Beginner Level Advanced Level



basket giỏ
kuang1 basket; CL:只/只zhi1 Giỏ

Wind gió Wetter

OXF3000N tác dụng lực môi giới trung gian agency
OXF3000N giống với giống hệt với approximate
OXF3000N vũ khí binh giới binh khí arms
OXF3000N lanh lợi thông minh. tài giỏi khéo léo clever
OXF3000N hạn chế giới hạn confined
OXF3000N giòn crisp
OXF3000N hiện hành phổ biến hiện nay dòng (nước) luồng (gió) current
OXF3000N bất đồng không đồng ý khác không giống không hợp disagree
OXF3000N chảy nhỏ giọt rơi rớt giọt (nước máu...) drop
OXF3000N giới hạn sự kết thúc kết thúc chấm dứt end
OXF3000N từng từ trước tới giờ ever
OXF3000N giơ duỗi ra (tay chân) kéo dài (thời gian) dành cho gửi lời extend
OXF3000N sự giơ duỗi sự kéo dài sự dành cho gửi lời extension
OXF3000N thuộc giống cái giống cái female
OXF3000N tốt giỏi fine
OXF3000N cá tính nét nhận dạng tính đồng nhất giống hệt identity
OXF3000N giới thiệu introduce
OXF3000N sự giới thiệu lời giới thiệu introduction
OXF3000N loại giống tử tế có lòng tốt kind
OXF3000N giơ lên nhấc lên sự nâng sự nhấc lên lift
OXF3000N khác không giống unlike
OXF3000N khác không giống unlike
OXF3000N giới hạn ranh giới giới hạn hạn chế limit
OXF3000N hạn chế có giới hạn limited
OXF3000N trung bình trung vừa sự trung gian sự môi giới medium
OXF3000N dân tộc dòng giống người people
OXF3000N rót đổ giội pour
OXF3000N bài thuyết trình sự trình diện sự giới thiệu presentation
OXF3000N loài chủng giống cuộc đua race
OXF3000N giới thiệu tiến cử đề nghị khuyên bảo recommend
OXF3000N hạn chế giới hạn restrict
OXF3000N bị hạn chế có giới hạn vùng cấm restricted
OXF3000N sự hạn chế sự giới hạn restriction
OXF3000N hạt hạt giống seed
OXF3000N giới giống sex
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexual
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexually
OXF3000N giống như tương tự như similar
OXF3000N tương tự giống nhau similarly
OXF3000N tài giỏi khéo tay skilful
OXF3000N tài giỏi khéo tay skilfully
OXF3000N cơn giông bão storm
OXF3000N giới hạn kỳ hạn khóa kỳ học term
OXF3000N thời gian thì giờ time
OXF3000N tiếng giọng tone
OXF3000N đồng phục đều giống nhau đồng dạng uniform
OXF3000N không giống khác unlike
OXF3000N không giống khác unlike
OXF3000N tiếng giọng nói voice
OXF3000N tốt giỏi ôi may quá! well
OXF3000N gió quấn lại cuộn lại wind
OXF3000N thế giới world

like: Giỏ
laundry basket cái giỏ đồ
jetzt bây giờ, lúc này, hiện tại 现在 xiànzài
ein Uhr một giờ 一点 yì diǎn
zwei Uhr hai giờ 二点钟 liǎng diǎn zhōng
Viertel vor drei ba giờ kém mười lăm 三点差一刻 sān diǎn chà yíkè
Viertel nach vier bốn giờ mười lăm 四点一刻 sì diǎn yíkè
zehn nach fünf năm giờ kém mười 五点十分 wǔ diǎn shí fēn
fünf vor zehn mười giờ kém năm phút 十点差五分 shí diǎn chà wǔ fēn
nun ja bây giờ thì 那么 nàme
windig có gió 有风的 yǒufēng de
tropfen nhỏ giọt 滴下 dī xià
Tropfen nhỏ giọt 点滴 diǎn dī
empfehlenswert có thể giới thiệu 值得推荐的 zhí dé tuī jiàn de
ähnlich giống 相似的 xiāng sì de
ähnlich giống 相似的 xiāng sì de
empfehlen giới thiệu 推荐 tuī jiàn
pünktlich Đúng giờ 准时的 zhǔn shí de
gleich giống 马上 mǎ shàng
ähnlich giống 相像的 xiāng xiàng de
ähnlich giống 相像的 xiāng xiàng de
auf etwas anspielen ám chỉ, bóng gió về một điều gì 影射某事 yǐngshè mǒushì
sächlich giống trung, trung tính 中性的 zhōngxìng de
lüften thông gió 通风, 透气 tōngfēng, tòuqì
säen gieo hạt, gieo giống 播种 bōzhǒng
jemanden vorstellen giới thiệu ai đó 介绍某人 jièshào mǒurén
ähneln giống nhau xiàng
belüften thông gió 通风 tōngfēng
kriegsähnlich giống chiến tranh 和战争相似的 hé zhànzhēng xiāngsì de
jetzt bây giờ, lúc này, hiện tại
die Stunde tiếng, giờ
ein Uhr một giờ
zwei Uhr hai giờ
Viertel vor drei ba giờ kém mười lăm
Viertel nach vier bốn giờ mười lăm
zehn nach fünf năm giờ kém mười
fünf vor zehn mười giờ kém năm phút
nun ja bây giờ thì
windig có gió
der Wind gió
das Hähnchen gà giò
der Fahrplan bảng giờ tàu, bảng giờ xe chạy
die Unterrichtsstunde giờ học
der Monsun gió mùa
der Makler người môi giới
tropfen nhỏ giọt
der Tropfen giọt
empfehlenswert có thể giới thiệu
die Grenze ranh giới
die Welt thế giới
ähnlich giống
die Stimme giọng
empfehlen giới thiệu
pünktlich Đúng giờ
das Geschlecht giới tính
die Einleitung phần giới thiệu
gleich giống
die Öffnungszeiten giờ mở cửa
ähnlich giống
der Unterricht giờ học
auf etwas anspielen ám chỉ, bóng gió về một điều gì
die Anspielung sự ám chỉ, sự bóng gió
die Präposition giới từ
sächlich giống trung, trung tính
der Vermittler người môi giới, người trung gian
die Überstunden auszahlen trả tiền làm thêm giờ
lüften thông gió
der Gepäckträger rọ xe, giỏ xe
die Rasse chủng tộc, giống
der Obstkern hạt giống
säen gieo hạt, gieo giống
jemanden vorstellen giới thiệu ai đó
der Windschutz tấm che gió
ähneln giống nhau
belüften thông gió
die Bö cơn gió mạnh
die Ausgangssperre lệnh giới nghiêm
kriegsähnlich giống chiến tranh

Jetzt ist es Zeit, Geld zu tauschen. Bây giờ là lúc đối tiền. (Lektion 5, Nr. 41)
Die Reise beginnt jede Stunde am Hauptbahnhof. Chuyến tham quan khởi hành hàng giờ tại nhà ga trung tâm. (Lektion 7, Nr. 66)
Und hier ist die Wettervorhersage für morgen. Và bây giờ là bản tin dự báo thời tiết cho ngày mai. (Lektion 10, Nr. 97)
Wir haben Montag bis Sonntag von acht Uhr morgens bis elf Uhr abends geöffnet. Từ thứ hai đến Chủ nhật chúng tôi mở cửa từ tám giờ sáng đến mười một giờ đêm. (Lektion 13, Nr. 135)
Zuerst wollte er Fisch und Pommes Frites machen, aber nun plant er, eine griechische Spezialität zu kochen. Lúc đầu, anh ấy muốn làm món cá và khoai tây chiên, nhưng bây giờ anh ấy lại lên kế hoạch nấu món đặc sản Hy Lạp. (Lektion 14, Nr. 141)
Tri ist ein sehr guter Koch und er mag es, Freunde einzuladen. Tri là một đầu bếp giỏi và anh ấy thích mời bạn bè. (Lektion 14, Nr. 153)
Lass uns jetzt auf ein Taxi warten. Bây giờ chúng ta chờ một chiếc Taxi. (Lektion 16, Nr. 177)
Tri wollte nie nach Hô Chí Minh, aber Trang ist dort aufgewachsen. Tri không bao giờ muốn đến thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, nhưng Trang đã lớn lên ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 179)
Aber jetzt werden die Räume vermietet, und es gibt darin viele Rechtsanwaltsbüros. Nhưng bây giờ nó được cho thuê và có nhiều văn phòng luật sư ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 196)
Ich habe Glück, ich muss jetzt nach links fahren. Thật may, bây giờ tôi phải rẽ trái. (Lektion 19, Nr. 226)
Ich weiß, was wir jetzt essen werden. Anh biết bây giờ chúng ta sẽ ăn gì rồi. (Lektion 23, Nr. 284)
Er hob vorsichtig seinen Daumen und wartete auf einen Fahrer. Anh ấy giơ ngón tay cái lên và chờ một tài xế. (Lektion 28, Nr. 359)
Es sieht wie ein perfektes Picknick im Auto aus. Nhìn giống như một chuyến picnic tuyệt vời bằng ô-tô. (Lektion 28, Nr. 371)
Jetzt sieht sie das Zeichen: Außer Betrieb. Bây giờ cô ấy nhìn thấy dòng chữ: Máy hỏng. (Lektion 31, Nr. 408)
Sie versucht eine andere Telefonzelle, aber jetzt kann sie nur auf den Anrufbeantworter sprechen. Cô ấy thử sang phòng điện thoại khác, nhưng bây giờ cô ấy chỉ có thế nói vào máy trả lời tự động thôi. (Lektion 31, Nr. 409)
Er half jedem heraus und die Leute, die sich verletzt haben, sind jetzt im Krankenhaus. Họ giúp mọi người thoát ra và những người bị thương thì bây giờ đang ở trong bệnh viện. (Lektion 32, Nr. 431)
Ja, jetzt erinnere ich mich. À, bây giờ thì em nhớ rồi. (Lektion 34, Nr. 464)
Sie wünscht, es wäre Sommer. Tri besucht sie. Trang tưởng tượng, bây giờ đang mùa hè. Tri sẽ đến chơi với cô. (Lektion 38, Nr. 538)
Es regnet wie während des Monsuns. Trời mưa như trong trận gió mùa. (Lektion 39, Nr. 559)
Die Tante war immer so stolz, weil sie normalerweise nie kocht, nur an Weihnachten. Cô luôn tự hào, vì bình thường cô không bao giờ nấu ăn, ngoại trừ vào dịp lễ giáng sinh thôi. (Lektion 40, Nr. 573)
Jetzt werde ich das beste aus dem Rest meines Lebens machen. Bây giờ tôi sẽ cố sống tốt quãng đời còn lại của mình. (Lektion 41, Nr. 596)
Tri wendet sich an einen Makler, der ihnen eine Wohnung anbietet. Trí kiếm đến một người môi giới, người giới thiệu nhà cho họ. (Lektion 43, Nr. 614)
Beide fahren zusammen zum Makler. Cả hai cùng đi tới người môi giới. (Lektion 43, Nr. 624)
Jetzt wird eingerichtet! Bây giờ bắt đầu sắp xếp! (Lektion 45, Nr. 641)
Trang und Tri ziehen in ihr neues Apartment und möchten die Räume nun geschmackvoll einrichten. Trang và Trí dọn vào căn hộ mới của họ, và giờ đây họ muốn sắp xếp các phòng thật đẹp. (Lektion 45, Nr. 642)
Jetzt möchte er sich per E-Mail beim Verkäufer, der den Fernseher verschickt hat, beschweren. Giờ anh muốn viết E-mail để than phiền tới người bán hàng, người mà đã gửi cái TiVi. (Lektion 47, Nr. 668)
Ich bin jetzt schon fast heiser. Giờ giọng em sắp khàn rồi đây. (Lektion 49, Nr. 701)
Sieht so aus! Aber jetzt ist es doch ziemlich kühl. Có thể thế! Nhưng bây giờ trời hơi lạnh rồi. (Lektion 54, Nr. 763)
Dort war ich eine Woche lang und bin über die Grenze zum Meer gefahren. Anh đã ở đó một tuần và qua ranh giới đi về phía biển. (Lektion 56, Nr. 794)
Welches Mobilfunknetz würdest du mir empfehlen? Bạn có thể giới thiệu mạng điện thoại nào đó cho tôi không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 834)
Selbstverständlich nehme ich das gleiche Netz wie du. Đương nhiên tôi lấy cái mạng điện thoại giống bạn. (Lektion 59, Nr. 836)
Und was geschieht jetzt mit deiner Firma? Thế chuyện gì xảy ra với công ty của em bây giờ? (Lektion 64, Nr. 915)
Wir gehen jetzt zum Arzt! Chúng ta tới bác sỹ bây giờ thôi! (Lektion 66, Nr. 942)
In meiner Mittagspause werde ich dort anrufen. Vào giờ nghỉ trưa anh sẽ gọi tới đó. (Lektion 68, Nr. 976)
Wenn Sie mir jetzt noch Ihre Telefonnummer sagen könnten ... Nếu bây giờ bạn còn có thể nói cho tôi số điện thoại của bạn… (Lektion 69, Nr. 991)
Die Zeremonie findet um 10 Uhr 30 statt. Nghi lễ được tổ chức vào lúc 10 giờ 30. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1070)
Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch die Gästeliste, damit wir die Einladungen verschicken können! Bây giờ chúng ta chỉ còn cần danh sách khách mời để chúng ta có thể gửi thiệp mời đi. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1079)
Trang wird in der Mittagspause von einem neuen Kollegen angesprochen. Một người đồng nghiệp mới nói chuyện với Trang trong giờ nghỉ trưa. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1148)
Es gibt ein Magazin, das Berufe vorstellt und Möglichkeiten zur Fortbildung aufzeigt. Có một tạp chí giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và có thể nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1181)
Das heißt also: Es gibt im Journalismus wesentlich mehr Männer in Führungspositionen als Frauen. Có nghĩa là: Trong giới báo chí cơ bản có nhiều nam giới ngồi ở vị trí lãnh đạo nhiều hơn nữ giới. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1187)
Du würdest bestimmt schnell in eine Führungsposition aufsteigen und die Dominanz der Männer brechen. Em chắc chắn nhanh chóng sẽ leo lên một vị trí lãnh đạo và làm giảm bớt sự chiếm ưu thế của nam giới. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1190)
Haben Sie einen Moment Zeit? Anh / Chị có chút thời gian bây giờ không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1219)
Ist Herr ... zu sprechen? Có thể nói chuyện với ông / ngài...bây giờ được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1222)
Sie rufen außerhalb unserer Geschäftszeiten an. Anh / Chị đang gọi ngoài giờ làm việc của công ty. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1303)
Sie rufen außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten an. Anh / Chị đang gọi ngoài giờ mở cửa của văn phòng. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1304)
Sie rufen außerhalb unserer Sprechzeiten an. Anh / Chị đang gọi ngoài giờ tiếp khách của văn phòng. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1305)
Es ist jetzt 14 Uhr. Hiện tại là 14 giờ. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1315)
Diesem Brief habe ich unseren aktuellen Produktkatalog beigelegt. Tôi gửi kèm trong thư quyển catalog giới thiệu sản phẩm mới nhất của chúng tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1354)
Darf ich mich vorstellen? Tôi xin tự giới thiệu được không? (Lektion 94, Nr. 1425)
Darf ich Ihnen unsere neue Kollegin vorstellen? Sie wird uns in der Entwicklung unterstützen. Hân hạnh giới thiệu nhân viên mới của chúng ta. Cô ấy sẽ hỗ trợ chúng ta trong mảng phát triển. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1442)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Frau vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu đây là vợ tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1444)
Darf ich Sie mit meinem Ehemann bekanntmachen? Xin phép được giới thiệu đây là chồng tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1445)
Darf ich Ihnen meinen Lebensgefährten vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu người bạn đời của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1446)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Lebensgefährtin vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu người bạn đời của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1447)
Das ist mein Kollege. Er ist zu dieser Konferenz aus Deutschland angereist. Hân hạnh giới thiệu đồng nghiệp của tôi. Anh ấy / Ông ấy từ Đức tới để dự hội thảo. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1448)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Kollegin vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu nữ đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1449)
Ist es immer so windig hier? Ở đây lúc nào cũng nhiều gió như vậy à? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1508)
Um wie viel Uhr? Vào lúc mấy giờ? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1543)
Passt es Ihnen am Mittwoch um 10 Uhr? Thứ tư vào lúc 10 giờ với anh / chị có được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1547)
Bitte kommen Sie am Freitag um 16 Uhr in mein Büro. Mời anh / chị đến văn phòng của tôi vào thứ sáu lúc 16 giờ. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1548)
Gerne komme ich am Mittwoch um 13 Uhr zu Ihnen. Tôi rất vui được đến gặp anh / chị vào thứ tư lúc 13 giờ. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1555)
Ich brauche das Ergebnis deiner Recherche in zwei Stunden. Hãy cho tôi biết kết quả tìm kiếm thông tin sau hai giờ nữa. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1612)
Ich schreibe an einem Artikel über Russlands Außenpolitik. Man hat Sie mir als Experten zu diesem Thema empfohlen. Tôi đang viết một bài báo về chính sách đối ngoại của nước Nga. Tôi đã được giới thiệu rằng ông / bà là chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1621)
Danke, dass Sie alle pünktlich gekommen sind. Cám ơn sự có mặt đúng giờ của quý vị. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1644)
Die Kollegen der Marketingabteilung werden uns zunächst die Verkaufszahlen der letzten drei Monate vorstellen. Anschließend analysieren und diskutieren wir diese Zahlen. Các đồng nghiệp bên phòng tiếp thị sẽ giới thiệu với chúng ta doanh số bán hàng của ba tháng vừa qua. Tiếp đó chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và thảo luận về những con số này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1649)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Mein Studium habe ich mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1811)
Ich habe mein Studium mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen und schon über sieben Jahre Berufserfahrung. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi và đã có trên bảy năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1812)
Meine jetzige Arbeit macht mir Spaß. Aber da ich schon drei Jahre in dieser Position arbeite, suche ich nun eine neue Herausforderung. Tôi thích công việc hiện nay. Nhưng vì từ ba năm nay tôi làm việc ở vị trí này, vì vậy bây giờ tôi muốn tìm thách thức mới. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1899)
Wie sind die Arbeitszeiten in Ihrer Firma? Giờ làm việc của công ty thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1967)
Ich habe Ihnen in der letzten Woche meine Bewerbung zugeschickt und seither noch nichts von Ihnen gehört. Tuần trước tôi đã gửi đơn xin việc và cho đến giờ vẫn chưa nhận được hồi âm của ông / bà. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1971)
Der Arbeitstag in unserer Firma beginnt um 9 Uhr. Ngày làm việc trong công ty của chúng tôi bắt đầu lúc 9 giờ. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1986)
Ich habe meinen Computer auf Viren untersucht und mehrere gefunden. Was kann ich jetzt machen? Tôi đã kiểm tra máy tính và tìm thấy nhiều virus. Bây giờ tôi có thể làm gì? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2072)
Zunächst möchte ich mich kurz vorstellen. Trước tiên tôi xin tự giới thiệu. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2085)
Heute stelle ich Ihnen mein jüngstes Projekt vor. Hôm nay tôi xin giới thiệu với quý vị về dự án mới nhất của tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2088)
Willkommen zu unserer alljährlichen Produktpräsentation. Hân hạnh chào đón quý vị tới buổi giới thiệu sản phẩm thường niên của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2091)
Ich möchte Ihnen heute die neuen Produkte aus unserem Programm vorstellen. Hôm nay tôi muốn giới thiệu với quý vị những sản phẩm mới trong các mặt hàng của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2092)
Dieser kurze Film wird Ihnen unser neues Produkt vorstellen. Đoạn phim ngắn này sẽ giới thiệu tới quý vị về sản phẩm mới của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2098)
Bitte schauen Sie sich nun diese Grafik an hier: Deutlich können Sie erkennen, dass der Umsatz im Sommer eingebrochen ist. Bây giờ quý vị làm ơn hãy nhìn vào hình đồ thị này: quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ doanh thu đã sụt giảm trong mùa hè. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2102)
Bitte merken Sie sich Ihre Frage. Ich möchte sie gerne nach meiner Präsentation beantworten. Xin quý vị hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi của mình. Tôi sẽ trả lời sau bài giới thiệu của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2112)
Ich freue mich jetzt auf Ihre Fragen. Bây giờ tôi rất vui được nhận các câu hỏi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2118)
Funktioniert es jetzt? Bây giờ thì nó hoạt động phải không? (Lektion 119, Nr. 2283)
Diese Messe richtet sich an Experten aus der ganzen Welt. Hội chợ này hướng đến các chuyên gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2298)
Wir möchten in den Katalog der Messe aufgenommen werden. Chúng tôi muốn được có tên trong quyển giới thiệu / quyển catalog của hội chợ. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2307)
Möchten Sie unseren Katalog mitnehmen? Quý vị có muốn lấy quyển giới thiệu sản phẩm của chúng tôi không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2333)
Würden Sie mir Ihr neues Produkt zeigen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu về sản phẩm mới này được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2342)
Bei dieser Konferenz treffen sich Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt und tauschen sich über ihre Forschungsergebnisse aus. Tại hội thảo này, các nhà khoa học đến từ khắp nơi trên thế giới gặp gỡ và trao đổi với nhau về các thành quả nghiên cứu. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2362)
Ich werde die Ergebnisse meiner Forschungsarbeiten vorstellen. Tôi sẽ giới thiệu các kết quả từ công trình nghiên cứu của mình. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2366)
Auf dieser Tagung werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Buổi hội thảo này sẽ giới thiệu các thành quả nghiên cứu mới nhất. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2370)
Darf ich Ihnen etwas empfehlen? Tôi có thể giới thiệu một số món ăn được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2432)
Können Sie mir etwas empfehlen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu cho tôi một số món được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2433)
Ich empfehle Ihnen dieses Gericht. Xin giới thiệu với anh / chị / ông / bà món ăn này. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2437)
Normalerweise beschwere ich mich nicht, aber in diesem Fall muss ich. Bình thường tôi không bao giờ khiếu nại, nhưng trong trường hợp này tôi bắt buộc phải làm. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2465)

6 My brother and I are good tennis players. Anh tôi và tôi đều là những tay vợt giỏi.
33 It's windy today. Hôm nay trời gió.
34 It isn't windy today. Hôm nay trời không gió.
43 He's a good swimmer. Anh ấy là một tay bơi giỏi.
54 No, you're on time. Không, cậu đến đúng giờ.
155 Is it dark now? — Yes, it is. Bây giờ trời có tối không? - Không.
213 Are you leaving now? Cậu đi bây giờ ư?
223 Are you leaving now? Cậu đi bây giờ ư?
226 No, not right now. Không, bây giờ thì không.
271 He starts at seven thirty (7:30). Anh ấy bắt đầu từ bảy giờ ba mươi.
272 And he nishes at eight [o'clock] (8:00) at night. Và anh ấy xong xuôi lúc tám giờ tối.
294 Banks usually open at nine (9:00) in the morning. Ngân hàng thường mở cửa lúc chín giờ sáng.
295 The museum closes at ve (5) in the afternoon. Bảo tàng đóng cửa lúc năm giờ chiều.
298 His car is always dirty. He never cleans it. Xe hơi của anh ấy lúc nào cũng bẩn. Anh ấy chẳng bao giờ chịu
304 I never go to the movies alone. Tôi không bao giờ đi xem lm một mình.
309 He never watches TV. Anh ấy không xem vô tuyến bao giờ.
310 We usually have dinner at six thirty (6:30). Chúng tôi thường ăn tối lúc sáu giờ ba mươi.
313 I never read in bed. Tôi không bao giờ đọc trên giường.
314 I often get up before seven (7:00). Tôi thường dậy trước bảy giờ.
338 I don't play the piano very well. Tôi chơi dương cầm không giỏi lắm.
339 She doesn't play the piano very well. Cô ấy chơi dương cầm không giỏi lắm.
353 I never watch TV. Tôi không bao giờ xem vô tuyến.
358 I never like to travel by train. Tôi không bao giờ thích đi bằng tàu hoả.
382 Does Wenjie ever call you? Văn Kiệt có gọi cậu bao giờ không?
407 Do you ever go to the movies? Cậu đã bao giờ đi xem lm chưa?
410 What time do you usually go to bed? Cậu thường đi ngủ mấy giờ?
415 Do you ever ride a bicycle? — Not usually. Cậu đã đi xe đạp bao giờ chưa? - Không thường xuyên.
421 He plays guitar a lot, and he plays very well. Anh ấy chơi guitar nhiều và anh ấy chơi rất giỏi.
423 But he's not playing the guitar now. Nhưng bây giờ anh ấy đang không chơi guitar.
431 I work every day from nine (9:00) to ve-thirty (5:30). Tôi ngày nào cũng làm việc từ chín giờ đến năm rưỡi.
451 What's he doing now? Anh ấy bây giờ đang làm gì?
454 What's she doing now? Cô ấy bây giờ đang làm gì?
457 What's he doing now? Anh ấy đang làm gì bây giờ?
468 He's a good tennis player, but he doesn't play very often. Anh ấy là một tay vợt giỏi nhưng anh ấy không chơi thường xuyên lắm.
472 Junko's tired. She wants to go home now. Junko mệt. Cô ấy muốn về nhà bây giờ.
477 What time does your father nish work every day? Bố cậu hết làm việc lúc mấy giờ hàng ngày?
533 Now he's at work. Bây giờ anh ấy đang ở cơ quan.
556 Where were you at eleven a.m. (11:00) last Friday morning? Cậu ở đâu lúc mười một giờ sáng Thứ sáu vừa rồi.
559 This time last year I was in Paris. Giờ này năm ngoái tôi đang ở Paris.
562 Antonio wasn't at work last week because he was sick. He's better now. Antonio tuần trước không đi làm vì bị ốm, Bây giờ anh ấy đỡ hơn rồi.
565 Where are my keys? — I don't know. They were on the table, but they're not there now. Chìa khoá của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Trước nó ở trên bàn nhưng bây giờ thì không còn ở đó nữa.
585 nished at ten pm (10:00). Bộ lm rất dài, nó bắt đầu lúc bảy giờ mười lăm và kết thúc lúc mười giờ tối.
598 She got up at six (6) in the morning and had a cup of co ee. Cô ấy dậy lúc sáu giờ sáng nay và uống một chén cà phê.
599 At seven- fteen she left home and drove to the airport. Lúc bảy giờ mười lăm cô ấy ra khỏi nhà và lái xe đến sân bay.
602 The plane departed on time and arrived in Mexico City four (4) hours later. Máy bay khởi hành đúng giờ và đến Thành phố Mexico sau đấy bốn tiếng.
635 I got up before seven am (7:00). Tôi đã dậy lúc bảy giờ sáng.
643 What time did you get there? Cậu đến đó lúc mấy giờ?
664 a pair of pants. Giovanni đã mua vài bộ quần áo mới ngày hôm qua: hai cái áo chemise và một cái quần.
670 It's six o'clock (6:00) now. Luka's at home watching TV. Bây giờ là sáu giờ. Luka đang ở nhà xem vô tuyến.
671 At four o'clock (4:00) he wasn't at home. He was at the gym. Lúc bốn giờ anh ấy không có nhà. Anh ấy đang đi tập thể hình.
682 What were you doing at three [o'clock] (3:00)? Cậu đang làm gì lúc ba giờ.
687 At eight forty- ve (8:45) she was washing her car. Lúc tám giờ bốn mươi lăm cô ấy đang rửa xe,
688 At ten forty- ve (10:45) she was playing tennis. Lúc mười giờ bốn mươi lăm cô ấy đang chơi quần vợt.
689 At eight o'clock (8:00) she was reading the news. Lúc tám giờ cô ấy đang đọc báo.
690 At twelve-ten she was cooking lunch. Lúc mười hai giờ mười cô ấy đang nấu bữa trưa.
691 At seven- fteen (7:15) she was having breakfast. Lúc bảy giờ mười lăm cô ấy đang ăn sáng.
692 At nine thirty (9:30) she was cleaning the kitchen. Lúc chín giờ ba mươi cô ấy đang dọn dẹp nhà bếp.
694 EN What were you doing at two [o'clock] (2:00)? Cậu đang làm gì lúc hai giờ?
712 We played tennis from ten (10:00) to eleven thirty (11:30). Chúng tôi chơi quần vợt từ mười giờ đến mười một giờ rưỡi.
718 at two thirty (2:30), I was in the middle of working. Tôi bắt đầu làm việc lúc chín giờ và kết thúc lúc bốn rưỡi. Nên lúc hai rưỡi tôi đang giữa chừng công việc.
732 What time did the mail arrive this morning? Thư đã đến lúc mấy giờ sáng nay?
743 What were you doing at two [o'clock] (2:00) this morning? Cậu đang làm gì lúc hai giờ sáng nay?
749 Now he works in a supermarket. Bây giờ anh ấy đang làm ở một siêu thị.
752 Emilia has short hair now, but it used to be very long. Emilia bây giờ đang để tóc ngắn,nhưng nó đã từng rất dài.
769 When I was a child, I never used to eat meat, but I eat it now. Hồi tôi còn bé tôi từng không bao giờ chịu ăn thịt, nhưng bây giờ tôi có ăn.
772 Normally I start work at seven am (7:00), so I get up very early. Thông thường tôi làm việc lúc bảy giờ sáng nên tôi dậy sớm.
778 How many times has Brazil won the World Cup? Brazil đã từng vô địch Giải bóng đá thế giới bao nhiêu lần?
781 Have you ever played golf? — Yes, I play a lot. Cậu đã chơi golf bao giờ chưa? - Rồi, tôi chơi nhiều.
782 My sister's never traveled by plane. Em gái tôi chưa đi máy bay bao giờ.
783 I've never ridden a horse. Tôi chưa cưỡi ngựa bao giờ.
784 Who is that man? — I don't know, I've never seen him before. Ông kia là ai thế? - Tôi không biết, tôi chưa gặp ông ấy bao giờ.
785 Have you ever been to Montreal? — No, never. Cậu đã từng đến Montreal bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, chưa bao giờ.
786 Have you ever played golf? — No, never. Cậu từng chơi golf bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, chưa bao giờ.
787 Have you ever been to South Korea? — Yes, once. Cậu từng đến Hàn Quốc bao giờ chưa - Rồi, một lần.
788 Have you ever lost your passport? — No, never. Cậu đã mất hộ chiếu bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, chưa bao giờ.
789 Have you ever own in a helicopter? — No, never. Cậu đã đi máy bay trực thăng bao giờ chưa? - Chưa bao giờ.
791 Have you ever been to Peru? — Yes, twice. Cậu từng đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Rồi, hai lần.
792 Have you ever driven a bus? — No, never. Cậu từng lái xe bus bao giờ chưa? - Chưa bao giờ.
793 Have you ever broken your leg? — Yes, once. Cậu đã bị gãy chân bao giờ chưa? - Rồi, một lần.
797 She's never own in a helicopter. Cô ấy chưa bao giờ đi máy bay trực thăng.
799 I've never played tennis. Tôi chưa bao giờ chơi quần vợt.
800 I've never driven a truck. Tôi chưa bao giờ lái xe tải.
805 She's traveled all over the world. Cô ấy đã đi vòng quanh thế giới.
808 Have you ever played basketball? — Just once. Cậu từng chơi bóng rổ bao giờ chưa? - Mới một lần.
809 Have you ever written a poem? — Yes, in high school. Cậu từng làm thơ bao giờ chưa - Rồi, hồi ở trung học.
810 Does she know Claude? — No, she's never met him. Cô ấy có biết Claude không? - Không, cô ấy chưa bao giờ gặp
812 twice. Tôi chưa từng đến New Zealand bao giờ nhưng chị tôi từng đến đó ba lần.
813 Gunter's favorite movie is Star Wars. He's seen it twenty (20) times, but I've never seen it. Bộ lm yêu thích của Gunter là Chiến tranh giữa các vì sao. Anh ấy đã xem nó được hai mươi lần còn tôi chưa xem bao giờ.
815 Caroline's on vacation in Brazil. She's there now. Caroline đi nghỉ ở Brazil. Cô ấy bây giờ đang ở đấy.
831 He's been watching TV since ve [o'clock] (5:00). Anh ấy đã xem vô tuyến từ lúc năm giờ.
860 We've been waiting since nine [o'clock] (9:00). Chúng tôi đã đợi từ lúc chín giờ.
872 (7:00). Lilianne đang ở văn phòng. Cô ấy đã ở đó từ lúc bảy giờ.
895 clean now. Xe hơi của anh ấy bẩn. Anh ấy đang rửa xe. Anh ấy đã rửa xe. Bây giờ nó sạch rồi.
896 They're at home. They're going out. They've gone out. They're not at home now. Họ đang ở nhà. Họ đang đi ra ngoài. Họ đã đi ra ngoài. Bây giờ họ không ở nhà.
897 I've lost my passport. I can't nd my passport now. Tôi đã làm mất hộ chiếu. Tôi bây giờ không tìm thấy hộ chiếu đâu.
898 Where's Renee? — She's gone to bed. She's in bed now. Renée đâu? - Cô ấy đã đi ngủ. Cô ấy giờ đang ngủ.
899 We've bought a new car. We have a new car now. Chúng tôi đã mua một chiếc xe hơi mới. Giờ chúng tôi đã có xe hơi mới.
901 Junhong is away on vacation. Where has he gone? Where is he now? Junhong đang đi nghỉ. Anh ấy đã đi đâu? Bây giờ anh ấy đang ở đâu?
902 Have you met my brother, or should I introduce you? Cậu gặp anh trai tôi chưa, hay là để tôi giới thiệu với cậu?
903 I was a very slow typist in college, but I've gotten faster. Tôi đánh máy rất chậm hồi còn ở đại học, nhưng giờ tôi đã gõ
929 arrived. Nikolai và Victoria mấy giờ sẽ đến? - Họ đã đến rồi.
930 It's only nine o'clock (9:00) and Ines has already gone to bed. Mới có chín giờ Ines đã đi ngủ rồi.
938 What time is Stan arriving? — He's already arrived. Stan bao giờ sẽ đến? - Anh ấy đã đến rồi.
941 When is Hideki going to work? — He's already gone to work. Bao giờ Hideki sẽ đi làm? - Anh ấy đã đi làm rồi.
942 When does Hanako start her new job? — She's already started it. Bao giờ Hanako bắt đầu công việc mới? - Cô ấy đã bắt đầu làm rồi.
968 What time did Jamaal go out? Jamaal đã đi ra ngoài lúc mấy giờ?
We lived in Paris for six (6) years, but now we live in Rome.'> 974 We lived in Paris for six (6) years, but now we live in Rome.'> We've lived in Paris for six (6) years. > We lived in Paris for six (6) years, but now we live in Rome. We lived in Paris for six (6) years, but now we live in Rome.'> ☊ Chúng tôi sống ở Paris đã được sáu năm rồi. Chúng tôi đã sống ở Paris sáu năm nhưng giờ chúng tôi sống ở Roma.
978 Keiko went out at ve [o'clock] (5:00). Keiko đã ra ngoài lúc năm giờ.
I nished my work at two [o'clock] (2:00).'> 981 I nished my work at two [o'clock] (2:00).'> I've nished my work. > I nished my work at two [o'clock] (2:00). I nished my work at two [o'clock] (2:00).'> ☊ Tôi đã xong việc rồi. Tôi đã xong việc lúc hai giờ.
982 Have you nished? > What time did you nish your work? Cậu đã xong chưa? Cậu đã xong việc lúc mấy giờ?
988 What time did you go to bed last night? Cậu đi ngủ lúc mấy giờ tối hôm qua?
989 Have you ever met a famous person? Cậu đã bao giờ gặp người nổi tiếng chưa?
995 Have you ever been to Florida? Cậu đã đến Florida bao giờ chưa?
1007 I've seher a few times, but I've never spokto her. Tôi từng gặp cô ấy mấy lần nhưng tôi chưa nói chuyện với cô ấy bao giờ.
1008 Have you ever spokto her? Cậu đã nói chuyện với cô ấy bao giờ chưa?
1015 I'm never invited to parties. Tôi chưa bao giờ được mời đi dự tiệc.
1040 Football is played in most countries of the world. Bóng đá được chơi ở hầu hết mọi nước trên thế giới.
1063 The o ce is being cleaned right now. Văn phòng giờ đang được lau dọn.
1086 I can't use my o ce right now. It's being painted. Tôi không thể dùng văn phòng ngay bây giờ được. Nó đang được sơn.
1088 The washing machine was broken. It's berepaired now. Máy giặt bị hỏng. Bây giờ nó mới được chữa xong,
1091 Is the computer being used at the moment? — Yes, Boris is using it. Máy tính bây giờ có ai dùng không? Có, Boris đang dùng nó.
1092 I've never sethese owers before. What are they called? Tôi chưa bao giờ thấy những bông hoa này trước đây. Chúng tên là gì?
1097 It isn't raining right now. Bây giờ trời không mưa.
1101 What were you doing at three o'clock (3:00)? Cậu đang làm gì lúc ba giờ?
1106 Dietrich has never ridda horse. Dietrich chưa bao giờ cưỡi ngựa.
1107 Filippa hasn't beto South America. Filippa chưa đến Nam Phi bao giờ.
1141 What time did he go? Anh ấy đi lúc mấy giờ?
1184 I've never ridda horse. Tôi chưa bao giờ cưỡi ngựa.
1187 run in a marathon? Anh trai tôi đã chạy ở Boston Marathon năm ngoái. Cậu đã bao giờ chạy marathon chưa?
1190 I know Masaru, but I've never met his wife. Tôi biết Masaru nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp vợ anh ấy.
1196 Have you ever driva very fast car? Cậu đã bao giờ lái một chiếc xe hơi cực nhanh chưa?
1210 morning. Máy bay đến New York lúc bảy giờ ba mươi phút sáng mai.
1211 What time does the movie end tonight? Bộ lm kết thúc lúc mấy giờ tối nay.
1213 The concert starts at sevthirty (7:30). Buổi hoà nhạc bắt đầu lúc bảy giờ ba mươi.
1214 What time are you leaving? Cậu sẽ đi lúc mấy giờ?
1215 What time does your plane leave? Máy bay mấy giờ đi?
1222 What time are your friends coming? Bao giờ các bạn của cậu đến?
1230 We're meeting at Raj's house at eight o'clock (8:00). Chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau ở nhà Raj lúc tám giờ.
1233 Do you want to go to the movies tonight? — Sure, what time does the movie begin? Cậu có muốn đi xem lm tối nay không? - Chắc chắn, mấy giờ thì lm bắt đầu?
1246 It's nine o'clock (9:00) and I'm not ready. I'm going to be late. Bây giờ là chín giờ và tôi chưa sẵn sàng. Tôi sẽ bị muộn,
1256 It's elevo'clock (11:00) now. Aliyah's at work. Bây giờ là mười một giờ. Aliyah đang làm việc.
1257 At elev[o'clock] (11:00) yesterday, she was at work. Lúc mười một giờ hôm qua, Aliyah đang làm việc.
1258 At elev[o'clock] (11:00) tomorrow, she'll be at work. Lúc mười một giờ ngày mai, Aliyah đang làm việc.
1277 Right now she's in Buenos Aires. Ngay bây giờ cô ấy đang ở Buenos Aires.
1280 I'll be at the movies an hour from now. Tôi sẽ xem lm trong vòng một tiếng từ bây giờ.
1282 I'll be working at three [o'clock] (3:00) tomorrow afternoon. Tôi sẽ làm việc lúc ba giờ chiều mai.
1283 I'll be at a new job two (2) years from now. Tôi sẽ làm công việc mới trong hau năm từ bây giờ.
1301 (8:40). Sáng mai họ sẽ đi. Tàu hoả chạy lúc tám giờ bốn mươi.
1326 Did you call Gamila? — Oh no, I forgot. I'll call her now. Cậu có gọi cho Gamila không? - Ồ chưa, tôi quên mất. Tôi sẽ gọi cô ấy bây giờ đây.
1349 this afternoon. Faruq định bao giờ gọi cậu? - Tôi không biết.
1371 Whwill you see Pablo again? — I'm not sure. I might see him this summer. Bao giờ cậu sẽ gặp lại Pablo? - Tôi không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ gặp anh ấy mùa hè này.
1384 Can you swim? — Yes, but I'm not a very good swimmer. Cậu có biết bơi không? - Có nhưng tôi bơi không giỏi lắm.
1388 much English. Now she can understand everything. Trước khi Nuria tới Mĩ, cô ấy không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Bây giờ gì cô ấy cũng hiểu.
1426 hungry. Bây giờ là buổi tối và cậu chưa ăn gì cả ngày. Cậu hẳn là đang đói.
1437 very early. Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp hàng xóm vào buổi sáng. Anh ấy hẳn là rời nhà đi làm rất sớm.
1446 A tennis player must be very good to play professionally. Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên nghiệp.
1462 It's late. I think I should go home now. Muộn rồi. Tôi nghĩ giờ tôi nên về nhà.
1467 What time do you think we should go home? Cậu nghĩ mấy giờ chúng mình nên về nhà?
1472 It's late, and you're very tired. You should go to bed. Giờ đã muộn mà cậu lại rất mệt. Cậu nên đi ngủ.
1483 We have to get up early tomorrow. I think we should go home now. Mai chúng ta phải dậy sớm. Tôi nghĩ giờ chúng ta nên về nhà đi.
1496 up at six [o'clock] (6:00). Yolanda bắt đầu làm việc từ bảy giờ nên cô ấy phải dậy từ sáu giờ.
1501 What time do you have to go to the dentist tomorrow? Mai mấy giờ cậu phải đi khám nha sĩ?
1515 It's late. I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow. Bây giờ đã muộn. Tôi phải đi đây. Ngay mai tôi sẽ gặp lại cậu.
1516 This train doesn't go all the way downtown. You have to change at the next station. Con tàu này không bao giờ chạy lên trung tâm. Cậu phải đổi tàu ở gare tiếp theo.
1520 I have to get up early tomorrow. — What time do you have to get up? Sáng nay tôi phải dậy sớm. Cậu phải dậy lúc mấy giờ?
1530 Why do you want to leave now? We don't have to leave now. Tại sao cậu muốn ra đi bây giờ? Chúng ta không cần phải ra đi bây giờ.
1563 What time would you like to have dinner tonight? Tối nay cậu muốn ăn tối lúc mấy giờ?
1566 I'm tired. I'd like to go to bed now. Tôi mệt. Tôi muốn đi ngủ bây giờ.
1572 Should we go now? — No, not yet. I'd rather wait until later. Giờ ta nên đi chưa? Chưa. Tôi thích đợi lát nữa hơn.
1573 I'd like to go now, but Gary would rather wait until later. Tôi muốn đi bây giờ nhưng Gary thích đợi lát nữa hơn.
1589 I'd rather be at home right now than here. Ngay bây giờ tôi muốn ở nhà hơn là ở đây.
1592 Should we go out now? — I'd rather wait until it stops raining. Giờ chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Tôi muốn chờ đến khi tạnh mưa hơn.
1593 Should we have dinner now, or wait until later? Giờ chúng ta có nên ăn tối không, hay đợi lát nữa?
1623 Be here on time. Don't be late. Đến đúng giờ nhé. Đừng đến muộn.
1636 Would you like to go now? — No, let's wait a while. Cậu muốn đi bây giờ không? - Không, đợi một lát đi.
1638 Should we go home now? — No, let's not go home yet. Chúng ta có nên về nhà bây giờ không? - Không, đừng về nhà vội.
1645 There's a train coming at tthirty (10:30). Có một chuyến tàu tới vào lúc mười giờ ba mươi.
1660 There's a train at tthirty (10:30). It's an express train. Có một chuyến tàu lúc mười giờ ba mươi. Đó là một chuyến tàu cao tốc.
1680 eight [o'clock] (8:00). Có gì hay trên vô tuyến tối nay không? - Có, có một bộ lm lúc tám giờ.
1684 The time now is elev fte(11:15) . There was a train at elev[o'clock] (11:00). Bây giờ là mười một giờ mười lăm. Đã có một chuyến tàu lúc mười một giờ.
1714 are a lot. Hai mươi năm trước không có nhiều khách du lịch ở đây. Bây giờ có rất nhiều.
1715 There are twenty-four (24) hours in a day. Có hai mươi từ giờ trong một ngày.
1721 school. Now there are more than a thousand. Mười năm trước trong trường có năm trăm trẻ em. Bây giờ ở đó có hơn một nghìn.
1722 Last week I went back to the town where I was born. It's very di erent now. There have bea lot of changes. Tuần trước tôi trở về thị trấn nơi tôi sinh ra. Bây giờ nó đã khác rất nhiều. Đã có nhiều thay đổi.
1738 There was strong wind yesterday. Hôm qua có gió to.
1755 Are you tired? — I was, but I'm not now. Cậu có mệt không? - Trước thì có nhưng giờ thì không.
1793 Are you tired? — I was earlier, but I'm not now. Cậu có mệt không? - Trước thì có nhưng giờ thì không.
1799 Have you ever beto Peru? — No, but Eveline has. She went there on vacation last year. Cậu đã đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, nhưng Eveline đến rồi. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ ở đó năm ngoái.
1811 Have you ever brokyour arm? — Yes, I have. Cậu đã bị gãy tay bao giờ chưa? - Tôi bị rồi.
1813 Were you asleep at three am (3:00)? — Yes, I was. Lúc ba giờ sáng cậu có ngủ không? - Có.
1818 Giovanni can't drive. — He can't? I didn't know that. Giovanni không biết lái xe. - Vậy ư? Tôi không biết đấy.
1835 You won't be late, will you? — No, I'm never late. Cậu sẽ không đến muộn phải không? Phải, tôi không bao giờ muộn.
1862 good. Cậu biết chơi dương cầm phải không? - Đúng, nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm.
1863 You don't know Larisa's sister, do you? — No, I've never met her. Cậu không biết em gái của Larisa phải không? - Không, tôi chưa gặp cô ấy bao giờ.
1889 Have you ever had your ight canceled? Cậu đã bao giờ bị huỷ chuyến bay chưa?
1921 What time is it? > Do you know what time it is? Bây giờ mấy giờ rồi? > Cậu biết bây giờ mấy giờ rồi không?
1924 What time does the movie begin? > Do you know what time the movie begins? Mấy giờ bộ lm bắt đầu? > Cậu có biết mấy giờ bộ lm bắt đầu không?
1944 Is the concert at sevthirty (7:30)? — I think so. Buổi hoà nhạc diễn ra lúc bảy giờ ba mươi phải không? - Tôi nghĩ thế.
1950 has a good voice, doesn't she?" Bạn nhận thấy người phụ nữ đó có chất giọng hay. Bạn nói: "Cô ấy có chất giọng hay có phải không nào?"
1961 Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost. Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ sang sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu.
1969 I now regret saying what I said. Giờ tôi hối hận về những gì tôi đã nói.
2021 I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it. Giờ tôi hối hận vì những gì tôi đã nói. Lẽ ra tôi không nên nói vậy.
2024 The president went on talking for hours. Tổng thống tiếp tục nói chuyện trong nhiều giờ.
2055 Would you prefer to have dinner now or later? — I'd prefer later. Cậu muốn ăn tối bây giờ hay tí nữa? - Tôi muốn tí nữa.
2090 Our new apartment is on a very busy street. I expect we'll get used to the noise, but for now it's very annoying. Căn hộ mới của chúng tôi nằm trên một con phố rất đông đúc. Tôi hi vọng chúng tôi sẽ quen với tiếng ồn nhưng bây giờ nó rất khó chịu.
2096 We used to live in a small town, but now we live in Los Angeles. Chúng tôi từng sống ở một thị trấn nhỏ nhưng giờ chúng tôi sống ở Los Angeles.
2103 I wouldn't dream of asking them for money. Có nằm mơ tôi cũng không bao giờ hỏi họ tiền.
2116 There's no point in having a car if you never use it. Có xe hơi chả được tích sự gì nếu cậu chả bao giờ dùng nó.
2127 He spent hours trying to repair the clock. Anh ta mất nhiều giờ cố gắng sửa cái đồng hồ.
2148 Please arrive early so that we'll be able to start the meeting on time. Làm ơn đến sớm để chúng ta có thể bắt đầu cuộc họp đúng giờ.
2163 Everybody was late except me. I was the only one to arrive on time. Mọi người đều muộn trừ tôi. Tôi là người duy nhất đến đúng giờ.
2164 Anastasia's a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam. Anatasia là một học sinh rất giỏi. Cô ấy chắc chắn sẽ qua kì thi.
2266 What's the longest river in the world? Con sông dài nhất thế giới là sông gì?
2268 Have you ever crossed the equator? Cậu đã bao giờ bước qua xích đạo chưa?
2278 Do you ever have breakfast in bed? Cậu từng ăn sáng trên giường bao giờ chưa?
2301 Asia is the largest continent in the world. Châu Á là châu lục lớn nhất thế giới.
2311 Have you ever been to the south of France? Cậu đã đến miền nam nước Pháp bao giờ chưa?
2348 What time should we meet? Chúng ta nên gặp nhau mấy giờ?
2363 We'd never met before, so we introduced ourselves to one another. Chúng tôi chưa từng gặp nhay trước đó nên chúng tôi đã tự giới thiệu cho nhau,
2377 the cost of living. Mọi thứ giờ đắt hơn. Có một sự tăng mạnh trong phí sinh hoạt.
2385 That building is now a supermarket. It used to be a movie theater. Toà nhà kia bây giờ là một siêu thị. Nó từng là một rạp chiếu lm.
2445 Either you apologize, or I'll never speak to you again. Một trong hai cậu xin lỗi không thì tôi sẽ không bao giờ nói chuyện với các cậu nữa.
2461 They never go out. They're at home all the time. Họ chưa ra ngoài bao giờ. Họ suốt ngày ở nhà.
2464 None of the rooms was the same. Each was di erent. Không có phòng nào giống nhau. Mỗi phòng một khác.
2468 There's a train to the city every hour. Có một chuyến tàu tới thành phố mỗi giờ.
2477 I've never spoken to the woman who lives next door. Tôi chưa bao giờ nói chuyện với người phụ nữ sống nhà bên cạnh.
2482 We live in a world that is changing all the time. Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn.
2486 cheese that was in the refrigerator? Trước có miếng fromage trong tủ lạnh. Giờ nó đâu rồi? Miếng fromage trước ở trong tủ lạnh giờ đâu rồi?
2501 You stayed at a hotel. Pavel recommended it to you. > We stayed at a hotel that Pavel recommended to us. Bạn đã ở một khách sạn. Pavel đã giới thiệu nó cho bạn. > Chúng tôi đã ở một khách sạn mà Pavel giới thiệu cho chúng tôi.
2527 The population of London, which was once the largest city in the world, is now decreasing. Dân số của London, nơi từng là thành phố lớn nhất thế giới, ngày nay đang giảm xuống.
2544 The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. Cảnh sát không bao giờ tìm thấy số tiền bị mất trong vụ trộm.
2557 I've been working very hard all day, and now I'm exhausted. Tôi đã làm việc cật lực cả ngày nay và giờ tôi kiệt sức.
2558 Vitale is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very amusing. Vitale rất giỏi kể chuyện cười. Anh ấy rất hài hước.
2559 talking, and he never says anything interesting. Anh ấy là một trong những người tẻ nhạt nhất mà tôi từng gặp. Anh ấy không bao giờ ngừng nói và anh ấy không bao giờ nói được thứ gì thú vị.
2578 You've hardly changed! Cậu bây giờ trông vẫn như cách đây mười lăm năm. Cậu gần như không thay đổi.
2608 What time should we leave? — The sooner the better. Chúng ta nên đi lúc mấy giờ? - Càng sớm càng tốt.
2629 Walter hardly ever watches TV, and rarely reads newspapers. Walter gần như không bao giờ xem vô tuyến và hiếm khi đọc báo.
We're no longer friends.'> 2635 We're no longer friends.'> We used to be good friends, but we aren't anymore. > We're no longer friends. We're no longer friends.'> ☊ Chúng tôi từng là bạn tốt nhưng giờ không còn nữa. > Chúng tôi không còn là bạn nữa.
2638 She said she would be here an hour ago, and she still hasn't arrived. Một tiếng trước cô ấy nói cô ấy sẽ ở đây và giờ cô ấy vẫn chưa tới.
2681 Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager. Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc.
It looks as if she isn't coming. > It looks as though she isn't coming.'> 2683 It looks as if she isn't coming. > It looks as though she isn't coming.'> Iris is very late, isn't she? It looks like she isn't coming. > It looks as if she isn't coming. > It looks as though she isn't coming. It looks as if she isn't coming. > It looks as though she isn't coming.'> ☊ Iris đến rất muộn phải không? Trông giống như là cô ấy sẽ không đến. > Trông như kiểu là cô ấy sẽ không đến. > Trông như kiểu là cô ấy sẽ không đến.
2685 having a party. Cậu có nghe thấy tiếng nhạc nhà bên cạnh không? Nghe giống như là họ đang có tiệc.
I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00).'> 2698 I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00).'> I have to be home by ve [o'clock] (5:00). > I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00). I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00).'> ☊ Tôi phải ở nhà trước năm giờ. > Tôi phải ở nhà không muộn quá năm giờ.
2701 work by eleven pm (11:00). Tôi phải làm việc đến mười một giờ tối. > Tôi sẽ làm xong việc trước mười một giờ tối.
2702 It's too late to go to the bank now. By the time we get there, it'll be closed. Bây giờ quá muộn để đi ngân hàng. Đến khi chúng ta tới đó thì nó sẽ không mở cửa.
2712 Everything began and ended ON time. Mọi thứ bắt đầu và kết thúc đúng giờ.
2713 If I say ten o'clock (10:00), then I mean, be ON time. Nếu tôi nói mười giờ tức là đúng giờ.
2715 EN We got on the train just IN time. Chúng tôi lên tàu vừa kịp giờ.
2729 Have you ever been in the hospital? Cậu đã bao giờ nằm bệnh viện chưa?
2730 Have you ever been in prison? > Have you ever been in jail? Cậu đã bao giờ ngồi tù chưa?
2739 Sir, I'm in a hurry to catch my ight ON time. When will we arrive AT the airport? Thưa ngài, tôi đang vội để bắt chuyến bay cho đúng giờ. Khi nào chúng ta sẽ tới sân bay?
2744 Have you ever been IN love with somebody? Cậu đã bao giờ yêu ai chưa?
2748 We took o an hour ago, and now we're ying AT a speed OF nine hundred (900) kilometers per hour AT an altitude OF ten thousand (10,000) meters. Chúng tôi đã cất cánh một tiếng trước và chúng tôi đang bay với tốc độ chín kilometre một giờ và ở độ cao mười nghìn metre.
2749 The train was traveling AT a speed OF one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. > The train was traveling AT a speed OF two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control. Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái.
2753 I've never met the woman IN charge OF marketing, but I've spoken to her ON the phone a few times. Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm marketing nhưng tôi đã nói chuyện với cô ấy qua điện thoại vài lần.
2766 I arrived ON the seven-o'clock (7:00) train. Tôi đã đến chuyến tàu bảy giờ.
2826 two (2) children. Shakira đã cưới một người Mĩ và giờ cô ấy có chồng và có hai đứa con.
2827 The customs in their country are similar to ours. Phong tục nước họ giống với chúng tôi.
2853 You should leave FOR work earlier so you get there on time. Cậu nên đi làm sớm hơn để cậu đến nơi đúng giờ.
2913 Our teachers provide us with an education necessary for competing in the real world. Các giáo viên của chúng ta cho chúng ta học vấn cần thiết để cạnh tranh trong thế giới thực.
2915 They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison. Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi.
2923 I'd promised I'd attend her wedding, now there's nothing I can do to get out of it. Tôi đã hứa là tôi sẽ có mặt trong lễ cưới của cô ấy, giờ tôi không thể làm gì để thoát khỏi điều đó.
2932 of them. Tôi đã phát hết danh thiếp cả ngày nay và giờ tôi hết rồi.
2940 My parents and friends saw me o at the airport before I embarked on my adventure around the world. Bố mẹ và bạn bè của tôi đã tiễn tôi ở sân bay trước khi tôi dẫn thân vào cuộc phiêu lưu vòng quanh thế giới.
2942 Mahmud always dozes o in economics class. Mahmud luôn gà gật trong giờ học kinh tế.
2959 Since he got so much bad press, it wouldn't just blow over. Everybody knew him now. Vì anh ấy bị lên án trên báo chí quá nhiều nên chuyện sẽ không chỉ qua đi. Giờ mọi người đều đã biết anh ấy.
2968 My parents dropped me o at the airport two (2) hours before my ight was scheduled to take o . Bố mẹ tôi thả tôi ở sân bay hai tiếng trước giờ chuyến bay của tôi dự kiến cất cánh.
2971 I'm saving my money up for a trip around the world. Tôi đang tiết kiệm tiền cho chuyến đi vòng quanh thế giới.
2973 A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He's been in the hospital ever since. Một người bạn của tôi đã bị tấn công và đánh đập vài ngày trước. Anh ấy đã nằm bệnh viện từ đó đến giờ.
2983 People used to carry pagers around, but they've completely fallen out of use. Người ta từng mang máy nhắn tin nhưng giờ họ đã hoàn toàn không dùng nó nữa.
2985 A decision has to be made now. We can't put it o any longer. Một quyết định cần phải được đưa ra bây giờ. Chúng ta không thể trì hoãn thêm được nữa.
2997 My rst job was at a travel agency, and I didn't like it much. But now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. Công việc đầu tiên của tôi là ở một đại lí du lịch và tôi không thích nó lắm. Nhưng giờ nhìn lại vào kinh nghiệm, tôi thực sự đã học từ đấy nhiều thứ.
2998 When are you going to pay me back the money I lent you? Cậu định bao giờ trả tôi số tiền tôi cho cậu mượn?

accept sb into sth: She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world. accept
accept sb as sth: He never really accepted her as his own child. accept
accept sth: You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich. accept
The accident happened at 3 p.m. accident
strong winds accompanied by heavy rain accompany
acknowledge sb/sth as sth: He is widely acknowledged as the best player in the world. acknowledge
acknowledge sb/sth to be, have, etc. sth: He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world. acknowledge
Have you ever acted? act
The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour. actual
It's not actually raining now. actually
Why can't you two act like civilized adults? adult
Popper described science as the greatest adventure in the world. adventure
world/international/business affairs affair
She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to. afford
afraid of sb/sth: It's all over. There's nothing to be afraid of now. afraid
We'll leave after lunch. after
After an hour I went home (= when an hour had passed). after
It's ten after seven in the morning (= 7.10 a.m.) after
I'll never forgive him after what he said. after
This must never happen again. again
She spends two hours a day getting to work and back again. again
They had an agreement never to talk about work at home. agreement
It only takes three hours by air (= in a plane). air
He never drinks alcohol. alcohol
You're allowed an hour to complete the test. allow
allow sb/sth + adv./prep.: The prisoners are allowed out of their cells for two hours a day. allow
It will take about an hour to get there, allowing for traffic delays. allow for sb/sth
Carol felt all alone in the world. alone
Is it 10 o'clock already? already
alternative energy (= electricity or power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.) alternative
This painting is very good—Ellie always was very good at art (= so it is not very surprising). always
It starts at 10 a.m. a.m.
amaze sb what, how, etc...: It never ceases to amaze me what some people will do for money. amaze
ambition of being/doing sth: She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. ambition
It's OK, you're among friends now. among
amuse yourself: I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. amuse
Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. keep sb amused
'We talked for hours.' 'And what did you decide?' and
Many people never really express any anger. anger
it is announced that...: It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced. announce
+ speech: 'Now boarding flight 897, destination Seattle,' the loudspeaker announced. announce
He wasn't any good at French. any
He isn't anything like my first boss. anything like sb/sth
It's too late now, anyway. anyway
Anyway, I'd better go now—I'll see you tomorrow. anyway
He's never been anywhere outside Britain. anywhere
We're living apart now. apart
When his wife died, his world fell apart. apart
The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. appeal
She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance. appearance
The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel. appearance
apply sth to sb/sth: The word 'unexciting' could never be applied to her novels. apply
I've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock. appointment
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
Is now an appropriate time to make a speech? appropriate
The journey took approximately seven hours. approximately
It could be argued that laws are made by and for men. argue
He arrived around five o'clock. around
This is our new office—Kay will show you around. around
Digital television has been around for some time now. around
We met at six, as arranged. arrange
We waited an hour for our lunch to arrive. arrive
She's good at art and design. art
the artificial barriers of race, class and gender artificial
The 'h' in honest is silent, as in 'hour'. as
My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. assistant
We left at 2 o'clock. at
He was driving at 70 mph. at
I'm good at French. at
I've never seen two people so attached to each other. attached
his attempt on the world land speed record attempt
a world-record attempt attempt
at an average speed of 100 miles per hour average
40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people. average
I left early to avoid the rush hour. avoid
awake sb: Her voice awoke the sleeping child. awake
They set off with the wind at their backs (= behind them). back
It takes me an hour to walk there and back. back
He now realized that it had been a bad decision on his part. bad
a bad teacher bad
excess baggage (= weighing more than the limit allowed on a plane) baggage
Chemical weapons are banned internationally. ban
The world of Disney is a magical experience that knows no age barriers. barrier
The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. base
The two approaches are basically very similar. basically
the battle of the sexes battle
She has been in her room for hours. be
I've never been to Spain. be
It's strange how she never comes to see us any more. be
London is not England (= do not think that all of England is like London). be
a beautiful woman/face/baby/voice/poem/smell/evening beautiful
Something ought to have been done before now. before
I was beginning to think you'd never come. begin
I was told to stay behind after school (= remain in school). behind
I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed in me. believe in sb
His voice came down the line as clear as a bell. bell
Have you ever belonged to a political party? belong to sth
She was one of the best tennis players of her generation. best
It's best if you go now. best
They're all good players, but she's the best of all. best
She's far better at science than her brother. better
People are better educated now. better
We'd better leave now or we'll miss the bus. had better/best (do sth)
It's cheaper between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. between
Many changes took place between the two world wars. between
the border between Sweden and Norway between
China and India between them account for a third of the world's population. between
You're a big girl now. big
It's the world's biggest computer company. big
to introduce/approve/reject a bill bill
Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now. billion
a bitter wind bitter
blow sth + adv./prep.: I was almost blown over by the wind. blow
blow sth + adj.: The wind blew the door shut. blow
A cold wind blew from the east. blow
It was blowing a gale (= there was a strong wind). blow
The new cuts will be seen as a crippling blow for people on low incomes. blow
I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight. book
book sb + adv./prep.: I've booked you on the 10 o'clock flight. book
a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania border
Denmark's border with Germany border
in the US, near the Canadian border border
Nevada's northern border border
to cross the border border
to flee across/over the border border
a border dispute/incident border
a border town/state border
It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. border
The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door. bottom
There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. bound
Now she's a teenager, she's starting to be interested in boys. boy
She had broken the world 100 metres record. break
He was breaking the speed limit (= travelling faster than the law allows). break
More news after the break. break
Labradors and other large breeds of dog breed
a breed of cattle/sheep breed
The news brought tears to his eyes (= made him cry). bring
He was like a brother to me (= very close). brother
If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy. buy
Can you finish the work by five o'clock? by
He ought to have arrived by now/by this time. by
By my watch it is two o'clock. by
They're paid by the hour. by
Bye for now Dad! bye
I thought it was going to be difficult to get funding for the project, but in the end it was like taking candy from a baby. be like taking candy from a baby
Paris, the fashion capital of the world capital
I've never been very good at cards. card
I don't care (= I will not be upset) if I never see him again! care
I never carry much money on me. carry
There's no point complaining now—we're leaving tomorrow in any case. in any case
I'm short of cash right now. cash
You wouldn't catch me working (= I would never work) on a Sunday! catch
The murderer was never caught. catch
The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips. catch
cease to do sth: You never cease to amaze me! cease
certain of sth/of doing sth: If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now. certain
I'm certainly never going there again. certainly
Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school. change
The wind has changed direction. change
The company has worldwide distribution channels. channel
Personal characteristics, such as age and sex are taken into account. characteristic
chat away (to/with sb): Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends. chat
a cheerful smile/voice cheerful
men, women and children child
Church is at 9 o'clock. church
She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth. circumstance
She's Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen. citizen
one of the world's most beautiful cities city
A lot of lost property is never claimed. claim
it is claimed that...: It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week. claim
She has class all right—she looks like a model. class
differences of class, race or gender class
The whole class was/were told to stay behind after school. class
See me after class. class
I have a history class at 9 o'clock. class
She was in Australia but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell. clear
It was several hours before the road was cleared after the accident. clear
It was ten past six by the kitchen clock. clock
The clock struck twelve/midnight. clock
The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m. close
It's dark now—let's close the curtains. close
There's a close resemblance (= they look very similar). close
She closely resembled her mother at the same age. closely
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
You're just coasting—it's time to work hard now. coast
He collapsed in the street and died two hours later. collapse
The agreement came after several hours of negotiations. come
The time has come (= now is the moment) to act. come
I've only come for an hour. come
I never expected those few items to come to so much. come to sth
Set the oven to come on at six. come on
The train is coming in now. come in
I never feel very comfortable in her presence. comfortable
Most crimes are committed by young men. commit
Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days. communication
the international community (= the countries of the world as a group) community
the largest computer company in the world company
comparison of A with B: a comparison of men's salaries with those of women comparison
You can draw comparisons with the situation in Ireland (= say how the two situations are similar). comparison
To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock. complicate
The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. confine
I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. confine
Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. confine
I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I had never connected them before. connect
A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. conscious
I made a conscious effort to get there on time. conscious
Her style of dress was never conservative. conservative
Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say. content
She struggled to keep control of her voice. control
It took two hours to bring the fire under control. bring/get/keep sth under control
I can't see him now—it isn't convenient. convenient
Her voice was cool and dismissive. cool
a cool breeze/drink/climate cool
The evening breeze cooled her face. cool
The wind hit him as he turned the corner. corner
I could do it now, if you like. could
The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky. countryside
county boundaries county
cover sb/sth with sth: The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand. cover
traditional crafts like basket-weaving craft
Your credit limit is now £2 000. credit
The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. critical
The hourly charge is currently £35. currently
It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn (= closed). curtain
Now cut the tomatoes in half. cut
The winner cut ten seconds off (= ran the distance ten seconds faster than) the world record. cut sth off
There was music and dancing till two in the morning. dancing
a seven-hour working day day
One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back. one day
We did a deal with the management on overtime. deal
We were poor but we never got into debt. debt
The cake was decorated to look like a car. decorate
I heard his deep warm voice filling the room. deep
The world champion has only had two defeats in 20 fights. defeat
defend sb/yourself/sth: Troops have been sent to defend the borders. defend
The male ape defends his females from other males. defend
a delay of two hours/a two-hour delay delay
Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour. delay
The delicate surgical operation took five hours. delicate
deliver (to sb/sth): We promise to deliver within 48 hours. deliver
Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure. departure
the departure lounge/time/gate departure
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
design sth (as sth): This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject. design
He used to be a pilot but now he has a desk job. desk
Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it. despite
She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring. despite
The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction (= creates the forces that destroy it). destruction
Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later. detail
Please supply the following details: name, age and sex. detail
I could only devote two hours a day to the work. devote sth to sth
I'll never forget it to my dying day (= until I die). die
His secret died with him (= he never told anyone). die
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them. difference
It's different now than it was a year ago. different
Now he spoke in a different and kinder voice. different
It's difficult for them to get here much before seven. difficult
It's time for dinner. dinner
What time do you serve dinner? dinner
I never eat a big dinner. dinner
school dinners (= meals provided at school in the middle of the day) dinner
She now directs a large choir. direct
Has the wind changed direction? direction
I can never find a pen in this house. They disappear as soon as I buy them. disappear
Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS. discover
discover why, how, etc...: We never did discover why she gave up her job. discover
the discovery of new talent in the art world discovery
I can recommend the chef's dish of the day. dish
You'll never get the ball in from that distance. distance
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. distribution
Electronic media make the potential for information distribution possible on a scale never before achieved. distribution
worldwide distribution systems distribution
division of sth between A and B: the division of labour between the sexes division
He never bothers to do his jacket up. do sth up
doubt (that)...: I never doubted (that) she would come. doubt
It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards. downwards
I'm not very good at drawing. drawing
dream of/about doing sth: I wouldn't dream of going without you (= I would never go without you). dream
dream (that)...: I never dreamt (that) I'd actually get the job. dream
The children spend hours dressing and undressing their dolls. dress
It's a three-hour drive to London. drive
a day of strong winds and driving rain driving
At last the wind dropped. drop
His voice dropped to a whisper. drop
drop sth: She dropped her voice dramatically. drop
drops of rain drop
a drop of blood drop
Mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture. drop
Would you like a drop of brandy? drop
I haven't touched a drop (= drunk any alcohol) all evening. drop
Hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin. dry out, dry sth out
There's never a dull moment when John's around. dull
Report for duty at 8 a.m. duty
All the children are earning now. earn
A gale was blowing from the east. east
I was born in the East, but now live in San Francisco. east
It would be the easiest thing in the world to fall in love with him. easy
the world economy economy
The dictionary is now in its eighth edition. edition
He spoke in an educated voice. educated
I spent hours cleaning the house, but there isn't much to show for all my efforts. effort
I've never felt so embarrassed in my life! embarrassed
The rising tone of his voice emphasized his panic. emphasize
They're very good employers (= they treat the people that work for them well). employer
I had never encountered such resistance before. encounter
They used to be friends but they are now sworn enemies (= are determined not to become friends again). enemy
engaged (on sth): He is now engaged on his second novel. engaged
A note of defiance entered her voice. enter
It never entered my head (= I never thought) that she would tell him about me. enter
He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. entertain
enthusiasm (for doing sth): She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching. enthusiasm
I have never in my entire life heard such nonsense! entire
This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled. equal
With his last jump he equalled the world record. equal
She may have arrived late or it is equally possible that she never went there at all. equally
escape (into sth): As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. escape
an essay on the causes of the First World War essay
The pattern is essentially the same in all cases. essentially
He never even opened the letter (= so he certainly didn't read it). even
I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me. even now/then
Our scores are now even. even
The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future. event
Our flight eventually left five hours late. eventually
Don't you ever get tired? ever
If you're ever in Miami, come and see us. ever
'Have you ever thought of changing your job?' 'No, never/No I haven't.' ever
She hardly ever (= almost never) goes out. ever
We see them very seldom, if ever. ever
I'll never ever do that again! ever
It was raining harder than ever. ever
Everything in the capital is now quiet. everything
You cannot pretend there's no evil in the world. evil
It's exactly nine o'clock. exactly
I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent (= tries to sound more Irish than he really is). exaggerate
Our dresses were the same except mine was red. except
There was a note of excitement in his voice. excitement
Buses run every hour, Sundays excluded. exclude
an hour's class of exercising to music exercise
I've never cooked this before so it's an experiment. experiment
Now even bigger! Ten per cent extra! extra
There were tears in his eyes. eye
The expression on his face never changed. face
The two have never met face to face before. face to face (with sb)
What are you pulling a face at now? pull/make faces/a face (at sb)
She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again. face up to sth
She never fails to email every week. fail
We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road. faint
Her voice fell to a whisper. fall
She was killed in a fall from a horse. fall
Something about her voice was vaguely familiar. familiar
By now you will be familiar with the one-way system in the centre of town. familiar
Half an hour later Duncan was no farther in his quest. far
Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death. so far, thus far
Some styles never go out of fashion. fashion
the world of fashion fashion
the world's fastest runner fast
She's not in favour with (= supported or liked by) the media just now. favour
I would never ask for any favours from her. favour
Never fear/Fear not (= Don't worry), I shall return. fear
feel like sth: The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours. feel
More females than males are employed in the factory. female
Very few students learn Latin now. few
the world's fifth-largest oil exporter fifth
a world title fight (= fighting as a sport, especially boxing ) fight
a relatively unknown figure the world of fashion figure
His salary is now in six figures. figure
I'm afraid I don't have a head for figures (= I am not good at adding, etc.). figure
The wind filled the sails. fill
The sails filled with wind. fill
They are filming in Moscow right now. film
They will now go through to the final. final
The performance finally started half an hour late. finally
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
I thought you'd never finish! finish
+ adv./prep.: He finished 12 seconds outside the world record. finish
I need about an hour to finish off this report. finish sth off
I won't be finished for another hour. finished
It took two hours to put out the fire (= stop it burning). fire
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time. firm
It is now firmly established as one of the leading brands in the country. firmly
There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world. fish
He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in with the other people. fit in (with sb/sth)
The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level). flat
If we leave now, I can catch the earlier flight. flight
She lost control and the tears began to flow. flow
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way). focus
The opening hours are as follows ... follow
a foreign accent/language/student foreign
forget sth: I never forget a face. forget
forget (sb) doing sth: I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. forget
forgive sb/yourself (for sth/for doing sth): I'll never forgive her for what she did. forgive
I'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else. forgive
He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. formal
the former world champion former
He held out his free hand and I took it. free
Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident. freely
The book is now freely available in the shops (= it is not difficult to get a copy). freely
a fresh breeze fresh
The winds are likely to get fresher towards the end of the day. fresh
They had a quarrel, but they're friends again now. be/make friends (with sb)
frightened to do sth: I'm too frightened to ask him now. frightened
I'd never do that. I'd be frightened to death. frightened
From now on you can work on your own. from... on
She never spoke to him again from that day on. from... on
She is now entitled to put 'Professor' in front of her name. in front of
It's funny how things never happen the way you expect them to. funny
That's funny—he was here a moment ago and now he's gone. funny
The funny thing is it never happened again after that. funny
My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours. further
In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked. in future
gain sb sth: Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition. gain
It is now generally accepted that... generally
I generally get up at six. generally
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. generation
a gentle voice/laugh/touch gentle
a gentle breeze gentle
leaves moving gently in the breeze gently
We didn't get (= go) to bed until 3 a.m. get
We got to San Diego at 7 o'clock. get
What time did you get here? get
I'll never get all this work finished. get
You'll never get him to understand. get
She's getting to be an old lady now. get
We promised we'd go—we can't get out of it now. get out of sth
I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning. get out of sth
Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it. get away with sth
I never lend books—you never get them back. get sth back
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
She's never really got on with her sister. get on with sb, get on (together)
She and her sister have never really got on. get on with sb, get on (together)
He was given a new heart in a five-hour operation. give
I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life! glad
He sticks to her like glue (= never leaves her). glue
Half an hour went past while we were sitting there. go
Shall we go for a drink (= at a pub or bar) after work? go
I must be going now. go
He's been gone an hour (= he left an hour a go). go
She has gone to China (= is now in China or is on her way there). go
'May I start now?' 'Yes, go ahead.' go ahead (with sth)
That's enough for now—let's go on with it tomorrow. go on (with sth)
Now is a good time to buy a house. good
It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then. good
It's no good complaining—they never listen. good
Get dressed now, there's a good girl. good
to be a good actor/cook good
good at sth: to be good at languages/your job good
good at doing sth: Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights. good
She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.). good
You'll never marry her—she's much too good for you. good
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
I managed to grab a couple of hours' sleep on the plane. grab
He has been described as the world's greatest violinist. great
I grew all these flowers from one packet of seeds. grow
He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. guarantee
guarantee sth: Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed. guarantee
guarantee (that)...: We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed. guarantee
guess what, where, etc...: You'll never guess what she told me. guess
guess (that)...: You would never guess (that) she had problems. She's always so cheerful. guess
I guess (that) you'll be looking for a new job now. guess
An hour and a half is allowed for the exam. half
She's very good at handling her patients. handle
We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices. handle
Now hang on a minute—you can't really believe what you just said! hang on
You'll never guess what's happened! happen
His voice was hard. hard
They had put in hours of hard graft. hard
She hardly ever calls me (= almost never). hardly
We can't stop for coffee now, we've hardly started. hardly
It's hardly surprising she was fired; she never did any work. hardly
It's hardly the time to discuss it now. hardly
He would never harm anyone. harm
We have orders coming in from all over the world. have
She'll have had the results by now. have
Had I known that (= if I had known that) I would never have come. have
I haven't got to leave till seven. have to
The thought never entered my head. head
Have you ever heard him lecture? hear
I've never heard of the place. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
She disappeared and was never heard of again. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
The fire reached its height around 2 a.m. height
He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
That must be her now. her
I have never tried to hide the truth about my past. hide
The tree blew over in the high winds. high
She never got very high in the company. high
He introduced himself. himself
We're not hiring right now. hire
bicycles for hire, £2 an hour hire
Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. history
hit sb/sth: My parents never used to hit me. hit
Who holds the world record for the long jump? hold
She held the title of world champion for three years. hold
He bravely held back his tears. hold sth back
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
I held out my hand to steady her. hold sth out
He held out the keys and I took them. hold sth out
We are not far from my home now. home
She leaves home at 7 every day. home
Private home ownership is increasing faster than ever. home
Anna will drive me home after work. home
a horse and cart horse
Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests. host
It will take about an hour to get there. hour
The interview lasted half an hour. hour
It was a three-hour exam. hour
He'll be back in an hour. hour
We're paid by the hour. hour
The minimum wage was set at £5.80 an hour. hour
Top speed is 120 miles per hour. hour
York was within an hour's drive. hour
Chicago is two hours away (= it takes two hours to get there). hour
We're four hours ahead of New York (= referring to the time difference). hour
We hope to be there within the hour (= in less than an hour). hour
I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour. hour
Opening hours are from 10 to 6 each day. hour
Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours. hour
What are your office hours? hour
a hospital's visiting hours hour
Britain's licensing hours (= when pubs are allowed to open) used to be very restricted. hour
This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). hour
Clients can now contact us by email out of hours (= when the office is closed). hour
It took hours getting there. hour
I've been waiting for hours. hour
'How long did it last?' 'Oh, hours and hours.' hour
How are you feeling now? how
human geography (= the study of the way different people live around the world) human
a humorous look at the world of fashion humorous
Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now—I'm in a hurry. in a hurry
What really hurt was that he never answered my letter. hurt
I think I'd better go now. I
In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease. ideal
They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train. if
If you think about it, those children must be at school by now. if
Image is very important in the music world. image
I had a mental image of what she would look like. image
I can't imagine life without the children now. imagine
imply sth: I disliked the implied criticism in his voice. imply
The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control. impose
It's impossible for me to be there before eight. impossible
The Grand Canyon never fails to impress people. impress
The Grand Canyon never fails to impress. impress
I recognize his father in him (= his character is similar to his father's). in
to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months. in
It will be ready in a week's time (= one week from now). in
The bus is due in (= it should arrive) at six. in
a border/diplomatic incident incident
the world indoor 200 metres champion indoor
the world's leading industrial nations industrial
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. instead of
I have never been so insulted in my life! insult
an insurance broker/company insurance
intended as sth: The notes are intended as an introduction to the course. intended
I managed to work for two hours without interruption. interruption
Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music. introduce
introduce sth: The company is introducing a new range of products this year. introduce
introduce sth into/to sth: We want to introduce the latest technology into schools. introduce
introduce sb to sth: The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course. introduce
He was first introduced to drugs by his elder brother. introduce
introduce sth (to sb): It was she who first introduced the pleasures of sailing to me. introduce
The next programme will be introduced by Mary David. introduce
May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight... introduce
introduce sb: Can I introduce my wife? introduce
introduce A to B (as sth): He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party. introduce
She was introduced to me as a well-known novelist. introduce
introduce A and B: We've already been introduced. introduce
introduce yourself (to sb): Can I introduce myself? I'm Helen Robins. introduce
'Kay, this is Steve.' 'Yes, I know—we've already introduced ourselves.' introduce
'An Introduction to Astronomy' introduction
It's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject. introduction
a brief introduction introduction
a book with an excellent introduction and notes introduction
By way of introduction, let me give you the background to the story. introduction
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz. introduction
Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow. introduction
Our speaker today needs no introduction (= is already well known). introduction
a letter of introduction (= a letter which tells sb who you are, written by sb who knows both you and the person reading the letter) introduction
the introduction of new manufacturing methods introduction
the 1 000th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity to Russia introduction
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
I wish mobile phones had never been invented! invent
invest (in sth): Now is a good time to invest in the property market. invest
invitation to do sth: I have an open invitation (= not restricted to a particular date) to visit my friend in Japan. invitation
The union plans to raise the issue of overtime. issue
It's ten past twelve. it
A windproof jacket is an essential item of clothing for hillwalking. item
He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). job
She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly). job
She listens but she never joins in. join in (sth/doing sth), join in (with sb/sth)
She's a good judge of character. judge
The last singer was the best—not that I'm any judge (= I do not know much about the subject). judge
the world junior tennis championships junior
You're just in time. just
just like...: She looks just like her mother. just
It's just on six (= exactly six o'clock). just
just (to do sth): I waited an hour just to see you. just
Come and see me later—I'm busy just now. just now
Business is good just now. just now
I saw her just now. just now
She should be arriving just about now. just about
She was a star pupil—keen, confident and bright. keen
keep sb/sth + adj.: She kept the children amused for hours. keep
My father was one of a kind—I'll never be like him. one of a kind
I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew the voice. know
The ferry is due to land at 3 o'clock. land
Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee. large
Each game lasts about an hour. last
My flight was an hour late. late
What are you doing up at this late hour? late
laugh (at/about sth): You never laugh at my jokes! laugh
Everybody laughs at my accent. laugh at sb/sth
lead (sb/sth) (in sth): The department led the world in cancer research. lead
The Democrats now appear to be in the lead. lead
The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field. lead
The company is a world leader in electrical goods. leader
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
The accident taught me a lesson I'll never forget. lesson
lesson to sb: Let that be a lesson to you (= so that you do not make the same mistake again). lesson
Now let me see—where did he say he lived? let me see/think
licensing hours (= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) license
Life isn't like in the movies, you know. life
They could see that the company had a limited life (= it was going to close). life
to lift a ban/curfew/blockade lift
It was an hour before the lights came on again. light
light winds light
It gets light at about 5 o'clock. light
She tended to sleep lightly nowadays (= it was easy to disturb her). lightly
He's very like his father. like
She looks nothing like (= not at all like) her mother. like
That sounds like (= I think I can hear) him coming now. like
What's it like studying in Spain? like
It's just like her to tell everyone about it. like
He ran like the wind (= very fast). like
I, like everyone else, had read these stories in the press. like
like doing sth: She's never liked swimming. like
'Shall we stop now?' 'If you like.' if you like
Like I said (= as I said before), you're always welcome to stay. like
There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear. limit
The team performed to the limit of its capabilities. limit
She knew the limits of her power. limit
to push/stretch/test sb/sth to the limit limit
His arrogance knew (= had) no limits. limit
a time/speed/age limit limit
The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution. limit
They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit. limit
You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). limit
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. limit
Families are limited to four free tickets each. limit
Violent crime is not limited to big cities. limit sth to sb/sth
The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. limit sth to sb/sth
This offer is for a limited period only. limited
We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion. line
Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips (= I didn't drink any). lip
Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints. list
He has lived through two world wars. live through sth
The gates are locked at 6 o'clock. lock
I like it now the days are getting longer (= it stays light for more time each day). long
Nurses have to work long hours (= for more hours in the day than is usual). long
It was the world's longest bridge. long
look (to sb) like sb/sth: That looks like an interesting book. look
look (to sb) like sb/sth: That photograph doesn't look like her at all. look
They don't look like they're trying to win. look
look (to sb) like...: It doesn't look like we'll be moving after all. look
Don't look now, but there's someone staring at you! look
She spoke in a very loud voice. loud
He has a lovely voice. lovely
They were speaking in low voices. low
With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time. luck
Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. mad
Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women. magic
We have our main meal at lunchtime. main
make sb: He never cleans his room and his mother never tries to make him. make
The full story was never made public. make
He never really made it as an actor. make it
The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we'll never make it. make it
She never wears make-up. make-up
male attitudes to women male
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
the male menopause (= emotional and physical problems that affect some men at about the age of 50) male
a male-dominated profession male
Haemophilia is a condition that affects mostly males. male
It's like trying to manage an unruly child. manage
We need people who are good at managing. manage
He is one of the highest paid management gurus in the world. management
It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. map
I spend at least six hours a week marking. mark
the world market in coffee market
He never married. marry
Do foxes ever mate with dogs? mate
the material world material
matter (to sb): The children matter more to her than anything else in the world. matter
Her children mean the world to her. mean
mean sth: Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year. mean
mean doing sth: This new order will mean working overtime. mean
mean sb for sth/sb: I was never meant for the army (= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier). mean
mean (that)...: I never meant (that) you should come alone. mean
It was like—weird. Know what I mean? mean
See what I mean (= I was right and this proves it, doesn't it)? She never agrees to anything I suggest. mean
It was so boring—I mean, nothing happened for the first hour! I mean
Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage. media
meet (for sth): Let's meet for a drink after work. meet
What time is the meeting? meeting
This hasn't happened in living memory (= nobody alive now can remember it happening). memory
Do you have a mental picture of what it will look like? mental
I've been trying to get you all day—don't you ever listen to your messages? message
He might say that now (= it is true that he does), but he can soon change his mind. might
The car must have been doing at least 100 miles an hour. mile
The driver was well above the limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood milligram
His mind is as sharp as ever. mind
You'll never persuade him to stay—his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go). make up your mind, make your mind up
mind how, what, etc...: She never minded how hot it was. mind
Have you broken it? Never mind, we can buy another one. never mind
This isn't where I intended to take you—but never mind, it's just as good. never mind
As an absolute minimum, you should spend two hours in the evening studying. minimum
It's four minutes to six. minute
Hurry up! He'll be back any minute now. (at) any minute (now)
miss (sb/sth) doing sth: I don't miss getting up at six every morning! miss
If I don't leave now I'll miss my plane. miss
'Are you coming to the school play?' 'I wouldn't miss it for the world.' miss
I never found the missing piece. missing
We've worked together for years but never mixed socially. mix
the modern industrial world modern
We're busy at the moment (= now). moment
From that moment on, she never felt really well again. moment
Let's not talk about it now. I'm not in the mood. mood
I didn't get home until two in the morning! morning
He died in the early hours of Sunday morning. morning
It must have happened at about five o'clock in the morning. in the morning
I'll say this much for him—he never leaves a piece of work unfinished. this much
the narrow confines of prison life narrow
She has a very narrow view of the world. narrow
the natural world (= of trees, rivers, animals and birds) natural
He helped me in my hour of need. need
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
You never help me. never
He has never been abroad. never
'Would you vote for him?' 'Never.' never
'I work for a company called Orion Technology.' 'Never heard of them.' never
Never in all my life have I seen such a horrible thing. never
Never ever tell anyone your password. never
I never knew (= didn't know until now) you had a twin sister. never
I never realized just how easy it is. never
Someone might find out, and that would never do (= that is not acceptable). never
He never so much as smiled (= did not smile even once). never
'I told my boss exactly what I thought of her.' 'You never did!' (= 'Surely you didn't!') never
'You took my bike.' 'No, I never.' never
Never fear (= Do not worry), everything will be all right. never
The new buds are appearing on the trees now. new
the nine o'clock news news
The next train to Baltimore is at ten. next
The nicest thing about her is that she never criticizes us. nice
We are open during normal office hours. normal
cold winds coming from the north north
a northern accent northern
It looks nothing like a horse. nothing like
Nothing but a miracle can save her now. nothing but
Her scars are hardly noticeable now. noticeable
It's too late now. now
From now on I'll be more careful. now
He'll be home by now. now
I've lived at home up till now. now
That's all for now. now
Start writing now. now
I am now ready to answer your questions. now
Now they want to tax food! now
What do you want now? now
It's broken. Now I'll have to get a new one. now
Now, listen to what she's saying. now
Now, the next point is quite complex. now
Now come and sit down. now
Now let me think... now
Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of extra space. now
All the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life). observe
We occasionally meet for a drink after work. occasionally
occupy sb/sth/yourself: a game that will occupy the kids for hours occupy
He left between five and six o'clock. o'clock
at/after/before eleven o'clock o'clock
the howling of the wind of
Oh dear! What's happened now? oh
Is it OK if I leave now? OK
The baby was only a few hours old. old
From then on he never trusted her again. on
We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now. on
I'll see you at one (= one o'clock). one
10 o'clock is too late for the little ones. one
one to do sth: She was never one to criticize. one
I only hope that she never finds out. only
The flowers are all open now. open
When did the country open its borders? open
The road will be opened again in a few hours after police have cleared it. open
The men in prison would never cry openly (= so that other people could see). openly
He underwent a three-hour heart operation. operation
Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men). opportunity
the World Health Organization organization
I can't see you now—some other time, maybe. other
He raised one arm and then the other. other
We ought to be leaving now. ought to
If he started out at nine, he ought to be here by now. ought to
Oughtn't the water to have boiled by now? ought to
And now, over to our Rome correspondent... our
Their house is very similar to ours, but ours is bigger. ours
The seeds may be sown outdoors in the spring. outdoors
to explore the outer (= most extreme) limits of human experience outer
They felt cut off from the outside world (= from other people and from other things that were happening). outside
You may do as you wish outside working hours. outside
Open a window, it's like an oven in here! oven
The wind must have blown it over. over
They've travelled all over the world. over
We'll discuss it over lunch. over
He's now the proud owner of a cottage in Wales. owner
I haven't packed yet. pack
Are you packing up already? It's only 4 o'clock. pack up, pack sth up
I never meant to cause her pain. pain
She was very good in the part. part
a plant that grows in many parts of the world part
Come and visit us if you're ever in our part of the world. part
The worst part was having to wait three hours in the rain. part
She bears more than a passing resemblance to (= looks very like) your sister. passing
half past two past
There's a bus at twenty minutes past the hour (= at 1.20, 2.20, etc.). past
We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past (= ten minutes past two). past
Did he ever pay you back that $100 he owes you? pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
I'll pay him back for making me look like a fool in front of everyone. pay sb back (for sth)
He never felt really at peace with himself. peace
She felt at peace with the world. peace
Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. peak
the perfect crime (= one in which the criminal is never discovered) perfect
The TV works perfectly now. perfectly
This operation has never been performed in this country. perform
The performance starts at seven. performance
This offer is available for a limited period only. period
Like Picasso, she too had a blue period. period
Nothing personal (= I do not wish to offend you), but I do have to go now. personal
personalities from the world of music personality
Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself. philosophy
Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock? photocopy
photograph sb/sth: He has photographed some of the world's most beautiful women. photograph
the physical world/universe/environment physical
We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. pick sb/sth up
It would be a great pity if you gave up now. pity
He broke his arm in three places. place
We may never discover what took place that night. take place
We can't change our plans now. plan
The plane took off an hour late. plane
Coming onto the platform now is tonight's conductor, Jane Glover. platform
a pleasant smile/voice/manner pleasant
Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to sb). pleased
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker. pleasure
She spends every waking hour plotting her revenge. plot
The appointment is at 3 p.m. p.m.
The border will be policed by UN officials. police
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
She's a good teacher but a poor manager. poor
It's among the poorer countries of the world. poor
Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men. popular
One third of the world's population consumes/consume two thirds of the world's resources. population
the company's dominant position in the world market position
The soldiers had to stand for hours without changing position. position
possibility (that...): There is now no possibility that she will make a full recovery. possibility
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that we'll all meet again one day. possibility
What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility. possibility
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
nuclear/wind/solar power power
the power of the media power
world powers power
a powerful voice powerful
My essay is practically finished now. practically
She does an hour's piano practice every day. practice
The meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely. precisely
I'm sorry he's out at present (= now). present
present yourself + adv./prep.: You need to present yourself better. present
present sth/sb/yourself as sth: He likes to present himself as a radical politician. present
Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale. press
Male pride forced him to suffer in silence. pride
A tidal current turbine is similar in principle to a windmill. principle
He won first prize in the woodwind section. prize
Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now. problem
the world of professional football professional
promise (that)...: The brochure promised (that) the local food would be superb. promise
They arrived promptly at two o'clock. promptly
The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. proportion
propose to do sth: What do you propose to do now? propose
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. protect
Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain. protection
The palace is now open to the public. public
They never argue in public. in public
She now teaches only private pupils. pupil
a pure voice pure
She had never tried to put this feeling into words. put
Friday at 11? I'll put it in my diary. put
She looks like she's put on weight. put sth on
She has all the qualities of a good teacher. quality
The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity. quantity
It's (a) quarter to four now—I'll meet you at (a) quarter past. quarter
It's quarter of four now—I'll meet you at quarter after. quarter
The programme lasted an hour and a quarter. quarter
question sth: I just accepted what he told me. I never thought to question it. question
her quiet voice quiet
I spent a few hours quietly relaxing. quietly
We only just started. We're not going to quit now. quit
It's like being in the Alps, but not quite. quite
This custom is found in people of all races throughout the world. race
legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex race
a race between the two best runners of the club race
one of the racing world's most popular characters racing
I think I felt a drop of rain. rain
I've never heard him even raise his voice (= speak louder because he was angry). raise
He raised a hand in greeting. raise
The child was now out of her range of vision (= not near enough for her to see). range
She is currently the highest ranked player in the world. rank
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world. rank
a rare breed/plant rare
Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. rarely
You will rarely, if ever, have to wait longer than an hour. rarely
Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. rate
At the rate you work, you'll never finish! rate
rate sb/sth + noun: She is currently rated number two in the world. rate
He looks rather like his father. rather
They didn't reach the border until after dark. reach
You never know how he is going to react. react
She never had any real friends at school. real
Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world. real
In reality, human beings and dinosaurs never lived on earth at the same time. in reality
She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer. realize
Now I really must go. really
'They'll never find out.' 'You reckon? ' (= I think you may be wrong about that) reckon
The book is now recognized as a classic. recognize
recommend sb/sth: Can you recommend a good hotel? recommend
She holds the world record for the 100 metres. record
reduce sth: Reduce speed now (= on a sign). reduce
The term 'accent' refers to pronunciation. The term 'dialect' refers to vocabulary and grammar. refer to sb/sth
Her mother never referred to him again. refer to sb/sth (as sth)
She would never refuse her kids anything. refuse
regard to sb/sth: He was driving without regard to speed limits. regard
regret sth: If you don't do it now, you'll only regret it. regret
People alter their voices in relationship to background noise. relationship
They now live in relative comfort (= compared with how they lived before). relative
It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us. relative
I'm feeling more relaxed about the future now. relaxed
release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. release
Christianity, Islam and other world religions religion
one of the remotest areas of the world remote
The treatment should be repeated every two to three hours. repeat
Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. replace
He never replied to any of my letters. reply
You should report for duty at 9.30 a.m. report
And now over to Jim Muir, for a report on the South African election. report
Wind direction is represented by arrows. represent
The opening speech was by Bob Alan representing Amnesty International. represent
The singer is regarded as a representative of the youth of her generation. representative
Unfortunately, he was never able to reproduce this level of performance in a competition. reproduce
The company enjoys a world-wide reputation for quality of design. reputation
Call us now if you'd like to request a record for someone (= ask for it to be played on the radio). request
reserve sth for sb/sth: I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock. reserve
She said this in the tone of voice she reserved for addressing small children. reserve
respond (to sb/sth) (with sth): She never responded to my letter. respond
Don't blame Alex. He's human, like the rest of us. rest
He won't rest (= will never be satisfied) until he finds her. rest
rest sth: Rest your eyes every half an hour. rest
restrict sth to sth: Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns. restrict
Access to the club is restricted to members only. restrict
In those days women led fairly restricted lives. restricted
The tournament is restricted to players under the age of 23. restricted
Dad is retired now. retired
reverse sth: Now reverse the car. reverse
I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now. revise
The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments. reward
one of the richest women in the world rich
ride sth: She had never ridden a horse before. ride
He goes for a ride most mornings. ride
Let me get this right (= understand correctly) —you want us to do an extra ten hours' work for no extra pay? right
Is it ever right to kill? right
The wind was right in our faces. right
The bus came right on time. right
Do it right now! right now
If I remember rightly, there's a train at six o'clock. rightly
The wind is rising—I think there's a storm coming. rise
Her voice rose angrily. rise
It takes about five hours by road (= driving). road
Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic. romantic
They had to sit in the waiting room for an hour. room
the discovery that the world is round round
She looked round at the sound of his voice. round
I'll be round in an hour. round
the first woman to sail round the world round
The old mill is now little more than a ruin. ruin
The old tramlines are still there but now no trams run on them. run
Buses to Oxford run every half-hour. run
Book now and avoid the last-minute rush. rush
It is one of the safest cars in the world. safe
Here's your passport. Now keep it safe. safe
one of the first people to sail around the world sail
As the boat moved down the river the wind began to fill the sails. sail
a two-hour sail across the bay sail
This one works in exactly the same way as the other. same
He used the very same (= exactly the same) words. same
I think the same as you do about this. same
There are several brands and they're not all the same. same
I'd like one the same as yours. same
He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same. all/just the same
All the same, there's some truth in what she says. all/just the same
'Get lost!' 'Same to you!' (the) same to you
We treat boys exactly the same as girls. same
He gave me five dollars, same as usual. same
satisfied with sb/sth: She's never satisfied with what she's got. satisfied
save sb sth (on sth): If we go this way it will save us two hours on the trip. save
We'll eat some now and save some for tomorrow. save
I'm not very good at saving. save
say (that)...: The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours. say
'Why can't I go out now?' 'Because I say so.' say
schedule sb/sth to do sth: I'm scheduled to arrive in LA at 5 o'clock. schedule
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
Shall I meet you after school today? school
after-school activities school
What's the score now? score
Some actors never watch themselves on screen. screen
Now tighten all the screws. screw
Now screw down the lid. screw
As a dancer, he is second to none (= nobody is a better dancer than he is). second
Our relationship was now on a more secure footing. secure
I see things differently now. see
She will never see again (= she has become blind). see
Now let me see—how old is she now? let me see/let's see
a packet of wild flower seeds seed
seed potatoes (= used for planting) seed
Now we have to try and sell the idea to management. sell
The tickets sold out within hours. sell out, be sold out
There's no sense in (= it is not sensible) worrying about it now. sense
Why can't you ever take anything seriously? take sb/sth seriously
serve (sth): Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m. serve
the BBC World Service service
The course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions. session
Leave the concrete to set for a few hours. set
She set a new world record for the high jump. set
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
Set the alarm for 7 o'clock. set
settle sth: It's all settled—we're leaving on the nine o'clock plane. settle
it is settled that...: It's been settled that we leave on the nine o'clock plane. settle
Now, come on, settle down! settle down, settle sb down
Now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven. in seventh heaven
a sewing basket sewing
a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby sex
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below. sex
sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) sex
Testosterone is the male sex hormone. sex
a member of the opposite sex sex
the battle of the sexes (= the competitive relationship that exists between men and women) sex
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
sex education in schools sex
'Who are you?' he asked, his voice shaking. shake
Her voice shook with emotion. shake
Doesn't she (= the woman we are looking at) look like Sue? she
shelter sb/sth from sb/sth: Trees shelter the house from the wind. shelter
to work an eight-hour shift shift
The company ships its goods all over the world. ship
a shopping basket shopping
a shopping cart shopping
It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. should
I should imagine it will take about three hours. should
show sth to sb: She showed the technique to her students. show
She wanted to show off her new husband at the party. show sb/sth off
The bank shuts at 4. shut
Unfortunately the bank is shut now. shut
This is a side of Alan that I never knew existed. side
Now lay the jar on its side. side
satellite links to the other side of the world side
The bird is now a rare sight in this country. sight
She never lets her daughter out of her sight (= always keeps her where she can see her). sight
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print. at first sight
The sign on the wall said 'Now wash your hands'. sign
The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world. signal
We have very similar interests. similar
similar (to sb/sth): My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers. similar
The brothers look very similar. similar
sincere in sth: She is never completely sincere in what she says about people. sincere
sing sth: Now I'd like to sing a song by the Beatles. sing
She has a beautiful singing voice. singing
a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) single
All these jobs can now be done by one single machine. single
sit doing sth: We sat talking for hours. sit
The business over the lawsuit had really knocked her for six. hit/knock sb for six
With a talent like his, the sky's the limit. the sky's the limit
He slept solidly for ten hours. sleep
We sometimes sleep late at the weekends (= until late in the morning). sleep
He never had the slightest intention of agreeing to it. slight
A slight breeze was blowing. slight
The director never lets the tension slip. slip
'I don't agree,' he said in a small (= quiet) voice. small
He never seems to smile. smile
I've never smoked. smoke
Traffic is now flowing smoothly again. smoothly
It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). so
If she notices, she never says so. so
We stayed for an hour or so. ... or so
So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears. so
We meet at work, but never socially. socially
They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's society society
Can Britain ever be a classless society? society
Some people never seem to put on weight while others are always on a diet. some
She called at something after ten o'clock. something
It tastes something like melon. something
They pay six pounds an hour. Something like that. something
The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls (= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven). soul
sound like sb/sth: You sounded just like your father when you said that. sound
We're all in the soup now. in the soup
a southern accent southern
He speaks with a strange accent. speak
She has a beautiful speaking voice. speak
A speaker conveys information through tone and body language. speaker
I've never been able to spell. spell
a lack of spiritual values in the modern world spiritual
Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime. split sb up, split up
The day was split up into 6 one-hour sessions. split sth up
Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind. spread
She's full of energy, like a coiled spring. spring
She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed from her. squeeze
The pay increase will be introduced in stages (= not all at once). stage
What time are we starting tomorrow? start
We started off by introducing ourselves. start off
Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. status
She drove at a steady 50 mph. steady
It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world. step
Her arms and legs were like sticks (= very thin). stick
There was a sting of sarcasm in his voice. sting
What time is it? My watch has stopped. stop
There's no stopping us now (= nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to achieve). stop
stop (doing sth): That phone never stops ringing! stop
Many years later I returned to Africa but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now). story
Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories. story
Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= cooking). stove
Come straight home after school. straight
Never accept lifts from strange men. strange
Cars filed past in an endless stream. stream
wind strength strength
I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. strike
She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister. striking
a strong voice (= loud) strong
She spoke with a strong Australian accent. strong
a strong wind/current strong
It was a real struggle to be ready on time. struggle
suffer for sth: He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it. suffer
Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report? suitable
I suppose all the tickets have been sold now, have they? suppose
You were supposed to be here an hour ago! be supposed to do/be sth
it surprises sb that...: It surprises me that you've never sung professionally. surprise
swear (that)...: I swear (that) I'll never leave you. swear
swear (that)...: She swore (that) she'd never seen him before. swear
beads of sweat sweat
the male reproductive system system
take sth: The journey to the airport takes about half an hour. take
take sth to do sth: It takes about half an hour to get to the airport. take
The official seemed to take hours to examine my passport. take
take sb sth (to do sth): It took her three hours to repair her bike. take
The plane took off an hour late. take off
We talked on the phone for over an hour. talk
talk (to/with sb) (about sb/sth): Who were you talking to just now? talk
the tallest building in the world tall
the sound of a dripping tap tap
I've never tasted anything like it. taste
A tear rolled down his face. tear
Ann wiped a tear from her eye. tear
The memory brought a tear to her eye (= made her cry). tear
Desperately she fought back the tears (= tried not to cry). tear
The tears welled up in his eyes. tear
telephone sth: You can telephone your order 24 hours a day. telephone
tell which, what, etc...: The kittens look exactly alike—how can you tell which is which? tell
tell sb + speech: 'I'm ready to go now,' he told her. tell
People tend to think that the problem will never affect them. tend
There is mounting tension along the border. tension
It never takes more than an hour. than
Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you! thanks to sb/sth
That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know. that's it
You get paid by the hour. the
They now say that red wine is good for you. they
He's good at making things with his hands. thing
think (that)...: I never thought (that) I'd see her again. think
think (about sth): I can't tell you now—I'll have to think about it. think
think so: 'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.' think
'What shall we do now?' 'I'll think of something.' think of sth/sb
Don't you ever think about other people? think about/of sb/sth
Jo, this is Kate (= when you are introducing them). this
Do it this minute (= now). this
He never comes to see me these days (= now, as compared with the past). this
threaten to do sth: The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met. threaten
I'd never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you. through
They export their products to markets throughout the world. throughout
We're open till 6 o'clock. till
He never takes any time off (= time spent not working). time
Do it now please—not in three hours' time (= three hours from now). time
The journey time is two hours. time
What's the hurry? We have all the time in the world. time
The time is now half past ten. time
Greenwich Mean Time time
6 o'clock local time time
The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time). time
Will we be in time for the six o'clock train? in time (for sth/to do sth)
the title track from their latest CD (= the song with the same title as the disc) title
It's five to ten (= five minutes before ten o'clock). to
It was a threat to world peace. to
The exams start a week today/today week (= one week from now). today
All together now: 'Happy birthday to you...' together
Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (= for example by telling a rude joke). tone
The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case. tone
Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= in that unpleasant way). tone
There's no need to take that tone with me—it's not my fault we're late. tone
It's too late to do anything about it now. too
The computer is now an invaluable tool for the family doctor. tool
He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). turn
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up. turn up
Our car was turned back at the border. turn back, turn sb/sth back
The brochure is full of unconscious humour. unconscious
It took us under an hour. under
understand why, what, etc...: I could never understand why she was fired. understand
We finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work. understanding
uniform lines of terraced houses (= they all looked the same) uniform
He was never actually unkind to them. unkind
She never said anything unkind about anyone. unkind
It was not unknown for people to have to wait several hours (= it happened sometimes). unknown
Music is quite unlike any other art form. unlike
Unlike most systems, this one is very easy to install. unlike
It's very unlike him to be so late. unlike
They are both teachers. Otherwise they are quite unlike. unlike
Until now I have always lived alone. until
The wind is getting up (= blowing more strongly). up
Time's up. Stop writing and hand in your papers. up
Up to now he's been very quiet. up to sth
There is an upper limit of £20 000 spent on any one project. upper
His sudden death turned her world upside down. turn sth upside down
The painting looks like it's upside down to me. upside down
The oven looked as if it had never been used. use
That's a word I never use. use
used to doing sth: I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime. used
He didn't sound like his usual happy self. usual
As usual at that hour, the place was deserted. as usual
I'm usually home by 6 o'clock. usually
They're on vacation in Hawaii right now. vacation
Apples come in a great many varieties. variety
New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success. vary
'What time do you start work?' 'It varies.' vary
The job enables me to vary the hours I work. vary
motor vehicles (= cars, buses, lorries/trucks, etc.) vehicle
He's never ventured abroad in his life. venture
There was a vertical drop to the ocean. vertical
the Christian view of the world view
People came from all over the world to view her work. view
This year's results are virtually the same as last year's. virtually
He had a vision of a world in which there would be no wars. vision
He recognized Sarah's voice. voice
to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice voice
'I promise,' she said in a small voice (= a quiet, shy voice). voice
to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) voice
Keep your voice down (= speak quietly). voice
Don't take that tone of voice with me! voice
Her voice shook with emotion. voice
'There you are,' said a voice behind me. voice
When did his voice break (= become deep like a man's)? voice
He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak). voice
She has a good singing voice. voice
Wake up! It's eight o'clock. wake
the Second World War war
a warm breeze warm
The water (= the supply of water) was turned off for several hours each day during the drought. water
The wind made little waves on the pond. wave
The flag waved in the breeze. wave
I must be going home; it's way past my bedtime. way
hot/cold/wet/fine/summer/windy, etc. weather weather
I never have the time to go out in the week. week
a 35-hour week week
The firm is introducing a shorter working week. week
He was driving at well over the speed limit. well
I'm better now, thank you. well
Well, well—I would never have guessed it! well
Well, I'd better be going now. well
You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now. wet
Her hair was still dripping wet. wet
The weather will be wet and windy in the south. wet
What time is it? what
Do you want to take the wheel (= drive) now? wheel
How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen? when
Which way is the wind blowing? which
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. while
Her voice dropped to a whisper. whisper
It's the best job in the whole wide world. wide
That'll be the doctor now. will
She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours. will
He would spend hours on the telephone. will
In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live. will
I would never willingly upset you. willingly
strong/high winds wind
gale-force winds wind
a light wind wind
a north/south/east/west wind wind
a chill/cold/biting wind from the north wind
The wind is blowing from the south. wind
The trees were swaying in the wind. wind
A gust of wind blew my hat off. wind
The weather was hot, without a breath of wind. wind
The wall gives some protection from the prevailing wind. wind
The wind is getting up (= starting to blow strongly). wind
The wind has dropped (= stopped blowing strongly). wind
wind speed/direction wind
wind sth (up): He had forgotten to wind his watch. wind
wind up: It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up. wind
wind forward/back: Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body. wind
a wire basket wire
'Where is he now?' 'I only wish I knew!' wish
'I'd rather not talk now.' '(Just) as you wish.' wish
I have a client with me right now. with
With all the lesson preparation I have to do I work 12 hours a day. with
men, women and children woman
+ speech: 'What should I do now?' she wondered. wonder
We never doubted her word. word
He never breathed a word of this to me. word
I can never put my feelings into words. word
I go to work at 8 o'clock. work
before/after work (= in the morning/evening each day) work
Danger—men at work. at work
long working hours working
We live in a rapidly changing world. world
He's too young to understand the ways of the world. world
The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts. world
She felt that the world was against her. world
The eyes of the world are on the President. world
Parents are the most important people in a child's world. world
When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down. world
the animal/plant/insect world world
the world of fashion world
stars from the sporting and artistic worlds world
the natural world (= animals, plants, minerals, etc.) world
They are a couple in the real world as well as in the movie. world
The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets. world
They had little contact with the outside world (= people and places that were not part of their normal life). world
to sail around the world world
travelling (all over) the world world
a map of the world world
French is spoken in many parts of the world. world
Which is the largest city in the world? world
He's the world's highest paid entertainer. world
a meeting of world leaders world
campaigning for world peace world
the Arab world world
the English-speaking world world
the industrialized and developing worlds world
the ancient/modern world world
There's nothing in the world I'd like more than to visit New York. in the world
Don't rush—we've got all the time in the world. in the world
You look as if you haven't got a care in the world! in the world
worry sb: The noise never seems to worry her. worry
Never mind—it could be worse (= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been). worse
He told her she'd let them down and she felt worse than ever. worse
It's raining worse than ever. worse
He said he would be here at eight o'clock (= His words were: 'I will be there at eight o'clock.'). would
They would never have met if she hadn't gone to Emma's party. would
She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them. would
I'm afraid I never wrote back. write back (to sb)
'I've never met her before.' 'Yes, you have.' yes
They won't arrive for at least two hours yet. yet
He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money. yet
young people young
It's a movie that will appeal to the young. young
youth culture youth