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OXF3000D: hộ gia đình household Haushalt

ENDE: household Haushalt

like: Haushalt
der Haushalt việc nhà

Haushalt 家务 jiā wù

the education/defence budget (= the amount of money that can be spent on this) budget
deliver (sth) to sb/sth: Leaflets have been delivered to every household. deliver
domestic appliances domestic
domestic chores domestic
an executive car/home executive
living/household/medical/legal, etc. expenses expense
Many household products are potentially harmful. harmful
Most households now own at least one car. household
low-income/one-parent, etc. households household
the head of the household household
household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) household
life/car/travel/household, etc. insurance insurance
Kate's word was law in the Brown household. law
mail sb/sth: The company intends to mail 50 000 households in the area. mail
Most domestic freezers operate at below −18 °C. operate
it is remembered that...: It should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home. remember
the royal household royal
There are few surprises in this year's budget. surprise
Almost all homes have at least one TV set. TV
wave sth at sb: She waved her hand dismissively at the housekeeper. wave