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Musik âm nhạc Musik

OXF3000D: âm nhạc music Musik

ENDE: music Musik

I could not understand him because the music was so loud. Tôi đã không hiểu được anh ấy, bởi vì nhạc ồn quá. * 084
I can’t understand anything when the music is so loud. Tôi không hiểu gì nếu nhạc to quá. * 097

like: Musik
das Musikgeschäft cửa hàng băng đĩa nhạc
die Musik âm nhạc
die Rockmusik nhạc rock
der Musiker nhạc công, nhạc sỹ
klassische Musik nhạc cổ điển
zeitgenössische Musik âm nhạc đương đại
die Musik-Noten (Plural) nốt nhạc
musikalisch thuộc về âm nhạc

Musikgeschäft 音乐店 yīnyuèdiàn
Musik 音乐 yīnyuè
Rockmusik 摇滚乐 yáogǔnyuè
Musiker 音乐家 yīn yuè jiā
klassische Musik 古典音乐 gǔdiǎn yīnyuè
zeitgenössische Musik 现代音乐 xiàndài yīnyuè
Musik-Noten (Plural) 乐谱(复数) yuèpǔ (fùshù)
musikalisch 音乐的 yīnyuè de

Er musste einige englische Bücher im Buchladen und einige CDs im Musikladen kaufen. Anh ấy đã mua vài quyến sách tiếng Anh ở tiệm sách và vài đĩa CD ở tiệm băng đĩa nhạc. (Lektion 24, Nr. 296)
Er spielte laute Rockmusik mit seiner Elektrogitarre. Anh chơi rock ồn ào bằng ghi-ta điện. (Lektion 40, Nr. 578)
Musiker gesucht! Tìm nhạc công! (Lektion 78, Nr. 1105)
Sie und noch einige andere Musiker sollen für die Hochzeit engagiert werden. Họ và một vài người nhạc sỹ khác đã được thuê cho lễ cưới. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1107)

Music filled the night air. air
She was not only intelligent but also very musical. also
The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening. altogether
an artistic temperament (= behaviour thought to be typical of artists, musicians, etc.) artistic
Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. atmosphere
background music background
basic to sth: Drums are basic to African music. basic
This type of music has a strong beat to it. beat
beautiful countryside/weather/music beautiful
born into sth: She was born into a very musical family. born
The music builds up to a rousing climax. build up (to sth)
I can hear music. can
Everyone clapped in time to the music. clap
I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music! classic
a music/photo, etc. competition competition
music which is accessible to an audience with extremely conservative tastes conservative
contemporary fiction/music/dance contemporary
an evening of drama, music and dance dance
They danced to the music of a string quartet. dance
There was music and dancing till two in the morning. dancing
Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues. degree
the musical director director
Turn the music down! down
He started writing music as early as 1989. early
electronic music electronic
encourage sb to do sth: Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more. encourage
an hour's class of exercising to music exercise
His knowledge of music is extensive. extensive
a concert of music from near and far far
famous in the field of music field
a leading figure in the music industry figure
Beautiful music came floating out of the window. float
forget (sb) doing sth: I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. forget
gift (for sth): She has a great gift for music. gift
I thought I was on safe ground (= talking about a suitable subject) discussing music with her. ground
the history of Ireland/democracy/popular music history
Image is very important in the music world. image
His first music teacher was a major influence in his life. influence
They insist on playing their music late at night. insist on doing sth
Her main interests are music and tennis. interest
Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music. introduce
her growing involvement with contemporary music involvement
knowledge of/about sth: He has a wide knowledge of painting and music. knowledge
learn sth: to learn a language/a musical instrument/a skill learn
a concert of light classical music light
listen to sb/sth: to listen to music listen
The club has live music most nights. live
That music's too loud—please turn it down. loud
a lover of music lover
Can you turn the music lower—you'll wake the baby. low
dance and music which capture the magic of India magic
Most classical music sends me to sleep. most
pop/dance/classical/church music music
to listen to music music
She could hear music playing somewhere. music
It was a charming piece of music. music
the popularity of Mozart's music music
He wrote the music but I don't know who wrote the words. music
Every week they get together to make music (= to play music or sing). music
to study music music
a career in music music
music lessons music
the music business/industry music
Can you read music (= understand the signs in order to play or sing a piece of music)? music
I had to play it without the music. music
The music was still open on the piano (= the paper or book with the musical notes on it). music
the musical director of the show musical
musical talent/ability/skill musical
musical styles/tastes musical
a musical production/entertainment musical
She's very musical. musical
a jazz/rock musician musician
organ music organ
We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments. pack up, pack sth up
Her hobbies include music and painting. painting
personalities from the world of music personality
piano music piano
a piece of art/music/poetry, etc. piece
A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher. pitch
music that is pleasant to the ear pleasant
popular music/culture/fiction popular
He has the potential to become a world-class musician. potential
I much prefer jazz to rock music. prefer
the music/sporting press (= newspapers and magazines about music/sport) press
Every year the school puts on a musical production. production
an exciting musical programme programme
At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects. prospect
The music teacher really pushes her pupils. push
Do you mind if I put some music on? put sth on
Can you read music? read
a recording of English music for clarinet and orchestra recording
the recording industry (= the industry that records and sells music) recording
His music reflects his interest in African culture. reflect
a radio request programme (= a programme of music, songs, etc. that people have asked for) request
to dance to the rhythm of the music rhythm
music with a fast/slow/steady rhythm rhythm
romantic music romantic
Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music. root
Do we have to listen to this rubbish music? rubbish
design/educational/music-sharing, etc. software software
I like some modern music (= but not all of it). some
Some of the music was weird. some
'What sort of music do you like?' 'Oh, all sorts.' sort
He's studying music in his spare time. spare
street theatre/musicians street
The music set everyone's feet tapping. tap
He has very good taste in music. taste
As he listened to the music, his eyes filled with tears. tear
an evening of live music and theatre theatre
I like music, theatre and cinema. theatre
I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae. to
His music isn't really to my taste. to
Music is quite unlike any other art form. unlike
She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. as well (as sb/sth)
What kind of music do you like? what
Some people work better to music while others do not. while
Her music appeals to a wide audience. wide
She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours. will
I couldn't work out where the music was coming from. work sth out
the most comprehensive study yet of his music yet
He had been a talented musician in his youth. youth