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手套 shou3tao4 glove; mitten; CL:双/双shuang1,只/只zhi1 Găng tay

Handschuh găng tay Kleidung

OXF3000: găng tay glove
OXF3000N bao tay găng tay glove
OXF3000D: găng tay glove Handschuh

glove găng tay Alphabet Introduction 1
A mug and a glove Một cái ca và một cái găng tay Alphabet Introduction 1

like: Găng tay
der Handschuh găng tay
die Handschuhe găng tay

She bent down to pick up her glove. down
fur-lined gloves fur
knitted gloves knitted
a scarf with gloves to match match
My gloves have been missing for ages. missing
a pair of gloves/shoes/earrings, etc. pair