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monk thiền sư
monk tu sĩ

EVP monk
EVP monkey

3000TH: ตักบาตร dtakL baatL to give alms (to a monk)
3000TH: นิมนต์ niH mohnM to invite (only for monk)
3000TH: ลิง lingM monkey
3000TH: พระ phraH leading actor, hero; monk, abbot, Buddha image
5000FR: moine monk, friar
5000FR: singe monkey
GBENDE: 和尚, 修道士 monk Mönch
WNS: (n.) [monk] inhabitant of a monastery
WNS: (n.) [monkey] long-tailed primate

ENDE: monk Mönch

monkey Khỉ Animals 1
The monkey bites me. Con khỉ cắn tôi.
The monkey takes my clock! Con khỉ lấy chiếc đồng hồ của tôi! Objects
There are five monkeys behind me. Có năm con khỉ ở phía sau tôi. Prepositions 1
We are not (the) monks. Chúng tôi không phải là những nhà sư. Jobs 1
The monk is listening to me. Nhà sư đang lắng nghe tôi. Jobs 1
Many monks are vegetarians (vegans). Nhiều nhà sư là người ăn chay. Jobs 1
The monks live in the pagoda. Những nhà sư sống ở chùa. Places
I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey. Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. Reduplicative Words

like: Monk
(1) to increase, raise
(2) tank, (armored vehicle)
(3) Buddhist priest, Buddhist monk
(4) to hate
to leave one’s home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun) xuất gia

adult monkeys adult
a baby monkey/blackbird baby
Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild. exist
Most of the monkeys' food is found at ground level. ground
it is recorded that...: It is recorded that, by the year 630, four hundred monks were attached to the monastery. record

moine il vit modestement, comme un moine
singe ils imitent le cri des singes