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Knoten nút buộc Verpackung

OXF3000D: nút knot Knoten

ENDE: kink Knoten
ENDE: knot Knoten
ENDE: node Knoten
ENDE: to knot knoten

like: Knoten

She could feel a lump in her breast. can
cut sth: Don't cut the string, untie the knots. cut
to tie a knot knot
Tie the two ropes together with a knot. knot
hair full of knots and tangles (= twisted in a way that is difficult to comb ) knot
Sailors had to know lots of different knots. knot
Check your breasts for lumps every month. lump
measure sth (in sth): A ship's speed is measured in knots. measure
We only exchange notes and traveller's cheques. note
The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo. such
I tied a knot in the rope. tie
She twisted her hair into a tight knot. tight
Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head. twist
to undo a button/knot/zip, etc. undo
The cashiers were asked to watch out for forged banknotes. watch out for sb/sth