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like: Krätze
kratzen làm xước, cào
der Kratzer vết trầy da, vết xây sát
zerkratzen cào, xé

kratzen guā
Kratzer 抓痕 zhuāhén
zerkratzen 刮坏 guāhuài

Aside from a few scratches, I'm OK. aside from
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with New York's skyscrapers. by/in comparison (with sb/sth)
heal sth: This will help to heal your cuts and scratches. heal
Knocks and scratches will lower the value of valuable furniture. knock
Be careful not to scratch the furniture. scratch
scratch sb/sth/yourself on sth: She scratched herself on a nail. scratch
scratch sth/yourself: John yawned and scratched his chin. scratch
scratch (at sth): Try not to scratch. scratch
Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles. scratch
a scratch on the paintwork scratch
It's only a scratch (= a very slight injury). scratch
He escaped without a scratch (= was not hurt at all). scratch
There's a scratch on the side of my car. side
Don't worry, it's only a scratch—you'll survive. survive