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作废 zuo4fei4 to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to nullify Khoảng trống
空隙 kong4xi4 crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events Khoảng trống

OXF3000: khoảng trống gap
OXF3000N khoảng trống khoảng cách space
OXF3000D: khoảng trống gap Lücke

like: Khoảng trống
das Leerzeichen khoảng trống

A peal of church bells rang out in the distance. bell
There was only space for a half-dozen tables. dozen
to fill a vacuum/void fill
fire sth: A starter's pistol fires only blanks. fire
a gap in a hedge gap
There should be a six-inch gap at the bottom. gap
a gap in the conversation gap
There were several gaps in my education. gap
He tried to push his hand through the gap but it wouldn't go. go
Please answer questions in the space provided. provide