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OXF3000D: nhấp chuột click Klick

ENDE: click Klick

like: Klick

Bitte klicken Sie hier. Xin hãy click vào đây. / Xin hãy bấm vào đây. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2048)

Just press the button to see your favourite character in action. in action
Choose 'printer' from the menu and click with the right mouse button. button
(+ adv./prep.): The cameras clicked away. click
click sth: He clicked his fingers at the waiter. click
Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance. click
The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. click
click sth: Click the OK button to start. click
click (on sth): I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. click
To run a window, just double-click on the icon. click
Click here to add your opinion to the survey. click
The door closed with a click. click
Click 'Continue' to connect to the Internet. connect
The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out. heel
To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page. link
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program. mouse
The receiver had already clicked into place. in place
Click on the icon when you want to print. print
a clicking/buzzing/scratching, etc. sound sound
He clicked his tongue to attract their attention. tongue