Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP biochemistry
EVP chemical
EVP chemical
EVP chemist
EVP chemistry
EVP chemotherapy
EVP hemp
EVP mathematical
EVP mathematician
EVP mathematics
EVP scheme
EVP them
EVP theme
EVP themselves
EVP ephemeral
EVP ephemera
EVP ephemerality
EVP euphemism
EVP euphemistic
EVP euphemistically

OXF3000ZH: 化学的 chemical
OXF3000ZH: 化学家 药剂师 chemist
OXF3000ZH: 化学 chemistry
OXF3000ZH: 数学 mathematics
OXF3000ZH: 计划 scheme
OXF3000ZH: 他(她)们 它们 them
OXF3000ZH: 题目 词干 主旋律 theme
OXF3000ZH: 他们自己 themselves
3000TH: พวกเขาเอง phuaakF khaoR aehngM themselves, ourselves
3000TH: เขาเอง khaoR aehngM themselves, ourselves
3000TH: พวกเรา phuaakF raoM we, they, us, them, all of us
3000TH: เอง aehngM by himself, herself, themselves, etc., without outside help of influence
3000TH: พวกเขา phuaakF khaoR they, them
3000TH: ยา yaaM medicine, chemical compound
5000FR: le the; him, her, it, them
5000FR: se oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves
5000FR: leur them, their, theirs
5000FR: eux them
5000FR: thème theme, topic
5000FR: chimique chemical
5000FR: mathématique mathematical; mathematics
5000FR: chimie chemistry
5000FR: hymne hymn, anthem
OXF3000N thuộc hóa học chất hóa học hóa chất chemical
OXF3000N nhà hóa học chemist
OXF3000N hóa học môn hóa học ngành hóa học chemistry
OXF3000N toán học môn toán mathematics
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sự phối hợp kế hoạch thực hiện scheme
OXF3000N đề tài chủ đề theme
OXF3000N protự chúng tự họ tự themselves
WNS: (a.) [mathematical]
WNS: (n.) [chemical]
WNS: (n.) [chemistry] chemical science
WNS: (n.) [hemisphere] cerebral hemisphere
WNS: (n.) [hemisphere] half of the terrestrial globe
WNS: (n.) [mathematics] math, maths
WNS: (n.) [scheme] schema organization of concepts
WNS: (n.) [theme] motif
WNS: (n.) [theme] melodic theme, musical theme

ENDE: hem Saum
FN: hem n Clothing_parts

Do not listen to them. Đừng nghe họ. Common Phrases 2
We are not mathematicians. Chúng tôi không phải là các nhà toán học. Jobs 1
mathematician nhà toán học Jobs 1
Who wants to be a mathematician? (= become) Ai muốn trở thành một nhà toán học? Jobs 1
The scientists work with the mathematicians. Các nhà khoa học làm việc với các nhà toán học. Jobs 1
The mathematician wears glasses before working. Nhà toán học mang kính trước khi làm việc. Objects 2
I do not even cooperate with them. Tôi thậm chí không hợp tác vớihọ. Adverbs
I do not like them following me all day. Tôi không thích họ đi theo tôi cả ngày. Verbs 3
They want to cook pasta by themselves. Họ muốn tự mình nấu mì Ý. Common Phrases 3
I always appreciate the international friendship between them. Tôi luôn đánh giá cao tình bạn quốc tế giữa họ. People
Our plan is to arrest them. Kế hoạch của chúng tôi là bắt giữ họ. Politics
This is my chemistry teacher. Đây là giáo viên môn hoá học của tôi. Science
chemistry môn hoá học Science
chemistry hoá học Science
This is the most complicated theme. Đây là đề tài phức tạp nhất. Abstract Objects 3
theme đề tài Abstract Objects 3
No one can lure you, if you do not agree with them. Không ai có thể dụ dỗ bạn nếu bạnkhông đồng ý với họ. Reduplicative Words

like: Hem
flap, hem (of clothing) tà áo
to stammer, bluster, hem and haw ầm ừ

606 Zoe meets her friends every night. > She met them last night. Zoe đi gặp bạn bè mỗi tối. Cô ấy có đi gặp họ tối qua.
720 I saw them this morning. They were waiting at the bus stop. Tôi đã gặp họ sáng nay. Họ đang đợi ở bến xe bus.
811 They have lots of books, and have read all of them. Họ có rất nhiều sách và họ đã đọc hết chúng.
I've already written them an email.'> 914 I've already written them an email.'> I don't need to call them. I wrote them an email. > I've already written them an email. I've already written them an email.'> ☊ Tôi không cần phải gọi họ. Tôi viết cho họ một lá thư điện tử. Tôi đã viết cho họ một lá thư điện tử rồi.
935 Have Chandra and Indira arrived yet? — No, not yet. We're still waiting for them. Chandra và Idria đã đến chưa? - Chưa. Chúng tôi vẫn đang đợi họ.
1155 Where are the chocolates? Have you eatall of them? Chocolat đâu hết rồi? Cậu đã ăn hết tất cả rồi à?
1450 Keep these papers in a safe place. You must not lose them. Cất chỗ giấy này ở nơi an toàn. Cậu sẽ không bị mất chúng.
1562 I like onions, but I don't eat them very often. Tôi thích hành nhưng tôi không ăn thường xuyên lắm.
1953 You're looking for your keys. Maybe Ichirou has sethem. You ask, "You haven't semy keys, have you?" Bạn đang tìm chìa khoá. Có thể Ichirou đã nhìn thấy chúng. Bạn hỏi: "Cậu không thấy chìa khoá của tôi đâu à?"
2066 Should I tell them, or would you rather they didn't know? — No,
2067 I'll tell them. Tôi có nên nói cho họ hay cậu thấy họ không biết thì hơn? - Không, tôi sẽ nói cho họ.
2089 I bought some new shoes. They felt strange at rst because I wasn't used to them. Tôi đã mua giày mới. Lúc đầu nó lạ chân vì tôi chưa quen với nó.
2103 I wouldn't dream of asking them for money. Có nằm mơ tôi cũng không bao giờ hỏi họ tiền.
2114 I forgot to thank them for helping me. Tôi quên không cảm ơn họ vì đã giúp tôi.
2220 I need my glasses, but I can't nd them. Tôi cần kính nhưng tôi không tìm thấy nó đâu.
2360 Some people are very sel sh. They think only of themselves. Một số người rất ích kỉ. Họ chỉ nghĩ đến mình họ.
2375 Student drivers are not allowed to drive by themselves. Những người lái xe cho học sinh không được phép tự lái xe cho mình.
2378 EN I wasn't expecting them to come. It was a complete surprise. Tôi không nghĩ là họ tới. Đó là một sự bất ngờ toàn tập.
2393 If anyone has any questions, I'll be glad to answer them. Nếu có ai có câu hỏi gì thi tôi rất sẵn lòng trả lời.
2407 No one did what I asked them to do, did they? Không ai làm những gì tôi bảo họ có đúng không?
2432 Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish. Some of them were French. Không phải tất cả khách du lịch trong đoàn đều là người Tây Ban Nha. Một vài trong số họ là người Pháp.
2441 Neither of them want to have children. Cả hai người họ đều không muốn có con.
2687 When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was crazy. Khi tôi nói với họ kế hoạch của tôi, họ nhìn tôi cứ như là tôi bị điên.
2697 I sent the package to them today, so they should receive it by Monday. > They should receive it no later than Monday. Tôi đã gửi gói hàng cho họ hôm nay nên họ sẽ nhận được nó vào Thứ hai.
2738 them there. Bố mẹ tôi đang ở vườn thú. Cô của tôi đang đến vườn thú để gặp họ.
2813 Some children feel proud of their parents, while others are ashamed of them. Một số đứa trẻ tự hào về bố mẹ chúng trong khi một số khác lại xấu hổ vì họ.
2900 They wore warm clothes to protect themselves from the cold. Họ mặc áo ấm để bảo vệ họ khỏi cái lạnh.
2932 of them. Tôi đã phát hết danh thiếp cả ngày nay và giờ tôi hết rồi.
2955 You should always save your les as you're working on them just in case your computer crashes. Cậu nên luôn luôn lưu các tệp tin cậu đang làm phòng khi máy tính của cậu bị phụt tắt.
2979 The two (2) brothers are identical twins, so everybody gets them mixed up. Hai anh em là cặp sinh đôi cùng trứng. Vậy nên mọi người thường lẫn lộn họ với nhau.
2987 wasn't afraid to take them on. Vài người đàn ông đã tức giận với Jack trong quán rượu và Jack đã bảo họ là anh ấy không sợ đối đầu với họ.
2989 They took it out into the street, and Jack let them have it. Jack put them down one by one, and the spectacle really drew a crowd. Họ kéo ra ngoài phố và Jack để họ nắm thế. Jack hạ gục họ từng người một và cảnh tượng thực sự đã thu hút đám đông.

Many divorced fathers only have access to their children at weekends (= they are allowed by law to see them only at weekends). access
My eyes were still trying to adjust themselves to the strong sunlight. adjust
+ speech: 'Get there early,' she advised (them). advise
None of them could afford £50 for a ticket. afford
I'll call you after I've spoken to them. after
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). age
It's been an age since we've seen them. age
agree (with sb) (about/on sth): He agreed with them about the need for change. agree
I'll run ahead and warn them. ahead
Not all of them were invited. all
All of them enjoyed the party. all
allow sth: No dogs allowed (= you cannot bring them in). allow
I like almost all of them. almost
You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water. analysis
'Which colour do you want?' 'Any of them will do.' any
If you don't tell them, nobody will be any the wiser (= they will not find out about it). any
The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them. anyone
I can't tell the twins apart (= see the difference between them). apart
The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run. appearance
She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. approach
We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. arise
arm yourself/sb (with sth): The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. arm
Leaving aside (= not considering at this stage) the cost of the scheme, let us examine its benefits. aside
I didn't ask them in (= to come into the house). ask
There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them. atmosphere
They suddenly became aware of people looking at them. aware
They set off with the wind at their backs (= behind them). back
She turned her back on them when they needed her. turn your back on sb/sth
I stepped back to let them pass. back
Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. ball
Chemical weapons are banned internationally. ban
I am to call them once I reach the airport. be
The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. beat
bet on/against sth: I wouldn't bet on them winning the next election. bet
There's a lot of bad feeling between them. between
China and India between them account for a third of the world's population. between
I talked to the women. Both of them were French/They were both French. both
I liked them both. both
I have two sisters. Both of them live in London/They both live in London. both
I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). bother
I waited for them at the bottom of the hill. bottom
build sth for sb: They had a house built for them. build
They were busy enjoying themselves at the party. busy
call sb/sth: I called the office to tell them I'd be late. call
careful when/what/how, etc.: You must be careful when handling chemicals. careful
Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them). careful
Mark walked in and caught them at it (= in the act of doing sth wrong). catch
The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping). chain
a chemical element chemical
the chemical industry chemical
chemical reactions/processes chemical
Farmers are being urged to reduce their use of chemicals and work with nature to combat pests. chemical
You can obtain the product from all good chemists. chemist
Take this prescription to the chemist's. chemist
I'll get it at the chemist's. chemist
a chemist's/chemist shop chemist
a research chemist chemist
a degree in chemistry chemistry
the university's chemistry department chemistry
inorganic/organic chemistry chemistry
The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse. collapse
+ speech: 'Come here!' he commanded (them). command
commission sb to do sth: She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem. commission
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
commit sb/yourself to do sth: Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. commit
This school compares with the best in the country (= it is as good as them). compare
We can't compete with them on price. compete
He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics. concept
I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I had never connected them before. connect
This pesticide kills insects on contact (= as soon as it touches them). contact
This chemical is liable to explode on contact with water. contact
Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? contact
monthly contributions to the pension scheme contribution
convince sb/yourself (of sth): You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. convince
Relations between them have definitely cooled (= they are not as friendly with each other as they were). cool
Opinion was divided on the potential costs and benefits of the scheme. cost
a French/chemistry, etc. course course
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind (= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). cruel
to draw/pull/close the curtains (= to pull them across the window so they cover it) curtain
to draw/draw back/pull back the curtains (= to open them, so that the window is no longer covered) curtain
cut sb sth: I cut them all a piece of birthday cake. cut
cut sth for sb: I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all. cut
We see them a great deal (= often). deal
They lost everything that was dear to them. dear
a Chinese theme in the interior decoration decoration
defend sb/yourself/sth from/against sb/sth: Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics. defend
defend sb/yourself/sth from/against sb/sth: All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. defend
She has a degree in Biochemistry from Queen's University. degree
Please pay for goods on delivery (= when you receive them). delivery
firms attempting to meet/satisfy their customers' demands (= to give them what they are asking for) demand
There's no denying (the fact) that quicker action could have saved them. deny
There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them. difference
It's difficult for them to get here much before seven. difficult
Let's invite them to dinner tomorrow. dinner
He picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at them. dirt
The advantages of the scheme far outweighed the disadvantages. disadvantage
I can never find a pen in this house. They disappear as soon as I buy them. disappear
discussion (with sb) (about/on sb/sth): We had a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US. discussion
They helped themselves from a large dish of pasta. dish
I'll do the dishes (= wash them). dish
The mountains rose dramatically behind them. dramatically
The drinks are on me (= I'll pay for them). drink
The urge to survive drove them on. drive
He dropped his trousers (= undid them and let them fall). drop
He was charged with pushing drugs (= selling them). drug
I don't do drugs (= use them). drug
It was high summer and the rivers were dry (= had no water in them). dry
All important points are numbered for ease of reference (= so that you can find them easily). ease
The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. effort
You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like. either
They're very good employers (= they treat the people that work for them well). employer
encounter (with sb/sth): Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police. encounter
Her words were a great encouragement to them. encouragement
Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests (= they kill them). enemy
They all enjoyed themselves at the party. enjoy
Tell them it's just not good enough. enough
ensure sb sth: Victory ensured them a place in the final. ensure
We see them very seldom, if ever. ever
I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since. ever since (...)
I read every last article in the newspaper (= all of them). every
to sit an examination in mathematics examination
I heard them exchange words (= argue). exchange
explain to sb who, how, etc...: She explained to them what to do in an emergency. explain
express yourself: Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves. express
express yourself + adj.: They expressed themselves delighted. express
to make/avoid eye contact with sb (= to look/avoid looking at them at the same time as they look at you) eye
face doing sth: I can't face seeing them. face
I love her for all her faults (= in spite of them). fault
All of them are experts in their chosen field. field
I need to have two teeth filled (= to have fillings put in them). fill
film sth: It took them six weeks to film the documentary. film
flash sth (at sb): Red lights flashed a warning at them. flash
flash sb (sth): Red lights flashed them a warning. flash
She forced herself to be polite to them. force
They made out a shadowy form in front of them. form
He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off. frighten sb/sth away/off, frighten sb/sth away from sth
The kids still weren't full, so I gave them an ice cream each. full
It's funny how things never happen the way you expect them to. funny
They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off (= brought them success). gamble
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). gap
'You miss them, don't you?' he asked gently. gently
He got a 'C' in Chemistry and a 'B' in English. get
Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don't get through to them. get through (to sb)
I never lend books—you never get them back. get sth back
give sb sth: They were all thirsty so I gave them a drink. give
Check out the prices of our pizzas—we're virtually giving them away! give sth away
She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. glass
I'll go ahead and tell them you're on the way. go ahead
We waved them goodbye. goodbye
The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). gun
Let me give you a hand with those bags (= help you to carry them). hand
The crowd threw up their hands (= lifted them into the air) in dismay. hand
to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) hand sth in (to sb)
I hope nothing (= nothing unpleasant) has happened to them. happen to sb/sth
You can have your files back after we've checked them. have sth back
Try to put the exams out of your head (= stop thinking about them) for tonight. head
The height of the mountain did not discourage them. height
This charity aims to help people (to) help themselves. help
He held out the keys and I took them. hold sth out
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
There were just a hundred of them there. hundred
His eyes had a wild hungry look in them. hungry
Hurry up with the scissors. I need them. hurry up (with sth)
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). identify
If anyone calls, tell them I'm not at home. if
The new policies appear to have caught the imagination of the public (= they find them interesting and exciting). imagination
He waved them away with an impatient gesture. impatient
impress (sb): We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us. impress
The kids were playing by the river and one of them fell in. in
industrial chemicals industrial
He went to inform them of his decision. inform
insect repellent (= a chemical that keeps insects away) insect
I did it with the best (of) intentions (= meaning to help), but I only succeeded in annoying them. intention
A slow theme introduces the first movement. introduce
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
invite sb to do sth: They have invited me to go to Paris with them. invite
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
He still has some issues with women (= has problems dealing with them). issue
issue sth to sb: Work permits were issued to only 5% of those who applied for them. issue
I didn't expect them to jump for joy at the news (= to be very pleased). joy
As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame. judge
She kept her promise to visit them. keep
She spoke kindly to them. kindly
leave sth: Leave the dishes—I'll do them later. leave
let sb/sth do sth: Let them splash around in the pool for a while. let
I refuse to sink to their level (= behave as badly as them). level
Don't leave toys lying around—someone might trip over them. lie around
like to do sth: I like to see them enjoying themselves. like
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
Each of them having their own room was the logical solution. logical
He stared at them for the longest time (= for a very long time) before answering. long
A look passed between them (= they looked at each other). look
We'll be taking a close look at these proposals (= examining them carefully). look
The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business. lost
Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. mad
Is there a letter from them in the mail? mail
to maintain prices (= prevent them falling or rising) maintain
He took all her letters into the yard and put a match to them. match
the school mathematics curriculum mathematics
He worked out the very difficult mathematics in great detail. mathematics
It's a matter for the police (= for them to deal with). matter
She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. mean
meet sb (for sth): We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7. meet
The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly. might
She had the most money of all of them. most
There are thousands of verbs in English and most (of them) are regular. most
naturally occurring chemicals naturally
Somebody's going to break their neck (= injure themselves) on these steps. neck
Neither of them has/have a car. neither
'I work for a company called Orion Technology.' 'Never heard of them.' never
nice of sb (to do sth): It was nice of them to invite us. nice
She doesn't like them and nor does Jeff. nor
I was sorry not to have seen them. not
notice sb/sth do sth: I noticed them come in. notice
Sheer weight of numbers (= the large number of soldiers) secured them the victory. number
I watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction. opposite
The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting). order
The officer ordered them to fire. order
We showed them some of our photos. our
The rain prevented them from eating outdoors. outdoors
It's the biggest theme park outside the United States. outside
He's gone over to the enemy (= joined them). over
You owe it to your staff to be honest with them. owe
Pack wet shoes with newspaper to help them dry. pack
Six months passed and we still had no news of them. pass
He hurried past them without stopping. past
She would not permit herself to look at them. permit
persuade sb/yourself that...: It will be difficult to persuade them that there's no other choice. persuade
The attraction between them is purely physical. physical
a chemical plant plant
We have plenty more of them in the warehouse. plenty
Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them. point
poisonous chemicals/plants poisonous
The government has called on newspapers to police themselves. police
Flashbulbs were popping all around them. pop
It's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions. possible
prepare sth/sb for sb/sth: A hotel room is being prepared for them. prepare
prepare yourself (for sth): The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration. prepare
prepare yourself to do sth: The troops prepared themselves to go into battle. prepare
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
I had visited them three days previously. previously
How much are these? They don't have a price on them. price
Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying. problem
the magazine's problem page (= containing letters about readers' problems and advice about how to solve them) problem
a chemistry professor professor
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. protect
This latest scandal will not have done their public image (= the opinion that people have of them) any good. public
a chemical/nuclear reaction reaction
There's no real possibility of them changing their minds. real
He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. reason
people who, for whatever reason, are unable to support themselves reason
I haven't seen them recently (= it is some time since I saw them). recently
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
remember (that)...: I remember (that) we used to go and see them most weekends. remember
replace sb/sth with/by sb/sth: It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks. replace
Local businesses are well represented on the committee (= there are a lot of people from them on the committee). represent
reproduce itself: cells reproducing themselves (= making new ones) reproduce
In the last resort (= in the end) everyone must decide for themselves. resort
A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them. respect
risk (to sb/sth): The chemicals pose little risk (= are not dangerous) to human health. risk
You can't trust them. They'll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned. rob sb blind
The old tramlines are still there but now no trams run on them. run
sad (to do sth): It was sad to see them go. sad
We have been assured that our jobs are safe (= we are not in danger of losing them). safe
I'll say this for them, they're a very efficient company. say
I say (= suggest) we go without them. say
scare tactics (= ways of persuading people to do sth by frightening them) scare
a training scheme scheme
scheme (for doing sth): a local scheme for recycling newspapers scheme
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. scheme
an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes scheme
Some actors never watch themselves on screen. screen
search sb for sth: The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them. search
We offered them a good price but they wouldn't sell. sell
separate sth into sth: Make a list of points and separate them into 'desirable' and 'essential'. separate
They ate everything that was set in front of them. set
It would be a crying shame (= a great shame) not to take them up on the offer. shame
How silly of me to expect them to help! silly
Anyway, to put it simply, we still owe them £2 000. simply
We thought that, since we were in the area, we'd stop by and see them. since
Programs are expensive, and even more so if you have to keep altering them. so
They asked me to call them and I did so (= I called). so
What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery. somewhat
A car flashed past them at speed (= fast). speed
Defeat was staring them in the face. be staring sb in the face
The windows were stiff and she couldn't get them open. stiff
I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. still
You can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh. store
Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage. strength
After the guests had gone, I stripped all the beds (= removed all the sheets in order to wash them). strip
a chemical/radioactive, etc. substance substance
We congratulated them on the successful completion of the project. successful
The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them). superior
Books were in short supply (= there were not enough of them). supply
What is the chemical symbol for copper? symbol
talk in sth: We couldn't understand them because they were talking in Chinese. talk
teach sb sth: He teaches them English. teach
He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake. tear
I was close to tears as I told them the news. tear
tell A and B apart: It's difficult to tell them apart. tell
People tend to think that the problem will never affect them. tend
If anyone calls, ask for their number so I can call them back. their
Tell them the news. them
What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me. them
Did you eat all of them? them
It's them. them
If anyone comes in before I get back, ask them to wait. them
North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival. theme
The President stressed a favourite campaign theme—greater emphasis on education. theme
The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art. theme
The stories are all variations on the theme of unhappy marriage. theme
They seemed to be enjoying themselves. themselves
The children were arguing amongst themselves. themselves
They've bought themselves a new car. themselves
They themselves had had a similar experience. themselves
Don and Julie paid for it themselves. themselves
There wasn't anyone who hadn't enjoyed themselves. themselves
I saw them at Christmas but haven't heard a thing since then. then
Just think how nice it would be to see them again. think
Jo, this is Kate (= when you are introducing them). this
threaten sb with sth: The attacker threatened them with a gun. threaten
I can probably make the time to see them. time
It's only too easy for them to deny responsibility. too
Some of them carried the guns which were the tools of their trade (= the things they needed to do their job). tool
None of them could sing in tune. in/out of tune
unfriendly (to/towards sb): There's no need to be so unfriendly towards them. unfriendly
He was never actually unkind to them. unkind
I won't tell them—not unless you say I can. unless
urban development (= the process of building towns and cities or making them larger) urban
Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. urge
A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. use
This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses. use
The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year. visitor
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way. in the/sb's way
No way am I going to drive them there. (there is) no way
I don't want to see them, whoever they are. whoever
Her books are widely read (= a lot of people read them). widely
We said we would keep them. will
We wish them both well in their retirement. wish
Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them. witness
My plan worked, and I got them to agree. work
She set them to work painting the fence. work
The threat of losing their jobs is a constant source of worry to them. worry
He told her she'd let them down and she felt worse than ever. worse
Let them do their worst—we'll fight them every inch of the way. do your worst
She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them. would
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping
Where did we go wrong with those kids (= what mistakes did we make for them to behave so badly)? go wrong

le vive la politique, vive l’amour
se avec ce traité, le Japon se rapproche des Etats-Unis
leur l’énergie solaire assurait leur survie
eux c’est eux qui comptent
thème vous pouvez choisir un thème
chimique aujourd’hui ce qui est chimique est ressenti comme dangereux
mathématique les mathématiques vous aident à vous connaître
chimie je ferais mieux d’étudier ma chimie
hymne j’ai chanté l’hymne national