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OXF3000D: thẩm phán judge Jurist
OXF3000D: luật sư lawyer Jurist

ENDE: judge Jurist
ENDE: lawyer Jurist

like: Jurist

Cost should not be a barrier to the use of legal services. barrier
legal documents document
He's always using fancy legal words. fancy
He met his future wife at law school. future
What made you go into law? law
Legally, there is not a lot we can do. legally
legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) opinion
If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. professional
the business/medical/law school school
seek sth: I think it's time we sought legal advice. seek
She started out on her legal career in 2001. start out
a technical/legal/scientific, etc. term term
He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). turn