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EVP instruction

OXF3000ZH: 命令 教学 教训 instruction
5000FR: instruction instruction, direction
OXF3000: hướng dẫn instruction
OXF3000N sự dạy tài liệu cung cấp instruction
GBENDE: 命令 instruction Befehl
GBENDE: 课程 instruction Unterricht
CORE: instruction + + + + + + +
NGLS: instruction + information about how to do or use something
WNS: (n.) [instruction] teaching, pedagogy

ENDE: instruction Anleitung
ENDE: instruction Anordnung
ENDE: instruction Befehl
ENDE: instruction Unterricht
FN: instruction n Education_teaching

like: Instruction
be recalled to the capital for instruction from hồi kinh

2596 The instructions were very complicated. They could have been simpler. Chỉ dẫn rất phức tạp. Lẽ ra nó phải đơn giản hơn.

The work was done according to her instructions. according to
a chain of command (= a system in an organization by which instructions are passed from one person to another) chain
Are these instructions clear enough? clear
The instructions look very complicated. complicated
The instructions on the box are very confusing. confusing
He gave me detailed instructions on how to get there. detailed
Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat. empty
to follow instructions faithfully faithfully
He has trouble following simple instructions. follow
It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. important
Follow the instructions on the packet carefully. instruction
Always read the instructions before you start. instruction
instruction on how to do sth: The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it. instruction
to ignore/carry out sb's instructions instruction
I'm under instructions to keep my speech short. instruction
He phoned you on my instructions. instruction
He left strict instructions that the box should only be opened after his death. instruction
The washing instructions are on the label. label
Give your instructions in everyday language. language
Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. manufacturer
English is the medium of instruction (= the language used to teach other subjects). medium
The work was carried out as per instructions. as per sth
precise details/instructions/measurements precise
He left detailed instructions about the best way to proceed. proceed
The instructions were rather complicated. rather
The instructions are reasonably straightforward. reasonably
religious instruction (= instruction in a particular religion) religious
say (that)...: The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours. say
I gave you specific instructions. specific
She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed. strict
Do you understand the instructions? understand
A word of warning: read the instructions very carefully. word
written instructions written

instruction je ne reçois aucune instruction de l’industrie nucléaire