' could
She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like. country
Explore Thomas Hardy country. country
I've seen her a couple of times before. couple
There are a couple more files to read first. couple
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. a couple
Much of the country is covered by forest. cover
The government plans to create more jobs for young people. create
Stores spend more and more on crime prevention every year. crime
She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck. cross
Our letters must have crossed in the mail (= each was sent before the other was received). cross
He swam to the shore against a strong current. current
We left just before the final curtain. curtain
If we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production. cut sth back
They daren't ask for any more money. dare
Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains. dark
a dark room/street/forest dark
They left the day before yesterday (= two days ago). day
The poor child looks more dead than alive. dead
I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country. debt
a country's foreign debt burden debt
decide sth: We might be hiring more people but nothing has been decided yet. decide
I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand. defence
Humour is a more effective defence than violence. defence
the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest delicate
it is denied that...: It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem. deny
Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure. departure
depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. depend on/upon sth
Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales. desperate
the destruction of the rainforests destruction
This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter. detail
'We had a terrible time—' 'Oh, spare me the details (= don't tell me any more).' detail
We need more time to see how things develop before we take action. develop
I decided to go on a diet (= to lose weight) before my holiday. diet
It's difficult for them to get here much before seven. difficult
I prefer a more direct approach. direct
The fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage. disadvantage
Electronic media make the potential for information distribution possible on a scale never before achieved. distribution
Save the document before closing. document
domestic chores domestic
We're already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more). down
Houses are more expensive down south. down
The company employs no more than a couple of dozen people. dozen
A powerful human drama was unfolding before our eyes. drama
Could I have a drop more milk in my coffee, please? drop
Store onions in a cool dry place. dry
Each day that passed he grew more and more desperate. each
Your money would earn more in a high-interest account. earn
She tore the page out roughly, leaving a ragged edge in the book. edge
You should put more effort into your work. effort
The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people. effort
Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment. employment
enable sth to do sth: Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. enable
I had never encountered such resistance before. encounter
encourage sb to do sth: Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more. encourage
Knock before you enter. enter
An area of forest equal to the size of Wales has been destroyed. equal
the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) equal
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
She's even more intelligent than her sister. even
Our scores are now even. even
It's my best ever score. ever
The room bore evidence of a struggle. evidence
I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent (= tries to sound more Irish than he really is). exaggerate
examine sth: These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter 10. examine
exchange sth: If it doesn't fit, take it back and the store will exchange it. exchange
an expanding economy (= with more businesses starting and growing) expand
expand sth: We've expanded the business by opening two more stores. expand
expect to do sth: You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a few months. expect
I applied for the post more in hope than expectation. expectation
The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. experience
I've never cooked this before so it's an experiment. experiment
He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings. experiment
Could you explain yourself a little more—I didn't understand. explain yourself
explore sth (for sth): The city is best explored on foot. explore
They explored the land to the south of the Murray River. explore
explore (for sth): As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to explore. explore
These ideas will be explored in more detail in chapter 7. explore
a planned two-storey extension to the hospital extension
My home life was becoming no more than an extension of my job. extension
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. to... extent
Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it). extra
The two have never met face to face before. face to face (with sb)
She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever. face
I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy. fact
It's not fair! He always gets more than me. fair
We'll have to leave fairly soon (= before very long). fairly
Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature. faith
There are far more opportunities for young people than there used to be. far
the farther shore of the lake farther
She sounded more confident than she felt. feel
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
More females than males are employed in the factory. female
I need a few things from the store. few
Could you give me a few more details? few
find sb/sth + adj.: A whale was found washed up on the shore. find
forest fires fire
We can't fit in any more chairs. fit sb/sth in, fit sb/sth in/into sth
He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in with the other people. fit in (with sb/sth)
Their prices are fixed until the end of the year (= will not change before then). fix
Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion. flavour
The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood). flood
the ocean/valley/cave/forest floor floor
For more information, call this number. for
She's a force to be reckoned with (= a person who has a lot of power and influence and should therefore be treated seriously). force
We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force. force
force yourself: 'I shouldn't really have any more.' 'Go on—force yourself!' force
sales forecasts forecast
It is difficult to make long-term forecasts for a fast-growing industry. forecast
The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. forecast
The shipping forecast gave warnings of gales. forecast
forecast sth: Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy. forecast
Snow is forecast for tomorrow. forecast
It is difficult to forecast the demand for the new train service. forecast
forecast sth to do sth: Temperatures were forecast to reach 40°C. forecast
forecast that...: The report forecasts that prices will rise by 3% next month. forecast
forecast how, what, etc...: It is difficult to forecast how the markets will react. forecast
a foreign accent/language/student foreign
a foreign-owned company foreign
foreign holidays foreign
You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed. foreign
foreign affairs/news/policy/trade foreign
foreign aid foreign
a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in newspapers or on television) foreign
a tropical forest forest
a forest fire forest
Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year. forest
I'll love you forever! forever
After her death, their lives changed forever. forever
Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever. forever
It takes her forever to get dressed. forever
Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you. forget
forget (that)...: She keeps forgetting (that) I'm not a child any more. forget
I was forgetting (= I had forgotten) (that) you've been here before. forget
it is forgotten that...: It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. forget
It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. formal
This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory. former
The former option would be much more sensible. former
It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain. free
Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident. freely
Once into the open street they could breathe more freely. freely
The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers. from
No more for me, thanks—I'm full up. full
Please be more careful in future. in future
I get the impression that he is bored with his job. get
She got herself into a real state (= became very anxious) before the interview. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
She wants a job that gives her more responsibility. give
They couldn't give me any more information. give
glad about sth: 'He doesn't need the pills any more.' 'I'm glad about that.' glad
Could we go through (= practise) Act 2 once more? go through sth
Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate. go through sth
Go over your work before you hand it in. go over sth
She became more and more talkative as the evening went on. go on
The winning goal was scored by Hill. goal
Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision. government
Let's grab a sandwich before we go. grab
Women have gradually become more involved in the decision-making process. gradually
As the great day approached, she grew more and more nervous. great
to grow old/bored/calm grow
As time went on he grew more and more impatient. grow
His book describes the growth of nationalism in Germany before the Second World War. growth
They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. guarantee
more than 100 wedding guests guest
I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. guilty
The second half of the book is more exciting. half
No goals were scored in the first half. half
I've got to go. I can't handle it any more (= deal with a difficult situation). handle
He will be more than happy to come with us. happy
We thought long and hard before deciding to move house. hard
Had they left before you got there? have
I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth). head
When will you get it into your head (= understand) that I don't want to discuss this any more! head
Can you forecast where the economy is heading? head
Your (very) good health! (= said before drinking alcohol to express good wishes for sb's health and happiness) health
Test the heat of the water before getting in. heat
help yourself/sb to sth: Can I help you to some more salad? help
We were helped ashore by local people. help
I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Sorry I can't be more helpful. helpful
You may find it helpful to read this before making any decisions. helpful
The staff couldn't have been more helpful. helpful
She hesitated before replying. hesitate
He has a round face with a high forehead. high
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
The bomber scored a direct hit on the bridge. hit
We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses. hit
I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits. hold sth back
to drill/bore/punch/kick a hole in sth hole
a foreign holiday holiday
hope (of doing sth): They have given up hope of finding any more survivors. hope
There is an urgent need for more hospital beds. hospital
I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish. hot
household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) household
She ignored his feeble attempt at humour. humour
It would be a good idea to call before we leave. idea
The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport. idea
Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. identify
I'll only stay if you offer me more money. if
He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette. ignore
I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. ignore
We cannot afford to ignore their advice. ignore
She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject. ignore
She ignored him and carried on with her work. ignore
If he tries to start an argument, just ignore him. ignore
imagine (that)...: Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest. imagine
RAM stores information for immediate access. immediate
The report focuses on some of the more immediate problems facing us. immediate
my immediate predecessor in the job (= the person who had the job just before me) immediate
the years immediately before the war immediately
There's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money. immoral
imply (that)...: The survey implies (that) more people are moving house than was thought. imply
More importantly, can he be trusted? importantly
It's impossible for me to be there before eight. impossible
increase with sth: Disability increases with age (= the older sb is, the more likely they are to be disabled). increase
Going away to college has made me much more independent. independent
Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers. independent
He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. information
Always read the instructions before you start. instruction
to ignore/carry out sb's instructions instruction
Can't we do something more interesting? interesting
He ignored her interruptions. interruption
investigate how, what, etc...: The research investigates how foreign speakers gain fluency. investigate
to encourage foreign investment investment
iron ore (= rock containing iron) iron
She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. irritated
This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it. issue
The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses. job
a joint account (= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example a husband and wife) joint
The case comes before Judge Cooper next week. judge
He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement. judgement
'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop/store) just
Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? know
Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)? know
We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces (= those marked with the name of the shop/store where they are sold). label
All the children must learn a foreign language. language
last (out) sth: Doctors say that she probably won't last out the night (= she will probably die before the morning). last
Buy now before it's too late. be too late
The big stores are open later on Thursdays. late
This is discussed in more detail in a later chapter. later
After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order. law and order
lay A (on/over B): Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor. lay
These are the leading first-round scores. leading
Well, at least they weren't bored. at least
Look left and right before you cross the road. left
forelegs/hind legs leg
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
His simple, elegant paintings reflect his principle that less is more. less is more
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me. level
Profits were at the same level as the year before. level
It was an hour before the lights came on again. light
Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. light
The forecast is for light showers. light
Like I said (= as I said before), you're always welcome to stay. like
likely (that...): It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth. likely
You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). limit
She felt tired and more than a little worried. little
We saw a load of houses before we bought this one. load
There was a long silence before she spoke. long
I like it now the days are getting longer (= it stays light for more time each day). long
Nurses have to work long hours (= for more hours in the day than is usual). long
He stared at them for the longest time (= for a very long time) before answering. long
He retired long before the war. long
It wasn't long before she had persuaded him (= it only took a short time). long
We'll be home before long (= soon). long
They had long since (= a long time before the present time) moved away. long
She looked through her notes before the exam. look through sth
Have some more cake. There's lots left. lot
With (any) luck, we'll be home before dark. luck
The only goal of the match came more by luck than judgement. luck
There's room for one more piece of luggage. luggage
'I'm going to buy some new clothes.' 'Well, don't go mad (= spend more than is sensible).' mad
He's returning to the team this season, hoping that the old magic can be made to work once more. magic
Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in adolescents. mainly
The people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists. mainly
The government does not have an overall majority (= more members than all the other parties added together). majority
She's 82 and can't manage on her own any more. manage
an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped map
Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. map sth on/onto sth
Don't give me any more. I've eaten masses! mass
matter (to sb): The children matter more to her than anything else in the world. matter
After his death, nothing seemed to matter any more. matter
You're meant to (= you are supposed to) pay before you go in. mean
Video is a good medium for learning a foreign language. medium
The club has a membership of more than 500. membership
I could not have complete peace of mind before they returned. mind
a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers minister
Just minutes into the second half of the game Robinson scored his second goal. minute
It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion. mistake
He thought for a moment before replying. moment
We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it) next year. money
Each student's progress is closely monitored. monitor
It will be months before we get the results. month
Wait until he's in a better mood before you ask him. mood
More and more people are using the Internet. more and more
She spends more and more time alone in her room. more and more
She was far more intelligent than her sister. more
He read the letter more carefully the second time. more
I like her more than her husband. more
a course for more advanced students more
It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident. more
Could you repeat that once more (= one more time)? more
I had no complaints and no more (= neither) did Tom. more
Signing the forms is little more than (= only) a formality. more
I'm more than happy (= extremely happy) to take you there in my car. more
She was more than a little shaken (= extremely shaken) by the experience. more
I will torment you no more (= no longer). more
I've more or less finished the book. more or less
She could earn $200 a night, more or less. more or less
I was becoming more and more irritated by his behaviour. more and more
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note. moreover
The stores were overrun with rats and mice. mouse
I won, but there wasn't much in it (= our scores were nearly the same). not much in it
a country's natural resources (= its coal, oil, forests, etc.) natural
The more expensive articles are not necessarily better. not necessarily
She had no more need of me. need
The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative. negative
I hadn't been to New York before and neither had Jane. neither
Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance. nerve
I felt really nervous before the interview. nervous
It's news to me (= I haven't heard it before). news
The next train to Baltimore is at ten. next
'Some more?' 'Not for me, thanks.' not
From now on I'll be more careful. now
The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. objective
To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column. obtain
I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive. obvious
The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore. ocean
at/after/before eleven o'clock o'clock
Families will be better off under the new law (= will have more money). be well/better/badly, etc. off
See next week's issue for details of more free offers. offer
We should meet for lunch more often. often
We had more room in our old house. old
She was a woman grown old before her time (= who looked older than she was). old
Whose side are you on (= which of two or more different views do you support)? on
Let me hear it just once more. once again, once more
One more, please! one
Trying to reason with him only enrages him even more. only
The new store will be open in the spring. open
open country (= without forests, buildings, etc.) open
I'd like a second opinion (= advice from another person) before I make a decision. opinion
The police are trying to restore public order. order
Get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write. order
order that...: They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted. order
They ordered that for every tree cut down two more should be planted. order
Nurses ought to earn more. ought to
You scored six out of ten. out
The estimate was out by more than $100. out
to explore the outer (= most extreme) limits of human experience outer
You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over. over
He wore an overcoat over his suit. over
The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors. owe
You get more aches and pains as you get older. pain
Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). paper
The theatre gives a 10% discount to parties of more than ten. party
We grew more anxious with every passing day. pass
She bears more than a passing resemblance to (= looks very like) your sister. passing
I love him more with each passing day. passing
Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history. past
There was a long pause before she answered. pause
The countries have been at peace for more than a century. peace
Perhaps you'd like to have a wash before the others arrive. perhaps
I need you to phone the story in before five. phone sth in
I felt physically sick before the exam. physically
particle/nuclear/theoretical physics physics
'Do we need more milk?' 'No, there's plenty in the fridge.' plenty
We have plenty more of them in the warehouse. plenty
There's plenty more paper if you need it. plenty
The plus side of working at home is that you can be more flexible. plus
They won on points (= by scoring more points rather than by completely defeating their opponents). point
I'll come straight to the point: we need more money. point
'He's been married before.' 'That's beside the point ' (= not important). point
US foreign/domestic policy policy
Check the terms of the policy before you sign. policy
We aim to help the poorest families. poor
It's among the poorer countries of the world. poor
They posed briefly for photographs before driving off. pose
positive (about sth): She tried to be more positive about her new job. positive
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. possession
to explore/consider/investigate a wide range of possibilities possibility
Is there any more tea in the pot? pot
power (over sb/sth): The aim is to give people more power over their own lives. power
I traded my computer in for a more powerful model. powerful
Can you give a more precise definition of the word? precise
We do not have any more information at the present time. present
present sth: The company has decided it must present a more modern image. present
the local/national/foreign press press
The pound came under pressure from foreign currencies today, increasing the chances of a rise in interest rates. under pressure
Let's go somewhere a bit more private. private
program sth (to do sth): The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted. program
There is more than one pronunciation of 'garage'. pronunciation
We should have had a proper discussion before voting. proper
You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion. proportion
proposal to do sth: a proposal to build more office accommodation proposal
They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits. protection
There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones. punishment
Put your hand up if you need more paper. put
Put that knife down before you hurt somebody! put sth down
She put the phone down on me (= ended the call before I had finished speaking). put sth down
In this job, experience counts for more than paper qualifications. qualification
It's merely a question of time before the business collapses. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
a quieter, more efficient engine quiet
If I don't get more money I'll quit. quit
Rain is forecast for the weekend. rain
a campaign to attract more women into the military ranks rank
rank sb/sth as sth: Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence. rank
Some children can read and write before they go to school. read
further reading (= at the end of a book, a list of other books that give more information about the same subject) reading
He needs more help with his reading. reading
The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized. realize
reason (for sth/for doing sth): This result gives us all the more reason for optimism. reason
It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. reasonable
recall (sb/sth) doing sth: I can't recall meeting her before. recall
Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education. reception
reckon to be/have sth: Children are reckoned to be more sophisticated nowadays. reckon
recommend (sb) doing sth: He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. recommend
to break the record (= to achieve a better result than there has ever been before) record
record sb/sth doing sth: He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance. record
The lights (= traffic lights) changed to red before I could get across. red
Before I decide, I need time to reflect. reflect
diplomatic/international/foreign relations relation
relationship (to sth): This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation. relationship
They now live in relative comfort (= compared with how they lived before). relative
He appeared relaxed and confident before the match. relaxed
I'm feeling more relaxed about the future now. relaxed
What is even more remarkable about the whole thing is... remarkable
He still remembered her as the lively teenager he'd known years before. remember
remember doing sth: Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out? remember
In the long run, it works out more expensive to rent a television than to buy one. rent
We rented a car for the week and explored the area. rent
Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game. reply
Do you require anything else? (= in a shop/store, for example) require
require doing sth: Lentils do not require soaking before cooking. require
These goods are surplus to requirements (= more than we need). requirement
Tom's our resident expert (= our own expert) on foreign movies. resident
More than fifty people responded to the advertisement. respond
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
Order was quickly restored after the riots. restore
Such kindness restores your faith in human nature (= makes you believe most people are kind). restore
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
He is now fully restored to health. restore
We hope to restore the garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). restore
This cream claims to restore your skin to its youthful condition. restore
The house has been lovingly restored to the way it looked in 1900 when it was built. restore
Susan is going to take early retirement (= retire before the usual age). retirement
return sb/sth to sb/sth: We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. return
I had to return to the store to look for my purse. return
Review your work before you turn it in. review
He made some minor revisions to the report before printing it out. revision
Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there. get rid of sb/sth
ride sth: She had never ridden a horse before. ride
right (in doing sth): Am I right in thinking we've met before? right
As with all diseases, certain groups will be more at risk than others. at risk (from/of sth)
Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic. romantic
There's room for one more at the table. room
route (from A to B): the quickest route from Florence to Rome route
rub sth/yourself with sth: Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting. rub
Rub salt over the fish before cooking. rub
The old mill is now little more than a ruin. ruin
Her life had always run smoothly before. run
to run a hotel/store/language school run
The shareholders want more say in how the company is run. run
I often go running before work. run
It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. safe
They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames. safety
a sales drive/campaign (= a special effort to sell more) sale
His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. same
Try to say that line with more conviction. say
a scare story (= a news report that spreads more anxiety or fear about sth than is necessary) scare
I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). scene
We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools. school
a high/low score score
What's the score now? score
The final score was 4-3. score
I'll keep (the) score. score
A penalty in the last minute of the game levelled the score 2-2. score
test scores score
an IQ score of 120 score
a perfect score score
Fraser scored again in the second half. score
score sth: to score a goal/try/touchdown/victory score
score sth: She scored 98% in the French test. score
They ignored the baby's screams. scream
Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope. seal
a sealed bid (= one that is kept in a sealed envelope and therefore remains secret until all other bids have been received) seal
The letter bore the president's seal. seal
He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday. season
Italy scored a second goal just after half-time. second
teachers of English as a second language (= to people who already speak one or more other languages) second
I came second (to) last (= the one before the last one) in the race. second
He scored again in the dying seconds (= the last few seconds) of the game. second
These issues will be discussed more fully in the next section. section
Our relationship was now on a more secure footing. secure
Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion. secure
it is seen that...: It can be seen that certain groups are more at risk than others. see
You see, the thing is, we won't be finished before Friday. you see
This model is available at selected stores only. select
Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses. senior
In a sense (= in one way) it doesn't matter any more. sense
In some senses (= in one or more ways) the criticisms were justified. sense
They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years. separation
Sixty per cent of all marital separations occur before the tenth year of marriage. separation
The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen. series
serve sth to sb: They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates. serve
He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home. settle
Several more people than usual came to the meeting. several
The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders. severe
shake sb/sth: Shake the bottle well before use. shake
Give the bottle a good shake before opening. shake
I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). share
ship sth: The company continues to ship more computer systems than its rivals. ship
Losing in the first round was a shock to the system (= it was a more of a shock because it was not expected). shock
There should be plenty of time to go shopping before we leave New York. shop
I saw him shortly before he died. shortly
Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net. shot
He should have been more careful. should
We should arrive before dark. should
It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. should
The theatre shut down after more than half a century. shut down
If you eat any more cake you'll make yourself sick. sick
He has been moved sideways (= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower). sideways
Did you signal before you turned right? signal
It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death. significant
The original building has long since (= long before now) been demolished. since
We took a slightly more direct route. slightly
She slipped out of the house before the others were awake. slip
The government is planning to give more help to small businesses. small
It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). so
Programs are expensive, and even more so if you have to keep altering them. so
Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead. so
Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals. socially
a softly tailored suit softly
The stores are packed solid (= very full and crowded) at this time of year. solid
Have some more vegetables. some
Some people find this more difficult than others. some
to have a sore throat sore
His feet were sore after the walk. sore
My stomach is still sore (= painful) after the operation. sore
sort sth from sth: Women and children sorted the ore from the rock. sort
the different sounds and smells of the forest sound
Sound travels more slowly than light. sound
Please speak more slowly. speak
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. specifically
She was overtaken by the speed of events (= things happened more quickly than she expected). speed
There's more room to spread out in first class. spread out, spread yourself out
There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene. stage
Four points stand out as being more important than the rest. stand out (as sth)
a horse with a white star on its forehead star
start sth (as sth): He started life as a teacher before turning to journalism. start
The store stays open until late on Thursdays. stay
Stir the paint before you use it. stir
We need more laws to stop pollution. stop
a big department store store
a health food store store
a liquor store store
You can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh. store
He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. store
Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computer's memory. store
It was many years before the full story was made public. story
This view has recently gathered strength (= become stronger or more widely held). strength
The stone struck her on the forehead. strike
struggle (with sb/sth): Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police. struggle
study sth: We will study the report carefully before making a decision. study
I'm surprised he rides a motorbike—I'd have thought big cars were more his style (= what suited him). style
I have nothing more to say on the subject. subject
Accountants were boring. Such (= that) was her opinion before meeting Ian! such
This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignore it. such
Blue suits you. You should wear it more often. suit
The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them). superior
supply sth to sb/sth: Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. supply
supply sb/sth with sth: Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms. supply
They scored another goal and made sure of victory. make sure (of sth/that...)
It's surely only a matter of time before he is found, isn't it? surely
There are lots of surprises in store for visitors to the gallery. surprise
He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out. survey
swallow (sth): Always chew food well before swallowing it. swallow
I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow. swallow
She fell over and swore loudly. swear
swear sth: He swore revenge on the man who had killed his father. swear
swear (that)...: She swore (that) she'd never seen him before. swear
That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch. switch
I wish he'd show me a little more sympathy. sympathy
Take two tablets with water before meals. tablet
If you take my advice you'll have nothing more to do with him. take
The store took (= sold goods worth) $100 000 last week. take
I don't think I can take much more of this heat. take
I won't take up any more of your time. take up sth
taste (for sth): That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel. taste
They've got more money than taste. taste
profits before/after tax tax
He taught for several years before becoming a writer. teach
The storm nearly tore the roof off. tear
I tore another sheet from the pad. tear
He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake. tear
tear (sth) (+ adv./prep.): I tore my jeans on the fence. tear
I tore a hole in my jeans. tear
He tore the letter in two. tear
tear sth + adj.: I tore the package open. tear
I tore open the package. tear
She tore up all the letters he had sent her. tear sth up
Skaters score extra points for technical complexity. technical
More than half the staff are temporary. temporary
test sth out: They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market. test
test sb (on sth): Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7, 11 and 14. test
test (sth): We test your English before deciding which class to put you in. test
There was more whisky in it than soda. than
He loves me more than you do. than
It never takes more than an hour. than
'Would you like some more?' 'No thanks.' thanks
'Would you like some more cake?' 'No thank you.' thank you
You don't love me any more, is that it? that's it
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
If anyone comes in before I get back, ask them to wait. them
We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England. then
Why don't you hire a car? Then you'll be able to visit more of the area. then
In theory, these machines should last for ten years or more. in theory
He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. therefore
There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, return to this item at our next meeting. therefore
a thick forest thick
Think things over before you decide. thing
Let me think (= give me time before I answer). think
He'd like more time to think things over. think sth over
I think you'll find these more comfortable than those. this
Wash the fruit thoroughly before use. thoroughly
The forecast is for rain with the threat of thunderstorms. threat
a sore throat throat
The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education. thus
I tidied up the report before handing it in. tidy sth up
He tore the letter to pieces. to
It's five to ten (= five minutes before ten o'clock). to
Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking. together
He has more money than the rest of us put together. together
Tomorrow will be fine and dry according to the weather forecast. tomorrow
Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable. tomorrow
Turn the sweater inside out before you wash it. turn
Please turn the television off before you go to bed. turn sth off
She took a deep breath and stayed under for more than a minute. under
Try to show a little more understanding. understanding
We need to become a more united team. united
unlikely (that...): It's most (= very) unlikely that she'll arrive before seven. unlikely
Unusually for him, he wore a tie. unusually
They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project. unwilling
The wind is getting up (= blowing more strongly). up
She tore the paper up. up
I can take up to four people (= but no more than four) in my car. up to sth
Have you ever used this software before? use
We want more variety in our work. variety
a vast area of forest vast
a video shop/store video
For more information, visit our website. visit
How can we attract more visitors to our website? visitor
to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) voice
Wait until the dough doubles in volume before kneading it again. volume
wait for sb/sth to do sth: We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out. wait
want sth: We'll want more furniture for the new office. want
want sth: Do you want some more tea? want
More troops are being despatched to the war zone. war
Wait for the warmer weather before putting the plants in the garden. warm
Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing. warning
Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating. wash
I washed and changed before going out. wash
Wash that mud off your boots before you come in. wash sth off (sth)
Huge waves were breaking on the shore. wave
Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road. way
We should take more care of our historic buildings. we
He wore glasses. wear
He wore out two pairs of shoes last year. wear out, wear sth out
No more for me. I have to watch my weight. weight
The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint. well
Houses which overlook the lake cost more. which
He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle. whistle
Isobel, whose brother he was, had heard the joke before. whose
They won't lend us any more money. will
People would willingly pay more for better services. willingly
It is treated with acid before being analysed. with
He finds it hard to live within his income (= without spending more than he earns). within
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
Do not write more than 200 words. word
before/after work (= in the morning/evening each day) work
There's nothing in the world I'd like more than to visit New York. in the world
The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before. be worse off (than sb/sth)
It's worth making an appointment before you go. worth
I wouldn't have any more to drink, if I were you. would
wrap A (up) in B: Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it. wrap
She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box. wrapping
He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. wrist
The doctor wrote her a prescription for more antibiotics. write
Write down the address before you forget it. write sth down
the pre-war/war/post-war years (= the period before/during/after the war) year
'I've never met her before.' 'Yes, you have.' yes
'They've scored another goal.' 'Yes!!' yes
snow, snow and yet more snow yet
Prices were cut yet again (= once more, after many other times). yet

plus il est considérablement plus jeune que moi
avant tu vas te pencher en avant
donc nous avons donc dû faire les calculs nous-mêmes
étranger la situation est bien différente à l’étranger
prévoir son mandat présidentiel est prévu pour s’achever en 2007
d’ailleurs je n’entends d’ailleurs pas le tenir secret
ignorer j’ignorais pourquoi il jurait comme ça
davantage nous sentons tous que nous devons travailler davantage
auparavant je n’ai jamais vu cela auparavant
prévision l’économie mondiale a surpassé toutes les prévisions
forêt de ma fenêtre, on voyait la forêt
front le moustique vibrait autour de son front
magasin il travaillait dans un petit magasin en face
veille on s’était fiancés la veille
rétablir parfois, j’ai envie de rétablir quelques vérités
anticiper je n’avais pas anticipé une telle reprise
adorer elle adorait sa grand-mère maternelle
accumuler les bombes atomiques s’accumulent
putain putain mais qu’est-ce que tu fais?
déplorer il déplore la montée des superstitions
ancêtre en fait, mes ancêtres viennent d’lnde
accentuer la méfiance entre salariés et employeurs s’accentue
explorer il faudrait explorer le coin
ennui je parie que vous mourez d’ennui
rive je regagnais la rive gauche, et mon domicile
redonner il faut leur redonner un peu de dignité
restaurer nous allons d’abord nous restaurer
théorique ma question n’était pas purement théorique
ennuyer j’espère que je ne vous ennuie pas
reconstituer je dois donc reconstituer des réserves
carton il y a une petite boîte de carton où vous trouverez un carnet de timbres
noyau il recracha le noyau d’une olive
sensiblement le gouvernement fédéral a réduit sensiblement sa contribution
librairie les prix, dans cette librairie, sont très compétitifs
score c’est vrai que les bons scores me font plaisir
entrevoir pour l’avenir, elle entrevoit des débouchés intéressants
restituer en cas de rupture, il ne restituera rien
météo on nous annonçait la météo du lendemain
supplier je t’en supplie, ne pars pas
théoriquement l’accès en resterait théoriquement interdit aux femmes seules
buter elle s’est butée à toutes sortes de délais
résident j’ai rencontré presque tous les résidents
forestier l’industrie forestière est très importante