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OXF3000D: lạm dụng abuse Missbrauch

ENDE: abuse Missbrauch
ENDE: abusiveness Missbrauch
ENDE: misusage Missbrauch

like: Missbrauch
missbrauchen lạm dụng

missbrauchen 滥用 lànyòng

alcohol abuse alcohol
drug and alcohol abuse drug
'Drugs' are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse. mind
The system is open to abuse. open
the problem of drug abuse problem
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. related
Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families. removal
sexually abused children sexually
shout sth (at/to sb): to shout abuse/encouragement/orders shout
Most of the letter consisted of a stream of abuse. stream
The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. take
a term of abuse term