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Ofen bếp lò Wohnung

OXF3000D: lò nướng oven Ofen
OXF3000D: bếp lò stove Ofen

ENDE: oven Ofen
ENDE: stove Ofen
ENDE: stoves Öfen

like: Ofen

a furnace that burns gas/oil/coke burn
All main courses are served with chips or baked potato. chip
Set the oven to come on at six. come on
You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. conventional
There's a direct train to Leeds (= it may stop at other stations but you do not have to change trains). direct
a gas cooker/fire/furnace/oven/ring/stove gas
Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 (= a particular temperature of a gas oven) gas
Set the oven to a low/high/moderate heat. heat
The oven takes a while to heat up. heat up
Cook in a very hot oven. hot
Take the cake out of the oven. oven
a gas/an electric oven oven
a cool/hot/moderate oven oven
Open a window, it's like an oven in here! oven
Place the dough on a baking sheet (= for cooking sth in an oven). sheet
I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one (= the one that stops at all the stations). slow
Don't stick your arm out of the car window. stick out (of sth), stick sth out (of sth)
a gas/wood-burning stove stove
Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= cooking). stove
Heat the oven to a temperature of 200°C (= degrees centigrade ). temperature
The oven looked as if it had never been used. use