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ENDE: greed Gier
ENDE: voracity Gier

like: Gier
allergisch reagieren bị dị ứng
neugierig tò mò
handeln, agieren thương lượng, mua bán
korrigieren chữa
die Regierung chính phủ
ein Verb konjugieren chia động từ
gierig tham lam, háu ăn
verstört reagieren bị lẫn

allergisch reagieren 过敏反应 guò mǐn fǎn yìng
neugierig 好奇的 hào qí de
handeln, agieren 行动 xíng dòng
korrigieren 修改 xiū gǎi
Regierung 政府 zhèng fǔ
ein Verb konjugieren 一个动词变位 yī gè dòngcí biànwèi
gierig 贪婪的 tānlán de
verstört reagieren 惊慌失措的 jīnghuāng-shīcuò de

Darf ich mal eine neugierige Frage stellen? Em có thể hỏi một câu tò mò được không? (Lektion 56, Nr. 799)
Deine Idee finde ich gut, da müssen wir gar nichts mehr korrigieren. Anh thấy ý kiến của em thật hay, vì vậy chúng ta chẳng cần chữa gì nữa. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1078)
Sie und noch einige andere Musiker sollen für die Hochzeit engagiert werden. Họ và một vài người nhạc sỹ khác đã được thuê cho lễ cưới. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1107)
Aufgrund der gestiegenen Produktionskosten mussten wir unsere Preise für Endkunden leider nach oben korrigieren. Vì chi phí sản xuất tăng nên chúng tôi rất tiếc phải nâng giá bán cho khách hàng. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1592)
Wir suchen eine engagierte und kreative Persönlichkeit. Chúng tôi cần tìm một người có tính trách nhiệm và sáng tạo. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1786)
Ich bin engagiert und belastungsfähig. Tôi là người có trách nhiệm và có khả năng chịu áp lực. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1823)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Wie reagieren Sie auf Kritik? Anh / Chị phản ứng với sự chỉ trích thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1927)
Ich interessiere mich für Politik und verfolge die Nachrichten täglich. Aber ich möchte mich nicht in einer Partei engagieren. Tôi quan tâm đến chính trị và theo dõi tin tức hàng ngày. Nhưng tôi không muốn tham gia vào đảng phái nào. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1940)
Ich arbeite für eine Nichtregierungsorganisation. Tôi làm việc cho một tổ chức phi chính phủ. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2004)
Deshalb müssen wir schnell reagieren. Vì vậy chúng ta phải phản ứng thật nhanh. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2144)
Leider haben Sie auf unsere 1. Mahnung nicht reagiert. Rất tiếc là ông / bà / quý vị đã không phản hồi lá thư nhắc nhở đầu tiên của chúng tôi. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2539)

The government was accused of incompetence. accuse
last minute additions to the government's package of proposals addition
The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service. additional
be admitted that...: It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly. admit
She advises the government on environmental issues. advise
aim at sth: The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment. aim
The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers. alarm
The food and drink industry has responded to the demand for low- and no-alcohol drinks. alcohol
The passengers grew angry about the delay. angry
Some senators reacted angrily to the President's remarks. angrily
announce sth to sb: The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs. announce
anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. anticipate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
parliamentary/congressional/government approval approval
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
arrange sth: The party was arranged quickly. arrange
She arranged a loan with the bank. arrange
arrange to do sth: Have you arranged to meet him? arrange
arrange that...: I've arranged that we can borrow their car. arrange
arrange for sth (to do sth): We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport. arrange
She arranged the flowers in a vase. arrange
arrangement for sth: I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport. arrangement
assume sb/sth to be/have sth: I had assumed him to be a Belgian. assume
a scathing attack on the government's policies attack
the government's attitude towards single parents attitude
The economic crisis reflects badly on the government's policies. badly
His injured leg was all bandaged up. bandage
The government's main aim is to beat inflation. beat
The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government. believe
The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck ). below
He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). bite
The government will have to take the blame for the riots. blame
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
Have the passengers gone on board yet? on board
Passengers are waiting to board. board
Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy. central
a change of government change
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
This government is committed to extending parental choice in education. choice
to stare/smile/reply coldly coldly
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commission
the government's commitment to public services commitment
concepts such as 'civilization' and 'government' concept
The government's primary concern is to reduce crime. concern
delegates to the Labour Party's annual conference conference
a lack of confidence in the government confidence
The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay. conflict
The government found itself confronted by massive opposition. confront
control sth: government attempts to control immigration control
Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. correct
Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser. correct
They issued a statement correcting the one they had made earlier. correct
I spent all evening correcting essays. correct
The cracks (= faults) in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show. crack
The government plans to create more jobs for young people. create
the government's latest economic crisis crisis
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
criticize sb/sth for sth: The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously. criticize
They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs. curious
I was curious to find out what she had said. curious
Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving. curious
He is such a curious boy, always asking questions. curious
'Are you really an artist?' Sara asked curiously. curiously
declare sth: The government has declared a state of emergency. declare
The government has declared war on (= officially stated its intention to stop) illiteracy. declare
The government was defeated by 200 votes to 83. defeat
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government. deliberate
The issue has divided the government. divide
It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards. downwards
the government's economic policy economic
the newly elected government elect
The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government. embarrassing
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. emergency
The government had to take emergency action. emergency
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). emergency
He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government. employ
government employees employee
The government is aiming at full employment. employment
engaged (in sth): They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. engaged
I can't come to dinner on Tuesday—I'm otherwise engaged (= I have already arranged to do something else). engaged
official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade estimate
There was an air of expectation and great curiosity. expectation
He's arranged everything, no expense spared. expense
The government now has to explain its decision to the public. explain
The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. expression
a gradual extension of the powers of central government extension
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
We've lost faith in the government's promises. faith
The police said that they had reacted as fast as they could. fast
The government looks with favour upon (= approves of) the report's recommendations. favour
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
The building project will be financed by the government. finance
The government aims to make British industry leaner and fitter (= employing fewer people and with lower costs). fit
a pilot trained to fly large passenger planes fly
force sth: Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position. force
forecast how, what, etc...: It is difficult to forecast how the markets will react. forecast
forms of transport/government/energy form
They hope to form the new government. form
Prices are higher than they would be if market forces were allowed to operate freely. freely
The government is said to be taking a fresh look at the matter. fresh
The sofa also functions as a bed. function as sb/sth
government funds fund
The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. give
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans go ahead (with sth)
The country is governed by elected representatives of the people. govern
He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern. govern
to lead/form a government government
the last Conservative government government
the government of the day government
Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision. government
She has resigned from the Government. government
The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. government
government policies/officials/ministers government
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
strong government government
The Democrats are now in government in the US. government
I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing (= brushing, arranging, etc.) my hair. hair
the heads of government/state head
They are both heavily involved in politics. heavily
to hire a lawyer hire
The plane holds about 300 passengers. hold
None of the passengers were badly hurt. hurt
Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. identify
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
The police force should be independent of direct government control. independent
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
The government refuses to be influenced by public opinion. influence
influence sb to do sth: She was influenced to take up voluntary work by her teacher. influence
a government initiative to combat unemployment initiative
The passengers escaped with only minor injuries. injury
the internal workings of government internal
invest (in/on sth): The government has invested heavily in public transport. invest
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children). involved
law (on sth): The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene. law
The government struggled to maintain law and order. law and order
learn sth: How did they react when they learned the news? learn
In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months. life
a lively and enquiring mind lively
We got a number of curious looks from passers-by. look
The government does not have an overall majority (= more members than all the other parties added together). majority
My role is to act as a mediator between employees and management. management
(+ adv./prep.): Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings. march
I hate marking exam papers. mark
an arranged marriage (= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) marriage
The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency. matter
The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. measure
meet sb: The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks. meet
The clear message coming from the government is that they are getting tough on crime. message
She had a lively and enquiring mind. mind
Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions. moral
Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law. mount
(+ adv./prep.): The government has not moved on this issue. move
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
These protests have really made the government sit up and take notice (= realize the importance of the situation). notice
The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. office
The present government took office in 2009. office
officers of state (= ministers in the government) officer
open government open
Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. opposition
order sth: The government has ordered an investigation into the accident. order
We want this government out. out
Overcome by curiosity, the boy looked through the window. overcome
It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people. people
plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. plan
She's always very eager to please. please
The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government. plot
plot to do sth: They were plotting to overthrow the government. plot
The government has called on newspapers to police themselves. police
the present government's policy on education policy
The delegates posed for a group photograph. pose
She was offered a key post in the new government. post
Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale. press
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
The government took steps to prevent a scandal. prevent
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
promise sth: The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster. promise
promise (of sth): The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. promise
promote sth as sth: The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. promote
This building is government property. property
propose sth: The government proposed changes to the voting system. propose
Details of the government report have not yet been made public. public
He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). public
the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) public
The government had to bow to public pressure. public
The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms. push ahead/forward (with sth)
The government doesn't have the answers to these difficult questions. question
She hid away in her house, out of range of prying eyes. out of range (of sth)
The patient has responded to the treatment rather better than expected. rather
Local residents have reacted angrily to the news. react
I nudged her but she didn't react. react
You never know how he is going to react. react
The market reacted by falling a further two points. react
People can react badly to certain food additives. react
What was his reaction to the news? reaction
My immediate reaction was one of shock. reaction
Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education. reception
The government granted full diplomatic recognition to the republics. recognition
The report criticizes the government's record on housing. record
a government committed to reform reform
The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages. release
The elections removed the government from power. remove
our elected representatives in government representative
More than fifty people responded to the advertisement. respond
How did they respond to the news? respond
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
The car responds very well to the controls. respond
The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. restriction
The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
the government's review of its education policy review
The government will review the situation later in the year. review
The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report. revise
We may have to revise this figure upwards. revise
majority rule (= government by the political party that most people have voted for) rule
rule sth: At that time John ruled England. rule
The family ruled London's gangland in the sixties. rule
rule (over sb/sth): Charles I ruled for eleven years. rule
We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock. rule
to satisfy sb's curiosity satisfy
save sth on sth: The government is trying to save £1 million on defence. save
be seen to do sth: The government not only has to do something, it must be seen to be doing something (= people must be aware that it is doing sth). see
serve sth to sb: They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates. serve
serve sb with sth: The delegates were served with a wonderful meal. serve
After retiring, she became involved in voluntary service in the local community. service
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. shape
The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show. show
The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working. signal
The government is planning to give more help to small businesses. small
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
The project has the government's stamp of approval. stamp
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. statement
the government's economic strategy strategy
strong support for the government strong
a strong leader/government strong
a two-page summary of a government report summary
supply sth to sb/sth: Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. supply
supply sb/sth with sth: Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms. supply
support sb/sth in sth: The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage. support
system of sth: a system of government system
The government is determined to tackle inflation. tackle
The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. take
threaten to do sth: The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met. threaten
threaten that...: They threatened that passengers would be killed. threaten
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
The seat tips forward to allow passengers into the back. tip
Many people are deeply unhappy about the way the government has handled this matter. unhappy
Nationalist parties united to oppose the government's plans. unite
He reacted to the idea with some violence. violence
The crowd reacted violently. violently
The government does not want to go to war (= start a war) unless all other alternatives have failed. war
The government has declared war on drug dealers. war
a government health warning warning
All delegates must wear a badge. wear
She took it very well (= did not react too badly), all things considered. well
They governed according to the will of the people. will
Government troops were forced to withdraw. withdraw
Correct me if I'm wrong (= I may be wrong) but didn't you say you two knew each other? wrong