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like: Hersteller
der Hersteller người sản xuất

Hersteller 生产商 shēng chǎn shāng

Ich arbeite als Entwicklerin bei einem Autohersteller. Tôi làm nghiên cứu phát triển tại một công ty sản xuất ôtô. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1436)
Kannst du bitte 100 Kartons für den Versand bei diesem Hersteller bestellen? Anh / Chị có thể đặt 100 thùng các-tông cho việc vận chuyển tại nhà sản xuất này được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1568)

The consultancy gives advice to manufacturers on the health and safety aspects of their products. aspect
The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate. bottom
a car driver/manufacturer/dealer car
a clothing manufacturer clothing
drug companies drug
It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. important
The company is a world leader in electrical goods. leader
a car/computer manufacturer manufacturer
Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. manufacturer
Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers. manufacturer
order sth (from sb): These boots can be ordered direct from the manufacturer. order
French wine producers producer
The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers. send
stamp A (with B): The box was stamped with the maker's name. stamp
The maker's name was stamped in gold on the box. stamp