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EVP kick
EVP kick
Tritt cú đá Sport

OXF3000ZH: kick
3000TH: เตะ dtehL to kick
5000FR: virer to turn, change, transfer, kick out
OXF3000: đá kick
OXF3000N đá cú đá kick
CORE: kick + + + + + + +
NGLS: kick + hit using the foot
WNS: (n.) [kick] sudden stimulation
WNS: (v.) [kick] strike with the foot

ENDE: kick Stoss
ENDE: kick Tritt
FN: kick v Cause_harm

like: Kick
a kick in the butt cú đá vào mông đít
to kick up a row làm dữ
to kick the bucket nghẻo
to die, kick the bucket ngoẻo
to go west, kick the bucket, die đi tây
to kick somebody upstairs đá hất lên
to kick lightly đá nhẹ vào

I kicked the ball high in/into the air. air
If he kicks me, I'll kick him back. back
A good kick finally freed the door. free
He gave the door a good hard kick. hard
to drill/bore/punch/kick a hole in sth hole
kick (sb/sth): She was punched and kicked by her attackers. kick
Stop kicking—it hurts! kick
kick sb/sth + adv./prep./adj.: The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard. kick
Vandals had kicked the door down. kick
The dancers kicked their legs in the air. kick
The child was dragged away, kicking and screaming. kick
the first kick of the game kick
She gave him a kick on the shin. kick
He aimed a kick at the dog. kick
If the door won't open, give it a kick. kick
She needs a kick up the backside (= she needs to be strongly encouraged to do sth or to behave better). kick
The boys were knocking (= kicking) a ball around in the back yard. knock
punch sb/sth: He was kicked and punched as he lay on the ground. punch
He kicked the earth with the toe of his boot. toe

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