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OXF3000D: tiến bộ progress Fortschritte

ENDE: proceedings Fortschritte
ENDE: progress Fortschritte

like: Fortschritte

recent advances in medical science advance
major advances in the field of physics advance
enemy advances advance
Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. considerable
They hadn't got any farther with the work (= they had made no progress). farther
You're making progress of a kind. of a kind
advances in modern medicine medicine
His teachers are full of praise for the progress he's making. praise
to make progress progress
We have made great progress in controlling inflation. progress
She was reported by the hospital spokesman to be making excellent progress. report
Research on animals has led to some important medical advances. research
Progress was slower than expected. slow
This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed. speed
recent advances in medical technology technology