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spring (season) mùa xuân
chun1 spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life Mùa xuân

Frühling mùa xuân Zeit

OXF3000: mùa xuân spring
OXF3000N mùa xuân spring
OXF3000D: mùa xuân spring Feder
OXF3000D: mùa xuân spring Frühling
OXF3000D: mùa xuân spring Qülle
OXF3000D: mùa xuân spring Sprung

spring mùa xuân Dates and Time

like: Mùa xuân
der Frühling mùa xuân
der Frühling mùa xuân

the early appearance of daffodils in spring appearance
the approach of spring approach
April showers (= light rain that falls in the spring) April
The town looks its best (= is most attractive) in the spring. best
Spring came late this year. come
conclude with sth: The programme concluded with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring'. conclude
In the spring the place is crowded with skiers. crowded
I love Rome, especially in the spring. especially
The day was set fair with the spring sun shining down. fair
the green of the countryside in spring green
in spring/summer/autumn/winter in
In spring the countryside bursts into life. life
The new store will be open in the spring. open
The seeds may be sown outdoors in the spring. outdoors
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
the return of spring return
Sow the seeds outdoors in spring. seed
The spring jutted sharply through the mattress. sharply
a mountain spring spring
flowers that bloom in spring/in the spring spring
He was born in the spring of 1944. spring
There's a feeling of spring in the air today. spring
spring flowers spring
The cat crouched ready to spring. spring
to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb) spring
the spring/summer/autumn/fall term term
In the spring, cut out the old wood and shorten the young stems (= of bushes, etc.). wood