Beginner Level Advanced Level



golf gôn

EVP golf
EVP golfer
Golfspiel trò chơi golf Freizeit

3000TH: กอล์ฟ gaawpH golf
5000FR: golf golf, golf course
CORE: golf + + + + + + +
NGLS: golf + game played to hit a ball into a hole with a stick
WNS: (n.) [golf] golf game

Is there a golf course nearby? Ở gần đây có sân đánh gôn không? * 046
And there is a golf course. Và có một sân đánh gôn. * 051

like: Golf

781 Have you ever played golf? — Yes, I play a lot. Cậu đã chơi golf bao giờ chưa? - Rồi, tôi chơi nhiều.
786 Have you ever played golf? — No, never. Cậu từng chơi golf bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, chưa bao giờ.

a golf/tennis/cricket ball ball
a golf/tennis, etc. club club
We had lunch at the golf club. club
the ladies' golf championship lady
a lady doctor/golfer lady
In later life he started playing golf. late
present sb with sth: On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. present
a professional golfer professional
a top golf professional professional
Golf cannot rival football for excitement. rival
He won by two strokes (= in golf, by taking two fewer strokes than his opponent). stroke
They've taken up golf. take sth up

golf ils jouent au golf ensemble