Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP blink
EVP drink
EVP drink
EVP drinkable
EVP ink
EVP link
EVP link
EVP pink
EVP pink
EVP shrink
EVP shrink
EVP sink
EVP sink
EVP soft drink
EVP stink
EVP think
EVP thinker
EVP twinkle
EVP unthinkably
EVP wink
EVP tinker
EVP tinker
EVP brink

OXF3000ZH: drink
OXF3000ZH: 墨水 油墨 ink
OXF3000ZH: 有环连接 link
OXF3000ZH: 粉红色 pink
OXF3000ZH: (厨房内的)洗涤槽 sink
OXF3000ZH: 想要 认为 think
OXF3000ZH: 思考 思想 见解 thinking
3000TH: คิดดู khitH duuM consider, think about
3000TH: น้ำดื่ม naamH deuumL drinking water
3000TH: คิดว่า khitH waaF to think that ...
3000TH: น้ำอัดลม namH atL lohmM carbonated drinks
3000TH: ยับ yapH to wrinkle
3000TH: อ่างล้างมือ aangL laangH meuuM sink
3000TH: เครื่องดื่ม khreuuangF deuumL drinks
3000TH: นึก neukH to think
3000TH: หด hohtL to shrink
3000TH: คิดถึง khitH theungR to think about someone (to miss someone)
3000TH: สีชมพู seeR chohmM phuuM pink
3000TH: หลอด laawtL drinking straw, tube, pipe; classifier for tube, tube of toothpaste
3000TH: ชา chaaM tea (the product or drink)
3000TH: ว่า waaF to think, say, criticize, have an opinion; that (as in “said that”)
3000TH: กับแกล้ม gapL glaaemF food eaten while drinking (alcohol)
3000TH: กินเหล้า ginM laoF to drink (liquor)
3000TH: จมน้ำ johmM naamH drown, sink
3000TH: คิด khitH to think, think of, figure or reckon
3000TH: กิน ginM to eat, drink, consume, have
3000TH: ดื่ม deuumL to drink
3000TH: ทาน thaanM to eat, drink (elegant term)
5000FR: penser to think
5000FR: lier to link, join
5000FR: lien link, bond
5000FR: boire to drink
5000FR: consommer to eat, consume, drink, use, consummate
5000FR: anticiper to anticipate, foresee, look or think ahead
5000FR: couler to flow, run, sink
5000FR: rose rose; pink
5000FR: enfoncer to ram, drive in, hammer in, sink in
5000FR: boisson drink, beverage
5000FR: repenser to rethink
5000FR: sombrer to darken; to sink, lapse
5000FR: repli bend, twist, wrinkle, fold, fallback
OXF3000: mực ink
OXF3000N đồ uống uống drink
OXF3000N mực ink
OXF3000N mắt xích mối liên lạc liên kết kết nối link
OXF3000N màu hồng hoa cẩm chướng tình trạng tốt hoàn hảo pink
OXF3000N chìm lún đắm sink
OXF3000N nghĩ suy nghĩ think
OXF3000N sự suy nghĩ ý nghĩ thinking
GBENDE: 墨水 ink Tinte
CORE: ink + + + + + + +
WNS: (n.) [drink] beverage, drinkable, potable
WNS: (n.) [link] fastener
WNS: (n.) [sink] plumbing fixture
WNS: (n.) [thinker] creative thinker, mind, important intellectual
WNS: (n.) [brink] threshold, verge
WNS: (v.) [drink] imbibe, take in liquids
WNS: (v.) [link] connect, tie, fasten together
WNS: (v.) [sink] go down, go under
WNS: (v.) [shrink] shrivel
WNS: (v.) [think] cogitate, cerebrate
WNS: (v.) [think] believe, accept as true

ENDE: ink Druckerschwärze
ENDE: ink Tinte

He drinks water. Anh ấy uống nước. Basics 1
The man drinks apple juice. Người đàn ông uống nước ép táo. Basics 1
She drinks water. Cô ấy uống nước. Basics 1
The man drinks water. Người đàn ông uống nước. Basics 1
I drink water. Tôi uống nước. Basics 1
The kid drinks the apple juice. Đứa trẻ uống nước ép táo. Basics 1
The little boy drinks juice. Cậu bé uống nước ép. Basics 1
She wants to drink her water.
She drinks milk. Cô ấy uống sữa. Basics 2
No, I do not like drinking tea. Không, tôi không thích uống trà. Negation
The buffalo drinks water. Con trâu uống nước. Animals 1
The elephant drinks milk. Con voi uống sữa.
The buffalo drinks water. Animals 1
He drinks milk with sugar. Anh ấy uống sữa với đường. Food
I think, she loves me. Verbs 1
I think the child wants to eat pho. Tôi nghĩ đứa trẻ muốn ăn phở. Verbs 1
They start to think. Verbs 1
She wears a pink skirt. Cô ấy mặc một cái váy màu hồng. Colors
The woman buys a pink shirt. Người phụ nữ mua cái áo tím. Colors
I think it is not interesting. Tôi nghĩ nó không hay. Adjectives 1
Think positive. Nghĩ tích cực. Adjectives 1
I drink when I want. Tôi uống khi tôi muốn. Conjunctions
I drink coffee before I sleep. Tôi uống cà phê trước khi đi ngủ. Conjunctions
I do not think they fail. Tôi không nghĩ họ thất bại. Verbs 2
Tonight the child does not drink milk. Tối nay đứa trẻ không uống sữa. Dates and Time
How old do you think she is? Bạn nghĩ cô ấy bao nhiêu tuổi? Dates and Time
Eat less, think more. Ăn ít hơn, nghĩ nhiều hơn Comparison
I think about her every day. Tôi nghĩ đến cô ấy mỗi ngày. Prepositions 1
He does not think about tomorrow. (of) Prepositions 1
What do you do after drinking coffee? Bạn làm gì sau khi uống cà phê? Prepositions 1
Drink me, do not eat me. Uống tôi, đừng ăn tôi! Common Phrases 2
Is this dark pink? Đây là màu hồng đậm ư? Common Phrases 2
She has a pink horse? Really? Cô ấy có một con ngựa màu hồng ư?Thật không Common Phrases 2
The cat affirms it hates the pink fish. Con mèo khẳng định nó ghét con cá màu hồng. Verbs 2.5
I think I need to practice more. Tôi nghĩ tôi cần luyện tập nhiều hơn. Verbs 2.5
When she returns, she is happier than I think. Khi cô ấy trở lại, cô ấy hạnh phúc hơn tôi nghĩ. Verbs 2.5
Their mother will never drink wine. Mẹ của họ sẽ không bao giờ uống rượu. Frequency
Sometimes I think I am a cat. Đôi khi tôi nghĩ tôi là một con mèo. Frequency
I think therefore I exist. Toi nghi vay nen toi ton tai Conjunctions 2
This man also thinks like us. Người đàn ông này cũng nghĩ như chúng tôi. Conjunctions 2
You must not drink wine. Bạn không được uống rượu. Modal Verbs
I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. Passive
I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. Passive
Her boyfriend does not drink alcohol. Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. People
I do not think that social network is a threat. Tôi không nghĩ mạng xã hội đó là một mối đe doạ. Politics
Her boyfriend does not drink wine. Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. Jobs 2
There is a lot of water in my body. Do you want to drink it? Có rất nhiều nước trong cơ thể tôi.Bạn có muốn uống nó không? Medical
I think you need a special treatment. Tôi nghĩ bạn cần một sự điều trị đặc biệt. Medical
The actor's hair is pink. Mái tóc của diễn viên này màu hồng. Medical
i think my cat has nuclear weapons. Tôi nghĩ con mèo của tôi có vũ khí hạt nhân. Military
I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey. Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. Reduplicative Words
I do not think he is a screwball. Tôi không nghĩ anh ấy là một người dở hơi. Informal Expressions
She drinks coffee to stay up all night. Cô ấy uống cà phê để thức trắng đêm. Informal Expressions

like: Ink
pen and ink tray, writing materials bút nghiên
black ink painting (Sumi-E) hội họa bằng mực đen

282 He thinks. Anh ấy nghĩ.
317 I always drink co ee in the morning. Tôi luôn uống cà phê vào buổi sáng.
318 She doesn't drink co ee. Cô ấy không uống cà phê.
320 I drink co ee, but I don't drink tea. Tôi uống cà phê, nhưng tôi không uống trà.
321 She drinks tea, but she doesn't drink co ee. Cô ấy uống trà, nhưng cô ấy không uống cà phê.
370 He drinks a lot of co ee. It's his favorite drink. Anh ấy uống nhiều cà phê. Đấy là thức uống ưa thíc của anh ấy.
1072 I can't nd my keys. I think they've bestolen. Tôi tìm không ra chùm chìa khoá của tôi đâu. Tôi nghĩ chúng đã bị ăn trộm.
1265 Don't drink co ee before you go to bed; otherwise, you won't sleep. Đừng uống cà phê trước khi đi ngủ, nếu không cậu sẽ không ngủ được.
1266 I think Ayman will pass his driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Ayman sẽ qua kì thi lái xe.
1267 I don't think it'll rain this afternoon. Tôi nghĩ trời sẽ không mưa chiều nay.
1268 Do you think the test will be di cult? Cậu có nghĩ là bài thi sẽ khó không?
1291 I think Euna will pass her driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Ân Nhã sẽ qua kì thi lái xe.
1292 I don't think Jiyeong will pass his driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Chí Vinh sẽ không qua được kì thi lái xe.
1294 I think we'll win the game. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta sẽ thắng trong trò chơi.
I don't think I'll be here tomorrow.'> 1295 I don't think I'll be here tomorrow.'> I won't be here tomorrow. > I don't think I'll be here tomorrow. I don't think I'll be here tomorrow.'> ☊ Mai tôi sẽ không ở đây. Tôi nghĩ là tôi sẽ không ở đây ngày mai.
1296 I think Iris will like her present. Tôi nghĩ Iris sẽ thích bản thân cô ấy hiện tại.
I don't think they'll get married.'> 1297 I don't think they'll get married.'> They won't get married. > I don't think they'll get married. I don't think they'll get married.'> ☊ Họ sẽ không kết hôn. Tôi nghĩ họ sẽ không kết hôn.
I don't think you'll like the movie.'> 1298 I don't think you'll like the movie.'> You won't like the movie. > I don't think you'll like the movie. I don't think you'll like the movie.'> ☊ Cậu sẽ không thích bộ lm đấy đâu. Tôi nghĩ là cậu sẽ không thích bộ lm đấy đâu.
1303 Do you think Jorge will call us tonight? Cậu có nghĩ là tối nay Jorge sẽ gọi chúng ta không?
1310 I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed early tonight. Tôi mệt. Tôi nghĩ tối nay tôi sẽ đi ngủ sớm.
1311 It's a nice day. I think I'll sit outside. Trời đang đẹp. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ ngồi ở ngoài.
1312 It's raining. I don't think I'll go out. Trời đang mưa. Tôi nghĩ là mình sẽ không ra ngoài.
1327 Are you coming with me? — No, I don't think so. I'm staying here. Cậu có đi cùng tôi không? - Không, tôi nghĩ là không. Tôi sẽ ở đây.
1329 It's cold today. I don't think I'll go out. Hôm nay trời lạnh. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ không ra ngoài.
1330 I'm hungry. I think I'll buy something to eat. Tôi đói. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ mua cái gì đó về ăn.
1331 I feel very tired. I don't think I'll play tennis today. Tôi thấy mệt lắm. Tôi nghĩ hôm nay tôi sẽ không chơi quần vợt đâu.
1332 I like this hat. I think I'll buy it. Tôi thích cái mũ này. Tôi nghĩ mình sẽ mua nó.
1333 This camera is too expensive. I don't think I'll buy it. Cái máy ảnh này quá đắt. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ không mua nó.
1336 I need some exercise. I think I'll go for a walk. Tôi cần tập thể dục. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ đi bộ.
1433 Mrs. Chbought three (3) liters of milk at the store. Her childrdrink a lot of milk. Bà Trần đã mua ba gallon sữa ở cửa hàng. Bọn trẻ nhà bà ấy uống rất nhiều sữa.
1461 I think Zahida should buy some new clothes. Tôi nghĩ Zahida nên mua mấy bộ quần áo mới.
1462 It's late. I think I should go home now. Muộn rồi. Tôi nghĩ giờ tôi nên về nhà.
1463 Shall I buy this coat? — Yes, I think you should. Tôi có nên mua cái áo khoác này không nhỉ? - Có, tôi nghĩ cậu nên mua.
1464 I don't think you should work so hard. Tôi nghĩ cậu không nên làm việc nhiều thế.
1465 I don't think we should go yet. It's too early. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta chưa nên đi vội. Như thế sớm quá.
1466 Do you think I should buy this hat? Cậu nghĩ tôi có nên mua cái mũ này không?
1467 What time do you think we should go home? Cậu nghĩ mấy giờ chúng mình nên về nhà?
1468 I should study tonight, but I think I'll go to the movies. Tối nay tôi nên học bài nhưng tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ đi xem lm.
1470 I ought to study tonight, but I think I'll go to the movies. Tối nay tôi cần phải học bài nhưng tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ đi xem lm.
1471 I think Mahmud ought to buy some new clothes. Tôi nghĩ Mahmud cần phải mua vài bộ quần áo mới.
1482 You're going to have a party: "Do you think I should invite Oskar?" Bạn sắp làm một bữa tiệc: "Cậu nghĩ tôi có nên mời Oskar không?"
1483 We have to get up early tomorrow. I think we should go home now. Mai chúng ta phải dậy sớm. Tôi nghĩ giờ chúng ta nên về nhà đi.
1484 That coat is too big for you. I don't think you should buy it. Cái áo khoác kia quá rộng so với cậu. Tôi nghĩ cậu không nên mua nó.
1486 Valentina needs a change. I think she should take a trip. Valentina cần thay đổi. Tôi nghĩ cô ấy nên đi một chuyến.
1488 You're still sick. I don't think you should go to work. Cậu còn ốm. Tôi nghĩ cậu không nên đi làm.
1489 Simon isn't feeling well today. I think he should go see the doctor. Simon hôm nay không được khoẻ. Tôi nghĩ anh ấy nên đi khám.
1490 The hotel is too expensive for us. I don't think we should stay there. Khách sạn đấy quá đắt cho chúng ta. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta không nên ở đó.
1491 I think everybody should learn another language. Tôi nghĩ mọi người nên học một ngôn ngữ khác.
1492 I think everybody should travel to another country. Tôi nghĩ mọi người nên đi một nước khác.
1493 I don't think people should smoke. Tôi nghĩ mọi người không nên hút thuốc.
1494 I think I should save more money. Tôi nghĩ tôi nên tiết kiệm tiền.
1544 I'm thirsty. I'd like a drink. Tôi khát. Tôi muốn uống.
1560 What would you like to drink? Cậu muốn uống gì?
1723 I think everything will be okay. I don't think there will be any problems. Tôi nghĩ mọi thứ sẽ ổn. Tôi nghĩ sẽ không có vấn đề gì cả.
1756 Do you think Lucy will call tonight? — She might. Cậu có nghĩ là Lucy tối nay sẽ gọi không? - Có thể.
1802 Do you think Ingrid will pass her driving test? — Yes, I'm sure she will. Cậu có nghĩ là Igrid sẽ qua kì thi lái xe không? - Có, tôi chắc chắn cô ấy sẽ qua.
1829 You closed the window, didn't you? — Yes, I think so. Cậu đã đóng cửa phải không? - Đúng vậy.
1883 I think you should get your hair cut really short. Tôi nghĩ cậu nên để tóc thật ngắn vào.
1938 Do you think Remy will get the job? — I guess so. Cậu có nghĩ là Remy sẽ có được công việc đó không? - Tôi đoán là có.
1939 Is Pauline married? — I don't think she is. Pauline kết hôn chưa? - Tôi nghĩ là chưa.
1940 Do you think you'll get a raise soon? — I hope so. Cậu có nghĩ cậu sẽ sớm lên chức không? - Tôi cũng hi vọng thế.
1943 Do you think John will be at the party? — I hope not. Cậu có nghĩ là John sẽ có ở bữa tiệc không? - Tôi hi vọng là không.
1944 Is the concert at sevthirty (7:30)? — I think so. Buổi hoà nhạc diễn ra lúc bảy giờ ba mươi phải không? - Tôi nghĩ thế.
1981 Are you thinking of buying a car? — Yeah, but I still haven't made up my mind. Cậu đang nghĩ đến việc mua xe hơi à? - Ừ nhưng tôi vẫn chưa quyết định.
1983 I like Victoria, but I think she tends to talk too much. Tôi thích Victoria nhưng cô ấy hay nói quá nhiều.
2039 Do you think my pants need to be washed? > Do you think my pants need washing? Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần được giặt không? > Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần giặt không?
2079 It was a stupid thing to say. I said it without thinking. Nói ra điều đó thật ngu xuẩn. Tôi đã nói mà không suy nghĩ.
2102 I'm thinking of buying a house. Tôi đang nghĩ đến việc mua nhà.
2133 I think you waste too much time watching television. Tôi nghĩ cậu lãng phí quá nhiều thời gian vào việc xem vô tuyến.
2139 I need a few days to think about your proposal. Tôi cần một ít hôm để suy nghĩ về đề xuất của cậu.
Do you think this water is safe to drink?'> 2151 Do you think this water is safe to drink?'> Do you think it's safe to drink this water? > Do you think this water is safe to drink? Do you think this water is safe to drink?'> ☊ Cậu có nghĩ là uống nước này an toàn không? > Cậu có nghĩ là nước này an toàn để uống không?
2157 I think it was very unfair of him to criticize me. Tôi nghĩ thật bất công khi anh ấy phê phán tôi.
2178 Ask Anna for her opinion. I'd be interested to know what she thinks. Hỏi ý kiến Anna xem. Tôi sẽ thích thú khi biết được cô ấy nghĩ gì.
2246 I don't think Marco will get the job, because he doesn't have enough experience. Tôi không nghĩ Marco sẽ được nhận vào việc bởi vì anh ấy không có đủ kinh nghiệm.
2290 Do you think the rich should pay higher taxes? Cậu có nghĩ rằng người giàu nên đóng thuế cao hơn không?
2325 Do you think two (2) days is enough time to visit New York? Cậu có nghĩ hai ngày là đủ để tham quan New York không?
2355 Even Magda herself doesn't think she'll get the new job. Magda thậm chí tự mình cũng không nghĩ là cô ấy sẽ có công
2360 Some people are very sel sh. They think only of themselves. Một số người rất ích kỉ. Họ chỉ nghĩ đến mình họ.
2419 I can't give you a decision yet. I need more time to think about it. Tôi chưa thể đưa anh quyết định được. Tôi cần thêm thời gian để suy nghĩ về nó.
2449 He thinks he knows everything. Anh ấy nghĩ anh ấy biết mọi thứ.
2585 She speaks English so well you would think it was her native language. Cô ấy nói tiếng Anh tốt đến nỗi anh sẽ tưởng đấy là tiếng mẹ đẻ của cô ấy.
2778 EN I think we're lost. We need to get a map OF this city. — I'll search FOR an app. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta đã bị lạc. Chúng ta cần kiếm một cái bản đồ thành phố này. - Tôi sẽ tìm một ứng dụng.
2837 Don't worry, they think you're funny. They weren't laughing at you, they were laughing at your joke. Đừng lo, họ nghĩ cậu hài hước. Họ không cười cậu mà họ cười trò đùa của cậu.
2848 Would you care for a hot drink or some hot soup? Cậu thích một thứ đồ uống nóng hay một chút canh nóng?
2857 That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that? Đấy là một ý kiến hay. Sao tôi lại không nghĩ đến nó nhỉ?
2883 Do you blame the government for the economic crisis? > I think everybody wants to blame the government for the economic crisis. Cậu có đổ lỗi cho chính phủ về khủng hoảng kinh tế không? > Tôi nghĩ mọi người muốn đổ lỗi cho chính phủ về khủng hoảng kinh tế.
2886 EN I think the increase in suicides recently is to be blamed on the economy. Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng số vụ tự sát gần đây là lỗi tại kinh tế.
2902 I believe in saying what I think. Tôi chắc chắn khi nói ra những gì tôi nghĩ.

I didn't think our meeting was accidental—he must have known I would be there. accidental
agree to sth: Do you think he'll agree to their proposal? agree
He never drinks alcohol. alcohol
The food and drink industry has responded to the demand for low- and no-alcohol drinks. alcohol
alcoholic drinks alcoholic
All wood tends to shrink. all
it amuses sb to do sth: It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment. amuse
Would you like another drink? another
They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). arm
ask for sth: to ask for a job/a drink/an explanation ask
assure sb (that)...: You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not. assure
I think Mr Harris is at lunch. at
Don't pay any attention to what they say (= don't think that it is important). attention
I turned left automatically without thinking. automatically
aware of sth: I don't think people are really aware of just how much it costs. aware
I think you've got that sweater on back to front. back to front
A piano tinkled gently in the background. background
She's only trying to help, so don't think badly of her. badly
the island's only licensed bar (= one that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks) bar
I found David in the bar of the Red Lion (= a room in a pub where drinks are served). bar
I think I'll have a bath and go to bed. bath
a battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win) battle
He thinks it's clever to make fun of people. be
London is not England (= do not think that all of England is like London). be
Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied. because
Are you a beer drinker? beer
I think we've met before. before
I was beginning to think you'd never come. begin
'I'm thinking of a country in Asia.' 'What does it begin with (= what is the first letter)?' begin
Contrary to popular belief (= in spite of what people may think), he was not responsible for the tragedy. belief
I do believe you're right (= I think sth is true, even though it is surprising). believe
Do as you think best (= what you think is the most suitable thing to do). best
'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) bet
Can you think of a better word than 'nice'? better
a link between unemployment and crime between
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
Doctors think he will go blind. blind
a blocked sink block
it bothers sb to do sth: It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house. bother
I'm not bothered about what he thinks. be bothered (about sb/sth)
break sth: I think I've broken the washing machine. break
Mismanagement had brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy. bring
If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy. buy
care what/whether, etc.: I don't care what he thinks. care
Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had enough good arguments to win in a court of law). case
catch sth from sb: I think I must have caught this cold from you. catch
Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents. cause
I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain. make certain (that...)
'Do you think all this money will change your life?' 'Certainly not.' certainly
charge for sth: Do you think museums should charge for admission? charge
chubby/rosy/pink cheeks cheek
After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. choice
a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians claim
clean drinking water clean
a clear thinker clear
click (on sth): I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. click
the current climate of opinion (= what people generally are thinking about a particular issue) climate
I think it's going to be close. close
The college has close links with many other institutions. close
Let's talk over coffee (= while drinking coffee). coffee
a cold drink cold
These ink stains won't come out of my dress. come out (of sth)
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize (= this would be the polite behaviour that people would expect). common
communication systems/links/technology communication
concentrate sth: Nothing concentrates the mind better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow (= it makes you think very clearly). concentrate
It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract. concrete
This drink doesn't contain any alcohol. contain
the alcohol content of a drink content
The experience convinced him that Europe was on the brink of a revolution. convince
a cool breeze/drink/climate cool
I think we should wait until tempers have cooled. cool
Drink plenty of cold water to cool yourself down. cool sb down/off
I think you've made the correct decision. correct
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
He's drinking himself to death (= so that it will kill him). death
to think deeply (= about all the aspects of sth) deeply
A new type of painkilling drug has recently been developed. develop
diet drinks (= with fewer calories than normal) diet
I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
I think I'll do some digging in the garden. dig
They see a direct link between the money supply and prices. direct
The two incidents are not directly linked. directly
He's got a dirty mind (= he often thinks about sex). dirty
No, I disagree. I don't think it would be the right thing to do. disagree
She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell. disgust
I think it's disgusting that they're closing the local hospital. disgusting
dismiss sb/sth: I think we can safely dismiss their objections. dismiss
The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand (= without thinking about it). dismiss
'Do you think England will win?'—'I doubt it.' doubt
Don't think about it. You'll only give yourself bad dreams. dream
Can I have a drink? drink
soft drinks (= cold drinks without alcohol) drink
a drink of water drink
food and drink drink
She took a drink from the glass and then put it down. drink
They went for a drink. drink
The drinks are on me (= I'll pay for them). drink
I need a stiff drink (= a very strong drink). drink
He's got a drink problem. drink
He has a drinking problem. drink
The children are enough to drive me to drink. drink
They came home the worse for drink (= drunk). drink
She took to drink (= often drank too much alcohol) after her marriage broke up. drink
What would you like to drink? drink
In hot weather, drink plenty of water. drink
I don't drink coffee. drink
He was drinking straight from the bottle. drink
He doesn't drink. drink
Don't drink and drive (= drive a car after drinking alcohol). drink
She's been drinking heavily since she lost her job. drink
drink sth: I drank far too much last night. drink
drink yourself + adj.: He had drunk himself unconscious on vodka. drink
It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol). drive
I need a rest. I think I've earned it, don't you? earn
There should be closer links between education and industry. education
Well, I think she's either Czech or Slovak. either
It's not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach (= without having eaten something). empty
The word I'm thinking of ends in '-ous'. end in sth
evidence (of sth): There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. evidence
Lunch costs £10 per person, excluding drinks. excluding
You don't have to make excuses for her (= try to think of reasons for her behaviour). excuse
You might be excused for thinking that Ben is in charge (= he is not, but it is an easy mistake to make). excuse
Excuse me, but I don't think that's true. excuse me
explanation (for sth): I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence. explanation
Freedom of expression (= freedom to say what you think) is a basic human right. expression
Do you think it's funny to make faces behind my back? pull/make faces/a face (at sb)
I think it is fair to say that they are pleased with this latest offer. fair
I think you'll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult). fairly
I always think of you as one of the family. family
fancy sth: Fancy a drink? fancy
I think she fancies me. fancy
What do you think of the show so far? so far, thus far
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
I think my worst fault is impatience. fault
I think the owners are at fault (= responsible) for not warning us. fault
fear sth: She has been missing for three days now and police are beginning to fear the worst (= think that she is dead). fear
I feel like a drink. feel like sth/like doing sth
'Can I get you another drink?' 'No, thanks. I'm fine.' fine
He finished off his drink with one large gulp. finish
'Do you want a drink?' 'I'll finish my work first.' first
The children seem to think I'm only fit for cooking and washing! fit
People used to think the earth was flat. flat
I think we're being followed. follow
food and drink food
'What does Naomi think about the move?' 'She's all for it.' for
Aren't you forgetting something? (= I think you have forgotten to do sth) forget
form sth from/of sth: The chain is formed from 136 links. form
The wine flowed freely (= there was a lot of it to drink). freely
I think it's time we tried a fresh approach. fresh
It's frightening to think it could happen again. frightening
I still don't think we've heard the full story. full
Think further back into your childhood. further
We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available). gap
His drinking is getting to be a problem. get
get sth for sb: Get a drink for John. get
get sb/yourself sth: Get John a drink. get
I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. get over sth
give sb sth: They were all thirsty so I gave them a drink. give
Shall we go for a drink (= at a pub or bar) after work? go
I think you should go to the doctor's. go
She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying. go
go doing sth: He goes out drinking most evenings. go out
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
Go on! Have another drink! go on
Go away and think about it, then let me know. go away
I think I'm going to faint. be going to do sth
Good, I think we've come to a decision. good
'I've ordered some drinks.' 'Good man!' good
What good is it redecorating if you're thinking of moving? good
Do you think these latest changes will do any good? do good, do sb good
Don't you think talking to her would do some good? do good, do sb good
grateful (to do sth): She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. grateful
I think we can manage quite happily on our own. happily
to think hard hard
Hardly a day goes by without my thinking of her (= I think of her almost every day). hardly
I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there. hate
First, you have to think logically about your fears. have to
I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth). head
Try to put the exams out of your head (= stop thinking about them) for tonight. head
Your (very) good health! (= said before drinking alcohol to express good wishes for sb's health and happiness) health
hear sb/sth/yourself do sth: Be quiet—I can't hear myself think! (= it is so noisy that I can't think clearly) hear
to drink/smoke heavily heavily
a heavy drinker/smoker heavy
the effects of heavy drinking heavy
What the hell do you think you are doing? hell
help yourself: If you want another drink, just help yourself. help
I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Here the speaker paused to have a drink. here
His teachers think very highly of him (= have a very good opinion of him). highly
I don't think that branch will hold your weight. hold
I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits. hold sth back
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
I often think about my friends back home. home
To be honest (= what I really think is), it was one of the worst books I've ever read. honest
This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). hour
'I think you owe me some money.' ' How come?' how come?
it hurts (sb) to do sth: It hurt me to think that he would lie to me. hurt
I think I'd better go now. I
We've been toying with the idea of (= thinking about) getting a dog. idea
identify sth: Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. identify
If you think about it, those children must be at school by now. if
I can't drink coffee with milk in. in
written in ink ink
a pen and ink drawing ink
different coloured inks ink
The group has just inked a $10 million deal. ink
investigate sth: Police are investigating possible links between the murders. investigate
I don't think my private life is the issue here. issue
This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it. issue
I'm thinking of applying for a new job. job
We seem to take everything but the kitchen sink when we go camping. everything but the kitchen sink
Do not think you are above the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law). law
He's too easily led (= easily persuaded to do or think sth). lead
It works, at least I think it does. at least
I don't think we'll make it, but let's try anyway. let
I refuse to sink to their level (= behave as badly as them). level
That sounds like (= I think I can hear) him coming now. like
like sth: Would you like a drink? like
like to do sth: I'd like to think it over. like
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. link
evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer link
link (with sth): to establish trade links with Asia link
The department is interested in developing closer links with industry. link
link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link
a high-speed rail link link
a link road link
a video link link
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page. link
link A to B: The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer. link
link A with B: The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe. link
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
link A to/with B: Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer. link
link A and B: The two factors are directly linked. link
The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked (= they depend on each other). link
Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips (= I didn't drink any). lip
She poured the dark brown liquid down the sink. liquid
a bar selling snacks and liquid refreshment (= drinks) liquid
a liquid lunch (= alcoholic drinks, rather than food) liquid
Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. logic
I think it's only three weeks long. long
Your ankle's swollen—I think the doctor ought to look at it. look at sth
You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged. lucky
We need to think of ways to make money. make
What makes you say that (= why do you think so)? make
The doctors think he's going to make it. make it
'I think this is the best so far.' 'Well, that's a matter of opinion (= other people may think differently). matter
'I think he should resign.' 'Maybe.' maybe
I see what you mean (= I understand although I may not agree), but I still think it's worth trying. mean
I don't think we've met. meet
meet (for sth): Let's meet for a drink after work. meet
They met up again later for a drink. meet up (with sb)
As for avoiding you, nothing could be further from my mind (= I was not thinking of it at all). mind
I think I must have missed something because none of this makes any sense. miss
I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. mistake sb/sth for sb/sth
I think you must be mixing me up with someone else. mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth)
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right). moral
Who do you think will get (the) most votes? most
I'll think about it nearer (to) the time (= when it is just going to happen). near
'Which do you like?' 'Neither. I think they're both ugly.' neither
'Another drink?' 'No, thanks.' no
She wrinkled her nose in disgust. nose
Now let me think... now
I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number). number
Think of a number and multiply it by two. number
We occasionally meet for a drink after work. occasionally
Think of a number, any number. of
The new law makes it a criminal offense to drink alcohol in public places. offense
I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway. offer
I think I did OK in the exam. OK
I didn't think she was old enough for the responsibility. old
Drinks are on me (= I am paying). on
I don't think we've got anything on this weekend. on
We think of you as one of the family. one
I think we've learned a lot about one another in this session. one another
If you want my opinion, I think you'd be crazy not to accept. opinion
I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks. organize
I think you should go back to your original plan. original
an original thinker original
'Ought I to write to say thank you?' 'Yes, I think you ought (to).' ought to
Two out of three people think the President should resign. out
I think you owe us an explanation. owe
I think we're owed an apology. owe
pen and ink pen
He doesn't care what people think of him. people
I think perhaps you've had enough to drink tonight. perhaps
pale pink roses pink
She went bright pink with embarrassment. pink
The sun was now just a pink glow in the evening sky. pink
She was dressed in pink. pink
The bedroom was decorated in pale pinks. pink
I think I missed the point (= did not understand). point
He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.) politics
to have a poor opinion of sb (= to not think well of sb) poor
Why don't you pop in (= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area? pop
'Do you think he'll resign?' 'Anything's possible where he's concerned.' possible
How could you possibly think that I had anything to do with it! possibly
She poured boiling water down the sink. pour
pour sth out: I was in the kitchen, pouring out drinks. pour
It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think it will work practically. practically
I prefer not to think about it. prefer
I'm only buying it if it's the right price (= a price that I think is reasonable). price
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
They've gone down the pub for a drink. pub
The doctors think she will pull through. pull through, pull through sth
I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence. put sth together
Would you like a quick drink? quick
His quick thinking saved her life. quick
Once again, his quick wits (= quick thinking) got him out of an awkward situation. quick
to have a quiet drink quiet
'I almost think she prefers animals to people.' 'Quite right too,' said Bill. quite
Don't quote me on this (= this is not an official statement), but I think he is going to resign. quote
a rail link/network rail
I think I felt a drop of rain. rain
I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee. rather than
realize how, what, etc...: I don't think you realize how important this is to her. realize
What do you really think about it? really
Only human beings are capable of reason (= of thinking in a logical way, etc.). reason
'They'll never find out.' 'You reckon? ' (= I think you may be wrong about that) reckon
I've marked the corrections in red (= in red ink). red
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
responsibility (to do sth): I think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries. responsibility
a country on the brink of revolution revolution
to be filthy/stinking (= extremely) rich rich
right (in doing sth): Am I right in thinking we've met before? right
The wind is rising—I think there's a storm coming. rise
a calculated risk (= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) risk
I think Simon is in his room (= bedroom). room
She had a small mouth and round pink cheeks. round
How rude of me not to offer you something to drink! rude
The war brought the country to the brink of ruin. ruin
rush sb: Don't rush me. I need time to think about it. rush
If you think I'm going to help you again, you're sadly (= completely) mistaken. sadly
safe (for sb) (to do sth): Is the water here safe to drink? safe
I think the same as you do about this. same
Anna thinks I'm lazy—what do you say (= what is your opinion)? say
say (that)...: I can't say I blame her for resigning (= I think she was right). say
'That's impossible!' 'So you say (= but I think you may be wrong).' say
it scares sb to do sth: It scared me to think I was alone in the building. scare
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken. seal
She went into the kitchen in search of (= looking for) a drink. search
He's a secret drinker. secret
I don't think she saw the point of the story. see
I don't see that it matters what Josh thinks. see
seek sth: I think it's time we sought legal advice. seek
I think that's a very sensible idea. sensible
I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home. sensible
You think I did it?Be serious! (= what you suggest is ridiculous) serious
serve sb/sth with sth: The town is well served with buses and major road links. serve
Two soccer fans plunged to their deaths after a heavy drinking session. session
set sb/sth doing sth: Her remarks set me thinking. set
If you think the job will be easy, you're in for a shock. shock
You shouldn't drink and drive. should
'She doesn't think she'll get a job.' 'She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry).' should
'Is this enough food for everyone?' 'I should think so.' should
'Will it matter?' 'I shouldn't think so.' should
satellite links to the other side of the world side
The sun was sinking in the west. sink
The foundations of the building are starting to sink. sink
We're sinking! sink
The wheels started to sink into the mud. sink
to sink like a stone sink
Smell this and tell me what you think it is. smell
He smiled to think how naive he used to be. smile
It's not so easy as you'd think. so
'Did they mind?' 'I don't think so.' so
He thinks I dislike him but that just isn't so. so
So I had a couple of drinks on the way home. What's wrong with that? so
She thinks she's really somebody in that car. somebody
freedom of speech (= the right to say openly what you think) speech
I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. spirit
start sb/sth doing sth: The news started me thinking. start
'Do you want a drink?' 'No, thanks, I can't stay.' stay
Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didn't think he would. still
People just don't stop to think about the consequences. stop
You can't stop people from saying what they think. stop
stop sb/sth doing sth: You can't stop people saying what they think. stop
I think we're in for a storm (= going to have one). storm
The college has strong links with local industry. strong
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
I don't think this coat really suits me. suit
I suppose you think it's funny, do you? (= showing anger). suppose
I think the door's locked, but I'll just go and make sure. make sure (of sth/that...)
I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure. for sure
Surely you don't think I was responsible for this? surely
it surprises sb to do sth: Would it surprise you to know that I'm thinking of leaving? surprise
You have a very suspicious mind (= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way). suspicious
I think I'll tackle the repairs next weekend. tackle
to take a bite/drink/sip take
I don't think I can take much more of this heat. take
Taste it and see if you think there's enough salt in it. taste
taste like sth: This drink tastes like sherry. taste
I think he's happy. It's hard to tell. tell
People tend to think that the problem will never affect them. tend
This material has a tendency to shrink when washed. tendency
I feel terrible—I think I'll go to bed. terrible
That's exactly what I think. that
She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight. that
Think things over before you decide. thing
think (that)...: I never thought (that) I'd see her again. think
You'd think she'd have been grateful for my help (= but she wasn't). think
think to do sth: Who would have thought to find you here? think
think where, how, etc...: We couldn't think where you'd gone. think
Just think how nice it would be to see them again. think
think (that)...: I can't think (that) he would be so stupid. think
think (sth): Just think—we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow. think
If I'm late home, my mother always thinks the worst. think
Try to think yourself into the role. think
Are animals able to think? think
Let me think (= give me time before I answer). think
think (about sth): I can't tell you now—I'll have to think about it. think
All he ever thinks about is money. think
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
think what, how, etc...: He was trying to think what to do. think
think sth: You're very quiet. What are you thinking? think
think what, how, etc...: I was just thinking what a long way it is. think
think (that)...: Do you think (that) they'll come? think
I didn't think you liked sports. think
Am I right in thinking that you used to live here? think
I think this is their house, but I'm not sure. think
He ought to resign, I think. think
We'll need about 20 chairs, I should think. think
think sth (about sth): What did you think about the idea? think
Well, I like it. What do you think? think
think so: 'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.' think
'Is he any good?' 'I don't think so.' think
think sb/sth + adj.: I think it highly unlikely that I'll get the job. think
When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular. think of sth/sb
Can anybody think of a way to raise money? think of sth/sb
'What shall we do now?' 'I'll think of something.' think of sth/sb
I can think of at least three occasions when he arrived late. think of sth/sb
I can't think of her name at the moment. think of sth/sb
Don't you ever think about other people? think about/of sb/sth
think doing sth: She's thinking of changing her job. think about/of sb/sth
I think of this place as my home. think of sb/sth as sb/sth
He'd like more time to think things over. think sth over
I've been thinking over what you said. think sth over
Can't you think up a better excuse than that? think sth up
I had to do some quick thinking. thinking
What is the current thinking on this question? thinking
She explained the thinking behind the campaign. thinking
I think you'll find these more comfortable than those. this
time (to do sth): I think it's time to go to bed. time
I'm too tired even to think. tired
Let's drink to Julia and her new job. to
Have a cup of tea—unless you'd prefer a cold drink? unless
Some people think it's unlucky to walk under a ladder. unlucky
The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink. unpleasant
it upsets sb to do sth: It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house. upset
I'm sure you'll think of a use for it. use
I'm going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink. wall
If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned—they take a lot of time and money. warn
These ink stains won't wash out. wash out
drinking water water
I think it should go on the other way round. the other way round
I think it happened, well, towards the end of last summer. well
Sprinkle the dish with salt. with
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
Have a word with Pat and see what she thinks. word
it worries sb to do sth: It worried me to think what might happen. worry
I'd hate you to think I was criticizing you. would
I wouldn't have any more to drink, if I were you. would
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping
I think she lives at number 44, but I could be wrong. wrong
You think you've beaten me but that's where you're wrong. wrong
Don't get me wrong (= do not be offended by what I am going to say), I think he's doing a good job, but... get sb wrong
'Would you like a drink?' 'Yes, please/thanks.' yes
I don't think that hairstyle is you (= it doesn't suit your appearance or personality). you

penser je pense que vous le connaissez bien
lier c’est le premier décès lié à l’épidémie
lien sachez que nos liens ne sont pas rompus
boire vous boirez quelque chose?
consommer nous consommons des aliments génétique- ment modifiés
anticiper je n’avais pas anticipé une telle reprise
couler elle regardait silencieusement couler ces larmes
rose j’ai regardé le ciel tout rose derrière les arbres noirs
enfoncer commencons par enfoncer les portes
boisson le thé représente la deuxième boisson consommée dans le monde
repenser il faut complètement repenser le tourisme
sombrer je sombrai dans le chaos
repli c’est plutôt la saison d’un repli frileux